Category: <span>thoughts by Melissa Talbot</span>

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me” Psalm 23:4

Navigating your way in a dark room can be a bit daunting, even if you know the room well.

When I have to get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, my arms are extended in front of me as I slowly make my way to my destination. As careful as I am, the way is never quite how it should be. As was my health this year.

Earlier this year, I incurred a tooth extraction brought on by a severe infection that made its way into the underlying bone. After two failed courses of oral antibiotics and invasive oral surgeries, a concern of sepsis (blood infection) sent me to the local emergency department to do a five day course of IV and oral antibiotics. Upon completion, another alarm suggesting osteomyelitis (chronic bone infection) had me back to emergency with a directive to do the same IV and oral meds for 6 weeks! I was immediately overwhelmed with dread.

However, two days into the lengthy course, my body responded with a severe allergic reaction that brought breathing difficulties, a head-to-toe itchy rash and many other unsettling symptoms. After allowing five days for the reaction to calm down, while taking antihistamines around the clock, I did a final 10-day course of different antibiotics that was, finally, effective in dealing with the infection. Oh, but that’s not all…

Once I finished with that fifth and final round of medication, my energy level plummeted and I couldn’t digest any food. By the leading of the Lord, I switched to a natural approach and it was observed, during testing, that my entire system and bloodstream had become toxic from the eight weeks of medicine and painkillers I had ingested.

Yet, through it all, God was walking by my side, carrying me and intervening as I writhed in pain, wept bitterly at my situation and felt hopeless. There were moments when I doubted a full recovery would ever happen. My valley was low and dark but God spoke hope to me even as I waved the white flag of surrender, on the edge of giving up.

Today’s verse was his word of truth that resonated in my heart and mind as I struggled to persevere through each subsequent week of discouraging news. God’s tangible presence plowed through the dense brush of the valley I was trudging in, lighting the torch of his promise. My eyes began to see a glimmer of hope.

For my faithful God saved me. He destroyed the fear and hopelessness Satan used to imprison me; they fell to the ground like broken shackles. I was restored. My journey ‘through the valley of the shadow of death’ resulted in a renewed faith and a heart more intricately interwoven with the heart of my Lord. As I continue with a natural regimen, God continues healing me and bringing me back to better health.

That is who he is. That is what he does. No matter the road we travel, it is never alone. Whatever darkness you are facing, don’t lose heart or hope. You are with almighty God.

Heavenly Father, thank you for stepping in and saving me. For never leaving me in my darkest moments. You are, forever, my rescuer and I love you. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Remember, before a trial comes into our lives, it has first passed through the hand of God. Hold onto him, for there are extraordinary blessings that will come from being in the darkness.

By Melissa Talbot
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•  Passing Through Darkness by Mike Woodard

•  Light and Darkness by Darren Hewer

•  Rescued from Darkness by Phil Ware

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thoughts by Melissa Talbot Thoughts by Women

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.”  Ecclesiastes 3:1

This too shall pass,” has become a popular sentiment spoken in times of crisis and heartbreak. Certainly the state of the world, more so in the past nine months, has given pause to hope and believe these same words to be true.

Within my own periods of distress, the thought that time will sweep away the hurt has been an unexpected source of encouragement. Even though it took months, in some instances, to overcome an emotional hurdle, the passing time proved itself a soothing balm to my heart — enabling me to reflect and respond, internally, to what happened and ponder how it positively shaped me.

Today’s verse comes as a deeper affirmation of the past lessons I have learned. No matter what life will throw at me, it won’t last forever. Though the unforeseen situation has a beginning, it will have an ending and something else will take its place. Whether good or unwelcome, there will be a timeline. An uplifting truth.

The passing of calendar days will bring change. As followers of Christ, our response to the turning tides can speak volumes to those around us. Our difficulties, while seemingly insurmountable at the moment, are overshadowed by our knowledge of our Savior, Jesus, who has promised to carry us through, bolstering our resolve in ways never before anticipated.

So, let us create positive opportunities in times of crisis through sharing the unchanging greatness that can only be found in the saving grace and strength of Jesus.

Precious Father, you know that for most of my life, I have both disliked and feared change. Yet, it has only been through my relationship with you that I have not only been able to accept that change is inevitable, but embrace it as an opportunity to grow as your child in positive ways. Keep me grounded in you so that I may be an example of the good that can come from knowing you in an ever-changing world. It is in Jesus’ name that I praise and thank you. Amen.

Thank God that all things work together for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose (Romans 8.28). Pray for any friends who are going through difficult situations.

By Melissa Talbot
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• A Bible Study on Waiting on God
•  How to Spend a Day With the Lord
•  How to begin a relationship with God

thoughts by Melissa Talbot Thoughts by Women

“The Lord who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine.” 1 Samuel 17:37 

Confidence can be dangerous.

During the challenging and overwhelming circumstances we encounter, confidence can lead to arrogance and pride. It can also deaden our intrinsic need to rely on and trust in God. That can thrust us into a scenario we are completely unprepared to face. Such was not the case with David.

While tending sheep, David had been experiencing the sovereign power of the Lord and an intimate relationship him. This season of encountering God’s faithfulness and protection fortified David’s faith and prepared him for what lay ahead — facing the mammoth Philistine named Goliath.

David was so confident of his God’s providential prowess. He declared it out loud in the verse above, believing he would be successful over the towering giant who challenged the Israelite camp. David’s faith in action enabled him to kill Goliath with a single stone to the forehead. He acknowledged that it was God who deserved the glory.

I never had the confidence to take on things that scared me until I came into a relationship with God. It was only then that, through my experience of God and encouragement from him, I was able to take on whatever life threw at me. Time and again, those victories have brought me to a place of humility. Because I recognize my need for God’s help, I can live out a faith that’s evident to others.

You can have this right kind of confidence, too. Draw near, rely on his power, and dispel your fears.

Heavenly Father, I can’t begin to count the times when I was afraid to try something, but it was you who gave me the credence to go forward in faith and tackle the scariest of things. May my faith continue to be active, no matter what I encounter, and my confidence be firmly rooted in you. It’s in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Have you ever taken glory for your own confidence in a situation when it was God who was central in the victory? Take to heart and meditate on the words of David, making them your own as you continue to live a life of active faith.

By Melissa Talbot
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Further Reading

• Confidence in the Lord –  by Charles Spurgeon

Character Defect –  by Veda Lucas

Calm and Confident – by Mike Woodard

thoughts by Melissa Talbot Thoughts by Women

“Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about.” Genesis 22:2

Abraham had been through the wringer as far as trusting God was concerned. First with leaving everything familiar in order to follow God to a place he’d never been. Then, waiting for the fulfillment of God’s promise for a son, somehow, from his aged body and Sarah’s barren womb. Now this – God’s command for the sacrifice of Abraham’s long awaited son, Isaac. My initial reaction would have been, “I’m sorry, what?” Yet, Abraham never said a word. He simply got up early the next morning (v. 3) and prepared for the journey with his son.

Okay, hold on. In the most ridiculous of circumstances, I think I might verbalize a few objections, even shed a million tears and procrastinate in getting ready to give up my only son as an offering. The crazier thing is, when a deep and abiding relationship exists between us and God, times of doubt and questioning may come but at the end of the day, it’s that intimate union that lifts up and strengthens the most downcast heart in order to remain obedient to the Almighty.

That’s it. That’s why Abraham never argued with the Lord or assaulted his sovereignty; because Abraham had profound knowledge of his creator. As extreme as I know the test of Abraham’s trust and faithfulness was in this scenario, tests of our obedience to God’s charge are something we, as devoted followers of the Lord, will also encounter. Maybe not to the extent of Abraham’s test, but we who know God and his character well, must acknowledge that he is worthy of our immediate compliance.

God cannot lie and is true to his promises. That was the reality Abraham was living in. He knew that, somehow, in the midst of his strange position, God would demonstrate his redemptive power. That is our reality too.

Our blessed assurance is that the Lord our God will never misguide us and the Holy Spirit will give us the peace and courage to faithfully obey as promptly as Abraham did.

Heavenly Father, thank you for Abraham’s example in your Word. Help me to be as readily obedient as he was to your commands in my life. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Today take time to think about Abraham’s sobering sacrifice and the obedience it took for him to comply. What does obedience mean to you? Are there any areas in your life which may require a greater obedience?

By Melissa Talbot
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Further Reading

• The Thrill of Obedience – by Charles Stanley

Blessed Obedience – by Idelette McVicker

The Walk of Obedience –  byMary Pinckney

thoughts by Melissa Talbot Thoughts by Women

But test everything...’ 1 Thessalonians 5:21a

Taking tests in school brought about a physiological effect that was unmistakable. No matter how many hours went into studying or the confidence I held for the subject, my pretest jitters manifest the same sweaty palms and rapid heartbeat. Before long, my mind would go blank until regaining my composure and continuing.

Obviously, exams were not a favorite of my scholastic career. Then again, I don’t know many people who ever got excited about academic quizzes. Through it all, I passed the tests year after year, making it to graduation relatively unscathed.

As a Christian, I’m noticing the tests not only continue but they are overtly intense at times, pushing me to spiritual limits I never recognized having. The state of our world over the past couple years with the fear, anxiety and deception in escalating measure, has been a trial against my believing rigor.

Yet, it is with extreme gratitude that I can use the most potent litmus test against all that strives to blindside devoted Christ-followers, God’s Word. I know that everything the world throws at me will receive a pass or fail grade when placed alongside the absolute truth of Scripture. Nothing evil can prosper (Isaiah 54:17) in the face of the God-breathed foundation of the Bible.

As Christians, we can confidently wield the power of God’s Word in opposition to anything that threatens to overcome us and God’s plan for our lives. May we, faithfully, sharpen the sword of God’s truth each morning through devotion, prayer and meditation before facing the tests around us.

Heavenly Father, thank you that your holy Bible defeats everything that comes against it and that I can have the same assurance as I test all things that oppose me, alongside it. Give me, daily, the zeal to use your Word as a weapon to encourage and help others feeling the pressure of the world’s tests. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.

Thought: Jeremiah 17:9 says, “The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; who can understand it?”

Ask the Lord to examine your heart, desires and thoughts, and to help you live by the power of his Spirit.

By Melissa Talbot
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Further Reading

•  Suffering – Spiritual principles to meditate on during hard times

•  Dealing with Despair

Why Me Lord?  Why Not? A different perspective on being shunned or mistreated.

thoughts by Melissa Talbot Thoughts by Women

“God did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of the hope offered to us may be greatly encouraged” Hebrews 6:18

Aside from my calling to be a prayer warrior, encouragement naturally followed suit. I had an inborn desire to build up those who had been brought down by illness, brokenness and loss. I wanted to hearten the individuals I had been praying for. Yet, my ability to cheer up the discouraged didn’t come without cost.

With all the heartbreaking things that can happen in a person’s life, it was impossible for me to remain unaffected by the continual negative onslaught in this fallen world. There were times I needed to be encouraged.

Reading today’s verse sharply reminded me of the one reason I could never be permanently dismayed. That singular root is hope. Its message immediately uplifts my downcast countenance.

Having my hope secured in Jesus Christ as my Savior, will always overshadow the temporary nature of dejection. Even though Satan strives to bring people down via despair, he has no hold over the supernatural exhortation encapsulated in God’s word.

As believers in Christ, we are vulnerable to heartbreak, grief and hopelessness. Without careful attention and discernment, our despondency can become overpowering and cripple our spiritual fervor. However, God isn’t caught off guard by this reality and it’s why his word is filled with inspiration.

From the Old Testament to the New, the Lord sprinkles encouragement throughout his holy pages to keep us going when life tries to strike against the hope we have in Jesus. God, in his awesome sovereignty, paves the way for our encouragement to be sparked in our faith journey.

Therefore, it’s imperative we engage with the Bible daily, so that we would not grow weary in the earthly things we face and that our encouragement would remain steadfast. God never changes or lies and we can stand firmly assured in our emboldened posture while taking hold of everything he supplies through the potency of his word.

Father God, I am so incredibly thankful that I have you and your son Jesus to base my hope in. Without that, I would be greatly discouraged. Keep me uplifted in the face of all that the world endeavors to dismay me with. It’s in Jesus’s name I pray. Amen.

Write out today’s verse onto a sticky note and place it somewhere you’ll gaze upon it often. Take in the truth of its message, allowing it to build you up against the enemy’s efforts to break you down.

By Melissa Talbot
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Further Reading

Alone But Not Lonely

•  Up from Depression 

•  Salvation Explained


thoughts by Melissa Talbot Thoughts by Women

“Son, your sins are forgiven.”  Mark 2:5B

When I experienced the true forgiveness of Jesus as a Christian for the first time, I was baffled. It was so pure and authentic, yet completely unbelievable. Doesn’t he realize I committed unspeakable transgressions, not to mention all the people I hurt as a result of them? Yes, he knew it all – every despicable, vile thing and, still, he wiped my slate clean.

I began to believe that even though Christ had fully forgiven me, there’s no way he’d forget the things I had done. Over time, however, he helped me believe something more. Not only had he forgiven me, but, “as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our (my) transgressions from us (me)’” (Psalm 103:12). All this for me!

Jesus didn’t stop at that, though. There was more. Seeing my deep hurt stemming from the decades of sin, he began prompting my spirit into action. He showed me what I needed to do in the power of his Spirit: forgive myself, forgive individuals who hurt me, and seek forgiveness from those I had hurt. It was a hard task list to swallow. My heart began pounding out of my chest as I pondered his strong direction.

I procrastinated in carrying out the assignment for years, making excuses along the way. I convinced myself that ‘doing‘ forgiveness needed to have a warm and fuzzy feeling toward the other party in order to be genuine. Little did I know that forgiveness would be everything but a feel good endeavor.

It’s messy and horribly uncomfortable. It’s diving back into muck I fought so hard to get out of. It’s facing someone who never forgot what I did. Faithfully, the Lord helped me every step of the way down that blackened corridor toward redemption. When I started by forgiving myself, the steps that followed became easier to take. I knew that no matter what the outcome would be in each situation, I had done what Jesus wanted me to do and, maybe, something noteworthy would result.

Well, so much more came out of the process than I originally hoped. There was rawness and vulnerability, reconciliation and healing, humility and peace. To forgive was to forget. It liberated me from a personal prison I had locked myself into. It enabled me to move on and live a spiritually healthy and productive life in which I freely forgive and forget offenses instead of being bound by them.

While I still sin, I strive to trust the Spirit for the power to sin less and quickly seek forgiveness while lamenting the wrongdoing. I never want to take the Lord’s mercy and forgiving nature for granted.

Even as believers, we have a tendency to withhold forgiveness from ourselves and others when Christ never intended that. He came to free us from self-condemnation so that we may forgive ourselves and others. Let us walk, freely, in the ways of forgiveness, since his Spirit within us empowers us to do so.

Precious Jesus, thank you for lavishly forgiving me when I do wrong. Help me trust you for the ability to do the same toward myself and others. In your holy name I pray. Amen.

As you reflect on today’s devotional, ask yourself if you are refusing to forgive someone. If so, pray that God would soften your heart and empower you to forgive them just as Christ forgave you, and then thank him that the Holy Spirit does just that.

By Melissa Talbot
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Further Reading

• Lessons from Odd Places: Words that Saved my Life

•  Forgiveness – Yourself and  Others

•  Salvation Explained


thoughts by Melissa Talbot Thoughts by Women

“God said… “I AM”   Exodus 3:14a

Being secure in one’s identity can take a lifetime to achieve. I turned a half-century this year and it’s taken until now to know the genuine me. Better late than never! Humour aside, the journey to get here was, at times, atrocious.

This fifty year old has endured a lot. From abuse to rebellion, childbirth to depression, self-destruction to alcoholism, but finally and wonderfully, redemption. It was only in salvation that my hardened exterior was chiseled away, revealing my real self.

In this fifteen year span of rebirth, I have experienced the creator of the universe, God himself, and he has never shown any sign of having an identity crisis. From the beginning of the world in Genesis to the coming end in Revelation, God has always known and made known who he is, having no qualms about it.

Today’s verse, as part of God’s intimate exchange with Moses, points to the Lord’s sovereignty. He is the ultimate, all-encompassing, everything. Nothing in the cosmos happens outside of his knowledge and to know who you are in Christ, like God knows himself, is to have truly arrived. It’s to walk in a divine self-assurance unlike anything else you could possibly experience.

It’s from God’s identity that I derive my own. It’s because of who he is that I possess passion in my morning prayer times and seek to know God more intimately each day through reading his word. His awesome nature, both in love and discipline, is precisely why I am who I am, occupying a sound identity rooted in almighty God.

Throughout our Christian lives, we will encounter times when we believe our identities to be in crisis but that never moves the Lord from his place of majestic reign. He reaches out to us in our turning points and lovingly brings us back in the way only God can, restoring us. May we never allow the world to dictate who we are when we have been firmly sealed in Christ unto eternity.

Heavenly Father, in declaring yourself so confidently to me, you have solidified my godly identity. Just as you spoke the words ‘I AM’ to Moses, I bow in awe as you say the same to me. Thank you for this blessed assurance as your life for me continues to unfold and mature. It’s you whom I praise, in Jesus’s name. Amen.

Allow the short but powerful statement of God, from today’s verse, to saturate yourself and spirit so that you, too, can be firm in your godly identity.

By Melissa Talbot
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Further Reading

•   God Is…

•  More than a Father

•  Salvation Explained

thoughts by Melissa Talbot Thoughts by Women

“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7

I am not an evangelist; not by any stretch of the imagination. It seemed I couldn’t even wax poetic about the glorious nature of Jesus as a new, on-fire believer. Then there were my numerous insecurities which served as a frustrating blockade.

Through the years, my eyes would fall on today’s verse, bringing lament and questions as to why I couldn’t be bolder when it came to my faith. That if I couldn’t be loud and proud about what Jesus did for me on the cross, I had no business professing to be Christian.

I would watch pastors reach out to their audience with ease and relatability whenever approaching the subject of salvation. I, often, became so captivated by their message that I would pray to receive Jesus as my Savior all over again. Then discouragement would follow, reducing the raging brush fire of my freshly-stoked declaration to that of a candle wick struggling to stay lit in the wind.

Out of all the daily prayers I lifted up in my believing life, receiving brevity and fearlessness to share the gospel remained unanswered. I was confident that my pleas for the power to talk to people about Jesus weren’t meant to be answered. Thankfully, I was wrong.

In the world of real estate it’s all about location, location, location. With almighty God it’s all about timing, timing, timing. Not only do I believe that I was born for such a time as we are in now, but I firmly attest that God is answering my most skeptically prayed prayer.

With an increase of evil in our world alongside the emergence of unprecedented events, the Lord has stoked a fresh fire within, causing me to be unabashed about my faith in a way that’s authentic, loving, and urgent. It’s a haunting realization of these end times that has the indwelling Holy Spirit catapulting me into action.

Abiding in Christ through his Word and lining up pages of Scripture with the world’s headlines fills me with an even heavier burden that will no longer be silenced; even with my ever-present insecurities. I have to speak up because I love Jesus and the lost.

Every believer has a story to tell that someone needs to hear, making the difference between heaven and hell for them. Just as God brought me to the place where sharing my faith is exciting, emboldening, and tailor-made in line with my personality, he will do the same for you. Trust him with the timing. He will give you everything required to share your faith, effectively, with others and in line with today’s Scripture.

Heavenly Father, thank you for answering my prayer to express my faith, confidently, with those around me. Thank you for your perfect timing that has brought me to a place where I feel comfortable sharing the good news of the gospel. You always know what is best. I praise you, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

If you are someone who is fearful of sharing your beliefs with others, read and meditate on the truth of today’s verse, allowing it to shatter that fear and fill you with the confidence that God will give you the power to speak up

By Melissa Talbot
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Further Reading

Making a Difference

•   Caring Enough to Tell Others about Christ

•  Salvation Explained

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thoughts by Melissa Talbot Thoughts by Women

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.’ Philippians 4:6

By night five of sleep deprivation caused by the inability to catch my breath, I knew this wasn’t a typical sinus and chest cold. It was far more sinister, causing panic attacks.

As impaired as my mental state was at that point, I secured transport to a local hospital emergency department. After hours of waiting, a doctor diagnosed me with a viral lung infection that was also affecting my sinuses. He prescribed an inhaler, relaxant and powerful anti-mucus pills. Once home, and coming down from my raging anxiety, I set up a humidifier and sunk into bed.

A few short hours later, the town clinic I lived close to called. I forgot I had left a desperate message the night before to see a doctor, asap. After recounting the previous hours’ horror to the secretary, I secured the remaining appointment of the day to get a second opinion. The diagnosis? A bacterial lung infection. More drugs.

As much as I was comforted by the artillery of pharmaceuticals staring me in the face, I was frustrated, sleep-deprived and hated being sick. My once full-on physical body was at the mercy of worry, breathlessness, and drug names I couldn’t pronounce.

My desperation erupted with pleas to Jesus for sleep, breath, and calm. Even in my worrisome state, I knew he was with me and I needed him more than ever.

A week after my initial diagnoses, I still felt as though things weren’t right. My progress was minimal; I was missing work and growing increasingly impatient and anxious. So, I went to a third doctor whose experience confidently told him my ailment was COVID related, prescribing different drugs. My body’s ‘day-and-night’ response to them told me he may have been right.

It’s now been over five weeks and even though I experience positive gains each day, have returned to work and to a modified exercise program, I’m still not 100% better. However, today’s verse has become a daily mantra I cling to because I can more clearly see that the Lord holds my life and breath. He is always in control, aware of my suffering (as crushing as it has been), and he is restoring me.

This journey has been and is humbling, as I write this still in recovery mode. My appreciation for stellar health has grown exponentially and my dependence on Christ, further deepened. Today, I am not troubled but thank Jesus even more for his presence and help.

As believers, we know that suffering will happen in our lives because of who we long to follow. And Christ lived a life of suffering. We will experience unbelievable things this side of heaven, yet God is using them to deepen our relationship with our Saviour. We never need to panic or lose confidence in who Jesus is because he reigns over all; our suffering, misunderstandings, and doubts will vanish as soon as we see him face to face.

Precious Jesus, thank you for all of the things you desire to teach me, even in times of suffering, as part of my growing relationship with you. May you be glorified by it all. In your holy name I pray. Amen.

As you read and reflect on today’s verse, I pray that you would be thankful in your anxious prayers, fully confident in the rescuing power of Jesus, as part of your growing relationship with him

By Melissa Talbot
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Further Reading

•   Struggles, Despair

•  Keeping Yourself in God’s Love – even during painful times in your life

•  Salvation Explained

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thoughts by Melissa Talbot Thoughts by Women

Christ’s powerful presence that now remains in me can never be broken.

You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world1 John 4:4

When I am fully abiding in God, the feeling is akin to invincibility. My mind, heart, and spirit are peacefully connected to the Lord in an unbreakable way. I’m strong and capable of withstanding all the ‘Jedi mind tricks’ of the devil. Outside of that sublime bubble, however, it’s a different story.

The busyness of life comes with its cacophony of distractions and frustrations, leaving me vulnerable to negative thoughts coupled with ridiculous and unproductive feelings. Then, I lose focus, as well as the peace I had started off with in the day’s beginning. Most times, I’m able to retreat from the emotional precipice trying to pull me down and I re-enter the familiar internal calmness.

Those situations speak to the ever-present danger of the enemy and all the tricks of his trade. He is determined to overpower me with dark and deceitful tactics he wields in this world. He is relentless in fulfilling that agenda.

However, as soon as I received Jesus as my Lord and Savior, many years ago, Satan had already failed in his attempts to win me back. Christ’s powerful presence that now remains in me can never be broken. Even though I may stagger in my thinking from time to time.

Indeed, there is an intense impetus enduring in me that I embrace and nurture each day. A powerful presence that helps me seek good over evil. A strength enabling me to live in the abiding truth that Jesus, who resides in me, gives me all I need to overcome any worldly deceptions and temptations.

God gives us as Christians the capacity to defeat the cunning evil in the world through the power of the Holy Spirit indwelling us. His dominion is sealed and guarantees Satan’s downfall. Let us always live by these powerful truths.

Precious Jesus, thank you for taking up residence in me through the power of your Holy Spirit. I know that there is nothing in this world that can defeat you. Help me trust in your power whenever I am tempted to walk in my own strength rather than yours. I praise you, Jesus. Amen.

Read, aloud, today’s verse. Again. Then meditate on it and allow its powerful truth to seep into your heart and strengthen your resiliency against any and every evil opposition.

By Melissa Talbot
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Further Reading

Dirty Oven – Sin in our life is like a dirty oven

•  The Package! Dealing with Unexpected Circumstances

•  Salvation Explained

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thoughts by Melissa Talbot Thoughts by Women

A farmer went out to sow his seed… seed fell on good soil. It came up, grew and produced a crop, some multiplying thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times.Mark 4:3b,8b

For years, I’ve been enamoured of farmers. How completely trusting they are as they prepare and seed the soil, row after row. While knowing the crop could be thwarted by drought, pests, or flood, the farmer faithfully sows to completion.

They get up early to tend to their planted seeds, never stopping until they see results. Farmers sacrifice sleep and work long hours to ensure the success of the field they’ve planted. They’ll use fertilizer to boost germination and growth and track weather patterns to time the seeding ahead of a forecasted rain shower.

I am guilty of allowing that seed to sit because of my own hesitation to sow it. I wonder, what if I’m rejected by those I try to share Jesus with? Yet, who would I be if I didn’t lose sleep, time, and popularity to do the hard work Christ already did for me? Giving others hope and sharing the peace of Christ matters more now than ever. I couldn’t live with myself, otherwise.

As Christ-followers, we are given a spiritual seed that needs to be sown. The question is, what kind of soil will we sow into? Our own selfish ambitions? Will we become idle and the seeds worthless? Or, will we work, like that farmer, to yield a crop, multiplying thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times (v. 8)? It’s a sobering challenge.

The world is a daunting place but there’s work to be done. As believers in Christ, may we forego our individual fears and sow our seed, no matter what, trusting the results to our Father

Heavenly Father, give me a fearless heart to sow the seed you’ve given me, into this world. Let me do my part and allow you to do yours, trusting in your timing. It is in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

By Melissa Talbot
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•   Friendships
•   The Way of Love – I Corinthians 13
•  Salvation Explained

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“Jesus Wept’ John 11:35

There are numerous things that have moved me to tears. Most recently, it was my cancer diagnosis on March 9th. However slight or significant a situation may be, something can waken me to sob. While the length of my lamentation is irrelevant, the humanity of those moments aren’t.

That’s why today’s verse, albeit brief, captured my attention in a way never before done. As many times as I have read the account of Lazarus and his restoration, I couldn’t ignore the awesome reality of Jesus’s reaction to the one he loved (John 11:36).

Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, showed himself as Jesus the man, stirred to weeping. The Divine became starkly relatable. Not just in the story, but also in me. This all too impactful narrative washed over me with a fresh sobriety.

My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, became more tangible in my faith walk through revisiting Lazarus’ story and, especially, hearing my cancer diagnosis. His powerful presence inside the confines of the doctor’s office embraced my collapsing composure. My Savior wasn’t repulsed by my ‘ugly’ cry as the news sunk in. Instead, he held me in his arms and cried similar tears.

As followers of Christ, we need not be reserved when life blindsides us. Just as we cling to Jesus for strength and courage, we can also find solace and safety within his protective walls to be unapologetically grief-stricken. Christ will never shame us for shedding tears. Instead, he will share in them. May we never be afraid to show our humanity to Jesus or others.

Precious Jesus, thank you for always being there for me whenever my world falls apart. That I never have to be reserved in my reaction to heart breaking news and can cry as much as needed, for as long as needed. I know you share those moments with me and soothe my heart when I’m all cried out. You are amazing and I love you. Praise your mighty name. Amen.

By Melissa Talbot
Used by Permission

Please pray for Melissa today as she faces her cancer treatment. Invite the Lord into areas of your life that grieve you or make you sorrowful. Read through Psalm 13 which is a lament psalm to guide you.

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Further Reading

•  Father God’s Intimate Love Letter to You
•  God WILL take care of you
•  Salvation Explained

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thoughts by Melissa Talbot Thoughts by Women

“But as for you, be strong and do not give up. . .”   2 Chronicles 15:7

Hopelessness. Its flag has been flying at full mast for some time, whipped to and fro by life’s merciless winds. Many believe that God has ceased to care, left the building, stepped off his throne. Has our Sovereign Lord self-isolated?

In the aftermath of World War II, Viktor Frankl, a trained physician, was tasked with seeing and speaking to concentration camp prisoners, being one himself, along with his wife and parents. His observations and conversations revealed an astute awareness of hope within the deepest reaches of his patients.

Against all odds, those with a future hope of experiencing freedom or seeing their children were capable of surviving the ghastly conditions of the Auschwitz prison and tasted liberty at the hands of rescuers when the war ceased.

It was hope that fueled their survival, empowering them to rise above despairing circumstances and embrace deliverance. No matter how faint the hope, its power superseded all that seemed grim.

So, in answer to my question? No. God’s not self-quarantining. He’s in the room holding you and lamenting your agonizing situation. He is more present than he’s ever been. He stokes hope in you amidst your hopelessness.

As believers in Christ, our hope may be diminished by the world’s state, but it’s never gone. For our source of all hope and power is found in the Father, Christ Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. When faith appears to fail, they never do. Keep your eyes on them, do not give up, and share the hope you know with those around you.

Heavenly Father, you are my greatest hope. It is because of you, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit that resides within me, that I can face any daunting situation happening in the world or in my life. Thank you. Give me the courage to share my hope with others each day. It is in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Rejoice often in the eternal and abiding hope that finds its source in your relationship with God.

By Melissa Talbot
Used by Permission

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thoughts by Melissa Talbot Thoughts by Women

“. . . whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”  Matthew 10:39

Sometimes, I like to do what I want, when I want, how I want. Okay, that’s a lie. Truthfully, it’s most times. As much as my heart desires to serve and honor God in all I do and say, all roads seem to lead inward during moments of frustration or inconvenience, and selfishness rears its ugly head.

Yet, through meditating on today’s verse, not only am I convicted by the implications of my self-centeredness, but there is an equal and opposite force creating a keen revelation? my self-service is, in fact, causing a deeper passion to die.

No, not literally, but akin to foregoing my selfish ways because I truly love Jesus and emphatically want to live completely for him. Being a realist, I know this undertaking is a process but, more importantly, Jesus knows my deepest and truest longings. They revealed themselves the day I received Christ as Lord and Savior and, at the end of a particularly self-obsessed day, his knowledge of this yearning heart is all that matters.

Being a Christian doesn’t come with a promise of selflessness but it does guarantee a transformation that, inexplicably, changes the human heart. It’s a daily journey of living by his Spirit as he sheds the old to reveal the new and an ever-increasing hunger to cease saying, “What about me?” in exchange for, “It’s all about you, Jesus!”

May we, as followers of Christ, endeavour to, daily, die to ourselves in order to live for Christ and those in need of our help and prayers.

Precious Father, I struggle each day to put myself aside and pursue the interests of others around me who may be hurting. Yet, you know the deeper longing of my heart that yearns to live a life that’s all about you. Help me shed this selfish skin to reach out in action and prayer for those in need. It is in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Thank God often for his Spirit, who is working in you to transform you more and more into the image of Jesus (2 Corinthians 3.17).

By Melissa Talbot
Used by Permission

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thoughts by Melissa Talbot Thoughts by Women