Category: <span>thoughts by Julie Cosgrove</span>

I learned a godly truth from a bunch of cilantro.

Sitting in my fridge for a week or so, I noticed some of the leaves had rotted before I got to use them in my food. My first instinct was to chuck the whole thing.  But I love cilantro, and it isn’t cheap. So I decided in order to keep the lush green ones from being contaminated, I’d pluck them away and sealed them in a storage baggie. Much less icky that snapping away the  slimy, brown ones and getting the gunk on my fingers.  Blech.

As I pulled the fragrant, dark leaves, I realized there were a lot more “good ones” than I originally thought.  That made me sigh with relief because I hadn’t wasted all my money after all.  Yet immediately my eyes had detected the bad ones and thought the worse.

It took a while to pluck all the tasty leaves away,  and I had to be more methodical and careful about doing it, but I felt better about ditching the rotten remnant once I had finished the task. A bulging baggie proved to me how much good remained. And my kitchen smelled amazing!

Of course this became a God-lesson for me.

Thank goodness our Heavenly Father doesn’t see only the bad in us and decide we need to be trashed. Instead, He sees the good in us as His Son points out, “These abide in me and I have made them worthy to save for Your use, Father. Do not cast them out.”

He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful  (John 15:2).

Our precious, loving Lord carefully and methodically plucks away the sin tendencies in our lives to keep them from contaminating us, and uses the good He has found in us to do His will.  Then He bags and seals us in His Spirit to protect us and keep us fresh until He can use us.

Instead of concentrating on the bad, rotten and yucky in me which needs to be thrown away, perhaps I need to see how much good God sees in me through His Son, Jesus. He is viewing each leaf in my life to determine if it is worth keeping and using. There may be more good for Him to use than I originally thought. It makes me more thankful of the process, no matter how long it takes.

Thank you Lord, for taking the time to save what is good in me and not chucking me in the garbage because of the sin which has tainted my life.  Seal me through Your Holy Spirit. It is through and by Your Son, who has made me worthy to save, that I pray: use me to draw others to You. Amen.

By Julie Cosgrove
Used by Permission

Do you know this love that is found in God alone, through Jesus?  Would you like to give your burdens to him and have a relationship with Him?  It doesn’t mean that life will be easy but it does mean you have Jesus walking by your side. It starts with a simple heart felt prayer:

Lord, thank You for dying so we can be set free from all of guilt and sin — no matter how big or small.  Your blood has erased all of our sin. Thank You so much! Lord Jesus, I want to know you personally. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life to you and ask you to come in as my Savior and Lord. Take control of my life. Thank you for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Make me the kind of person you want me to be. Amen

It is the first step.  Keep learning more….

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Chains of Perfectionism by Kristi Huseby

• Aphids and Sin – by Katherine Kehler

Fruitful Gardening – by Caran Jantzen

thoughts by Julie Cosgrove Thoughts by Women

“Amid disquieting dreams in the night, when deep sleep falls on people, fear and trembling seized me and made all my bones shake. A spirit glided past my face, and the hair on my body stood on end.  Job 4:13-15

I’d stopped listening to the news. As a friend said about the local network’s way of covering the day’s events, “if it bleeds, it leads.” Hearing all of the bad news night after night made me want to lock my doors and never step outside again.

Amidst the sound bites and media blasts of all that is wrong with the world, it is easy to have a cowering attitude. But that is not the way Christ calls us to be. We are not to be ostriches burying our heads in the sand, nor cloister with other Christians safely in our pews. We need to see the problems of the world through the eyes of bold faith and then ask, “How can I help?”

Faith vanishes fear. Faith empowers us because we know God is in control and He will, as it states in Romans, work things out for the good for those who believe (Romans 8:28). Our relationship with God determines our view of the world. The author of the letter to the Hebrews stated, God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?” (Hebrews 13:5-6). We must not let the troubles of the world paralyze his healing power and peace in out lives.

Holy Father God, dispel the power of fear’s grip, which can immobilize us from being your hands and feet. Instead, instill in us a steadfast faith. Teach us to discern how we can help to bring truth and love to a hurting world. Remind us daily that you are in control so we need not fear or be anxious about what is happening around us. We pray this through your Son, Jesus, who told us to fear not but to seek your righteousness. Amen.

Write out Romans 8:28 and Hebrews 13:5-6 and keep them close by. The next time fear tries to grab your heart, pray these verses out loud.

By Julie Cosgrove
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Giving Fear an Eviction Notice

Fear of the Unknown – by Daniel Forster

Don’t Let Fear and Self Doubt Kill Your Dreams


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thoughts by Julie Cosgrove Thoughts by Women

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

Recently I had to go for a CT scan and an MRI. Why do they make those tunnels so confining and loud? Even the open ones seem freaky. I’ve had these procedures three times before. I know they are  harmless (except to the eardrums) and I should not get anxious. I know this.

Even so, as I drove to the imaging center with my aroma-therapy drenched washcloth to put over my face and my ear plugs tucked inside a plastic pouch, I asked God to calm me and bring me physical evidence of His presence. I really need to find God in my day!

After the CT scan (no big deal. I got to go in feet first, and then only up to my chest so my head stuck out into the room) I was led to another waiting area and told my MRI would be performed in a half hour. No one else sat in the row of chairs. I was alone.

I sat, and wiggled my knee. OK, I can do this. I refuse to let the heebie-jebbies bubble up. Trust in God, be not anxious scriptures floated through my mind.

A kindly, older black man wandered in and nodded hello. Seeing his warm smile, I asked if he was here for an MRI, too. He explained he was there as a consultant to instruct the staff on some new procedures. This was his second career and he got to travel all over, which he enjoyed now that his kids were off on their own.

We chatted and found several things we had in common. His presence calmed me and the time zipped by. When they called my name, he gave me a wink and thumbs up.

I told him he was a true God-send, and even though my remark took him back a bit, I truly meant it.

God uses flawed and fumbling folk on earth to be His hands and feet. Sometimes we are the ones He encourages to get out there in a ministry, and at other times He graces us with others to minister to us.

That day, I found God in the calming presence of a stranger. Where will you find Him?

By Julie Cosgrove
Used by Permission

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Extending Grace to Others – by Katherine Kehler

• For the Good of Others – by Alec Niemi

Giving Freely to Others– by Karen Woodard

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thoughts by Julie Cosgrove Thoughts by Women

“And the Lord said, ‘I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim my name, the Lord, in your presence. I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.’Exodus 33:19

My life is often seen in hindsight.

When I am going through something, my focus is on the here and now. After the dust settles, then I have time to reflect. It is often then that I see God’s hand prints all over what happened.

Recently I have had medical issues that required me to move from my home. Long story short, after searching on my own and finding nothing that fit my budget and my needs, the friend driving me pulled over and we prayed. Two blocks later we saw a complex and both got “the urge” to check it out. They had one apartment that had just come available, and yes, it had a handicap ramp and parking space at the front door. God’s goodness had gone before me. He knew that other person would be moving out at the perfect time. What’s more, it is much cheaper than I expected to pay, another prayer answered as I have struggled financially through this time.

Like a blip to our eyes as we travel a highway, goodness passes in front, but often we have to crane our necks and look behind us to notice it. We can see it more clearly in the rear view mirror of our mind. Hindsight truly is 20-20.

When we know God goes before us with compassion and mercy, it gives us hope. No matter what you are going through, God knows about it and has a plan. You only need to pray to Him and trust. Then watch as He mercifully passes in front.

Dear Merciful Father, in my head I know you know what has, what is, and what will be happening my life. Forgive me when I do not see you passing in front, but only realize your mighty hand afterwards. Help me to trust and pray more. Amen.

By Julie Cosgrove
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God’s Strength God’s Plan –  by Laura Rath

• We Plan – God Directs – by Katherine Kehler

God’s Plan or My Plan? – Don Myers on Discerning God’s Will

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thoughts by Julie Cosgrove Thoughts by Women

My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge.Psalm 62:7

I counted on my husband, not only to provide for me and our child, but to be there for me. He was supposed to be my rock, my guide, and my confidant. He was to fight my battles and defend me, love me for whom I was, and honor and cherish me…until death parted us. And it did.

Then I learned how misguided I had been. That reality ripped my heart in pieces. I felt so alone, abandoned, and hurt. I also felt duped, and that made me angry. For awhile I shut myself off, thinking I could handle life on my own. I’d be there for others, but didn’t dare expect anyone to be there for me in return.

There is one Man who will be all I expected my husband to be. He is my Lord and Savior. And death will not part us because He already died on the cross, and now lives forever. As a believer, even if I turn from Him temporarily, God will never abandon me. I can count on Him no matter what…for all eternity.

You can depend on Him, too. As it states in Revelation 3:20, Jesus stands at your door and knocks. Each and every day, with every breath you take or decision you make, you have the option to let Him in or keep Him out of your life. No matter what you have done, said or felt, you can count on Him. He won’t let you down. Count on it.

Lord Jesus, you are the only one I can truly rely upon. You are my rock, my shelter and stronghold. And while others can love me and I them, it is unfair to them and me to totally depend on them. Instead, precious Lord, constantly knock on the door of my heart and remind me to let you in. Amen.

Thought: Is there someone you depend on and for what? Then decide if you are expecting them to replace God’s job or not. It might change how you see your relationships

By Julie Cosgrove
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Things You Can Count On! by Roy Lessin

• Never Abandoned – by Helen Lescheid

God’s Got You – by Mary Pinckney

thoughts by Julie Cosgrove Thoughts by Women

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Matthew 5:8

I believe God reveals Himself in many ways- through Scripture, the wisdom of a friend, a soul-stirring hymn, an ant dragging ten times his weight, a squirrel romping in the autumn mist, a parent in a giggly embrace with their child, a sunset after a storm, or in a whispered comfort as you cry into your pillow. He promised if we seek, we will find.

God will make His presence known each and every day – You just need to open your faith eyes. That’s not always easy to do, especially  when the pressures of this world have clouded over your view of life.  I get that. I have been there—often.

Just try to focus on what He has blessed you with today, not on what has gone wrong. Wait like a child with her nose pressed to the window—watching. Be still and listen for Him moving in your day. Hear His footsteps treading quietly on the path of  your life.

Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me for you are God my Savior and my hope is in you all the day long.”
Psalm 25:4-5

By Julie Cosgrove
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Waiting on God – How Do We wait? Bible Study by Sylvia Gunter

• Waiting on God – by Helen Lescheid

Prayerful Waiting 

thoughts by Julie Cosgrove Thoughts by Women

And when he got into the boat, his disciples followed him. And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by the waves; but he was asleep.” Matthew 8:23- 24 (ESV)

You have accepted Him as Your Savior — you have followed Christ into the boat. Now, in a stormy part of your life when the waves of despairing doubt are crashing in and you need Him the most, does He seem to be asleep?

I think that all Christians have felt that way at one time or another. I know I have. Even David in the Psalms was known to cry out and ask God why He was being so silent. But it is during those seemingly silent times that we can learn so much. What happened when the disciples in that boat called on Jesus?

Jesus was asleep as the storm raged. Why? Because he had total trust that God would protect Him. He was at peace. Jesus knew His life was protected and that God would not let Him down. He wanted His disciples to sleep in peace as well. He still does. If we have faith, we can rest in the assurance that no matter how our boat is tossed, God will be there with the life preserver.

Jesus was….” He didn’t leave them. He was right there with them in the boat the whole time. They followed Him into the boat. He didn’t vanish in a poof into Heaven and say, “OK, it’s all yours. Now, you handle it. See you later.” No matter what we go through, we can be confident our Lord is right there beside us. We can call on Him.

Jesus responded to his disciples’ pleas for help. He calmed the waves. Maybe like the disciples, you also scream for Jesus to wake up and do something, then marvel, just as they did, when He does it. There is an older Christian song that says sometimes He calms the storm, but other times He calms His child. The point is, He calms.

Dear Lord, thank you for never leaving my side in good times and in bad.
Let me rest in Your peace knowing that whatever happens, You are with me.

Thought: The next storm, will you scream out to call on Jesus? Or will you honker down next to Him and rest peacefully in His arms?

By Julie Cosgrove
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Invited to Rest 

Knowing His Best…Walking in Rest!

Jesus says, “Come to Me”

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thoughts by Julie Cosgrove Thoughts by Women

After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.” Acts 4:31

My attitude had sunk to the bottom, in huge clumps of self-pity and feelings of unworthiness. I’d become frustrated trying to find the best way to be God’s salt to a world that needed it so desperately. Each attempt only weighed me down further, like trying to climb out of a sandy pit with boulders in my pockets.

It says in Acts 4:31 that after the disciples prayed, the walls shook and the Holy Spirit filled them. When I read that, it hit me. I needed to stop and pray. Pray to be shaken a bit to redistribute my attitude, sense of purpose, and mission. It reminded me of the way a salt shaker is tapped get all the clumped salt to dislodge. That way it can be used again, and it is easier to determine how much more it will need to be refilled.

So I prayed:

Lord, Let your Holy Spirit shake my walls and empty me of all my worries and self-doubts so You can fill me up with Your presence. Dislodge the worries that are clumping together the talents You gave me to be Your salt. Where I am lacking, fill me once again. Amen.

Thought: – The next time you feel too deep in the valley and you’re wondering if you are making a difference, pick up the Bible and read about how the Holy Spirit worked through the early disciples in Acts 2-4. Dare to ask God to shake you up a bit so He can fill you anew with the Holy Spirit. Then Praise Him.

By Julie Cosgrove
Used by Permission

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•  Spiritual Oxygen: Are You Getting Enough?

•  How to be Filled with the Holy Spirit

•  How you can Walk in the Spirit – printable lesson (pdf file)

thoughts by Julie Cosgrove Thoughts by Women

But afterward they changed their minds and took back the slaves they had freed and enslaved them again.” Jeremiah 34:11

Did you know it became a law in 600 BC that no Hebrew could enslave another? Makes sense, considering their ancestors had been slaves in Egypt. It didn’t last long, though. Pretty soon, the desire to have slaves became too great to resist.

Reading this made me wonder how many “slaves” I’ve set free as a Christian, only to take them back. Things that once shackled me such as fear, anxiety, worry. Maybe pride, envy, or unjustified anger? I think I can do without them for a while, but pretty soon old habits make me want to snatch them back from the cross and claim them once again.

We are told by Paul that if we believe in Christ we will be truly free (Romans 8:2). And yet, my humanity keeps wanting to chain me to sin. Instead of trusting in God and resting in His love, I pull on my chains of worry and lock myself down in anxious, sleepless nights. Instead of thanking Him for His blessing, I find myself mumbling why I can’t have the beauty of so and so or the income of whosit.

Click the shackles. Padlock the chains. I’m enslaved once again. I fight to get free, but deep down I know only One Person can set me loose. I cannot do it on my own strength. Again, I realize how much I need a Savior.

If this sounds like you, will you join me in surrendering to the One who can truly set us free?

Precious Lord, forgive me when I want to enslave myself once again to sin. It is like nailing you to the cross all over again. Yet I know you died for each of my sins, past, present, and future. Thank you for that, Lord. Set me free, again. Amen.

By Julie Cosgrove
Used by Permission

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Break the Cycle – by Rand Kreycik

Live Free – by Kristi Huseby

Something Else Entirely by Ashlea Massie

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thoughts by Julie Cosgrove Thoughts by Women

“Test me, O Lord, and try me; examine my heart and my mind.”  Psalm 26:2

When I read this verse, I shuddered a bit. I don’t want to be tested. I never liked tests in school. I would prefer God just pat me on the head and tell me I am doing a good job.

But the truth is, tests measure our progress. They show what we have learned and how our skills have improved. As Christians, we are to keep growing in Christ, becoming more and more like him in thought, word, and deed in the Spirit’s strength. We need an assessment to be honest before God.

Lately, we have been living through trying times. What was once the norm no longer exists and no one knows if it ever will again. Our ways of working, worshipping, and walking in the Spirit have changed.

And that has brought new challenges. Do you feel more anxious now than you did at the beginning of the year? Or has your faith blossomed and your reliance on Jesus become more consistent? Are you less able to handle the stress or have you embraced it and tried to find the blessings?

Maybe it is time to ask God to examine our minds and hearts and show us if there is anything in us he wants to forgive or change by his grace. The good news is he will keep on patiently teaching us to trust and obey him, whatever the circumstances, as the old hymn ‘Trust and Obey’ says. Especially now, there truly is no other way to be happy in Jesus.

Father, although part of me doesn’t want to invite you to examine my heart and mind right now, I realize it is necessary to my growth as a believer. Thank you for sending your Holy Spirit to be my tutor and my guide, and your Son, Jesus, to be my example and redeemer. Forgive me when I run away from your truth about me rather than embrace it. Help me to see the good behind the examination. Amen.

By Julie Cosgrove
Used by Permission

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thoughts by Julie Cosgrove Thoughts by Women

As I climbed the stairs a few cloudy and rainy nights ago, I noticed a difference. A veil of darkness blanketed my apartment complex corridor.  Halfway up the outdoor stairwell, the rungs disappeared into blackness. Ahead I could barely detect the light pole across the street, but its glow cast down to the pavement, offering very little help from my perspective. Needless to say, a chill clutched my chest for a second. What if someone lurked by my shadowed door?

Normally, a sconce hangs outside my entry to greet me. Via an automatic sensor, it flicks on when the skies darken. The same detector operates the ones at each of the four apartments in my unit along a sheltered, outdoor breezeway. I have become dependent upon its illumination when I come home after dark. It provides not only better ability to see the stairs and my door’s keyhole, but adds a sense of security. Tonight, that safeness I’d taken for granted didn’t exist.

The unexpected darkness unhinged me a bit.  I felt for the keyhole and worked my key into it. After several tries, at last it slipped into place. I turned it, heard the click, twisted the door knob, and sighed in relief as I entered my apartment with the table lamp lit to greet me. Safe.

Had I waited for my eyes to adjust to the dimmed glow emitting from street lamp across the street, I probably would have been able to detect the keyhole better and determine nothing evil lurked by my stoop.  But being a woman alone in the dark stairwell, I panicked –just a touch. That only made things worse. Time slowed as my anxiety increased. I became jittery with my fumbling to open the door as my brain hissed, “Hurry, hurry, hurry.”

As a Christian, have I become so used to the light of Christ that I become anxious when faced with darkness?

Do I need to “see” evidence of  Christ in order to believe He is always nearby?  Now you may argue a Christian is never totally in the dark. However, there are dark periods in all of our lives simply because we walk the earth.

When difficult times hit me suddenly in life, may I not react the same way spiritually as I physically did in that dark corridor. Instead, let me wait patiently for my faith-eyes to locate my Lord, the One who calms, guides and protects my soul. In blessed assurance, may I stand firm in the knowledge that Christ has already won the battle over the principalities of darkness. I know He is my faith’s automatic sensor, illuminating me with truth when things appear darker than normal.

Unlike the one at my apartment, He will never fail to light my life.

Lord, keep the jitters at bay and thwart the desire to handle things quickly on my own. Even if I can’t see clearly with my eyes, may I always recall what the Psalmist states:  “You are the lamp unto my feet and the light unto my path.” (119:105) Amen.

By Julie Cosgrove
Used by Permission

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God’s Timeless Gift –  by Allan Mitchell

• One Step at a Time – by Max Lucado

Our One and Only Guide by Darren Hewer

thoughts by Julie Cosgrove Thoughts by Women

I waited patiently for the Lord, he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out…he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.Psalm 40:1-2

In the English language, “rock” is a dichotomous word – a word that has opposing meanings.

It can mean shaky and unstable—the shocking news rocked my world. It can also mean, solid, strong, and immovable. That is the Rock of our salvation—Jesus. As the old hymn states, “On Christ the solid rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand.”

Think of the movies with scenes in the deserts in Arabia. There are miles and miles of sand hills that shift and move in the wind. No foothold. No relief. You can sink up to your knees in the sand and pulling your legs through it is an arduous struggle. It drains you of your strength. Then, at last there it is. A boulder peeking up. A place where you can rest. Refuge.

I waited patiently for the Lord, he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out…he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.Psalm 40:1-2

If you are in the shifting sands of life right now, seek out Jesus. He will be your rock, your stronghold, your refuge. You can rest in Him. Let Him give you a respite from your troubles and struggles. Renew your strength by tapping into His.

Dearest Lord, let us always turn to You for strength and safe refuge when we’re struggling in the shifting sands of this world. Be the solid thing on which we can stand, and the firm foundation on which we can rest. Amen.

If you are in an uncertain place right now, pick up a small stone and carry it in your pocket. Each time you feel overwhelmed, grab hold of it and let it remind you of Christ, Your Rock.

By Julie Cosgrove
Used by Permission

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The Position of Hope by Sylvia Gunter

• Brokenness as a Good Thing  by John Walker

What is Your Hope Built On? by Caran Jantzen


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thoughts by Julie Cosgrove Thoughts by Women

Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, “Surely the Lord is in this place and I did not know it.”   Genesis 28:16

They say hindsight is 20/20. That means that when you look back you can see things more clearly. Sometimes that is true. Other times, our memory is skewed by our emotions or our perception of how things happened.

The point is, none of us can see exactly what lies ahead in our lives. We can assume, but we cannot see with a hundred percent certainty because we live in the moment, literally. That is the nature of our temporal existence.

So, when Jacob had his famous “ladder” dream, it wasn’t until he woke up that he realized he had had an encounter with God. It made him gasp to think the Almighty Creator had actually paid attention to him personally. Him! Such a thing was unheard of at the time.

I get that. There have been times I recognized God moving in my life, but only after the fact. It made me drop to my knees. Of course, being born after Jesus’ death on the cross, I realize Jesus has bridged the gap between earth and heaven, and because I believe that, the Holy Spirit guides me. But a few times, God has touched my situation in an unforeseen way. Me! Despite my shortcomings and imperfections. I could only react the same as Jacob — humbled.

I am not special. God is moving in your life as well. Open your heart to his presence, even if it is after the fact. His love is amazing. Remember, he is there and he cares…always.

Lord, thank you for the times you have broken through into my life to show me you care and are there. Your love for me is beyond my comprehension, but I am so grateful for it. It helps me realize there is nothing that I will go through that you don’t already know about. And that brings me comfort. Amen.

Think back to ways God has been at work in your life, and thank him for his constant, caring presence as you go through your various tasks today.

By Julie Cosgrove
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  • A Struggle of Faith – my son first showed signs of mental illness in his 20’s
  • Gentle Spirit How do I embrace a gentle spirit when I have been hurt and/or deceived?

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thoughts by Julie Cosgrove Thoughts by Women

Her sixty-two-year-old father teeters between life and death after a severe stroke. As a single mom with four small children living two hundred miles away, her heart tears in two. What do you say?

A coworker was just handed divorce papers. His face pales as his twenty-two-year-old marriage slips from his grip. What do you say?

What is there to say when tragedy strikes?

Proverbs 2:1-5 gives us a clue:

My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding—indeed, if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.”

When tragedy hits and the reasons seem unclear, words feel futile. You wring your hands, tongue-tied. That’s the moment to turn your ear to God and ask Him for help. Cry aloud to understand so you can, in turn, know how to comfort the person in the deep throngs of grief and bewilderment. Step out of yourself, your own inadequacies, or your desire to band-aid it all, and let the Holy Spirit’s warmth and wisdom guide your actions and your words. Then, you will know what to say.

All-knowing, All-caring God, please instill in us Your wisdom so we know how to respond in love and comfort to a hurting world and shine forth Your glory and peace. Through Your Son, we pray. Amen.

Thought: When you read about, hear about or witness a tragedy, take a moment to pray before you respond. Let God equip you. Then have faith that He is working through you.

By Julie Cosgrove
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Further Reading

• Triumph in Tragedy – Devotional by Max Lucado

Does God only Love Christians?

Not What, But How A Devotional by Marilyn Ehle


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thoughts by Julie Cosgrove Thoughts by Women

A local Christian radio personality relayed how she was driving down the road when a cop flashed his lights and motioned her to pull over.  She admitted her blood pressure rose and her teeth clenched because she wasn’t speeding. How dare he?!

Then he told her that around the blind curve was a huge obstacle in the road and the road was very poorly lit. At highway speeds, she’d have careened into it. Other policemen were removing it now. Would she mind waiting about ten  minutes.

After she sputtered and nodded, the officer jumped in his car, and with lights flashing, swirled around to block the road for the oncoming vehicles behind her. She publicly thanked the policeman on the radio and apologized for her initial reaction.

It made me wonder how often God blocks my path and I grouse out about it. How often does He detour me from danger and I complain because things are not happening “my way“? How often were those irritating moments that delayed me –like the cat hacking a fur ball in my shoe just before I went to slip it on, or a button snapping that I have to quickly repair, or the moving van blocking my exit from my apartment complex for a few minutes– actually work to my advantage without me knowing it?

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

Lord, forgive me. Let me publicly say thank you to You for putting obstacles in my path and delays in my day. Thank you for the story on the radio today that stepped on my spiritual toes a bit. Next time, I will try to be more patient and praise You in all circumstances. Through Your Son and by Your Spirit I pray, Amen.

By Julie Cosgrove
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

• Waiting God’s Way –  by Kathy Cheek

Willing to Wait for God’s Way by Charles Stanley

Show Me Your Ways – by Phil Ware


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thoughts by Julie Cosgrove Thoughts by Women