Hold the Rope

The float plane looked small as it bobbed up and down on the wind chopped lake. Slowly it inched its way to the dock. The pilot knew that a sharp turn in this kind of a wind could easily capsize the plane.

Often I’ve watched this scene as a plane will almost reach the wave pounded dock, only to have the merciless wind gust it right on past. On such days it helps if someone is there and ready to catch the rope the pilot throws out to draw him to the anchor.

The scene on the choppy waters is actually much like life. So many are buffeted by the storms of life, some are drifting and in danger of capsizing. All around us we see relationship struggles, unemployment and waves of all descriptions tossing about those we are in touch with each day. We often feel the waves crashing in our own lives.

There is one thing we can do for each other as these scenes play out in our lives. We can “hold the rope”. We can be the go-between that can help draw a troubled heart to God who is the anchor that will hold through the buffeting storms.

Holding the rope may mean practical help, it may mean sharing how God can help those who call on Him, but holding the rope also means praying. Praying is the greatest gift we can give one another. While one is consumed with the storm around her, the other can hold her before God in prayer. God tells us it makes a difference…

“…Pray for each other…The earnest prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” James 5:16

Where prayer focuses, God’s power falls! I’ve seen it proven over and over as I have prayed for others and as others have prayed for me.

Often we can’t change one little circumstance, but God has chosen to work through our prayers. When we pray He can change circumstances. He heals and gives strength.

Today when you encounter someone who is bearing a heavy load and struggling to keep afloat, “hold the rope” for her; pray for her and let her know that you are. If you are in a storm yourself be open about asking someone to hold you up in prayer. It will make a difference!

Prayer: Father God, Thank you so much for the privilege of prayer! Help me to remember that I can hold the rope for someone today by praying for them as they buffet the waves in their life. Use me to help draw them to You, the anchor in life. Remind others to pray for me today too, Lord as I navigate my own choppy waters. Use us in each others lives today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

by Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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