Category: <span>thoughts by Katherine Kehler</span>

If we (freely) admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just (true to His own nature and promises) and will forgive our sins (dismiss our lawlessness) and (continuously) cleanse us from all unrighteousness (everything not in conformity to His will in purpose, thought, and action) 1 John 1:9 (Amplified).

Cleaning the oven is not my favorite thing to do. In fact, it slides down to bottom of my “to do” list several times before I actually make it a priority. I know I am not the only person who feels this way.

The owner of the house we moved into obviously disliked cleaning ovens even more than I do. It was very dirty and hadn’t been cleaned for a long time. I put it through the self-clean cycle then used SOS pads to clean the build up around the edges. But the buildup on the front bottom part of the oven and door were so caked on that I had to take a screwdriver to scratch it off. Finally it was clean.

As I was scrubbing the oven, I compared the dirty oven with our hearts. People can’t see inside our ovens, or our hearts, but God can and it can be pretty dirty. I remember so vividly the time when I asked Jesus into my life at the age of 12. I asked Him to forgive my sins. He cleansed me and I felt so clean. At the age of 30, I learned about spiritual breathing (confessing our sins and appropriating the Holy Spirit). I learned I could be “clean” all the time – moment by moment.

However, sometimes we become so busy that we don’t spend time daily with the Lord and His Word. We become sloppy and accumulate ungodly habits that are like the caked on grease at the bottom of my oven. You have to work at getting rid of those. Worry, ungratefulness, critical attitudes, etc. We need to confess them immediately and begin thanking the Lord for all His blessings, start thinking “good, pure thoughts” and focus our thoughts on God and His sufficiency. If we spend quiet time with the Lord and His Word, He will point them out to us. Many, many times a day, we have to do this to change our ungodly habits.

Don’t let your oven (heart) get dirty – keep it clean. What are your “caked on” habits? Admit your sins and He will cleanse you.

Thank You Lord Jesus, for dying on the cross for our sins. Thank You that you have broken the power of sin over us. Thank You for your cleansing of our hearts. Thank You for the Holy Spirit and the Word that remind us when we need cleaning. Amen.

by Katherine Kehler
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Further Reading

Contentment and a Broken Ankle

Forgiveness is Good for Your Health

What the Lord Values.

Open My Eyes


thoughts by Katherine Kehler Thoughts by Women

“But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives, he will produce this kind of fruit in us:  love, joy, peace, patience . . .” Galatians 5:22

Lately, I have noticed how impatient I am.  The other day, I was driving home—it was rush hour traffic and I planned to drive the back roads so I would miss the traffic, but there were police cars blocking them, so I had to drive the Highway, knowing full well that when I got to the intersection, I would have to wait for several light changes before I could make the left turn.  One light change, two light changes then three light changes and I was feeling very inpatient.  Then the thought came to my mind,

Does it really matter—in light of eternity?”  “Why don’t’ you pray for the people in the truck ahead of you?”

When I began to pray for the people in the truck ahead of me, the time went fast and soon I was able to make the left hand turn and was home in a few minutes.

Lord, when I think about it, I wonder why I was in such a hurry?  I don’t have kids waiting for me at home anymore.  I guess I am still habitually busy like I was when the children were still at home, when we had the farm, when our parents were sick, when we were in full time ministry, etc., etc.  But now my life has slowed down —I have more time to enjoy life —but sometimes I forget, Lord.  Slow me down Lord!  Help me be calm, relax and enjoy my day – my husband, my family, my friends, my neighbors, and the people I meet. I need the Holy Spirit to control my life and produce patience every moment of the day. Amen.

By Katherine Kehler
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Impatient Heart, Be Still –  by Deborah Yemi Oladayo

• Very Little Things – by Bethany Hayes

What Do You Smell Like? – by Mike Woodard

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thoughts by Katherine Kehler Thoughts by Women

“We were the ones who strayed away like sheep! We, who left God’s paths to follow our own. Yet God laid on Him (Jesus) the guilt and sins of every one of us!”  Isaiah 53:5

Not long ago, I read some results of a survey that found that most women live with a constant feeling of guilt. We feel guilty because we are eating too much, we are not exercising enough, and we don’t spend enough time with our kids, husband, relatives, or friends. And even though we can’t squeeze one more thing into our already frenzied schedule, we feel guilty because we are not doing enough, or because we aren’t doing what we see other women doing.

Last week I had lunch with an extremely gifted woman. She told me she felt guilty because she was not doing more of the things I was doing. I wasn’t surprised she said this, because there seems to be an epidemic of guilt feelings among women today.

I have learned that there are two kinds of guilt: real guilt and false guilt.

My friend was feeling false guilt, and this is what I told her: “God has given you many wonderful gifts and an amazing way with people. People love you. You are so good at what you do. I couldn’t possibly do those things. If you didn’t do what you did, those things would be left undone. You are just where the Lord wants you to be.”

The enemy of our souls is the “accuser,” and he will try to put these feelings of “not good enough” into our minds and hearts. Usually he puts this vague feeling of guilt on us, but nothing really specific. Don’t listen to him.

There is, however, a kind of guilt that is real. Sometimes we have sinful attitudes, or do and say sinful things. We may speak angry words, swear, gossip, entertain jealousy, flirt with someone, have an affair, or eat or drink too much. The Holy Spirit will convict you of these specific sins, and you will need to admit and confess them. Then, as 1 John 1:9 says, He will forgive and cleanse you — take away your guilt.

We need not walk with feelings of guilt. Christ has set us free from guilt and sin. Let’s walk in the freedom of forgiveness.

Father, thank You for freeing us from all guilt and sin through Your Son’s death on the cross. Enable us to walk in the freedom of forgiveness. Amen.

By Katherine Kehler
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Freedom of Forgiveness  

Have You Forgiven Yourself 

From Victim to Victory 


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The Lord is my shepherd;
I have everything that I need.
He lets me rest in green pastures.
He leads me to calm water
Psalm 23:1,2

Looking out for number one. Be in control. Make yourself look good. Be at the top, or least near the top. This attitude seems to be a plague with which we are all afflicted.

We see it early with children in the playgrounds and sand boxes. We see it in homes, in schools, churches, organizations, at our work place and in the corporate world. Even in senior’s homes. When my husband’s father was bedridden in a hospital or in a wheelchair, we would notice how these older people would jockey for a position at the dinner table and in front of the television, pushing the wheelchairs of others. Pecking order until the day you die.

Phillip Keller, in his book, A Layman’s Look at the Twenty Third Psalm , writes about sheep and their “butting order.” One of the ewes is number one and she attains that position by butting the others into submission. The second in control ruthlessly butts the others into submission and so it goes right down the line to the last sheep. They all become fearful of each other and they can’t graze or lie down to rest because they are afraid.

Phillip Keller was a shepherd for years and knowingly explains that when the shepherd enters the field, the sheep instantly stop butting each other, calm down and relax. They know He is in control and will take care of them.

I reflected on the fact that the Bible often likens His people to sheep, and Christ the good shepherd. If Christ’s presence brings peace to a situation or place can we then conversely conclude that when there is friction, fighting, criticism and striving that Christ’s presence is not there? Or at the very least, we are not yielding to His control?

Think about it. Are you at rest today?

Lord Jesus, You are the Good Shepherd. We pray for Your people today. There is so much competition, gossip, criticism and division in your flock. We pray for Your Presence to be in control. We pray for unity in your flock. In your precious name, amen.

By Katherine Kehler
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Real Rest  by John Grant

•  He Lets Me Rest

Take Rest Oh My Weary Soul 

thoughts by Katherine Kehler Thoughts by Women

I the LORD do not change.” Malachi 3:6

Recently we decided to downsize and reluctantly listed our property on the real estate market. So for the past month we have been sorting through everything: cupboards, closets, shelves, drawers, storage rooms, the garage and barns. Sorting through forty-seven years of stuff and many, many precious memories.

Everything has changed -except God.

•    Our children have grown and left home. They all have their own wonderful families  now.
•    Our home address has changed several times.
•    Friends change but God always supplies new precious friends.
•    Careers change and our responsibilities change.
•    With moving, we have changed churches several times. And pastors move to another church.
•    Hobbies change with age.
•    Our bodies change – our looks change.

But God does not change!

What a secure feeling to know that although our lives and circumstances keep changing, God is always the same. He never leaves us or forsakes us. He always leads, guides and protects us. He never gets old, tired or hard of hearing. He never gets sick. Not only does He not change, He is always present. He is always faithful. His love endures forever. Our God is amazing!

Father, what a comfort You are. Knowing You means security and peace. Thank You, thank You! Amen.

By Katherine Kehler
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God Is…  a selection of articles and writings

•  Going Deeper with God

•  God Requires Risky Obedience

thoughts by Katherine Kehler Thoughts by Women

And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward.Matthew 10:42

One Sunday we were having lunch with friends and discussing the desperate shortage of clean water in so many parts of the world today. Think of it — an estimated 25–37 million people die every year because of contaminated water.

Next time you drink a glass of water or take a sip of bottled water, pray for the families who must drink water that could bring on disease and death. Pray for the mothers and children. What can we as women do? Jesus said even one cup of water given to a little one would be rewarded.

1. PRAY. Each time you have a glass of water, pray for the success of the organizations that are attempting to drill wells to supply clean water.

2. RESEARCH. Become informed and inform others. Use your coffee time to recruit others to pray and give.

3. GIVE. Every dollar counts. Jesus talked about one cup of water. He talked about a widow giving a mite.

by Katherine Kehler
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Giving Freely to Others by Karen Woodard

• Joyful Generosity by Caran Jantzen

What the Lord Values!

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thoughts by Katherine Kehler Thoughts by Women

“Jesus told him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me’” John 14:6

What is truth? This morning I read an article in the daily newspaper reporting supposedly the “real” truth about an incident that happened recently. Was it? Or was it another opinion?

Some people lie out rightly or only tell some of the facts. Some withhold information and give a false impression. Sometimes, nothing is said when the truth should be told. Can we believe anyone anymore? And, if we are honest, we must confess that at one time or another, we too are guilty of telling lies.

In his book What is the Father Like?, Philip Keller writes that what God says is absolutely true because He is the embodiment of all truth, and all truth through all time has its source in God.

This reminded me that truth is constant and unchanging. God’s truth remains the same from age to age, generation to generation, no matter how things change. God’s truth will set us free, if we act upon it. If we ignore it, our lives can be wrecked — broken hearts, hopes, homes, and even countries.

If our lives are centered in God’s truth, He is able to renew our minds, calmly guide our emotions, and activate our will to tell the truth. His presence brings truth and can bring a magnificent, purifying influence into our lives.

The Lord Jesus, the Truth, can restore our soul, heal our diseases, preserve us in peril, and make us live in peace. To live life not believing in absolute truth robs us of the stability He seeks to give to us. We can trust God to be absolutely truthful — He cannot lie. The more we are centered in Him, the more we will become like Him — more truthful.

We sometimes wonder if what we are told by others is the truth. With God, we never have to wonder. He is Truth.

Father, You alone are absolute truth. You cannot lie. Your Word is Truth, and we can rely on it. Cause our lives to be centered in You and make us more like You — the Truth. Amen.

By Katherine Kehler
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Further Reading

•  Keep Yourselves in God’s Love

•  Living Waters

•  Salvation Explained


thoughts by Katherine Kehler Thoughts by Women

“Yet the Lord still waits for you to come to Him, so He can show you His love” Isaiah 30:18

I read a book entitled The Sacred Romance. The author calls God’s love for us, “The Sacred Romance.” And he calls the enemy’s attempts to lure us away from God, “The Arrows.”

Here is an excerpt that touched my heart deeply:

Indeed, if we listen, a Sacred Romance calls to us through our heart every moment of our lives. It whispers to us on the wind, invites us through the laughter of good friends, reaches out to us through the touch of someone we love. We heard it in our favorite music, sensed it at the birth of our first child, have been drawn to it while watching the shimmer of a sunset on the ocean. The Romance is even present in times of great personal suffering; the illness of a child, the loss of a marriage, the death of friend. Something calls to us through experiences like these and rouses an inconsolable longing deep within our heart, wakening in us a yearning for intimacy, beauty and adventure.

This longing is the most powerful part of any human personality. It fuels our search for meaning, for wholeness, for a sense of being truly alive.

This longing is real. This longing is God-given and cannot be satisfied by anyone or anything but God.

When I first read the book, memories came to mind about times when I knew for sure God was there in a very special, but quiet way.

There were the times when, as a pre-teen, I’d go fishing in the in the stream that ran through our dairy farm. It was so quiet yet God’s presence was so real. Can you think of a time like that?

I knew God loved me very much shortly after the death of my brother, Frank. God gave me two dreams where my brother was alive. After the last one, I awoke and said to God, “Let me look at him a little while longer.” And He did.

I know God shows his love for me when I see the miracle of a new baby – at the birth of each of our children and grandchildren. God brings so much joy, fun and delight into our lives as we watch these little ones develop. He gives us joy!

I know He loves me when He gives the words of wisdom or kindness to help a person understand how much God loves them.

I know God loves me whenever my husband, Marvin, smiles at me.  He is the light of my life.

God is waiting to show us His love in all of its fullness – in our joy and in our sorrow. Sometimes we are just too busy to recognize Him.

There is nothing more significant I could wish and pray for you than that you would take the time to recognize the “Sacred Romance” in your life. I want to encourage you to reflect and make a list of times when God has shown you that He is your “Sacred Romance.

Father, thank You for pursuing us. Thank You for loving us so much for providing those special moments of “Sacred Romance.” Help us to recognize them. God, help us to receive all the love You have for us.  Amen.

by Katherine Kehler
Used by Permission

Would you like to know the love of God and be in a personal loving relationship with him and experience his unconditional love? You can do so right now by earnestly praying a simple suggested prayer. God knows your heart so the exact words don’t matter, but this is a sample:

Lord Jesus, I want to know you personally. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life to you and ask you to come in as my Saviour and Lord. Take control of my life. Thank you for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Make me the kind of woman you want me to be.

If you prayed this prayer we would love to hear from you . If you would like to know God deeper we can connect you with an email mentor and/or send you some great links.

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Holy Cravings
The Gentle Christian
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The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safeProverbs 18:10

The headline of an article in our daily newspaper read, “Aunt punches, kicks crocodile to save nephew.”
It certainly caught my attention and I read on, knowing that the jaws of a crocodile are very strong. The article told of how an Australian family was having a picnic near a creek. A nephew had shot some wild geese. As he was loading them into his small tin boat, a crocodile lunged at him, gripped his leg with its jaws, and pulled him into the water.

The aunt and uncle raced to his rescue and punched and kicked the crocodile. That was indeed very noble and selfless, but many of us would probably have done the same thing. However, the blows alone wouldn’t have been enough to loosen the reptile’s grip. Crocodiles have a jaw strength of several thousand pounds of force per square inch.

Then I read the clinching sentence. The aunt said,

I hit his nose with my fist and I yelled out, ‘Help! In the name of Jesus!’ and the crocodile let him go.

There is power in the name of Jesus!

When was the last time you cried for help using the name of Jesus? I need to be reminded of the power of the name of Jesus. How about you?

Father, thanks for reminding us again that Your name is powerful. Help us to remember that when we are being attacked by the enemy. Amen.

by Katherine Kehler
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• A Sample Prayer – Claiming our Victory Through Jesus

•  How To Be Sure God Listens To Your Prayers 

Unchanging – A Devotional by Gail Rodgers


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The book of Acts is exciting! Miracles happen in every chapter. Although I have read through the entire Bible every year for over twenty-five years, God always opens my eyes to amazing new insights. This year I noticed the various ways (not just one) in which God chose to speak to His followers. Read about them.

God spoke to His followers through angels.

An angel of the Lord said to Philip. . .”(Acts 8:26)
An angel of the Lord came to him and said. . . ” (Acts 10:2)
The angel struck Peter on the side and woke him up ‘Hurry! Get dressed and put on your sandals.’” (Acts 12:7)

God spoke to His followers through visions.

The Lord spoke to Ananias in a vision.” (Acts 9:10)

God spoke to His followers through His Holy Spirit.

During this time the Holy Spirit said to them. ‘Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul to do a special work for which I have chosen for them.’” (Acts 13:2)

The Lord spoke to His followers directly.

The next night the Lord came and stood by Paul. He said, ‘Be brave!’” (Acts 23:11)

Had you noticed that before?

I reflected on these verses and wondered why God opened my eyes to the fact that He did not (and does not) use just one or two ways to speak to His followers. The answer was,

“Don’t limit God to your incomplete knowledge of Him.”

We have the tendency to do that, don’t we?

Father God, thank You for opening our eyes and teaching us new truths and showing us new insights about Yourself. Help us to keep on being learners. Prevent us from trying to put You in our man-made boxes. You are so great! Amen.

By Katherine Kehler
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God Is…

God is Sufficient

•  How Big is God?

thoughts by Katherine Kehler Thoughts by Women

Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.”  Ephesians 4:29

For the past ten days, I have been contemplating God’s grace to us and how we, in turn, can extend grace to others.

We naturally do just the opposite. We see and tell people how they should change and improve rather than encourage them in what they are doing right. We are impatient with a clerk who is slow in serving us, and we point out faults in our spouse and children. We slander our co-workers and pastors. How can we become gracious — more like Jesus is with us?

In his book Putting a Face on Grace, Richard Blackaby has some tips for us:

•    Speak words intended to build up, not to bring down.
•    Focus on the needs of others, rather than your own.
•    Freely forgive.
•    Swallow you pride and say, “I’m sorry,” and “I was wrong.”
•    Live your life with a goal of “no regrets.”
•    Don’t keep score of what is fair.
•    Don’t condemn or give up on people.
•    Emphasize mercy, not justice.
•    Read 1 Corinthians 13 regularly.

And always keep in mind that it is God’s Spirit within us who will change us into becoming people who extend grace to others.

Father, you continually show grace to your children no matter how many times we mess up.  Thank you so much. We don’t deserve your love. Enable us, through the power of your Holy Spirit, to become people of grace. Amen.

By Katherine Kehler
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“How precious it is, Lord, to realize that You are thinking about me constantly.” Psalm 139:17

Our son and his wife arrived at our house just minutes before we were leaving for a conference. They lived in northern Alberta and had driven all night so we could meet our newest granddaughter, Sarah, before we left.  We could hardly wait to hold her.

And then they arrived.  I have to admit, even though I gave the adults hugs, I really wanted to hold that little girl. And when she was in my arms, a flood of love washed over me bonding me to this precious child.  I couldn’t take my eyes off her. However, we had to leave – my husband was the director of the organization so we couldn’t stay home. In three days, we would be back and would be able to spend extended time with them.

Something interesting happened to me during those few minutes I held that little girl. I had just met her, and for only a few minutes, but I couldn’t stop thinking about her. She was in my thoughts during the whole trip to the conference and during the whole time I was there. It was amazing!

The Lord brought to mind, the verse,You are thinking about me constantly,” and I realized that God loves me so much that He is thinking about me all the time.  He loves me more than I love that little granddaughter.  Could anything be more wonderful than having the King of Kings love me that much?  Could anything be more wonderful than the King of Kings love YOU that much? I can’t help but say, “Hallelujah!”

Father, how grateful I am that You are always thinking about and loving Your children.  You fill my soul with indescribable joy.  Amen.

by Katherine Kehler
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I have set the Lord always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure.Psalm 16:8-9

Brennan Manning, in his book, The Relentless Tenderness of Jesus, tells of an experience he had at an airport. It was just before Christmas

and he was in the Chicago airport waiting to get a flight to Texas for a week-end retreat. But because of a severe storm, he and thousands of others were not going anywhere. The flights were all delayed. Public address systems were blaring, people were at the ticket counter demanding a projected departure time, children were crying, some people were just sitting and staring.

Then he noticed a middle-aged black woman cradling a child in her arms and laughing. Manning asked her,

Would you mind telling me why you’re so happy?”

Sho,” she said. “Christmas is coming and dat baby Jesus—He make me laugh.”

According to the Psalm 16, verses 8 & 9, focusing on Jesus at all times is the key to a happy and joyful heart.

How about you?

During the Christmas season, our already busy life become more busy.

Are you ‘setting the Lord before you’ today?

Do you want to have a merry Christmas?

Bring Jesus into all your activities.

Talk to Him all day long.

He will make you laugh!

Father, you fill us with joy in your presence. Give us the grace to remember to enjoy your presence. We want to laugh, Lord. Amen

By Katherine Kehler
Used by permission

Whatever is going on in your world this Christmas, there is no greater gift you could give yourself than to receive the One who came to earth for us. He offers you complete forgiveness, a relationship with Him, a more abundant life and eternal life. As long as we trust in ourselves, our own good life, God will remain distant, and we remain separated from him by our sin. He asks us to empty our hands of our efforts and receive him and his gift.

I’d like to give you the opportunity right now to ask him to come into your life. There is no greater offer, nor more important decision you could make in your life. Jesus said, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him….”

I’ll help you put this into words. You could say to him,

“Jesus, thank you for dying for my sins. Right now I open the door and ask you to come into my life. Thank you for forgiving my sins and giving me an eternal relationship with you.”

Unlike other possible relationships, if you asked Jesus into your life right now, he promises never to leave you. Jesus said, (speaking of us as his sheep), “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me; and I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish, and no one shall snatch them out of my hand.”

I found that one of the best ways to get to know him better was to read the gospel of John, which is the fourth book of the New Testament, in the Bible. You’ll be amazed. It seemed like he was speaking straight to me, answering my questions, like an intimate chat over coffee. Also, you might find it helpful to look for a church where the Bible is taught.

There is no greater joy at Christmas than coming into a relationship with Jesus. Too many times we have worn ourselves out, driven by our expectations to have the “perfect” Christmas. It’s a set-up for disappointment.

All of the shopping, decorating, entertaining never fully meets our deepest longings. For Christmas to be special, we simply need to receive Jesus’ gift to us…a relationship with him. Knowing him brings great meaning and enjoyment at Christmas, no matter who knocks over the Christmas tree.

If you prayed this prayer we would love to hear from you . If you would like to know God deeper we can connect you with an email mentor and/or send you some great links.

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For He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness” Psalm 107:9

One day I gave my two-and-a-half-year-old granddaughter paper and crayons to play with while I was working on the computer. After a little while she came to me and said, “Grandma, I want a lady pen.”

A lady pen?” I asked. “What is a lady pen? Show me.” I opened the desk drawer and showed her all the pens. She took the one with the brightest lid and walked back to her papers.

Soon she was back, quite disgusted. “Grandma, this pen does not make a lady,” she said. Then I understood what she had meant when she asked for a lady pen. She had expected the pen to automatically draw a lady for her. Of course, we know that pens can’t draw anything by themselves — they can only do what our hands make them do. But she hadn’t learned that yet.

Later, I wondered how often we as adults expect our work, our ministry, our spouse, or material things to do the impossible for us. We expect them to satisfy the longing and hunger in our heart and soul. No created thing can do that for us —only God can.

However, we can be a pencil in God’s hand. Mother Teresa once said, “I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world.” If we become pens in God’s hands, He will make something beautiful out of our lives, and it will spill over to others.

I drew a lady for Tabitha that day, although it was no masterpiece. God is the Master Creator. He is an excellent artist and will mold us into something beautiful and pleasing — if we yield to His control. He promises that we will not be disappointed.

Lord, help us to continually realize that You alone can satisfy the deepest longings in our hearts. You can make something beautiful out of our lives. Amen.

By Katherine Kehler
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Further Reading

• True Satisfaction – by Brigitte Straub

Are You Enjoying the Goodness of the Lord?  by Kathy Cheek

Satisfaction –  by Kathy Cheek

thoughts by Katherine Kehler Thoughts by Women

If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her”  John 8:6-8

Merle is dead. Someone sent an email to let me know. I felt really bad that day. I had known Merle for several years. She was a seamstress and had done many alterations for me.

I hadn’t known where she was spiritually and tried to talk with her about God on several occasions, but realized that she didn’t want to talk, so I gave her a few things to read, prayed for her when she was sick and just loved her when I went to see her.

One day, she opened up and told me her story. A very sad story of how a religious body had harshly condemned her, shunned her, and said God was punishing her when her baby died. I could see and hear how this condemnation and shunning affected her – even after many years. I have never seen a thinner woman. She was so fragile that when she got the flu she didn’t have the strength to fight it, she was in the hospital frequently, but this time it took her life.

After I got the news of her death, I thought about the power of the spoken word and deed. You can never take them back. They are like feathers floating through the air – they are not retrievable.

Even though we have all experienced the pain of being condemned or shunned at various times in our lives, let’s focus today on what we have done to others. Is there someone you have judged, harshly condemned or shunned? Pray that the Lord will give you a chance to show His love to them – to ask forgiveness for harsh words and deeds. Pray for their restoration.

Father, when I think of Merle’s life and the damage that was done to her by harsh judgments rather than love, I pray that You will help us ask forgiveness from the people where we have been judgmental and harsh instead of loving. Amen.

By  Katherine Kehler
Used by Permission

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thoughts by Katherine Kehler Thoughts by Women