Category: <span>thoughts by Melissa Talbot</span>

“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!”   1 John 3.1

For decades, I defined love as sex. I bought into the lie that through sexual manipulation, true love and acceptance would be achieved. Even years after becoming a Christian, the deception continued.

Perhaps the atrocities committed against me as a child had altered my perception of what a normal relationship between a man and woman should look like. In any case, it wasn’t until about a year ago that a ‘God truth’ really sunk in, colliding inside like a freight train.

In the midst of healing from a profound heartbreak, the clarity and depth of God’s love burned through me as ferociously as the moment I first received Christ into my life. The intensity of his love significantly transformed my thinking. I could truly live in God’s declaration of who I always was, stated eloquently in today’s verse.

My secured identity as God’s child afforded me a lavishing of his love. True love. Hard to believe it took this long not only to face the truth again, but to believe it without doubt. Now, I daily live in this reality, strengthening the already peaceful and content life I have only known in a relationship with God.

By definition, we as Christians are God’s children elevated to a position that includes being profusely loved by God, whose very nature is love. May we put aside what the world tries to imply or label us with and let nothing cloud God’s truth. Soak it up and pour it out on others around you.

Precious Father, your love for me is astounding. It’s what has held me together all these years through every difficult life circumstance. Thank you for your lavish love. May I never lose sight of how I’m defined in you! It is in Jesus’ name I praise you. Amen.

Thank God often for his amazing, infinite love towards you, and for the indescribable privilege of being his child forever.

By Melissa Talbot
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“Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me.”  Psalm 54:4

It felt like someone pierced me in the eye with an ice pick. The tree I’d cut down spewed sawdust into my left eye. I scrambled to dislodge the debris. Despite irrigation and eye drop applications, my condition grew worse. My heart filled with trepidation at the thought that my vision might be seriously compromised.

After a risky solo drive to the hospital and a short wait in its emergency department, I was evaluated by a doctor. Her verbal cues, while examining my eye, were unsettling. Half of my cornea had sustained a serious lesion.

Upon getting a prescription, I made the equally harrowing drive back home while crying out to God for help — to get me home unscathed and to prevent any vision loss. As much as the pain was unbearable, I felt an uncanny reassurance as I began the round of antibiotics and drew on God’s strength to wait for relief from the discomfort.

During this time, God carried me through. His peace sustained me even amidst my detrimental thinking. A follow-up brought an entirely different set of verbal cues. The damage turned out to be superficial, the eye was healing perfectly, and my vision would be unaffected. I blurted out, ‘Praise the Lord!’, and thanked the doctor, repeatedly, for the encouraging report.

David’s acknowledgement of his Sustainer, In

Heavenly Father, thank you for providing everything and everyone I need in my situation. Thank you for being my divine, sustaining help. It is in Jesus’ name I praise you. Amen.

By Melissa Talbot
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thoughts by Melissa Talbot Thoughts by Women

“…I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands… ” Isaiah 49:15b – 16a

It’s painful being forgotten. Especially by someone we love. I try not to take it personally because life has a tendency to become busy, making meaningful communications less frequent. But sometimes, admittedly, I feel as if I am forgettable.

Throughout the Bible, there were great people who felt forgotten. Guys like Job and Jeremiah struggled to comprehend if their misfortune was a result of God’s lack of attention. Even as Jesus hung on the cross, he verbalized despair over God’s apparent absence (Matthew 27:46).

In reality, God was never preoccupied nor was he uninterested in what was happening in those anointed lives. Quite the opposite. God’s love and attention to every detail in their destinies were choreographed perfectly to glorify God’s overflowing care.

As much as our loved ones may disappoint us by not being there when we need to talk, forgetfulness is not in our heavenly Father’s vocabulary. As a matter of fact, he loves us so much that he, “…engraved you on the palms of my (his) hands…” (v. 16). That is an extraordinary encouragement that won’t change because to do so would be in contradiction to God’s character.

As chaotic and hurting as this world can be, today’s promise is God’s heart and mind for us. As believers, we know the truth behind God’s motives. We are his precious children, permanently engraved upon him. Share this truth today with those around you who might be feeling forgotten.

Father God, even though there are times that I may feel forgettable, thank you for keeping me in the truth of how unforgettable I am in your eyes. Then, help me share this truth with those I encounter who may be feeling forgettable as well. It is in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

By Melissa Talbot
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thoughts by Melissa Talbot Thoughts by Women

“Therefore, as we have the opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.”  Galatians 6:10

Becoming a Christian was the most liberating moment of my life. It was also daunting. A world that once was familiar now appeared foreign. I didn’t know much about my new life except that I needed a family of fellow believers.

With fervent prayer, I explored churches to find “that” place where I could flourish in my faith. It wasn’t long before one church spoke the word “home” to my spirit when I was greeted by the senior pastor and his wife — an older couple who had been shepherding the congregation for years.

They took me under their wings and, lovingly, became my spiritual grandparents. I met other church members and enrolled in the Alpha program, a study about who Jesus was and the dynamics of Christianity.

They continued to lead me in nurturing pathways to strengthen my beliefs, including a ladies’ Bible study facilitated by his wife in their home. They were the epitome of disciples. They accepted, taught, and counselled me. Their commitment to my Christian maturity was transformational and something I’m still grateful for, years later.

Their love of the Lord and diligence to seeing me grow was Jesus in action. Though they’re retired from pastoral service, I know they still exude the personalities of dedicated disciples within the great tapestry of God’s kingdom.

As a Christ-follower, I endeavour to mirror the same characteristics my spiritual grandparents did in the power of the Spirit.

In fact, as all believers, we have an obligation to do so. May we never hesitate to speak or act into the life of someone needing discipleship.

Heavenly Father, I desire to serve and honor you with my life. Grant me the heart of a dedicated disciple when encountering other believers who are in need of guidance. It is in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

By Melissa Talbot
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thoughts by Melissa Talbot Thoughts by Women

“…pray continually” 1 Thessalonians 5:17

When my circumstances are overwhelming. When the world is in turmoil. When someone I love hurts me. I pray — a lot.

It’s not because I’m desperate, but because praying is the only thing which brings me extreme comfort. It calms my inner storm, heals my broken heart, and floods me with deeply rooted, immovable peace.

Maybe that’s why Paul gave such a bold instruction to the Thessalonians in today’s verse. He knew that in order to cope with the discouraging and confidence-crushing situations life would bring, standing on the power of prayer is the only way to go. Not just once or for a few minutes each day, but, all the time.

I have come to know its transformational power for myself. Prayer changes things. It alters outcomes, overturns anxiety, and annihilates fear. It changes other people and it changes me.

As a follower of Jesus and someone who has been called to be a woman of prayer, I take Paul’s words seriously and pray continually. So, for those who have lost their jobs and struggle to balance finances, I pray. For the unforeseen changes in routine that’s causing anxiety and despair, I pray. For the hurting, sick, and lost, I pray.

In the trying times we find ourselves living in, prayer couldn’t be more crucial than right now.

Pray today and experience for yourself the extraordinary results that praying can and will bring to you and the world around you.

Mighty Jesus, you knew the power that prayer possessed because you were always engaged in it. Thank you for calling me to be a prayer warrior for times such as these that we find ourselves in. May I bring you glory as I pray for those who are overwhelmed by their circumstances. Let them know the peace that can only come from you and prayer. I love you, Jesus and I pray this in the power of your name. Amen.

By Melissa Talbot
Used by Permission

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thoughts by Melissa Talbot Thoughts by Women

“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever — the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.”  John 14:16-17

Self-destruction is a dangerous course to plot. Yet, out of brokenness, I did exactly that. It was easier to punish myself through promiscuity and alcoholism in an effort to numb the pain than to face my weaknesses.

Truth be told, I was being sold a pack of lies by the enemy who had a firm grip on my soul — Satan. Winston Churchill once quipped,

When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.”

While battling against false satisfaction and fractured purpose, I was too blind to see that the men I conquered and the alcohol I swilled were the enemies. Until, one day, an unsuspecting force gently nudged a door open to reveal the truth of the Holy Spirit. The lies I’d been led to believe — sex as love and acceptance, and alcohol as an appropriate sedative — were annihilated.

There was a paramount shift in my heart and mind. As much as I needed Jesus as my Savior, I knew I also needed the Holy Spirit’s guidance. He counselled me into healing and wholeness. I still pray each day for his direction to live my life.

Today’s verses aren’t wishful thinking. They are Jesus’ words to us as a guarantee of a beautiful existence. While discouragement comes in our lives, the promise of the Holy Spirit’s leadership should bring joy and peace. He will show us the way. May we, as Christians, always heed his prompting in a way that makes him known to others.

Lord Jesus, thank you for your words from the book of John and for the promise of your Holy Spirit that resides in me. There’s no way I could navigate my life without his direction and power. May I always be ready to live out the guidance your Holy Spirit provides for my life. I thank you and praise you, Jesus, and it’s in your name I pray. Amen.

By Melissa Talbot
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thoughts by Melissa Talbot Thoughts by Women

“And just as we have borne the likeness of the earthly man, so shall we bear the likeness of the man from heaven.”  1 Corinthians 15:49

Anger, bitterness, profanity. One or all three of these indiscretions have been a part of my life for the past several months. Just when I think one has succumbed to being tamed, another emerges and internal forces once again collide.

Believing my own dreams had been dismantled, I allowed myself to take on a posture of indignation. I never wanted to enter into that place but I couldn’t seem to connect with anything that made sense of my disappointment outside of the anger, bitterness, and cursing. However, the more I determined to pray against the unsavoury onslaught, the more I could feel a ray of hope break through my pain. A hope showing perfection meeting with the imperfect — Jesus showing up in the folds of this broken individual.

Today’s verse contains one of the greatest promises I could ever hope to receive. That no matter how many times I falter in being Christ-like, the ultimate victory in the form of perfection will someday be mine. That welcome relief gives me renewed strength to keep fighting against the internal forces that try to thwart me.

In life, hurt, heartbreak, and discouragement seem to outweigh our ability to cope with the subsequent fallout that comes. Things we hoped would be no longer exist and our once calm disposition begins to unravel. As followers of Jesus, we have this powerful verse which gives us the increased fervour to soldier on through our humanity. May we keep our gaze fixed on things of heaven when the going gets tough.

Perfect Jesus, I know I’m not perfect but that I will be when I’m with you in heaven. Thank you for this promise to hold on to. That no matter how many times I mess up here on earth, it doesn’t define how things will be in eternity. I’m very grateful for that. In the meantime, please help me to be as Christ-like as possible until I see you face to face. It’s in your name I pray. Amen.

By Melissa Talbot
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thoughts by Melissa Talbot Thoughts by Women