Tag: <span>be still</span>

“…Be still, and know that I am God…” Psalm 46:10 NIV

The lights in the den flicker on and off twice, then total darkness settles over my house.  The alarm system makes the familiar fading beeping noise signaling power is lost.  No electricity is being transported to us on this hot, summer morning.

Dirty dishes wait by the sink to be loaded in the dishwasher.  Dust on the floor beckons to be vacuumed up.  Bacon and eggs are yet to be fried on the stove.  All this will have to wait.  No power equals no housework for me right now.

I grab my Bible, devotional book, and pen and walk to the dining room where the large window is casting bright sunlight onto the table.  I snuggle into the chair and spend the next thirty minutes delving into God’s Word.  My devotion speaks of God as the Healer of our brokenness-in our bodies, minds, hearts, lives, and relationships.  I read Scripture from James and Matthew and then talk to God, really talk to Him, pouring out my heart and soul, my worries and praises.

As my quiet time comes to a close, I feel rejuvenated.  My spirit is sparked, charged, as I am ready to take on the day.  It’s almost as if I have become electrified by being in God’s presence.  I am keenly aware of God’s power inside of me, the same power that raised Jesus from the dead and saved me from the powers of Hell.

How awesome and ironic it is to think that I had to lose power to gain power from God.  I had to lose the electrical current flow to my home to realize how desperately I needed God’s power flow to me that day.  Having no electricity enabled me to take the time to be quiet and still for a little while, just soaking up God’s love and presence as I learned more about Him.  By spending time in prayer and studying the Bible, He equipped me with the energy, encouragement, and love needed to face the day.  By being power-less, I became power-ful, through Him.

God has a unique way of getting my attention sometimes.  I am so thankful He cares enough to continue to pursue me and guide me in the right direction, even as I am surrounded in complete darkness with countless chores to be completed on my to do list.  He shows me there is always time to be still and know that He is God, in all circumstances.

Heavenly Father, You are my Creator, my Friend, my Redeemer.  Thank you for the many blessings You give me daily, especially the opportunity to talk with You and share my desires, burdens, and requests.  Guide me in resolving to make spending time with You each day a priority.  In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.”

By Alisha Ritchie
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  HE IS! A great poem

•  God is Bigger than all my Problems

•  Salvation Explained


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thoughts by Alisha Ritchie Thoughts by Women

“Be still and know that I am God.”  Psalm 46:10

Sleep had been fitful and finally non-existent so at 4:30 a.m., I got out of bed, showered and put on the coffee. Caffeine finally energized me enough to begin the day’s activities but there was still a weight in the pit of my stomach. Late the previous evening we received word of a huge financial loss and our future was murky to say the least. This wasn’t just a matter of belt-tightening but a much more dire situation.

I made my way to the corner where God and I meet each morning and turned to see which psalm was indicated in my well-worn weekly devotional guide. I read the familiar opening verse of Psalm 46: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”  I smiled as I thought of God’s perfect timing. He knew what words I would need and when I would need them.

But words farther down struck with even greater force: “Be still and know that I am God.” (The Hebrew language has the meaning of)“relax”.  The writer goes on to give the reason why I can choose to be still in the midst of turmoil:  Be still! The Lord Almighty is with us.

The situation hasn’t changed but as I consistently refuse to worry and thank God for the One who is my refuge and strength, I am acknowledging that the Lord Almighty knows, understands and stands ready to help.

In the middle of turmoil, Lord, it’s so easy to forget that you not only love me but stand ready to prop up my faltering faith. Help me believe even when I cannot see.

By Marilyn Ehle
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  How to Have a ‘Quiet Time’ with God

•  God’s Plan – A Study on God’s Destiny for Me?

•  Salvation Explained

thoughts by Marilyn Ehle Thoughts by Women