Category: <span>thoughts by Doug Lim</span>

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”  1 Thessalonians 5:11

My son invited a friend over for dinner a while back. I could see why he considered him a good friend. He was friendly, polite, and considerate. I learned something about his struggles and hardships. Our son pointed out he was talented and full of potential.

But I noticed a hint of negativity as I talked to him more. He grumbled about his school, his work, and even his friendships. I tried to inject some hope and encouragement into the conversation, but he didn’t feel like listening.

God doesn’t want us listening to the voice of doom that often bounces around in our heads and says things like, “I just don’t have the talent, education, or drive to make it.” In 1 Thessalonians, Apostle Paul tells us to build each other up.

Jesus is our example of how to boost others up and offer hope. He certainly wants us to exhibit these traits in our lives. He’s always ready to give us a dose of encouragement, offer us a new beginning, and tell us he remembers our sins no more and gives us all the resources we need to obey him each day.

As followers of Christ, we should make every effort to build confidence in others and serve as a source of encouragement by reminding them of who they are in Christ. We all need reassurance and for someone to pick us up. Let us work to prevent the echoes of doom from blocking out the gentle voices of those who care, and especially our Lord’s reassuring voice of hope and possibilities.

Lord, I am grateful for your outpouring of grace and loving encouragement. Let us be a sign of this gift we have received from you that we offer those around us the hope and support they need in times of disappointment and despair. Amen.

By Doug Lim
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19 Ways to Encourage Others

Four Ways to Pray for Friends and Family

I Like to be Encouraged

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thoughts by Doug Lim Thoughts by Men

Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be. James 3:10

I hated myself for using such cruel words. I certainly said the wrong things. I told God how much I regretted causing my friend in high school so much pain and embarrassment.

As I look back, it is hard to imagine those words came out of my mouth on that regrettable day.

We hear in James 3 that the tongue has the power to bless and curse. But more importantly, our tongues reveal what is deep and hidden in our hearts. The unfiltered words, the very ones we do not edit before they come flying out, are the most revealing.

How many times have we put our feet in our mouths?

God wants us to make a conscious effort to control our words.

But it will require us to dig deeper to find the root cause. What we say shows the condition of our hearts. Was it jealousy, greed, criticism, judgment, or something else in our hearts?

Mastering our tongues starts with the desire to change. And it also requires that we weed out sin in our lives that often originates from our attachment to the secular world, a world focused on power, prestige, and possessions instead of God.

God wants us to grow in grace, love, generosity, and encouragement. He wants our words to reveal a heart filled with these things from our loving Savior.

As we know God’s love for us more profoundly, our hearts start to resemble the heart of Jesus more and more, and the less and less we will put our feet in our mouths.

Lord, you know how much I need your wisdom to hold my tongue. Help me harness the words I choose to use, letting my words always reveal your kindness and goodness, even when I find myself in a tense situation. Amen.

By Doug Lim
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Further Reading

•   Why is What I say So Important?

•  What is Your Measuring Stick?

•  Who is My Behaviour Affecting?

thoughts by Doug Lim Thoughts by Men

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.”  John 14:26

It was time for my annual self-evaluation. The past year was busier than usual, but busyness does not always translate into more successes. First, I identified the achievements that pushed me closer toward my goals. The accomplishments certainly boosted my confidence.

The second phase involved looking at areas I needed to improve, which often included eating better, getting more exercise, and reducing stress. It also meant confronting the areas I’d failed. Sadly, I discovered a few mistakes that set me back.

But God does not want us so obsessed with health goals and crushed by failure that we overlook his grace and mercy. We need to listen more to the Spirit of God, seeking his guidance, strength, and comfort — especially when tempted to shove through life’s trials without the help of the Holy Spirit.

When we first accepted Christ, the Holy Spirit entered our hearts and made himself accessible. But for the Spirit to help us, we must activate him through faith and trust. If we are not alert or discount the Holy Spirit’s value, we quash his effectiveness to assist us.

Tapping into the power of the Spirit will help us cope with the struggles in our lives. Through the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, we experience the power of God’s love. It’s the glue that binds us to his truth, goodness, and righteousness — which are just the qualities we need to achieve a better outcome on our next self-evaluation.

Father, thank you for sending your Spirit, who guides me in all things and reminds me of your boundless love. I still forget to trust your Spirit at times, so please keep me from barging ahead without first seeking your Holy Spirit. Amen.

By Doug Lim
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How to get access to the ‘Holy Spirit’

Spiritual Oxygen,  are you getting enough?

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“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.”  Hebrews 10:23

I had dinner out with my wife the other day, and the subject of hope came up. We agreed that many people are experiencing hopelessness during these unprecedented times.

As Christians, we know how easy it is to lose hope when we lose sight of Christ.

In Hebrews 10, the writer reminds us to live our faith rooted in hope. There is never a reason we cannot put our trust in our Savior, persevering even when things seem bleak. That is our duty as believers in Christ; he will never fail us.

Hope in Jesus is never in vain. When it looks impossible that help will arrive in time, we can count on him to save us. He is ready to send in a cavalry of faithful believers or provide another surprising way to rescue us.

And we should never be downcast (Psalm 43:5). God is waiting for us to bring all our worries and doubts to him in faith. He has a plan for our lives if we do not waver, remembering to cling to him when things get rocky along the journey.

Yes, we might feel like giving up sometimes because we do not know what to expect anymore. But our Savior’s love and compassion should inspire us to continue. God is always with us, and his promises endure forever. We can lean on his Word with complete confidence.

There is no other way to learn the power of hope than to place our complete trust in him when confronted with seemingly insurmountable challenges, holding tight until the last hour, persevering, and trusting a blessing is coming our way.

So keep hope alive, and do not be afraid (Mark 5:36), trusting he will lead us out of the darkness into his light, leading us through a new door of new opportunities.

Lord, you know how easily I can lose hope during trials. Help me trust in and through you so that I regain the hope I need to persevere, believing you will send help my way at the right time. Amen.

By Doug Lim
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Further Reading

•  How to Pray

•  Hope for the Hopeless

•  A Poem of Hope

thoughts by Doug Lim Thoughts by Men

“For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  Jeremiah 29:11

Everyone filed to the hall after church service for coffee and donuts. My daughter’s friend wandered over and greeted me with a slight frown.

I learned he prays daily, helps those in need, and tithes every Sunday. But he could not see how his efforts led to anything good in his life. He struggled to find steady employment and was weighed with financial worries. We talked about God’s desire to provide good things for him and how God’s plan does not always align with what we want.

As my daughter’s friend grabbed a donut and prepared to head home, I left him with one last thought: “Often, those who seem to have everything going for them were once the depressed and discouraged, the unemployed and financially broke, and the lonely and homeless.”

Not everything will be easy for a believer. Hardships will come. There cannot be the joy of glory without times of suffering.

Yes, we can expect to face suffering in our faith journey. As followers of Christ, there is comfort in the words of Jeremiah to the Babylonian exiles. And it is not in the promise to immediately rescue us from suffering but rather the recognition that he has a plan for our lives regardless of our current situation. God can work through it to benefit us, giving us hope and a future.

He promises the pain and hardships will serve their purpose and contribute to an overall good in his plan for our lives. God wants his faithful people to stay hopeful. For those who wait on the Lord, never forget that the goodness and beauty we seek is just beyond the circumstances we find ourselves in.

Remember, he has great things in store for each of us and wants his followers to stick by him, trusting God.

Our Lord is full of love and hope. So stay close even when he leads you down a hard road.

Lord, please help us see things differently, giving us hope even when circumstances are difficult or confusing at the moment, in our lives. Amen.

By Doug Lim
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Further Reading

•  A Bible Study on Waiting on God

•  Hearing God’s Voice 

•  Salvation Explained

thoughts by Doug Lim Thoughts by Men

“Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.” Jeremiah 29:12

I overlooked something important.

Everything in my life was going well at the time. The kids liked their school and friends. I enjoyed my career, and with a recent promotion came more income. Besides, the drive back from work barely took 10 minutes, which gave me more time to spend with the family.

After dinner, I stretched out on my favorite lounge chair and made plans for the weekend. I scribbled down a list of things to do and discovered something missing from not only my list but from my everyday life.

With a life filled with our kids’ school activities, soccer games, and nine holes of golf on the weekends, I gave little attention to prayer. I overlooked God’s importance and failed to recognize God’s care and blessings in our lives.

We read in Jeremiah 29 that God expects us to call on him; he is always ready to listen. Without time in prayer, we can lose touch with him and cease to experience his power in our lives over time.

As Christians, prayer is central to our faith. It strengthens our relationship with him and deepens our trust. Prayer helps us understand his will. And it opens our hearts to witness his loving actions in our lives and enables us to make sense of his divine plan when the plan seems unclear.

God wants us to make prayer a treasured activity. It is the perfect defense against indifference towards the One who provides all good things.

We are his children, and he waits to hear from us daily. Our faith deepens as we spend time with our Savior. Let us make sure to keep in touch.

Lord, never let us lose touch with you. Remind us that no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in, you are only a prayer away—eager to listen and help. Amen.

Remember that the Lord is ready to listen. Share what is on your mind with him, whether it is good or bad. Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance, to lead you to surrender and repentance.

By Doug Lim
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Further Reading

•   How to Pray

•  Prayer is Talking to God

•  Salvation Explained


thoughts by Doug Lim Thoughts by Men

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”  1 Thessalonians 5:18

Trust in the Lord’s Providence!

Our daughter alerted us a few weeks in advance whenever she needed us to watch her pups. Since we did not hear from her, my wife and I booked a room for the long 4th of July weekend.

On the night before our out-of-town trip, we received a phone call. “Dad, I need a favor,” said my daughter. “Can you watch the pups over the weekend?” She described the emergency at her house; we cancelled our long-weekend plans.

A blessing in disguise, as the old saying goes, when we received the phone call from her that evening. As it turned out, the news reported the following morning that a brush fire had erupted at the resort we planned to visit. Deaths reported. Authorities ordered visitors to turn back. Those who drove up a day earlier became stranded because of the many road closures.

We enjoyed our time with the pups over the 4th of July weekend. And we were certainly grateful that God stepped in and juggled our weekend plans.

In 1 Thessalonians 5, Paul calls us to offer grateful thanks to our heavenly Father in all things, for he knows this is the will of God concerning each of us. In other words, trust the Lord’s providence. The unforeseen changes to our plans often reveal the work of the Lord. He works this way sometimes.

With trust and faith, we will come to praise him for putting up those barriers. He sees what we cannot see—the threatening tinder fires ahead. God closes roads for justified reasons and will never reopen them a moment too soon.

Lord, help me to trust in your providence when unforeseen circumstances force me to change plans. And give me the strength to resist the temptation to push headlong when you signal roads closed ahead. Amen.

God often disrupts our plans and, sometimes, he allows us to see why. Have you recently given thanks to the Lord for the unexpected?

By Doug Lim
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Further Reading

•  Why Worry Yourself Sick? – by Muriel Larson

•  Beauty out of Brokenness

•  Salvation Explained


thoughts by Doug Lim Thoughts by Men

If you, LORD, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you.”  Psalm 130:3-4

Who does not make mistakes?

Early in my career as a new hire, my supervisor required all the trainees to follow a strict set of standards.

During the review of our work, he jagged his finger at our errors and highlighted them with his red marking pen. Even with nothing said, I still heard a snarl amid the strokes of his red pen.

It seemed he documented our mistakes in his logbook for posterity. The blunder log—as we employees called it—added to the pressure we already carried. Preventing any slip- ups was more critical to our supervisor than our growth and success.

Our supervisor had no clue that his constant badgering about every little thing annoyed the team and everyone around him. He hurt morale and caused so much tension and disruption.

“… And God stepped in,” as the saying goes. A new department opened up. I got a notice to pack my bags and get ready to move. My new supervisor never tallied the mistakes in a logbook. It was as different as night and day. He encouraged the team when things did not go as planned.

My new supervisor had a profound impact on me over the years. I modeled myself after him in some ways to guide and hopefully inspire my children, friends, and colleagues. He led with compassion and understanding, putting mistakes aside and giving us another opportunity to do better.

God does not tally our blunders in his logbook or entangle us in shame. He encourages us, offers a new beginning, and promises to remember our sins no more, always taking an interest in the vocation he calls us to fulfill.

We can thank our Savior for not keeping a logbook of our mistakes and for the safe place in him that allows us to grow from our mistakes without fear.

Lord, you know my blunders—every single one of them. Thank you for putting them aside and giving me another opportunity to do better. I am grateful for your grace and encouragement. Amen.

Let us look for opportunities to bless those around us by not keeping a log of their mistakes and encouraging them instead.

By Doug Lim
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Further Reading

•   God Is…

•  More than a Father

•  Salvation Explained

thoughts by Doug Lim Thoughts by Men

Lord, help me see the failures and disappointments as stepping stones, leading me back to you and helping me turn my life around for the better.

“So he got up and went to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him”   Luke 15:20

A friend of my dad’s offered him a job way across town. It was a position he could not turn down. I hated having to move; it meant changing schools. I had friends I did not want to leave behind, and having to make new friends all over again was not something I looked forward to doing.

Since then, I have had many other disappointing experiences: friends who did not always have my best interest in mind, worthy goals set but not met, a great interview for a job I wanted but did not get, and plenty more.

Often, disappointment over dashed hopes can cause us to turn away from God. We fear our needs and aspirations are not getting met, and we decide to take matters into our own hands, which usually leads to more setbacks and disappointments.

Do we trust God to fulfill our needs and hopes? Have we forgotten the many blessings we have received? Do we not recognize we have turned to our own ways (Isaiah 53:6)?

In Luke 15, the parable of the prodigal son, we are reminded we can lose our way like a lost sheep, leaving us feeling helpless and confused. Yes, God gives us the freedom to go our own way. But without the openness to grace and trust in the guidance of the Spirit of God, we can find ourselves going astray and far from our heavenly Father, experiencing disappointment after disappointment.

If we find ourselves wandering away from God into dangerous territory, lured by the pleasures of the world, we need to remember our heavenly Father longs for us to return home. His arms are opened wide and his heart is filled with compassion and forgiveness.

Let us turn back to God and allow him to lead us to our true place as children of God. It is a place of meaning and purpose where we see the disappointments in our lives as stepping stones that lead us closer to the likeness of Christ, filling us with peace, hope, and the love of the Father.

Lord, help me see the failures and disappointments as stepping stones, leading me back to you and helping me turn my life around for the better. Thank you for clearing a path that always leads me back to you. Amen.

Throughout This Day: Reflect on the disappointments God permitted in your life and ask him to help you see how those experiences reshaped and redirected your life.

By Doug Lim
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Further Reading

•   Why Me Lord?  Why Not? A different perspective on being shunned or mistreated.

•   When Confusion Prevails

•  Salvation Explained

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Ask the Lord for guidance and trust him for the strength to use social media in a way that glorifies him and helps you deepen your faith.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”  Romans 12:2

I would put myself in the below-average category as far as social media participation goes. But I do have friends and acquaintances who are addicted to it. Their whole world seems to revolve around their digital communities — preferring it over fresh-and-blood contacts with people.

And when I do get together with them in person, the words “likes” and “followers” seem to spring up as we try to have a real face-to-face conversation while we swipe on our phones.

In Romans 12, Paul warns us that we must no longer be conformed to the world. We are to abandon the pursuit of power, possessions, and status, and stop living like everyone else. It requires us to be renewed in the way we think and understand what is important, knowing God wants us to seek his will for us.

God may provide us with pleasure, possessions, and status in various forms, but he wants us to learn to see life from his vantage point: What does he want for me? What is a good, acceptable, and perfect way to live for his purpose and not for the world?

John described this worldly way of living as the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and the boastful pride of life (1 John 2:16). God does not want us focused on “likes” and “followers” only to find ourselves conformed to the communities on social media and far, far from God.

If properly used, social media can help grow the Kingdom of God. But if we are not on guard, social media can easily become an idol worshiped in a real sense, distracting us from the only one deserving of worship, God.

Let us have our hearts always open to him, seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit step by step. We do not want to fall prey to the influences of social media in ways that do not glorify God in our thoughts, words, and deeds, eroding our faith and dishonouring our Savior.

Lord, you promised to guard me against temptation beyond what I can bear. Thank you that the Holy Spirit gives me all the power I need to resist the trappings of the world that often pull me away from your loving presence. Amen.

Throughout This Day: Ask the Lord for guidance and trust him for the strength to use social media in a way that glorifies him and helps you deepen your faith.

By Doug Lim
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If our priority is the Kingdom of God, it would be shrewd for us to be diligent in our service to God and others, whether at work or play.

“Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.”  Mark 9:35

Growing up as a teenager, I sometimes had a problem with the word obey. I wanted to be in charge of my life and be my very own person, thinking I was grown up enough when, in fact, I was not.

I spent a lot of my energy focused on activities and hobbies I enjoyed, which meant putting a hold on the chores my parents asked me to do at times. In other words, my focus was a selfish one — I only wanted to pursue my advancement and agenda.

However, as followers of Christ, we are not called to consider only our wishes but to look for and participate in opportunities to assist others who are struggling and in need of our help, be it physical or spiritual.

In Mark 9, Christ assumed the position of a faithful servant, and his entire three-year ministry demonstrated a servant’s mentality that culminated with his insistence to die on the cross for us. He wants us to live as servants of God, serving others, proclaiming the good news, advancing his Kingdom — and loving each other.

Jesus provided us with the ideal example of what he wants us to do. He lived out his message through his service to the lost, the outcast, the sick, and the sinner. Do we put the same conviction in deepening our faith, advancing his Kingdom, and serving God’s people as we do in our careers and favorite pastimes?

If our priority is the Kingdom of God, it would be shrewd for us to be diligent in our service to God and others, whether at work or play.

Let us follow our Lord’s advice and use our resources and talents, not just to improve our lives but to invest them, as the Holy Spirit leads, to serve all those around us who are struggling and hurting just about every day.

Lord, it seems that I am always thinking about what I want. Reach into my heart and mind and change me to be more like you — who always thought more about those around you who needed your help. Amen.

Let us invite the Spirit to show us how to serve God and others in every situation and choice we face today.

By Doug Lim
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Understanding the Holy Spirit

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Further Reading

•   Love your Neighbor

•   Extending Grace to Others

•  Salvation Explained

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Seeking God’s will acknowledges he has more knowledge than we do and that his plan for us is best.

“The Sovereign Lord has opened my ears; I have not been rebellious, I have not turned awayIsaiah 50:5

As I sat still in my room after work, I reflected on the parts of the day where I just knew my words, thoughts, and actions fell short of the mark when it came to doing God’s will. I listened to gossip around the water cooler, grumbled about co-workers who arrived late to a meeting, and honked and sneered at drivers as I headed home.

Even though I prayed to let everything be according to his will that very morning, I still allowed pride and impatience to get in the way, wanting no one’s will done but mine.

As Christians, we often hear about the importance of seeking God’s will. But we know that saying yes to him can be one of the hardest things to do, especially when our hearts want something else.

In Isaiah 50, the prophet spoke of the coming of the one who would be fully obedient with an ear open to listen to God. Obedience to his will is important to obtaining the blessings our Savior wishes to pour out to us. For the faithful, this means following his commandments in his strength, by faith, bearing the trials, and persevering through the roadblocks life places in our lane, all according to the perfect will of God who forever “works for the good” (Romans 8:28).

Our acts of obedience glorify Christ, and obedience is also a corridor to draw near to him, helping us deepen our trust in our Savior, allowing him to shape us into his likeness.

Let us seek to surrender ourselves more to our Redeemer, knowing we are loved and valued by him, opening our closed hearts, dampening our opinionated thoughts, and harnessing our stubborn egos. Then we can see how harmony with his will is central to living out our Christian faith as we journey with Christ.

Lord, help me choose to put your will first, knowing it is the best way to live out an abundant life of faith—and grant me the grace to desire it. Amen.

Seeking God’s will acknowledges he has more knowledge than we do and that his plan for us is best. Do we demonstrate our trust in the Lord’s plan in the daily choices we make?

By Doug Lim
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Further Reading

•  Hearing God’s Voice – a Study by Charles Stanley

•  A Bible Study on Waiting on God

•  Salvation Explained

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In Luke 7, Jesus teaches that we should go out of our way to welcome the unwanted. Our Savior knew all too well the pains of exclusion.

But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind.”  Luke 14:13

After a long drive, we arrived at our vacation destination late Saturday night. Everyone was exhausted. The next day I managed to wake up in time for church and decided to go it alone. I stood near the back as people streamed through the church doors.

I expected someone to welcome me, but not one person came over and said, “Hello, are you visiting here today?” After the service, I considered talking to the pastor about my chilly experience.

In Luke 7, Jesus teaches that we should go out of our way to welcome the unwanted. Our Savior knew all too well the pains of exclusion. His community ridiculed him, his family questioned his sanity, and his closest friends betrayed him.

But this did not stop Jesus from doing everything possible to make himself approachable to all who suffer from abandonment and isolation: the lepers, the gentiles, the tax collectors, the poor, and the sinners.

When we experience neglect or rejection from friends, colleagues, and even family members, Jesus wants us to run into his open arms and ask for a heart like his, a heart that keeps on reaching out to the neglected and the unloved. Christ does not want our pride and our past hurts to stop us from welcoming those who are new to our neighbourhoods, workplaces, and churches.

Our Lord extended his love and compassion to all. Let us do the same. Let us welcome the marginalized and disenfranchised souls we meet so we can live more as Christ wants us to live.

Lord, help us be more welcoming so others can see your goodness in each of us. Prevent us from making snap judgments about people, and give us the grace to welcome those who are very different from us that you have placed on our path. Amen.

Today, why not try smiling and greeting everyone you meet today?

By Doug Lim
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Further Reading

We are Christ’s Ambassadors

Serving the Lord Wholeheartedly

•  Salvation Explained

thoughts by Doug Lim Thoughts by Men

In Isaiah 54, God reminds us of his unwavering love and compassion.

Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the Lord, who has compassion on you.” Isaiah 54:10

After a long hard day at the office, everything seemed dark and heavy. Every thought running through my head came from this dismal place — a place I could not escape. Even the leisure activities I looked forward to after work became just another opportunity to complain.

I wanted to hide, but I had to take care of one last bit of business. I plopped down at my desk and prepared for the final conference call of the day.

My seven-year-old son knocked on the door and strolled into my room. “Dad, you look a little tired. You should rest. I love you.” With those precious words, a rush of love swept over me. I looked up at him. “Thank you, son! You made me very happy.”

In Isaiah 54, God reminds us of his unwavering love and compassion. In a world founded on the notion of needing to have more, accomplish more, and be more, God reminds us **it is the love of his heart that we need more of — the source of true peace when peace seems so distant.

In times of desolation and discouragement, seek refuge in Jesus Christ where you can rest and repair those parts of your life the world has worn down. He is our key to peace during times of stress and confusion. Pray always to him and be comforted by his kindness and compassion, hope and love, light and consolation — the perfect cure for a troubled heart and soul.

Lord, thank you for your endless source of peace and love to all who seek your place of refuge. I ask that you remind me to call on you whenever I find myself uprooted, confused, and restless in this world, a world that tries to draw us away from our source of true peace — found only in you. Amen.

Today:  Thank God often for his love, his care, and his peace.

By Doug Lim
Used by Permission

Further Reading

•  What a Friend we have in Jesus
•   Father God’s Intimate Love Letter to You
•  Salvation Explained

thoughts by Doug Lim Thoughts by Men

Still another said, “I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say goodbye to my family.”  Luke 9:61

I decided to take a road trip with my family before the kids headed back to school. I quickly realized there were many routes to choose from to get to our final destination. Did I want the fastest path, the longer scenic route, or the tourist track with its many stops?

If my objective was to get to our final destination as fast as possible, why would I pick a route that required many stops? I could not take the scenic route and expect to get there quickly. I needed to decide what was most important to us and choose the best path to get there.

In Luke 9, we see how difficult a time the would-be disciples had as they struggled to sever ties to the things of the world and choose to follow Christ instead. Often our desire to go back to how things were distracts us from doing what Christ asks of us, making it difficult to follow him faithfully.

What amongst the many paths the world tosses at us, which we have attached ourselves to, are we willing to set aside for him? Are we spending too much time browsing the internet, swiping away at our phones, or connecting with people on social media sites?

Christ does not want us too occupied in activities that have little to do with following him. We should choose the most direct route to Christ and exclude all other unnecessary pathways. Each day we are presented with this choice to make.

Lord, help me to do a better job of focusing my attention on what you are asking of me. Let me not be distracted by the things of the world that I end up going back to a way of life where I am far from you. Amen.

Seek to make worshipping and following Jesus in the Spirit’s strength your focus throughout the day.

By Doug Lim
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Pressing On! – a lesson on focusing our eyes and goals on Christ
•  We Plan – God Directs
•  Salvation Explained

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