Category: <span>thoughts by Ashlea Massie</span>

And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.”  John 14:16-17

Living in this world can be difficult. The stressors of life and the unexpected turn of events can be hard to handle at times. And if we’re being honest, it sometimes feels as if no one cares for us or has our back. Those friends and family members we relied upon so heavily are suddenly gone when things turn sour. And if we do have family or friends we can rely on, that won’t always be the case. So where should we turn to first?

Fortunately, as disciples of Christ, we have someone to run to all the time. No matter what the circumstances may be, we have access to God through the Holy Spirit. And God has promised to be with us by sending the Holy Spirit to live within us at all times — the good and the bad. We are never abandoned by God. Though outward circumstances might give us that impression, God has designed it so that we don’t have to fall for that lie.

When we seek out the Lord through prayer, the Holy Spirit intervenes on our behalf. He intercedes for us even when we don’t know what to say.

God is a better source of comfort to turn to than any friends or family members. He will never let us down, and that is seen through the promise to give us with the Holy Spirit while we are here on earth apart from him. And isn’t it wonderful knowing that we are never, nor will we ever be, alone?

Dear Lord, please help me to turn to you first in all circumstances. Thank you for giving us the Holy Spirit so that we are not alone. Amen.

By Ashlea Massie
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Never Alone – by Kathy Cheek

Never Alone – A Devotional by Phil Ware

You Are Never Alone – A Devotional by Julie Lairsey

Never Alone – A Devotional by Bill Bright

Never Alone – Devotional by Max Lucado


thoughts by Ashlea Massie Thoughts by Women

Then he said to them all:

Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.‘  Luke 9:23

If you are like me, the day you were saved is embedded in your mind. You probably remember every detail vividly. Do you remember your expectations of Christianity? I clearly remember mine. I was under the assumption that surrender simply meant relinquishing control of the sin in my life and learning to live a new life that turned away from those sins. I had no clue that it would entail giving up a dream I had long held.

This passage reminds us that we deny more than sinful ways. We deny the things we want to do in life versus what God wants us to do in life. Many of the desires we have are intertwined with sin, and yet we don’t seem to recognize it. That was my situation. Advancing within my career had been my utmost priority before salvation. I spent many extra hours of work to achieve success. But once I was saved, I had conflicting feelings about my life choices.

My new self lives to serve God, not my old ambitions. My motives behind my advancement were wrong — something I hadn’t noticed as an unbeliever — and I suddenly realized I had made my career an idol. It was then I knew that God wanted me to relinquish my dream and pursue him instead. Surrendering my dream was difficult, but it was what God wanted from me since it would help me be free from the rule of sin and lead me to grow closer to him.

Perhaps you’re at a crossroads too. Surrender is a daily process. We must follow what God says, no matter what we want. It’s for our good to give God our best. And doesn’t such a good God deserve our all?

Dear Lord, grant us the ability to know and do your will. Do not let sin control us, but let us be controlled by you. Amen.

By Ashlea Massey
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Practicing the Presence of God

Stepping Into a Personal Revival

We Plan – God Directs

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thoughts by Ashlea Massie Thoughts by Women

By faith he went to live in the land of promise, as in a foreign land, living in tents with Isaac and Jacob, heirs with him of the same promise.Hebrews 11:9

Do you ever stop to think about your sin? Maybe you feel overwhelmed, tired of the daily struggle against sin. Perhaps you wonder why God continues to guide you, to love you, to keep you in the faith. If anyone had reason to wonder that, it would have been Jacob.

Jacob wasn’t the most righteous man on earth. He definitely wasn’t mentioned as righteous like Job was. He wasn’t taken up to heaven like Enoch. Jacob deceived his father to get what he wanted. He had children with four women. His family was a mess as well. In fact, Jacob didn’t have a spiritual awakening until later in his life.

Jacob was a train wreck, and yet what do we see in Hebrews? He’s in the hall of faith. He received the same promise Abraham and Isaac received: part temporal and part eternal. Jacob received the promise his descendants would be a great nation and the eternal gift they would be children of God.

God doesn’t give up on His children, even when they fall short. Just look at Jacob. God continued to guide him, bless him, and even allowed Jacob to die with all of his children near him, including his long lost son, Joseph. We need not constantly worry about all of our shortcomings and how we miss the mark. Instead, we should focus on becoming righteous, with the help of the Holy Spirit, by having faith that God will continue to carry us, come what may.

Dear Lord, thank you for saving us despite our inadequacy and failures. Please give me the grace to fight sin in light of your love. Amen.

Read Hebrews 11

By Ashlea Massie
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thoughts by Ashlea Massie Thoughts by Women

“Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God.” 1 Peter 2:16

When you think of “freedom,” what do you think of? Emancipation from slavery? Getting out of jail? Leaving work? Moving out of the house? Freedom is associated with all of those thoughts and more.

Today, many tend to associate freedom to mean “free to do as I please.” This concept applies to all of the categories mentioned above. A slave becomes free from his master’s commands. An ex-con can now do things without being guarded all the time. An employee is now free to relax outside of work. A young adult can abide by his or her own wishes instead of his or her parents’ wishes.

The Bible mentions the word “free” or “freedom” many times throughout the New Testament. But the Bible associates freedom with something else entirely.

Being free in Christ means a different kind of freedom. It is the freedom from being enslaved to sin.

Nonbelievers don’t have the means to be freed from their habitual sins apart from Christ. They hopelessly continue to fight and struggle without any resolution.

We have been redeemed! We are freed from the vicious sin cycle that ensnares nonbelievers. Although we may struggle in this life, our struggle is not in vain. We have eternal freedom.

We don’t have to worry about sin entangling us to the point where we cannot be delivered. We don’t have to live in hopelessness. Yes, we will still sin, but sin doesn’t have us beat. We can conquer whatever sin comes our way through Christ.

Dear Lord, please give me the ability to conquer sin in my life. Give me the strength that I need, which will give me the hope of victory. Amen.

Think about an area in life that may be enslaving you. Have a problem with lying incessantly? Negative attitude? Harsh words? Whatever it may be, honestly ask Christ to help you defeat these sins so you can be free.

By Ashlea Massie
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How to be Really Free – by Helen Lescheid

• Live Free – by Kristi Huseby

How Do You Get Free and Remain Free? – by Mary Pinckney


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thoughts by Ashlea Massie Thoughts by Women

Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.  1 Corinthians 15:58

The Bible talks about fear and conquering it. But sometimes, I think we believe we have to have conquered our fears before going out and doing what God has called us to do. That’s an untrue assumption.

Elisabeth Elliot once said,

“Sometimes when we are called to obey, the fear does not subside and we are expected to move against the fear. One must choose to do it afraid.”

Fear is something we should tackle and conquer as the Bible clearly points out, but if we use fear as our excuse for not obeying God, then we’re going about things the wrong way. Sometimes we don’t quite have fear conquered, yet we still need to take a leap of faith, trust God, and push forward in whatever it is that God has commanded us to do.

Maybe you were asked to speak somewhere, share your faith, lead a Bible study, or use your talents in a public setting. Maybe you accepted the opportunity, believing God wanted you to accept, but you still haven’t conquered your fear. This is the perfect time to remember not to let fear get the best of you. Fear shouldn’t keep you from leading that Bible study or honoring God through your gifts. Sometimes you just have to move on in faith and do what God wants you to, even in the midst of fear.

Your reward will be greater confidence and joy and seeing God use you to bless others. Fear will have less of a hold on you because you chose to walk in faith.

Dear Lord, as I obey your will, please give me courage to do what you want me to do. Take away the fear as I walk out your plans for me. Amen.

By Ashlea Massie
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How did Jesus Pray?

•  Attributes of God

•  Learn more about knowing Jesus


thoughts by Ashlea Massie Thoughts by Women

And the Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.”   Isaiah 58:11

Have you ever been in a season of spiritual dissatisfaction? Maybe you’ve been stuck in a ritual of reading the Word and praying on a daily basis but not experiencing peace and joy. Isaiah addresses one reason “spiritual” habits may still leave us feeling bone dry.

He gives us the key to unlocking true satisfaction. He tells the Israelites to pray and fast, like a good child of God would do. This seems similar to what Christians try to practice, but the one mistake the Israelites made held them back from receiving fulfillment in God ? their hypocrisy. The Israelites did all of these things without really meaning any of it. It became a ritual, and not only that, they decided to rebel against God’s commands and cover up their wickedness by performing these good deeds.

Isaiah reminded them that God wanted their whole-hearted worship. The Israelites’ actions were repetitive with no real effort put into them. Their worship was just tradition. And that led them into sin instead of helping to keep them from it.

This concept directly applies to us today. God doesn’t just want a part of us ? He wants all of us! Half-hearted service will not meet our spiritual needs. The beauty of giving our entire efforts to God brings Isaiah’s words to life in our lives. It’s a true promise. When we make the effort to read, pray, and spend each available minute dwelling on God, we can experience not only what is told in Isaiah 58:11, but also the joy that can only come from intimately knowing God.

Dear Lord, please give me the abundance of joy and satisfaction that can only come through you as I seek you on a daily basis. Amen.

By Ashlea Massie
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Further Reading

•  Hope for a Hopeless World  by Terry Stead

•  HOPE – by Gail Rodgers

•   A Poem of Hope – By Helena Fehr

thoughts by Ashlea Massie Thoughts by Women

And the Spirit said to Philip, “Go over and join this chariot.”  So Philip ran to him and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet and asked,Do you understand what you are reading?  Acts 8:29-30

When I first became a believer, there was nobody to disciple me so I…” was the same story I had heard time and again, unfortunately. New followers of Christ who have never attended church before often lack a spiritual mentor, which is understandable. But I also found that those who had been attending church, the body of Christ, neglected to gather to instruct and encourage these new Christians.

Philip was mindful of others’ needs because he listened to the Holy Spirit’s guidance towards a man on the cusp of salvation, though he did not know it yet. Philip went over to address an obvious concern he could see upon first glance. Once Philip asked the man if he understood the passage, the man admitted his confusion. Philip took precious time out of his day to go into detail about the Gospel and how it fit in with Isaiah, then leading the man to the Lord that very day.

It’s an important reminder as believers to be mindful of those around us. Is there someone struggling to find his or her place at your church? What about that regular attendee who seems to have dropped off the face of the earth? These observations and more should be noted so that we can encourage and build up believers, or even help lead unbelievers to the Lord. When we see someone struggling, we should aid them.

Even if we don’t see someone struggling, we should still approach and encourage them. Like Philip, you never know what someone is going through behind the scenes, and you just may be the voice of guidance during that tough time.

Dear Lord, please help me to be aware of others during this time. Impress upon my heart those who need encouragement or instruction, and give me the wisdom to give accurate instruction. Amen.

By Ashlea Massie
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Pressing On! – a lesson on focusing our eyes and goals on Christ

Why are the words that I use so important?

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thoughts by Ashlea Massie Thoughts by Women

“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.2 Corinthians 12:9

I looked at the healing scar. Once hideous, it was now a very long and perfectly straight diagonal line, quite different from its initial appearance. Although the doctor seemed to feel a bit sorry that the scar ended up so long, it did not bother me then because it was a reminder of God’s grace to me during that time. It continues to be so today.

That reminder pushes me to serve God continuously. I want to give my all to someone who not only gave his all for me on the cross but also continues to keep on giving. We have a God that continues to care for us in spite of our sin. Such love should draw us to him!

Perhaps you have important scars too. Scars that marked a time in your life when your health was failing or when a sudden accident occurred. Perhaps your scars are not physical like mine are, but emotional. You have memories of difficult moments in the past that have shaped your life.

These scars are meant to draw us closer to the Lord, not further from Him. They shape us into better servants for his kingdom. When God’s grace is extended to us in the form of healing, we are able to reflect on who we are and what we can become as his sons and daughters. We have a God that continues to care for us in spite of our scarred past. Doesn’t that make the scars beautiful?

Dear Lord, please give me the strength to know how to serve you each day and follow through with it by making the most of the time you have graciously given to me. Let the trials in my life remind me of your goodness. Amen.

By Ashlea Massie
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Further Reading

  I Don’t Deserve It – by Gail Rodgers

•  Scars – A Devotional by Joshua Lim

•  Salvation Explained

thoughts by Ashlea Massie Thoughts by Women

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. John 14:27

Life can become hectic and unstable.

Some of us rely on an income that isn’t steady or ebbs and flows with the seasons. Others are consumed with studies in graduate school, or feel overwhelmed with their workload. Some of us have lost a job unexpectedly. Others have lost a relationship or still aren’t in one and feel frustrated and confused.

All of these situations can induce fear and anxiety, but they don’t have to. Jesus has left us with His peace – to know that He will get us through these trials and provide for our needs. In Matthew 6, Jesus asks if God takes care of the animals, why wouldn’t he take care of us, His children? Perhaps some of these unexpected events are the result of a loving God trying to draw us closer to Him.

When hard times come, and we’re backed up in a position we can’t get out of, we tend to run to God. We suddenly realize that He’s our only help.

Instead of worrying about where the income is going to come from when you’ve applied for job after job, trust that God will provide at the right time. Rather than spending hour after hour holed up in your room with your studies, take a breather and enjoy the blessings around you, like friends, family and nature. Stop fretting over your relationship issues. Instead, take them to God. He’ll help you.

Dear Lord, please forgive me for worrying instead of trusting. Give me your peace to realize that you’re in control, and you will not leave me lonely and struggling. Let me look to your word and be strengthened by all of the stories of deliverance and grant me the ability to wait patiently in the meantime. Amen.

By Ashlea Massie
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Hiding Place
He Guides Us
Jesus is Always There!
God WILL take care of you
How Big is God?

thoughts by Ashlea Massie Thoughts by Women

“Behold, I will bring to it health and healing, and I will heal them and reveal to them abundance of prosperity and security. I will restore the fortunes of Judah and the fortunes of Israel, and rebuild them as they were at first. I will cleanse them from all the guilt of their sin against me, and I will forgive all the guilt of their sin and rebellion against me.”  Jeremiah 33:6-8

Have you ever been in a situation where you feel like life will never be the same again? Your emotions or circumstances are in disarray?

The people of Israel experienced the same sort of distress with their circumstances. Their distress was brought on by sin, and perhaps yours was or wasn’t. Regardless, God’s kindness in the Old Testament to Israel is one we can hope in as well. If God was willing to forgive an unrepentant and idolatrous nation, then how much more will he forgive us? How much more will he help his children when he sees them in pain and suffering?

Not only does God bring healing to Israel, which is what we all want in situations where we feel broken, but he also promises to restore their fortunes. And so it is with us. You may be thinking today and wondering if you will ever go back to your normal happy way of life. Perhaps you are faced with a life-altering medical diagnosis, a loved one has passed away, or you have experienced tumultuous circumstances. We can take the promise written to Israel in the Old Testament to heart because that is exactly what God plans on doing for us. It may not be here on Earth, but it will happen. One day we will be perfectly happy in Christ when we are glorified with him. We have that hope to look to.

Take heart, God will not leave you broken. He will heal you because you are his child, and he will restore you completely in the future.

Dear Lord, thank you so much for your promises. Please guide me through this difficult time and give me the grace to walk through it in your strength, not mine. Amen.

Spend some time reading Jeremiah 33 and meditating on God’s goodness.

By Ashlea Massie
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Further Reading

•  Restores My Soul by Phil Ware

• God’s Restoration Comes in Unexpected Ways  By Rev. Palitha Jayasooriya

•  Salvation Explained

thoughts by Ashlea Massie Thoughts by Women

“The saying is trustworthy, for: If we have died with him, we will also live with him; if we endure, we will also reign with him; if we deny him, he also will deny us; if we are faithless, he remains faithful.” 2 Timothy 2:11-13

Have you ever had a friend abandon you after a terrible rumour was spread around about you? Or what about a friend who often dumped you for something better if they were invited to a more exciting event? What about a friend who used you to relieve their boredom or to improve their status?

Once you have been around long enough, you will come to the realization that many of your “friends” are a disappointment. They can let you down when you least expect it. Perhaps, like others, you’ve had so many let downs that you wonder if anyone will faithfully stand with you until the end.

Too many times, people will betray us for no justifiable reason. Sometimes, even after we offer a justifiable reason, they still let us down. People may disappoint us; however God promises that he will always remain with us, no matter what, if we accept Jesus as our Savior.

God will not forsake us. As Jesus ascended into heaven in Matthew 28:20, he said that he’d still be with us until the very end of the age. He remains steadfast in his friendship towards us. He is our example whom we look to for true friendship. What a comfort.

Instead of wondering if you will ever have friends or find faithful ones, make God your best friend. Spend more time in the Word and in prayer, drawing closer to him because he has promised never to forsake you!

Dear Lord, please help me to understand that you are the only true friend I need. Let me recognize that if I have you, I have everything. Make me desire you alone, and satisfy my longing for a friend through you. Amen.

By Ashlea Massie
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Further Reading

•   How to Pray

•  More than a Father

•  Salvation Explained


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“For God sometimes uses sorrow in our lives to help us turn away from sin and seek eternal life. We should never regret his sending it. But the sorrow of the man who is not a Christian is not the sorrow of true repentance and does not prevent eternal death.”
2 Corinthians 7:10

Frank often referred to himself proudly as a self-made man. He bragged that in his youth he had been so poor he didn’t have two nickels to rub together. Now his real estate holdings and various business enterprises were worth tens of millions of dollars. He was a pillar in the community, able to give generously to civic and philanthropic causes.  His philosophy was that there was no God, and every man had to make it on his own. He laughed at the weaklings who needed the crutch of church.

Then his world began to fall apart. His only son was sent to prison for pushing drugs. His daughter had an automobile accident that left her partially paralyzed for life; and his wife, whom he had largely ignored for years, announced she was in love with someone else and demanded a divorce. Meanwhile, because he had become lax in his business dealings, one of his partners embezzled several million dollars from him.

By this time, he was devastated, and, therefore, was open to spiritual counsel. After the Holy Spirit showed him his spirit of pride and selfishness, he opened his heart to Christ and the miracle took place. Now, he frequently quotes this passage: “God sometimes uses sorrow in our lives to help us turn away from sin and seek eternal life.

Though his son is still in prison, and his daughter still paralyzed, he and his wife are reconciling, and his heart is filled with joy and thanksgiving to God. He is no longer a proud, “successful” businessman, but a humble child of God, a servant who discovered the hard way that everyone needs God.

For every Frank there are hundreds of others experiencing heartache and tragedy who have not repented. Yet, God offers to all men and women the priceless gift of abundant and supernatural life.

Bible Reading: Proverbs 28:12-14

Thought: I shall seek to live the full, abundant, supernatural life, walking in faith and obedience, so that God will not find it necessary to discipline me in order to bless me.

By Dr. Bill Bright
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Further Reading

•  Struggles, Despair

•  More than a Father

•  Salvation Explained

thoughts by Ashlea Massie thoughts by Bill Bright Thoughts by Men

“And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption”  Ephesians 4:30

The Holy Spirit is a mighty and wonderful presence in the life of the believer. He guides us to do what is right and convicts us when we do wrong. The culture of Christianity today though seems to forget that what we put into our minds, what we allow ourselves to consume, can affect us greatly, for better or for worse.

Because of the pull from the world, we tend to be sucked in to seeing things that we should not necessarily be seeing, hearing, or reading. I can remember setting my boundaries on movies: nothing with sexual content or nudity, and while I wanted to avoid it, I was not as strict about cussing. I was blind to the fact that I deemed one sin as “ok” over another sin. I was compromising my values. I would never use that language myself, so why would I listen to it? I didn’t think about it at all for a very long time, until I was convicted once again by the Holy Spirit.

I realized I had been okaying sin to enter into my life instead of putting it all aside. I had to make a difficult decision and stop watching movies that had cussing.

What kind of limits, if any, do you put on yourself as you consume entertainment? Have you, like me, compromised on what we know displeases God? It’s time for us to stop suppressing the Holy Spirit. When we allow ourselves to live like the world, it makes it difficult to live. God calls us to be holy as he is holy, and he gives us the Holy Spirit to guide us into doing just that.

Dear Lord, give us the strength we need to conquer the sin in our life that we have ignored. Allow the Spirit to win over the flesh and forgive us of our sins. Amen.

Make a list of all the sources of media that you use, such as TV, the internet, books, etc. Write down what you specifically watch, read, or see and do a little examination of conscience. Would God condone what you are reading or seeing? Make a concerted effort to avoid content that might draw you away from Jesus. Explore media which might have a positive effect on your life!

By Ashley Massie
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Further Reading

•  Spiritual Oxygen: Are You Getting Enough?

•  How to be Filled with the Holy Spirit

•  How to Spend a Day With the Lord


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“Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you”.  Hebrews 13:5

I stood there in disbelief as I listened to an older woman at church discuss her hardships as a mother of teenage and adult children. I couldn’t believe that motherhood at that stage was harder than having babies or toddlers!

And then I pondered that thought.

The women struggling with infertility are envious of her because she has children. The young moms are envious of her and wish they were past the baby or toddler stage. And yet she’s possibly envious of those who have all their children out of the house! And the moms with children out of the house? Wishing they could have their time back again.

It made me realize: we can experience discontentment at any stage in life.

At some point in time, we’ve all had the warped perception of “If I only had (fill in the blank) then I would be (fill in the blank).”

But the truth is that once we reach a new stage in life, there will always be challenges that arise that make us wish we were in a new stage. So how do we combat that?

When we meditate on God’s promises to us in his Word, he helps us be content. We already have all we need in Christ! As we spend time with our God in prayer, we are able to find joy in communion with him.

The things we thought we once wanted to make us happy become dim in light of God’s presence.

Dear Lord, please let me find my satisfaction in you and nothing else. Give me joy as I pursue you as my sole source of joy. Amen.

Today: Meditate on God’s promises to you. Spend some time reading up on verses about contentment

By Ashlea Massie
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Further Reading

•  Brevity of Life 

•  Hope Changes Everything

•  Salvation Explained

thoughts by Ashlea Massie Thoughts by Women

“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”  Philippians 2:4

You may have a busy life – a time-consuming job, a big family, a caregiver on top of your regular responsibilities, and the list goes on. But in spite of your busy life, have you ever thought to check up on your fellow believers? How often have you taken a moment to text, call, email, or visit with a friend, just to see how they’re doing?

Paul writes to the Philippians and calls us to care for others. He doesn’t say, “If you have a busy life, you’re exempt from looking out for others.” No exception to the rule is listed. God calls us to actively consider others above ourselves and serve them.

Paul even addressed self-absorption as problematic in his day later on in the chapter when he mentions how his Timothy was one of the only ones who cared to know how the Philippians were doing and guide them in their faith (Philippians 2:19-24).

Consider the people in your own community. Do people know they are cared for? Some of your brothers and sisters in Christ may feel neglected or alone in their walk. Some may be struggling, looking for guidance with no one to turn to. This should not be! As brothers and sisters in Christ, we have the privilege of caring for each other. It starts with you and me sharing the love God has given us with those around us.

Dear Lord, please open my eyes to people around me who are struggling that I may encourage them in you. Amen.

Think about one person you can minister to on a monthly basis. Check up on them weekly if they will allow it and visit with them or serve them once a month in some sort of capacity, whether that be mentoring them over coffee, running errands for them, mowing their lawn, etc. It will be tough if you’re not used to it, but rewarding!

By Ashlea Massie
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•   Feature Author

•   Angels and Miracles

•  Salvation Explained


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