Category: <span>thoughts by Mike Woodard</span>

Our grandson came over with his parents for dinner.  After dinner, his auntie turned on her computer to make a Skype call to her husband, who works on an ocean-going yacht.  Our grandson watched this whole process, and was excited when he saw his uncle on the screen, talking to him.  In jest, his uncle said that he was stuck inside the computer and couldn’t get out!

Our grandson became upset and wanted someone to get his uncle out of the computer, rescuing him from his prison inside the computer.

As adults, we laughed at the absurdity of someone being trapped inside a computer.

We reassured our grandson that his uncle was not really in the computer.

This made me wonder, “How many times do I get all upset and worried about something that I do not understand?”  God works in ways that are confusing to me, as well. Like my grandson, I can become even angry because no one is doing anything and I feel helpless.

Trust in a loving God reassures me when seemingly impossible problems face me. In my limited knowledge, I might also panic about things that I cannot change or fix, but trusting God through these times when it seems that God is not doing anything about the situation.  I may never understand why God allows certain crises in my life and in the lives of those I love, but I can know that He has a perfect plan.

God’s Word says that “All things work together for good, for those who love God and are called by Him to fulfill His purposes.”  (Romans 8:28)

by Mike Woodard
used by permission

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All Things for Our Good – by Bill Bright

• God Is Always In Control – by Charles Stanley

All Things Work for Good –  by Max Lucado

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Thoughts by Men thoughts by Mike Woodard

I grew up on a small farm, the youngest of four in a 2 bedroom log house. For most of my growing up years we had an outhouse, no phone. Cold snowy winters outside were warmed by a pot belly wood stove inside. Alcoholism made a huge impact and shaped all this. My mother was a strong woman. She lived through World War II and the Great Depression.  Life seemed to have given her a harsh edge. Empathy was not a strength. Yet there was this tender side I discovered late one night. I’d been sick. After going to bed, mom, thinking I was asleep, gently ran her fingers through my hair. This act of tenderness was repeated in my growing up years. This tenderness showed me a side of my mom that was not often evident but yet very real. It gave me a greater confidence and security in my relationship with her.

At times my view of God has lacked an understanding of His tenderness. My understanding has been shaped by a couple of verses…

He (God) tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.” – Isaiah 40:11 (NIV)

The context of this passage is a description of God power that shapes the universe, the nations and the rulers of the world. Yet in the middle of this is the snapshot of His tenderness…

You (God) have also given me the shield of Your salvation, and Your right hand upholds me; and Your gentleness makes me great.”
Psalms 18:35 (NASB)

Gentleness in the context of strength is a profound contrast and gift. My mom gave me the first glimpse of this. As I have embraced God’s gentle touch in the circumstances of life it has brought healing, security and comfort. Allow God to carry you today.

~ ~ ~ ~

Would you like to know Jesus and have the peace and comfort that only he can give?

If so, why don’t you pray this prayer and invite Jesus into your life:

Lord Jesus, I need You. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Savior and Lord. Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Take control of the throne of my life. Make the kind of person You want me to be.

If you sincerely expressed that prayer to God, you can know that you have a personal relationship with Him. He will be your comfort in these troubled times. God promises us “peace that passes understanding” in other words peace in a world that doesn’t make sense. You can know peace and hope even when your world is in turmoil. God does not change. Ever.

By Mike Woodard
Used by Permission

If you prayed this prayer we would love to hear from you . If you would like to know God deeper we can connect you with an email mentor and/or send you some great links.

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Further Reading

•  Sample Mother’s Day Prayers

•  A Mother’s Special Promise – a touching story

•  Salvation Explained

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Thoughts by Men thoughts by Mike Woodard

“A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver. Like an earring of gold or an ornament of fine gold is a wise man’s rebuke to a listening ear.” Proverbs 25:11-12

When I was about ten years old, my older brother and I were riding our bikes on a trail that ran along the edge of the bank of a river. I was carrying a six-pack of Coke in my basket on one side of the back wheel. As I rode through the narrow path, I lost my balance and landed in the water. I started thrashing around yelling “Help, I’m drowning!”

My brother simply yelled back at me, “Stand up.”

Even though I fell in deep water, through my thrashing I had moved to a shallow area. I still wonder whether I would have drowned in shallow water if my brother had not told me to stand up.

Words are incredibly powerful. Words can bless or wound deeply.

There may be someone around you who is thrashing in the currents of life and is in need of some life giving words today. Perhaps you yourself may need a life giving word from someone close to you, who sees a bigger picture than you do.

For all who wrestle with seemingly life threatening challenges, may you be nourished by God’s Word: the source of truth and life.

Thought: There are thousands of people online who are asking very important questions about life, faith, and God. Would you consider becoming an online mentor today? Imagine the incredible power of your words typed on a screen to someone who is hurting from hundreds of miles away!

By Mike Woodard
Used by Permission

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Words – by Katherine Kehler

Fast Of Words: A Different Kind of Fast – by Sylvia Gunter

Words of Blessing – by Idelette McVicker

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Thoughts by Men thoughts by Mike Woodard

Recently I was on a cross Canada cycling trip with three friends. This was a major undertaking of 54 days and over 7800 km.  We had many days of excellent weather. My mental picture was cycling in the sunshine coast to coast. Maybe it was a little unrealistic. The day came that I was dreading…

We woke up to pouring rain. It was cold, windy and raining. I did not want to leave the warm, dry RV to get on the bike with the prospect that it could rain all day. My fellow cyclist said in unison, “Come on embrace the rain!” I really did not want to embrace the rain, but what could I do? It was raining and I was committed to the team and a cross country ride for charity. I realized the choice was to have a bad attitude or accepted that the rain was part of the journey.

Funny how a willingness to see the rain as part of the experience, part of the journey changed my attitude and my enjoyment of the day and the other days that came with rain.  Life provides opportunities for us to “embrace” the circumstances that come our way.

A scriptural version of “Embrace the Rain” comes from the James:

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”  James 1:2-4 NIV

Is there anything in the circumstances of your life that you are struggling to embrace? It is not part of the mental picture you have had for your life. Can you embrace that God in his love and wisdom has a plan for the circumstance in the journey you are on?

By Mike Woodard
Used by Permission

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Facing Trialsby Phil Ware

• Trials and Triumphs Together – by Christa Hardin

Wisdom for Life’s Trials – by Charles Stanley

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Thoughts by Men thoughts by Mike Woodard

“Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law.” Romans 13:8 (NASB)

I don’t love him. I can’t.”

These words came out of my mouth when a friend questioned me about my relationship with — and feelings toward — my father. My father was an alcoholic. In his drunken state, he created many painful memories. At one point, my mother ended up in the hospital because of his uncontrolled actions.

In response to my protest, he simply suggested I ask God to give me His love for my father.

As I began to pray, the words, “Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another” came to mind. Was God suggesting that I owed a debt to my father, a debt of love?

I realized God, who is perfect, loves me without conditions. If God could love and forgive me in all my failing, how could I not extend the same to my father? I asked God to give me the capability to love and forgive my father. Slowly I began to see him through God’s eyes.

The day came. I said the words to my father — words I had never heard from him — “I love you.” He wept. Debt paid.

This step of faith changed the course of our relationship and gave me a deeper understanding of what God’s love can do. I’m so grateful my friend challenged me to love my father and so thankful to God for His love and forgiveness, and for His presence in my life, which gives me the capacity to love. Is there someone you need to love who has been unlovable?

Father God, thank you for your forgiveness and unreserved love. I need your wisdom and strength to love as you love. Thank you for your unlimited resources to live life to the full each day so that I can pay the debt of love to the people you have placed in my life. Amen

By Mike Woodard
Used by Permission

If a relationship with God is something you crave, it can start here and now.  God cares far less about your words than the attitude of your heart.  So tell Him what you’re thinking.  Here is suggestion:

God, I believe that you created me to know you.  Thank you for sending your son Jesus, as a sacrifice to pay the penalty that I deserve.  I believe that his death and resurrection has restored me to you.  Please forgive me for everything that has offended you.  Take first place in my life and help me become the person that you created me to be.

Does this prayer express the desire of your heart? You can pray it right now, and Jesus Christ will come into your life, just as He promised.

If you prayed this prayer we would love to hear from you . If you would like to know God deeper we can connect you with an email mentor and/or send you some great links.

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•   Love: Answer to Hostility – by Muriel Larson

 Accepting God’s Gift of Love by Charles Stanley

•  A Love That Never Fails by Max Lucado

Thoughts by Men thoughts by Mike Woodard

Where could I go to get away from your spirit? Where could I go to escape your presence?  If I went up to heaven, you would be there. If I went down to the grave, you would be there too! If I could fly on the wings of dawn, stopping to rest only on the far side of the ocean— even there your hand would guide me; even there your strong hand would hold me tight! Psalms 139:7-10  (CEB)

Recently I heard someone describe God as the ultimate “First Responder.” That thought stuck with me. So often I think of myself as the first responder and I call 911 for God to come help.

I realize I have a false view of God. God does not need to be “called in” he’s already on site! He is all present, always in every situation! There is nothing happening in my life that God is not present and working.

A second thought… If I came on crisis situation where there was a first responder present (police, fireman, ambulance attendant) I would not take charge but would say, “Tell me what to do. How can I help?” Why, because they are the professional, they know more, have more experience. I would naturally trust them and follow their direction.

God is the first responder in all situations in life. He is present. My role is to daily ask God, “What do you want me to do?” How can I serve you in your plan?” Faith demands that I trust God’s direction because he is all wise, all knowing and sees far beyond my limited vision. I have to remind myself… God is the Ultimate First Responder!

By Mike Woodard
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

• Take Your Cue from Fear and Trust God by Kristi Huseby

Our Inability to Trust God – by Jon Walker

Choose Trust –  by Kathy Cheek


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Thoughts by Men thoughts by Mike Woodard

A woman walked past me and the aroma of her perfume was so sweet and appealing that I turned and looked at her as she walked away. It reminded me of the perfume of a dear lady who took me under her wing as a child. I stood for a moment savoring the smell and the memory.

My thoughts took another bent… I wonder how I smell? Not that I wear perfume or cologne but what aroma do my actions leave in the lives of those with whom I come in contact? What do others think when I walk past? Am I patient, kind and others focused so that I leave a fragrance after I walk by? Or do I live solely focused on my agenda, self-centered and impatient, demanding or uncaring? To be honest, the latter scenario is too often the reality.

I do want to be a “sweet aroma” to my family, friends, neighbors and associates at work. I want to leave a pleasant aroma for those causal encounters with clerks and service people with whom I come in contact, a smell that lingers even after I am gone.

I want to be the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Christ in every place… How about you?

But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; to the one an aroma from death to death, to the other an aroma from life to life. And who is adequate for these things?”
2 Corinthians 2:14-16  (NASB)

By Mike Woodard
Used by Permission

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•  A Lingering Aroma – by Marilyn Ehle

•   The Fragrance – by Rod Marshall

•  My Lord, My Companion –  by Hope Tshuma

Thoughts by Men thoughts by Mike Woodard

Two balloons were given to volunteers.

The instructions were simple. Keep the balloon in the air; don’t let them touch the floor. One volunteer began carefully tapping the balloon with focused attention. Tap, tap, tap and on he went with a valiant effort bouncing the balloon up, down, up down. The other volunteer stepped away for a moment, returning with her balloon floating high, filled with helium!

My first thought was, “That’s not fair!” But wait the instructions were “Keep the balloon in the air. Don’t let it touch the floor.” Somehow the effort by the first volunteer seemed nobler. Yet, the second volunteer’s strategy would far out last the effort of the first and would win the day.

This simple task has parallels in our spiritual lives. The instructions God gives sometimes referred to as the “Great Commandment” is stated in Mark’s gospel:

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”  Mark 12:30-31 (NIV)

Our response can be self-effort or being filled, not with helium, but filled with the directing and empowering presences of God’s Spirit. The Spirit of God takes residence in the life of every believer. The power to live the Christian life can never come from self-effort, no matter how noble the effort. Self-effort will always lead to frustration and failure.

The Christian life and specifically this foundational commandment are impossible to fulfill in our own strength. Christ is the only one that has ever filled them perfectly. As followers of Christ are directed and empowered by the Holy Spirit, they are given the power to live a new kind of life, a life where Christ lives in and through them in the power of his Spirit.

Which “balloon” volunteer do you identify with? Does this prayer express the desire of you heart?

Dear Father, I need You. I acknowledge that I have been directing my own life and that, as a result, I have sinned against You. My self-effort has failed.  I thank You that You have forgiven my sins through Christ’s death on the cross for me. I now invite Christ to again take His place on the throne of my life. Fill me with the Holy Spirit as You commanded me to be filled, and as You promised in Your Word that You would do if I asked in faith. I now thank You for directing my life and for filling me with the Holy Spirit.”

By Mike Woodard
Used by Permission

If you prayed this prayer we would love to hear from you . If you would like to know God deeper we can connect you with an email mentor and/or send you some great links.

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Further Reading

•   God Is…

•  More than a Father

•  Salvation Explained


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Thoughts by Men thoughts by Mike Woodard

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the day approaching.” Hebrews 10:23-25

My wife asked, “Do you really think you should do it?

I had been sick for two days but, in my optimism, I thought I could still compete. I had successfully completed the same triathlon two years earlier.

Swimming was first, my least favorite event. Warming up and chatting with others gave me a boost of energy. Then the gun rang out, but very quickly I realized my energy was not matching my ambition. I alerted a race official in a kayak that I was not feeling good. At the first corner maker, I realized I was not just feeling bad, I was in danger. I called for help, which lead to some focused attention from the emergency medical staff.

We are commanded to meet with other believers — to encourage one another through love and good deeds. God’s commands are for two main reasons: to protect us and provide for us. In Genesis 2:18 God said it wasn’t good for Adam to be alone, so he created Eve. Today, God has created a community of believers because it is still not good for “Adam” to be alone.

I did not listen to my wife or to my body; I was, on the other hand, inspired by the other athletes. Spiritually we need the combination of both inspiration and wisdom. Inspiration motivates us to take steps of faith. Wisdom helps us know when and how to move forward. None of this happens in isolation. We place ourselves in danger when we neglect God’s commands.

Father, help me understand the danger of not responding to your command to seek the company of others that love you. God, give me the humility to both give and receive love and good deeds and to embrace not only the inspiration but the wisdom to do your will. Amen.

By Mike Woodard
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  He Guides Us

•  God is Bigger than All My Problems

•   Jesus is Always There!


Thoughts by Men thoughts by Mike Woodard

Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.”
Psalm 139:7-10

We were on a walk along the edge of the ocean. The trail was rough but my grandson enjoyed the challenge of climbing over rocks, up steep banks, and over trees. The trail went up along the edge of a cliff. At one point, I looked back, just for a moment, and saw my grandson hanging by a root over the ocean and the rocks below. I’m sure my heart skipped a beat! He didn’t say a word. I grabbed his wrists and lifted him back on the trail. He simply said, “Thanks Papa.” And off he went along the trail.

That moment played over and over in my thoughts for days. I had been with him every step along the way, many times saying, “Let me help you.” To which he replied, “Me do it, Papa.” When it came to a need, he seemed confident I was there. He did not understand the danger but his “Thanks Papa” communicated his appreciation of unrequested help.

God promises to be with us always. In fact, we cannot escape his presence. God’s commitment is to journey with us each step along the path we are on. He seeks to provide for us and protect us. We can resist. Apart from his grace, the consequences could be grave and life altering.

Each day we have a choice. We can walk under the guidance of his direction or independent of it. How will you respond to his presence with you today?

Dear Father, thank you for your presence in my life today. Show me any areas that I’m walking independent of your guidance. I confess my predisposition toward self-reliance. I desire your leadership and am so thankful that your right hand will hold me fast. Amen.

By Mike Woodard
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•   Have You Forgiven Yourself | by Katherine Kehler

•  Grandparents Army – The influence grandparents can have on the younger generations The influence grandparents can have on the younger generations

•  Salvation Explained


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Thoughts by Men thoughts by Mike Woodard

Now when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some began to sneer, but others said, ‘We shall hear you again concerning this.’ So Paul went out of their midst. But some men joined him and believed…Acts 17:32-34a (NASB)

You often don’t know what your witnessing is accomplishing in the moment.

One day I arrived late for a youth pastor’s meeting, so I missed the introductions. But as I sat down, I noticed a familiar face across the room — one I would never have guessed would be at this meeting. About four year earlier, I had met Rick. He was one of the most spiritually antagonistic university students I had ever come across, and now he was a youth pastor?

After the meeting he told me the story of how shortly after we had met, three people had attempted to explain the importance of having a relationship with God. Each time he argued and fought, but finally he realized the truth and accepted Christ’s love and forgiveness to become a Christ follower. It was his last semester of university. That fall he began his training for vocational ministry!

You just never know where you fit into the progression of God’s plan for another person. Paul demonstrates this in our passage today.

He wasn’t the only one. This “You Just Never Know” attitude was demonstrated by Jonathan in 1 Samuel 14:6 when he said to his armor bearer, “Come and let us cross over to the garrison of these uncircumcised; perhaps the Lord will work for us, for the Lord is not restrained to save by many or by few.” Jonathan and is armor bearer were willing to take a risk and trust that God could work through their small military advance. God did work and give a great victory that day. Jonathan took a step of faith and God blessed his faith.

It pleases God when we trust Him to weave our acts of faith into his master plan for individuals and nations!

*Father, help me to see the people and circumstances around me through your eyes. Guide my small steps of faith to fit into your eternal plan. Help me anticipate your hand at work even when I’m fearful or only see a brief moment in the larger story. Amen.

By Mike Woodard
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  The Almighty A Poem by Katy Kaufmann

•  God’s Sufficiency Exceeds Our Need – by Sylvia Gunter

•  Salvation Explained

Thoughts by Men thoughts by Mike Woodard

John replied, ‘No one can receive anything unless it is given from heaven. You yourselves can testify that I said that I’m not the Christ but that I’m the one sent before him. The groom is the one who is getting married. The friend of the groom stands close by and, when he hears him, is overjoyed at the groom’s voice. Therefore, my joy is now complete. He must increase and I must decrease.” John 3:27-30

I was told I would not be considered for a national leadership role that had opened up in the organization I’d served with for many years. Yet, deep inside, I felt God was asking me to take the role. After some soul searching and checking of my motives, I sent a letter expressing my interest in the position and the conviction that God was motivating my response. I received no immediate reply but after six months I was asked to take the position!

In this process, the words of John the Baptist gave me confidence: “No one can receive anything unless it is given from heaven.” Early in my career, I became convinced that God places people where He wants for His purposes. This has given me a clear sense of who really is in charge. John was sure of who he was and who he was not. He was not the Christ, the Messiah, but he was the friend. Christ was to be honored — that was John’s chief purpose and joy.

Calm and confidence will invade your life when you understand that God is in control, even when the circumstances do not seem to be lining up the way you want. When you intentionally commit to honoring Christ in all circumstances, a profound joy will follow. Are you willing to release control and trust God to be Lord over all? Can you be content to honor Christ and give Him greater reach into your life and circumstances?

Jesus, you are the Messiah and Lord of all things, I am not. I want to trust you today. I give you my cares, desires and concerns. I affirm that no one can receive anything unless it is given from heaven. I trust you have the best plan. By faith, I thank you for what you have planned for me. Amen.

By Mike Woodard
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Come Alongside – by John Fischer

•  Harsh Judgments Can Kill One’s Spirit

•  Salvation Explained


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Thoughts by Men thoughts by Mike Woodard

God says,  “I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you.”  Psalm 32:8-9  

For years, I have pictured myself standing on the summit Mt. Baker, a beautiful glacier mountain peak in Washington state. Every time I catch a glimpse of the summit I thought, “I want to stand on the top of that mountain!” That moment came recently…

Our alarms sounded at 1 a.m. We start the climb from base camp at 2:30 am, yes in the dark. Our only light source was our individual headlamps. The limited vision is very unsettling. I was in the lead position on the rope of our group of four. With limited vision, the danger of falling into a crevasse dominated my mind. I notice crevasse lines in the snow that I had to step over, hoping the snow will hold. If not, I trusted my team would hold me. This hope was most intense in sections where no one has walked before me. There are also great open crevasses along the way that appear like the mouths of massive, hungry snow monsters, waiting for a snack!

I was inspired on by the lights of other climbers in the distance up the mountain… My thought, “They have made it so can we.” Behind me on the rope was my friend who had been up the mountain before, his words of direction and guidance where reassuring and comforting. After six hours and about a 5000 foot change in elevation, we reached the summit in almost perfect weather conditions. The exhaustion was mitigated by a sweet moment of satisfaction. We were above the clouds, the tops of other mountains look like islands in a vast sea. Thrilling!

In a life of faith there are moments that we realize the trail is a “walk into darkness.”  The fear of the “limited vision” is real but the desire to follow the direction of God will is greater than the fear. You know others have gone before you. There may be those that coach and encourage from a distance but you alone have to take the step, follow the direction. There are dangers but you know that no deep satisfaction will be yours unless you do! Yes there are those that may say you are crazy. God’s Spirit confirms his call!

Will you move forward, one cautious step at a time?

By Mike Woodard
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Dealing with Despair

•  Good News for You

•  Salvation Explained


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Thoughts by Men thoughts by Mike Woodard

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.Philippians 4:6-7

He listened with disbelief and profound shock as his little girl described where a neighbor had touched her. Waves of anger and fear washed over him. How could someone do this? What would be the impact on his little girl? How could God allow this to happen?

Anxious thoughts multiplied and multiplied! How could the God he was trying to serve allow this? Perplexed and angry, this father cried out to God. As he prayed, God brought to his mind a picture of the cross. It was as if God said,

This is how much I love you and your daughter. I proved beyond doubt by sending my Son to die. I declared my love on the cross and nothing has changed.”

This moment, God’s reassurance of his love, gave this father a peace that could only come from God himself. Impossible from a human perspective.

As he prays, expressing his deep sadness and anxious thoughts about the possible impact on his daughter’s life, he took an amazing step. He thanks God for what God would do to heal and protect his little girl. He openly declares that the deep assurance of God’s love has replaced fear with hope and has protected his heart from bitterness and despair. The anxious thoughts have been captured by an overwhelming confidence in the demonstrated love of God through the cross.

God, thank you for the profound message of the cross! You declared your love. It is undeniable, you love me. I know you are aware of my fears and anger with the difficult and hurtful circumstances around me. Thank you. I embrace your love and your presence with me. The cross compels me to trust you. Amen.

Are you confident of God’s love? Are there anxious thoughts about life, your future, the future of someone you love? Take a trip to the cross. What is God saying to you?

By Mike Woodard
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•   God Is…

•  More than a Father

•  Salvation Explained


Thoughts by Men thoughts by Mike Woodard

 “I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait for the LORD; be strong and let your heart take courage; yes, wait for the LORD.”Psalm 27:13-14 (NASB)

I’ve only been in total darkness once. I was deep in a cave. Friends and I agreed that we would stand alone, not touching, and turn off all the flashlights. The count began. One, two, three! Dark, total darkness.

I’ve never liked the dark. It took all of my mental resolve to be calm, despite knowing that I had a flashlight in my grasp and friends nearby.

I have also experienced a different kind of darkness: dark moments of the soul. Some have been deep, intense and fleeting, while others lingered. It is reassuring that this is not an experience unique to me alone.

Tradition attributes Psalm 27 to King David. David’s life was punctuated with dark moments of threats, betrayal, and failure, yet he seemed able to rise above. This psalm clearly states at least one strategy David employed to manage his despair — an overriding trust that God’s goodness would intersect his life. This faith brought the courage and strength David needed to face the dark moments.

I have realized my view of God shapes every area of my life — my relationships, my attitudes, and even my sleep!

Think with me for a moment — how loving is God? He sent His Son to die for us (Romans 5:8). We can declare with John, “God is light, and in Him there is not darkness at all” (1 John 1:5). Darkness is shattered in God’s presence, and He is always nearby.

Father, you know all my desires, thoughts, and circumstances. Thank you that you are good, you love me, and you are all powerful. Today I give you my worries, my discouragements and disappointments. I want to trust you with each of them. I desire the light of your truth and presence to push the darkness out in every area of my life. Amen.

By Mike Woodard
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•   Struggles, Despair – Articles

•  Hope for the Hopeless

•  Salvation Explained


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Thoughts by Men thoughts by Mike Woodard