Tag: <span>forgiven</span>

“So there is now no condemnation awaiting those who belong to Christ Jesus” Romans 8:1

It was Sunday, a time to reflect on Christ’s suffering and death and to think about the payment for our guilt and sin. As I sat in church, I noticed a couple in the pew in front of me. In the past year, he had been unfaithful to his wife. He had to live with the consequences, but he knew that God’s love and forgiveness were there for him to receive because of Christ’s substitutionary death on the cross. He had repented and God forgave Him.

Next to me sat a man recently separated from his wife and children. His life was a mess. Someone had reported him for exposing himself to a girl at a drive-through restaurant. He had severe problems but he was here in church because he knew Christ had forgiven all his sins – past, present and future. He repented, God forgave him and now he sang the hymns with conviction.

The church is full of sinners. Some sins are well known, others are hidden, but God knows the hearts of each one of us. He longs to show compassion toward us all. Communion reminds us that without Christ’s death and resurrection there would be no personal relationship with God. There would be no forgiveness of sins, no sense of freedom. Because of Christ we can be forgiven. We just have to admit our sin and turn from it. He is waiting with open arms.

Thank You Lord, for the ordinance of communion – a time to reflect on your sacrificial love for us. A time to thank You for forgiving our sins – past, present and future. Amen.

By Katherine Kehler
Used by Permission

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If you are looking for a deeply satisfying relationship with God, I encourage you to pray by faith and ask the Holy Spirit to fill you. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, God has given you His Holy Spirit to help you live life according to His perfect plan. Why not pray this simple prayer and by faith invite Him to fill you with His Spirit:

Dear Father, I need You. I acknowledge that I have sinned against You by directing my own life. I thank You that You have forgiven my sins through Christ’s death on the cross for me. I now invite Christ to again take His place on the throne of my life. Fill me with the Holy Spirit as You commanded me to be filled, and as You promised in Your Word that You would do if I asked in faith. I pray this in the name of Jesus. As an expression of my faith, I thank You for directing my life and for filling me with the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If you prayed this prayer we would love to hear from you . If you would like to know God deeper we can connect you with an email mentor and/or send you some great links.

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Further Reading

•  Prayer of Forgiveness and Release

• Forgiveness – Yourself and  Others

•   The Power of Forgiveness | by Dr. Henry Brandt

•  Salvation Explained

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thoughts by Katherine Kehler Thoughts by Women

“He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west.” Psalm 103:12

Do you ever think that you have sinned so much that God can’t forgive you?  You aren’t the only one.  We at Thoughts About God receive so many prayer requests asking us to pray for them because they have been involved in many sinful activities and they are sure that God will never forgive them.

You know what—that is a lie from Satan.

When Jesus died on the cross for the forgiveness of all our sins, he died for all of our sins, everyone’s sins—past present and future. However, we won’t experience His love and forgiveness until we confess them and turn from them. 

But if we confess our sins to him he can be depended on to forgive us and to cleanse us from every wrong. And it is perfectly proper for God to do this for us because Christ died to wash away our sins. 1 John 1:9

The Bible doesn’t say God will forgive only some of our sins, it says He will forgive us and cleanse us from every wrong.

When I was 30 years old, a conference speaker spoke on this topic and suggested we write a list of all the sins (confess) we could think of on a pad of paper and when we couldn’t think of anymore, we were told wrote the verse 1 John 1:9 over top of the list.

What freedom to know that one’s sins and guilt are erased.  “He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west.” Psalm 103:12

Do you want to experience God’s love and forgiveness?

Action point:  On a piece of paper, ask God to show you all the sins He wants you to confess.  As they come to your mind, write them down.  When no more sins come to mind, write 1 John 1:9 across them.  Then know for sure that ALL your sins are forgiven.  If you start feeling guilty about them again, know that it is the Enemy harassing you.  God won’t convict you of those sins again.

Then ask Jesus to come into your life and be the director of your life from now on.

Lord Jesus, I need You. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Savior and Lord. Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Take control of the throne of my life. Make me the kind of person You want me to be.”

If you sin again, confess that sin and claim His forgiveness.  You may find the article, “Spiritual Oxygen”  helpful.

God has forgiven your sins, past present and future!

We would love to hear if you followed through with the action point.  Just fill out the form and send it to us.

Another helpful article is: How to Walk in the Spirit

By Katherine Kehler
Used by Permission

If you prayed this prayer we would love to hear from you . If you would like to know God deeper we can connect you with an email mentor and/or send you some great links.

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Comments: If you don’t see our response form, please go to https://thoughts-about-god.com/blog/katherine-kehler_forgave-past-present/

Further Reading

•   Going Deeper with God

•  Bible Studies

•  Salvation Explained

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thoughts by Katherine Kehler Thoughts by Women