Tag: <span>be still</span>

Be still, and know that I am God!” Psalm 46:10a (NLT)

Be still; these two words are not always comforting to a rescuer like me. It is hard sitting back and watching the ones you love suffer. Feelings of helplessness begin to take a hold of me as I sit back wanting to reach out and pull them from the hardships and the emotional pain they encounter. If I move out on what I want to do, it can hinder their growth. It can move them away from the purpose and the plan of God. The Lord has dealt with my heart on several occasions about this. I realize now that I jump to help out of fear of what may happen. Moving in fear reveals a greater problem; I don’t always trust the Lord with everything that concerns me or those I love. He has allowed me to see that my place, at times is just to pray. Oh this is not an easy task!! I want to act. I want to move, but I hear the Lord whispering steadily, BE STILL.

I have learned through various situations that we have to allow the Lord to complete the work that He began. He knows what is best for each of us and He will indeed perfect all that concerns us. If you too, struggle with running to your loved ones’ aid and playing Holy Ghost Jr, remember, you are only prolonging their process. Be still and know that He is God and He will bring them to their expected end.

Father, teach us how to trust you totally with our lives and those we love; comfort our hearts and grant us assurance as we watch you work in their lives. Help us to know that You are a faithful and a loving God and assure us that we can trust you at all times. Amen.

Take a moment and write down the situations in your life you need to trust God in. Find a scripture on trust that will help you to remember to leave it in God’s hands.

By Mary Pinckney
Used by Permission

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thoughts by Mary Pinckney Thoughts by Women

“Be still, and know that I am God.”  Psalm 46:10a

With summer here, the stormy winter and chilly evenings of recent months have quickly been forgotten.  One morning, however, my heart felt like a lingering storm.  Numerous needs “my own and others” were crashing in on me like an unexpected whirlwind.

Casting these burdens on the Lord, I was suddenly awakened to a scene quietly unfolding outside my window.  Like a fitting backdrop, tall fir trees lining our neighbor’s fence stood motionless, being what they were created to be.  Without a word, early summer flowers were telling of their Creator’s faithfulness and love for beauty.  Soon, a sparrow entered to complete the picture, not planting seeds or gathering food into a barn, but happily discovering and enjoying what our heavenly Father had provided for him. This hushed scene struck me with its peacefulness – a sharp contrast to my stormy heart.

Distracted by this stillness, my thoughts turned to a particular storm in the lives of the disciples – one in which their Maker slept on a pillow.  The disciples weren’t sleeping.  With an unexpected storm crashing in on them, their lives were in turmoil. But when they woke Jesus, He commanded the stormy winds and waves to be still.  And they obeyed.

Creation busies itself by resting in its Creator’s authority and by obeying the same command given to us: “Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10a)

He is God.  And that’s all we need to know to be still.

Father, Thank you for rest promised to those who remember that You are God. Knowing who You are, we seek Your strength to be still.  In Jesus’ Name.  Amen.

by Bethany Hayes
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  How did Jesus Pray?
•  Practicing the Presence of God
•  Salvation Explained

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thoughts by Bethany Hayes Thoughts by Women