Category: <span>thoughts by Karen Huffaker</span>

“Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” Revelation 21:5 NKJV

As eager brides plan for their wedding day, many keep the time-honored tradition of gathering something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue to wear on that special day. The happy couple will start a new life together. We’re instinctively drawn to new things: new clothes, a new pair of shoes, a new job, car, home and furnishings.

Starting new hobbies, friendships, and new skills spark fresh enthusiasm. We look forward to trying the new local restaurant, seeing the latest movie, or plotting out a new garden to plant in the spring.

Or, if you’re drawn to a new challenge you plunge into an intense exercise routine, new career, sport or learn a new language.

There’s something inspiring about the newness of things. It keeps us feeling young, healthy and optimistic. And it makes life better, richer and fuller.

Are you learning or doing something new?

Each time I dive into studying the scriptures I learn something new about God and/or myself. I’m in awe of His never-ending compassion that’s new every morning and reminders about His unlimited love, faithfulness and forgiveness, mercy and grace. (Lamentations 3:22-23)

I realize how I fail and fall short each day, but God forgives me and loves me still, just as He did the Israelites, Moses, King David, Paul, Peter and many others. We don’t have to give up or quit. He who is able can make all things new. As we accept Jesus into our hearts we become a new person with a new life in Christ. And the Holy Spirit will come to live in us.

The Apostle John described in Revelation 21 the new heaven and new earth that are to come, the New Jerusalem, and that God will make all things new. (Verses 1, 2, 5)

Tomorrow we can start over afresh and look forward with great joy to something new!

By Karen Huffaker
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Scripture Smorgasbord by Brigitte Straub

• That You May Overflow  – y Donna Mitchell

What’s Going on in Your Heart? by Gail Rodgers

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thoughts by Karen Huffaker Thoughts by Women

“I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14 NASB

Setting new goals doesn’t have to be associated just with New Year’s resolutions. We’re free to set them at any time throughout the year for any number of things. We only have to be motivated or inspired by someone or some new concept or vision.

I will.
I was particularly impressed when our young teenager set his “I Will” goals. Following the example set by his parents he determined to set stretch goals in his early morning workout routine for the exercise machine, weights and core strength training. It was pretty inspiring to me! Most teens prefer to sleep.

Reflecting on my spiritual growth goals I made the commitment many years ago that I will follow Jesus. Setting values, standards and goals around lifestyle, choices, Bible study, friendships, places I go, how I spend my time all factor in to my journey of faith.

I can.
By trusting the Lord each day I can face life and its troubles and challenges. I lean on God and depend on His wisdom and guidance. I pray and He listens to me. I press on because I know that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. He will never leave or abandon me in the midst of the storms.

I am.
It encourages me to remember that I am a child of God. As I draw closer to Him in relationship He lifts me up and holds me in His hand. He comforts, guides, protects, and empowers me according to His will. As His child I enjoy all the benefits of having Him as my Father: blessing and favor and an eternal  home in heaven with Him

– the ultimate goal to have.

Lord, help me to press on with my goals as I seek to please, serve, honor and glorify you.

What goals have you set for yourself?

By Karen Huffaker
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Pressing On – by Katherine Kehler

•  God’s Strength to Persevere

Heart, Soul, Mind, Strength – by Bill Strom

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thoughts by Karen Huffaker Thoughts by Women

There is reserved for me in the future the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on that day, and not only to me, but to all those who have loved His appearing.” 2 Timothy 4:8 (HCSB)

We live in a privileged society, no doubt about it.

A large segment of the population takes full advantage of it and its seeming elevated status. They enjoy the good life and luxuries and comfort that wealth can afford with access to amazing opportunities and adventures.

Or they may just enjoy living life in the fast lane squandering away their riches and good fortune as did the prodigal son. Jesus told about this parable where the younger son asked his father for his inheritance prematurely. The son went out into the world on his own, spent all his money and was left hungry and destitute.

Those that believe in God and the saving grace of Jesus Christ are privileged in a special way. As a child of God I have access to Him anytime, anywhere. I can gain entrance to His throne room and He welcomes me.

We are counted worthy and given God’s best for us.

A wealth of wisdom is available to me through reading and studying God’s Holy Word. The Bible is a well that never runs dry.

There are riches untold as I am blessed with His love, mercy, grace, and acceptance thru the forgiveness of my sins. Better than any vacation paradise or deluxe cruise, eternal life in heaven awaits me!

Jewels that sparkle and shine will be ours. In the New Jerusalem think of the gates of pearl at the entrance of heaven. The streets will be paved with gold. The foundations of its walls will be made of precious jewels including sapphires, emeralds, and rubies.

Not only does the Lord crown us with His loving kindness and compassion, but the crown of righteousness is waiting for us in heaven.

Lord, I am truly rich indeed!

By Karen Huffaker
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thoughts by Karen Huffaker Thoughts by Women

The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:40 NIV

My favorite fast-food restaurant is known for cheerfully greeting its customers with, “How may I serve you?” After serving me, it’s often followed up with, “It was my pleasure to serve you.” How refreshing to hear! If I’m not in the best mood or frame of mind, these words can change my outlook on life in that very moment.

Are we finding ways to serve others throughout our week?

Are we finding ways to help or bless them? I just have to pause and look around; opportunities abound if I open my eyes, ears and heart.

At the last supper Jesus took a cloth and basin of water and kneeled to wash the disciples’ feet. This was a beautiful picture of the King of kings humbling Himself before others in a spirit of service. He set an example that any of us can follow.

    • How can I serve my family, friends and neighbors?
    • How can I serve a stranger?
    • How can I serve my church?
    • How can I serve you, Lord?

The Bible clarifies that as we do for the least of them, it’s as if we do it for God. Our service doesn’t have to be dramatic. It can be meaningful and worthy when done with a sincere heart and pure motives.

I want to make a difference. I want to impact the lives of others in a way that lifts them up and encourages them, to make things better.

Lord, may I have a spirit of service reflecting the example of Jesus, commit to serving others, and pledge my obedience to you to further your kingdom work and glorify you.

By Karen Huffaker
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•  The Walk of Obedience – by Mary Pinckney

•  Blessed Obedience – by Ideletter McVicker

•  God Requires Risky Obedience – by Jon Walker

thoughts by Karen Huffaker Thoughts by Women

“Love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:39 NIV

Some people are just hard to love.

I’m sure you can count me among them. They may be harsh, brash, loud, rude, disrespectful, arrogant or self-centered.

They might look different, act different, have different mannerisms, beliefs, lifestyles, dress differently. Their culture, religion, politics, or nationality may be too much for you handle. Can we love our neighbor? The Bible explains it to us.

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.” (1 John 4:7, 11-12 NIV)

Jesus loved everyone at all times. It was a stark contrast in their culture. He was drawn to those who were different, those who were outcast, lowly, infirmed, rejected, diseased, poor, and demon-possessed. The Lord was always willing to reach out to them, to love them, to touch them in a unique and special way. He determined to lift them up physically, spiritually, and emotionally.

In spite of their state or condition He loved them anyway. Jesus was always available. His mercy and compassions were always ready to be extended. No matter what. People were drawn to Him for it. As a result of His work in their lives they left His presence feeling accepted, valued and included. Lives were changed forever.

When we are drawn into the family of God we are connected, one to another. We will not be defined by our differences but by our shared love for God. We become brothers and sisters in Christ. Former differences won’t matter so much, because we love them anyway.

We love because he first loved us. Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister.” (1 John 4:19-21, NIV)

Though it may be difficult at times, the best way we can show God our gratitude for loving us and sending His only Son to save us from sin is to put love in action by loving all His children.

By Karen Huffaker
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•  The Walk of Obedience – by Mary Pinckney

•  Blessed Obedience – by Ideletter McVicker

•  God Requires Risky Obedience – by Jon Walker

thoughts by Karen Huffaker Thoughts by Women

“The Lord has heard my supplication, the Lord receives my prayer.” (Psalm 6:9 NASB)

For several months of the year blankets are draped over different chairs, rockers and sofas. When cooler weather first sets in, they come out of the closet. I’m cold natured so it’s nice to have a warm blanket within arm’s reach to wrap around me for comfort. And it’s usually accompanied by a cup of hot tea preferably with spices.

There’s also great comfort in knowing God hears me and hears my prayers. He stands ready to receive all the prayers I lift up to Him. My prayers don’t fall on deaf ears. I can have confidence whether I whisper or cry out loud, he hears. Even if my voice is not audible, he receives my prayers.

In fact He knows my very thoughts. So he knows about my heart’s cry and heart’s desires before I even utter a word. He is Holy God! He knows all things.

I have full assurance of His love and care, and can stand on His promises. The scriptures are filled with prayers lifted up by kings, priests, prophets and God’s people. And we see how God moved in those situations. We gain confidence and strength through reading these amazing stories.

I trust in the Lord and have confidence that He knows everything about me. God cares about the smallest of details of my life. I trust that He hears my supplications. I trust that He receives my prayers. And I trust that He will answer my prayers in His perfect way and perfect timing.

What comfort this brings to me to know that someone knows me like that. Someone who is always available to me. Someone who cares so much, and that my heart can snuggle up with like a warm blanket.

We search most of our lives for someone like that. I have found someone like that in God the Father. Have you?

By Karen Huffaker
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Further Reading

• Comfort in the Storm – by Laura Rath

The God Who Comforts – by Charles Stanley

God and Comfort –  by John Grant

How to know Jesus in a personal way

thoughts by Karen Huffaker Thoughts by Women

“So I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground.” Matthew 25:25 NRSV

Do you run and hide from things you are afraid of, or if you think they are too difficult for you?

I must admit I have slumped down in my chair to hide when a request for volunteers has gone out. That’s not my gift I would think to myself. Not my skill set. I have no experience in that area. And there’s fear. I’m afraid I’ll fail, even make a big mess of it all. How could that possibly benefit anyone?

God has given each of us certain skills, special talents and unique gifts, something of great value. Our job is to recognize these abilities and use them as He enables us.

In the parable about the talent, Jesus tells of the servant who was afraid of his harsh master and hid his one talent (a type of currency or money) in the ground. The master entrusted something of value to his servant, but his fear prevented him from increasing it or making the best use of it.

We don’t have to be afraid of using whatever resources God has blessed us with for His kingdom. The Holy Spirit will guide us according to God’s will and help us achieve His purposes.

As we agree to take that first bold step of faith to serve the Lord we will grow and mature in whatever gifting he has given you. Our mindset will change from one of fear and self-doubt to one of focus on glorifying God. We will be able to accomplish more than we could ever imagine when we walk in step with the Lord. Others will be blessed, and you will find that you will be blessed as well.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for the special gift you have given me. Help me to understand my gift, use it wisely and to the best of my ability, so that it will bring honor and glory to You

By Karen Huffaker
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Further Reading

• The Problem with Unresolved Guilt – by Max Lucado

Crying from the Cave by Bill Strom

What are You Afraid of? by Mary Pinckney

thoughts by Karen Huffaker Thoughts by Women

“My soul waits in silence for God alone.” Psalm 62:1 NASB

The quietest place that I’ve ever experienced was just above the earth while parasailing. Not only was it thrilling and incredibly beautiful but quite astonishing.

My daughter and I were whisked out beyond the ocean waves by jet-ski, then mounted upward toward the skies on sailing apparatus. What a view of the sea on the one hand and the shoreline dotted with tall buildings and beach goers on the other. Then I noticed the sound of silence. While we could view all the obvious noise below it was no longer audible.

More amazing than the beauty was the peace and quiet. Up near the clouds I felt a closeness to God as never before, drawing me near to Him.

Yet I don’t have to be up in the clouds to draw close to God. Whenever and wherever I come to Him in prayer I draw near to Him and He draws near to me. I sit before Him in reverence sharing love, joy and peace. Worry, fear, and anxiety fall away because I’m present with the King of Kings.

It’s in these still and quiet moments that silence is golden. The psalmist tells us to be silent before the Lord and wait expectantly for Him (Psalm 37:7 HCSB). He has great and mighty things to tell us. Set yourself apart from the world and focus on our Maker.

Are you searching for a place of escape from the noisy world around you? God is right there in the quiet places. Meet Him there. Just the two of you.

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, I long to be in your presence joyfully sharing quiet, tender moments with you.

By Karen Huffaker
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Further Reading

• When Silence is More Than Being Quiet – by Kyle Norman

The Silent Waiting by Roy Lessin

Silent Fellowship with the Father –  by Charles Spurgeonxcxxxxxaaaaaazzz

thoughts by Karen Huffaker Thoughts by Women

“Lord, You have heard the desire of the humble; You will strengthen their heart, You will make Your ear attentive.” Psalm 10:17 NASB

As a young man Dan wanted to be a missionary. He hoped to serve as a career missionary along with his wife. But his marriage didn’t work out. Not only was he devastated about his marriage, but he felt that his divorce disqualified him pursuing missionary work ever again.

Many years later he remarried. Not long afterwards the newlyweds had the opportunity to take short-term mission trips with his church to the Caribbean islands to serve with teams in various construction projects, Bible studies and sharing the Good News about Jesus. In this way he was enjoying a kind of missionary work he longed for years ago.

I remarked to him that God brought him full-circle to see the desires of his heart fulfilled. He grinned and nodded in agreement how the Holy Spirit had worked in such a way in his life.

Delight yourself in the Lord; And He will give you the desires of your heart.”  Psalm 37:4 NASB

You have given him his heart’s desire, and You have not withheld the request of his lips.” Psalm 21:2 NASB

God can and does turn things around and use them for your good and His glory while fulfilling the desires of your heart. When plans go off course, hopes are dashed, hearts are broken, or things just don’t work out as you expected, don’t think that’s the end of it all, the end of the story. That may only be the beginning.

Be alert. Watch how the Lord may be working through many circumstances to open better opportunities than you hoped for. Trust in Him.

Be hopeful. You may end up on a better team, with a better job, or a nicer house. The Lord loves to give good gifts to His children.

Be patient. It could take years. God does not operate on our time schedule. We must remember “that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day.” (2 Peter 3:8, NASB). But it will be worth the wait!

May He grant you your heart’s desire and fulfill your whole plan!Psalm 20:4 NASB

Prayer: Dear Lord, help me to be alert, be hopeful, and be patient!

By Karen Huffaker
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Further Reading

• The Desires of the Heart – by Roy Lessin

The Desire for God  by Andrew Murray

Transform My Heart– by Phil Ware

thoughts by Karen Huffaker Thoughts by Women

You have said, “Seek my face.” My heart says to you, “Your face, Lord, do I seek.” Psalm 27:8 ESV

A newborn’s eyes at birth are blurry. They must become accustomed to light and movement. Gradually their vision begins to focus on objects. Their little eyes begin to clear. Then they make their first real eye contact zeroing in on another set of eyes. Your eyes. Eventually the infant starts to seek your face, and the relationship journey begins.

This precious bundle takes comfort in connecting with you and being in your loving arms, like I take comfort in being in the loving arms of Jesus. I seek His face early in the morning, late in the evening, and troubling times throughout the day.

As Saul of Tarsus (later named Paul) walked toward Damascus his sight was struck by a blinding light. He lost his vision and was led by others into the city. God sent a believer named Ananias to Saul and he placed his hands over Saul’s eyes. Scales fell away from his eyes and he could see once again. Not only could he see with his eyes, but spiritually he could see more clearly, that the Lord that he had persecuted was indeed the Son of God. The Holy Spirit worked in his heart.

Whenever I seek the Lord’s face, He draws me in, into a circle of love, place of peace, and source of strength. I begin to see more clearly as if a warm, bright light shines all around me.

In the arms of Jesus I experience these things and much more. Assurance, trust, confidence in Him and increasing faith are mine. He will guide me to and through the next big thing in my life. Even if I’ve stepped away from Him I know I can return to Him at any time, and seek Him, the beautiful face of Jesus.

By Karen Huffaker
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Further Reading

•   Seeking God’s Face – by Bill Bright

•   Worship Changes Our Face – by Max Lucado

•   The Light of God’s Face by Sylvia Gunter

thoughts by Karen Huffaker Thoughts by Women

“My soul thirsts for God; for the living God.” Psalm 42:2 ESV

I rarely get thirsty and can go for a long time without drinking water, like a camel. They have the ability to go for days or weeks without water. However, it’s not healthy for us. I try to drink a minimum of two quarts per day but it took some time to work up to that amount of water.

Gardening, yard work, outdoor activities, and sports will stir up a thirst pretty quickly. Athletes require an incredible amount of liquids and electrolytes. It’s amazing how much marathon runners can drink. In fact, they don’t wait until the end of the race to drink. They will grab for a water cup multiple times along their race route at various refreshing stations to get ongoing hydration and keep up their energy.

Jesus said on the cross, “I thirst.” He had the same human needs as we do. Our bodies thirst, and so do our souls. We need to satisfy our thirst for water daily, and we need to satisfy the longings of our soul with the life-giving fulfillment that only God can provide. Both are ongoing necessities. We need refreshing.

When King David was in the wilderness he sought God and cried out to Him.

O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.  (Psalm 63:1 ESV)

“There’s great satisfaction in receiving a word from God which so often comes by way of immersion in His Word and time spent with Him. Devotion to the scriptures, studying, meditating and prayer will prove to quench a deep thirst for a closeness with the Lord, for the living God. The great prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel had such devotion as this.

As a deer pants for flowing streams,
so pants my soul for you, O God.
My soul thirsts for God,
for the living God. (Psalm 42:1, 2 ESV)

Draw near to God daily and enjoy His blessings as He fills your heart, mind, and soul with words of life, wisdom, love, and purpose. It will nourish us for the long journey.”

By Karen Huffaker
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Further Reading

•  Satisfaction for the Thirsty Soul – by Charles Stanley

•  The Cry of the Hungry and Thirsty – by Lynn Mosher

•  Prayer to Thirst for God – by Gail Rodgers

thoughts by Karen Huffaker Thoughts by Women

“They looked to Him and were radiant, and their faces were not ashamed.”  Psalm 34:5 NKJV

We’ve heard it said many times, “There are two sides to everything.

Our frame of reference comes from a variety of circumstances and situations: upbringing, environment, health/wellness, family unit, economic status, culture, safety, tragedy, disasters and the list goes on. How we judge or measure things can be influenced by any combination of these kinds of things.

Some may view a glass of water as half full, others as half empty. It’s about perspectives. Everyone’s situation is different and personal. Our background influences how we view life.

Yet many overcome their own circumstances, in spite of unfortunate backgrounds, and rise above difficult situations to benefit others giving them hope, encouragement and inspiration.

But Jesus is our everlasting hope! He encouraged everyone whose life He touched. He filled their cup with mercy, grace and love.

They looked to Him and were radiant, and their faces were not ashamed.”  Psalm 34:5 NKJV

He offered them freedom from burdens and sin. They each had a new lease on life from a whole new perspective, released from all that had gone before. Think how the blind, lame, leprous, demon-possessed and those who were shunned and outcast must have felt with new-found hope Jesus brought to them.

Jesus still provides this to us today. By placing our trust in the Lord as our Savior we have the assurance of a full and better life on earth and in heaven. Hope in God and praise Him!

Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.”  Psalm 42:11 NIV

How do you view your glass of water?

Karen Huffaker
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Further Reading

•  What You Do – by Gail Rodgers

•  Three Questions – by Max Lucado

•  Salvation Explained

thoughts by Karen Huffaker Thoughts by Women

“He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” Psalm 23:3 NKJV

Don’t you love watching children at play? The kids were playing in the big sandbox at the playground on a warm, sunny afternoon. My grandson started walking on the railroad ties around the perimeter of the sandbox with his arms outstretched for perfect balance. One by one I watched other children fall in line behind him to follow suit. He was a natural leader and they chose to follow him. This was the first of many times he rose to opportunities to lead, up to and including as president of his senior class.

We are tempted at times to follow wrong leaders. Whether for causes, beliefs, ideologies, or popular movements, we may take our focus off of Jesus. It’s easy to get caught up the in moment. It’s easy to be enticed by the latest trend. But God leads us in the paths of righteousness.

In the wedding at Cana, Jesus’s mother told the servers to “do whatever He tells you.”

In all things we must do as God tells and directs us if we are to stay on the right track.

Many things in scripture are very clear. For others we may have to study scripture, dig deeper, or ask for helpful advice from someone who is more experienced and further along in their spiritual journey.

Leaders shoulder the burden of great responsibility. The choices they make impact many others. We can pray for wisdom and guidance as we make important decisions. God sees the big picture. If we listen to God’s voice and wait for His direction He will help us to lead in a way that honors and glorifies Him, and accomplishes His purposes for what’s best.

God’s way is perfect and with Him our plans will succeed as scripture tells us. We can depend on God to lead us as He did with many Bible heroes of the faith like Abraham through the land of Canaan. There was Moses as he led the Israelites out of Egypt and then Joshua as their new leader. When they looked to Him and fully obeyed, their plans were successful.

By Karen Huffaker
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Further Reading

•  Getting Life Back on Track – by Marvin Kehler

•  Lives Impacted by Jesus – Testimonies of Change

•   Godly Power – A Devotional by Phil Ware

thoughts by Karen Huffaker Thoughts by Women

“He is also the head of the church, which is his body. He is the beginning, the first to come back to life so that he would have first place in everything.”
Colossians 1:18 GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)

I can’t imagine starting my day without seeking God first!

When I wake up long before my alarm clock goes off I’m so excited to get that extra free time to spend with Jesus. I rush to fill my coffee cup and spread His Word around me, studying and waiting for fresh insights from Him. In the early morning I seek Him. What new wisdom will He have for me today? Lord, give me understanding of what you are teaching me.

Honoring the Lord with my time, following His agenda rather than my own, and joining Him in His work are ways I try to prioritize my day. Am I flexible when God throws me curve ball? I need to be open to new developments in His scheduling.

His will is before mine – “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” as David’s prayer tells us. We are to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness.

We are to put God first in our relationships, before a spouse, children or parents. We can only have the right kinds of relationships if they are built upon and centered in the deep love of Christ. We can only know this pure kind of love if we abide in Christ and have a growing intimacy with Him. God must be given first place in our lives, the place of highest honor, the seat at the head of the table.

The people we know will come and go during different seasons throughout our lives. But God remains forever. He is the first and the last. And all His children will be together with Him for eternity.

In heaven I won’t just give God my early morning hours or occasional moments throughout the day, but I will worship, praise and glorify Him with all of my heart all of the time.

By Karen Huffaker
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Further Reading

•   Ask God First – by Karen Huffaker

•  God First –  by Ashlea Massie

  First Things First – By John Grant

Thoughts by All thoughts by Karen Huffaker

“Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; For I shall yet praise Him, The help of my countenance and my God.”  Psalm 43:5 NKJV

Why are you cast down today? 

Why the feelings of discouragement, depression, and despair? God gives us hope. We can cling to it. Hold on and believe it.

By putting your hope in God you hand over the burdens of your heart to him. Then look to him to touch you, to become intimately involved in your situation. Be encouraged by his love for you and being there with you, right beside you. He will lift up your countenance and give you a better hope.

Every day God offers fresh hope, and new hope. As dawn breaks I get a glimpse at what the day will look like. A day bursting with bright sunshine pulls me outdoors to enjoy his beautiful creation. A day of cloud cover, snow or rain is the perfect time to get comfy and read, dream and plan big.

Every day the Lord presents new opportunities. New people to meet, places to go, things to see and do. Think of the possibilities! Who can you connect with? Who can you bless?

Every day Jesus lavishes his love on you. You don’t have to earn his love. He already knows you and loves you just as you are.  You only have to receive the gift of his love. How beautiful is that?

Every day our heavenly Father showers his blessings upon us. From the air we breathe, to the air conditioning we enjoy.  Running water is the best! But there is so much more… the sun, moon and stars, all of his creation, autumn leaves, spring flowers, expanding our mind, friendship, family, help, health, medicines, children, music, the list is endless.

Consider keeping a gratitude journal. Each night before you turn out the lights, reflect on anything, however great or small, that was something you were grateful for that day. I’ve learned that journaling about all the things and people I’m grateful for, along with answered prayers, can change my outlook and my mindset. It’s a way to give thanks and praise God for all his abundant goodness.

I know that He is working in all things for my good. By hoping in God, it lifts up my countenance and I am blessed.

By Karen Huffaker
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Struggles & Despair Category

•  Hope for the Hopeless

   A Poem of Hope


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thoughts by Karen Huffaker Thoughts by Women