Tag: <span>depend</span>

by Marilyn Ehle

“Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus…� Colossians 3:17

His entire career had been spent in the university classroom, not only lecturing in his chosen field but also encouraging students to always reach for higher goals. He loved the challenge of young minds as well as the personal intellectual and scientific growth, but the mandatory retirement age was looming. He couldn’t imagine filling each day with golf or fishing; he wondered what kind of stimulation lay ahead.

And then came the phone call from a young man he had known years earlier as a campus minister, a man he remembered who built life-changing relationships with students while leading them toward fuller understanding of life with Jesus Christ. Could they meet for coffee?

The scheduled hour flew by and turned into three. Would the professor consider a new career after the classroom: meeting regularly with faculty to share his personal faith in Christ and help those who expressed interest to walk into spiritual maturity. His heart quickened as he thought of the possibilities. He could be an influencer of the influencers. He would remain in academia albeit with a different perspective, an eternal perspective.

Today this professor remains in the hallowed halls he loved so much but he enthusiastically awakens each morning with the knowledge that in a very real sense, his career is just beginning.

Father, thank you for the wide roads of opportunity that lay ahead for each of your children. There truly are no closed doors for your Spirit, no end to a life of serving you.

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He replied, “This kind can come out only by prayer (and fasting)” Mark 9:29

Prayer became more of a discipline in my life after I yielded the control of life to Jesus Christ and began to walk in the Spirit. (Until then, I called to God in emergencies and before meals, but talking to God had not become a way of life.) Then the Bible became alive to me and I began to pray specifically, trusting in and testing God’s promises. Many, many prayers were answered.

I also began to fast. Sometimes for three days, sometimes once a week, sometimes for 10 days or two weeks. Sometimes it would be a complete fast – only water. Sometimes I would have juice. At times I would give up eating certain foods, or watching television or even wearing makeup.

When our son was in his early 20s, we discovered he was addicted to alcohol.  For a while he alienated himself from us and from the rest of the family. We never saw him drunk – not once – but others had and we loved him too much to let him destroy himself.

I love coffee and our children often joked that I was addicted. So I reasoned, ‘If they are right, my prayers for our son are phony.’  So I decided, with God’s help, I would stop drinking coffee until he quit drinking alcohol.  And that is what I did.  Giving up something I really enjoyed so that perhaps God would deliver our son.

God answered. As a family, we decided to have an intervention. We all told him that we loved him, but knew he was in deep trouble and wanted him to go to a treatment center to get help. Before the intervention, my husband made the arrangements for his flight and stay at the treatment center.  His boss not only gave him a leave of absence, but helped pay for his treatment.  There was only one thing left – he had to agree to go.

Thankfully, he did agree to go and after six weeks at the center he came home and to our knowledge has never had another drink.  He was delivered from the addiction to alcohol and today has become a great husband and father.

Sometimes we have to fast and pray to have our prayers answered.  If God impresses you to do so, let me encourage you to obey Him.

Father God, I sure don’t understand the increased power that fasting brings to our intercession, but I do know that You expected Your followers to fast. Please cause Your people to fast and pray so Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Thank you.  Amen.

by Katherine Kehler
Used by Permission

Thoughts by All thoughts by Katherine Kehler Thoughts by Women