Category: <span>thoughts by Gail Rodgers</span>

The heart of God to us, His children, is so caring and loving.

He knew there would be times in our lives when our hearts are down and our spirits depleted. I’m convinced that is why He placed many encouragements in the Bible to help us in just those times.

I read one of them today and it occurred to me that if I followed through on the words of this Scripture it would impact my daily outlook in an incredible way.

Listen to these wise words from Psalm 92:1 & 2

It is good to praise the LORD and make music to your name O Most High, to proclaim your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night.Psalm 92:1 & 2

God knew that we would need to be encouraged in very practical ways as we walk out the changes and challenges of our days. He said it’s a good thing to praise Him. He not only said it’s good to praise Him and to use music as part of our praise, but He also gives two very practical ways to do it.

Proclaim His love in the morning.

Proclaim His faithfulness at night.

Imagine the impact on your daily outlook if you took a few minutes every morning to declare out loud how much the Lord loves you. To look in the mirror as you prepare for your day and thank the Lord for His loving care as you prepare to head into your day. Ask Him to remind you throughout the day of His love.

At night when you lay your head to rest on your pillow imagine the comfort and peace it would bring to recount 2 or 3 ways the Lord showed His faithfulness to you throughout the day. Think of how it would nurture the relationship with your spouse if you recounted these blessings of God’s faithfulness out loud.

To keep our days sandwiched between the morning proclamation of His love over you and the evening declaration of His faithfulness is a sure way to keep your heart in tune with His and to keep your attitudes adjusted throughout the day.

Prayer & reflection

Father God, You know just what I need. And I need to proclaim your love and faithfulness every day. I can so often fade from the deep realization of how much you do love and care for me every day. Open my mind to remember this simple way of praising You. Thank you for holding me close to Your heart today. In Jesus’ strong name I pray, amen.

by Gail Rodgers
used by permission

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3 Ways to Honor God Daily – by Palitha Jayasooriya

• Giving God Thanks and Praise –  by Terry Stead

Rejoice in Hope – by Roy Lessin

thoughts by Gail Rodgers Thoughts by Women

I was amazed at the view below me. The vast expanse of ocean seemed to stretch on forever. Here and there a sand laced island broke the endless blue. From the airplane window I watched as the sun danced on the rolling waves.

A song learned in my childhood suddenly played across my mind.

If we with ink the ocean fill and were the skies of parchment made;
Were every stalk on earth a quill and every man a scribe by trade…
To write the love of God above would drain the ocean dry,
Nor could the scroll contain the whole though stretched from sky to sky

From my vantage point in the sky I was reminded of our amazing God and His endless love for each one of us. If that vast expanse below me were ink it would not be enough to write of His love.

God’s Word reminds us that the Lord said,:

“... Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love: therefore with loving kindness have I drawn you.” Jeremiah 31:3

Do you know today how much you are loved?

Do you know God’s love for you is measureless and strong?

Do you believe it includes you… right where you are right now?

Never doubt God’s love for you.

So many people have no knowledge of the loving, personal God that calls their name. Be reminded today of how very much God loves you. Carry that knowledge in your heart today in a fresh way and be amazed by it. Give it away to those in your path. Thank Him for it right now and live as a treasured child of the Father today.

Prayer: Father God, Thank you that the even if the ocean were ink, it would never be enough to write Your love for me. What an amazing fact! Help me today to live in the knowledge of how very much You love me. Help me never to doubt Your goodness toward me. Give me Your strength to handle the things in my life that I do not understand right now. And help me to live today as Your treasured child.  In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

by Gail Rodgers
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•   Falling in Love with Jesus – by Sylvia Gunter

• Amazing Grace. Unfailing Love – by John Grant

•  This Place of Love – by Katy Kaufman

thoughts by Gail Rodgers Thoughts by Women

She was hurt over the lack of trust and the “behind the back” comments made by her co-worker.

Was the one who brought it to her attention even truly her friend? Her fingers flew over the keyboard with words of defense, explanations and justifications of her own actions. She fought back the tears! She had worked so hard in this place!

As her anger and hurt subsided she talked it over with a friend. Her sense of Injustice was real. She did need to address the rumors. Thankfully she had not pressed “send” on her original email. Together with her friend she explored her options. She truly wanted to respond in a way that would honor her Lord and not simply react only to throw more fuel on the fire.

The business world has its challenges. Many react out of self-defense and  are quick to step on those who might get in their way. Insecurity is rampant and can masquerade as “confidential” gossip. Days can be trying in such an environment.

Yet there you are. Appointed by God to this place at this hour. You have His help, the help of His Holy Spirit. You have His word to guide you. You have a different standard to live by. He tells us how to think. The way we think will impact the words that come from our mouths.

“Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.” Philippians 4:8

When you are faced with gossip, accusations, judgments or when you are tempted to feel you must “play the game” to get ahead, remember God’s way. THINK before you react. Then you will respond in a way that invites God to come into the situation and bring His help and His insight.

As your fingers fly over the keyboard or as your voice rises in defense… pause to THINK and ask these few questions. Is the conversation I am about to engage in ….

T- True?
What facts are actually on the table?

H- Honorable?
What am I revealing about my own integrity by how I respond?

I- Important?
Is it important enough for me to validate by responding?

N- Necessary?
Can any good come of pursuing this conversation or is it idle talk?

K- Kind?
Can I be careful not to throw unnecessary stones at someone else?

Jesus followers should be the first ones to be peacemakers in situations that are hurtful, volatile, confusing and filled with misunderstanding.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God.” Matthew 5:9

Lord God, Today I ask You to go before me into the conversations of the day through my words or through my email. Thank you for Your Holy Spirit who is my Helper and who can put the right words in my mouth. Please keep my heart and my attitudes protected and honoring to You. Give me the right understanding of what is really going on. Grant me the discernment I need so I can lay aside self-defense. Forgive me for times when I have failed to do my part in bringing peace to a situation. May I be Your representative today as I think before I speak. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

By Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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Blessed Peacemakers – by Bill Bright

Blessed are the Peacemakers by Charles H. Spurgeon

God’s Blessings – Devotional by Alec Niemi

thoughts by Gail Rodgers Thoughts by Women

Every day we choose our direction.

Even when there are tasks that don’t particularly fulfill us or agenda items we might not have put on our top ten list … still, we choose our direction. Remember that where we focus we follow. What we fill up with will determine the direction we head.

Where are you filling up your mind these days? It’s good to take note of what has been spilling over in you lately. Are you going the direction you want to be heading … or do you need to pay attention to your feeding ground and where your focus has been?

Every day we choose what we fill ourselves with. Every day we have opportunity to decide our direction by being mindful of what we are filling our minds with. Thoughts lead to actions and actions lead to habits. Habits will greatly determine your direction in life.

God knows you better than you know yourself. His ways and His word give great guidance as you daily choose your focus. Don’t be tossed about by the events of your day today. Listen to the wisdom God gives to help you focus and choose your direction. He tells you what to do and then how to do it.

Colossians 3:16
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.”

Let God’s word fill your thoughts today. It will be rich in bringing wisdom. Let His teaching fill you and put a song in your heart to share with others.

He tells us exactly where to start by letting the word of Christ dwell in us richly. Listen to the profound simplicity of it:

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” (Colossians 3:17)

Do what is right in front of you today as if you were doing it just for the Lord. Invite Him into it to walk with you through it and give you wisdom as you go. (If you can’t invite God into the activity you are doing then that’s a good caution to re-think going in that direction.)

Then thank God for the opportunity to do it. Thank Him for the people around you. Thank Him for His wisdom as you interact in your day. Ask Him to help His song of thanksgiving rise up within you.

Your focus and the direction of your day will change as you do this. Write out verse 17 and memorize it. As you think on doing your tasks for the Lord today and as you practice gratitude in your heart you will be filled with new peace.

Heavenly Father, Thank you that You give me the wisdom on how to go about my day. Thank you that I do not need to be tossed about by the things going on around me.  Today please help me to act and speak as one representing You and Your love and care. Teach me gratitude and remind me to be thankful. Change my focus and my direction today as I fill my mind with the riches of Your wisdom. Encase me in Your presence today. Spill over through me with peace and joy as I go. I thank you and I ask this in the name of Jesus, amen.

By Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•   We Plan, God Directs

•  God’s Plan or My Plan?

•  Salvation Explained

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“And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly,
To love mercy,
And to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8)

It’s easy to call to mind those who challenge our patience and love. How do we love those at work or at church who are spreading rumors or that neighbor who just seems to want to make life miserable for everyone around?

The springs of love are within God. Love does not naturally exist in our own hearts when faced with things that grate on us. God tells us exactly what is required of us. Our responsibility is simply to walk humbly with our God. We need to allow Him to keep our hearts soft with mercy while striving for fairness. This will make a difference in the situations where people seem so irritating.

His Holy Spirit gives us the patience and the ability to be kind and to look for fairness in our dealings. It doesn’t suggest a “door mat” response yet it holds out hope when mercy and fairness, from God’s heart, fill ours and helps us deal patiently with some of the hard people in life. How could you show love to some of the hard people in your life?

Father in Heaven, You have called me to love the world around me. It’s not an easy thing to do. Thank you that You not only spell out how but You also offer the resource of Your mercy and Your wisdom to bring balance to circumstances that seem so out of balance. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit today and let Your love flow through me so others see You through me. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Is there someone who needs your patience or forgiveness today? Look for an opportunity to show God’s love to someone today.

by Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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Love Your Neighbor – by Katherine Kehler

• To Love Others – by Phil Ware

How to Love the Unlovable –  by Bill Bright

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thoughts by Gail Rodgers Thoughts by Women

What do you do when you encounter a negative atmosphere? You know something has changed the moment you step into the situation. Complaints and criticism fill the air. Perhaps office or family politics, a project not going well, financial stress, tense or strained relationships. Sometimes we are powerless to change the dynamics yet we are being affected by the negative surroundings and our spirits feel the assault.

God is always faithful to answer an earnest request for wisdom. His word paints a picture of encouragement.

But You are a shield around me, O LORD; You bestow glory on me and lift up my head.” Psalm 3:3

Here God is pictured as a shield around you, even in the negative environment. Let your heart respond:

  •     Ask God to shield your spirit so the earful of complaints and the harsh talk do not penetrate your heart and mind and color your own outlook.
  •    Ask for wisdom to respond in a manner that is fair and with kindness.
  •    Ask God to keep your heart soft and to help you see beyond the issues of the moment.
  •    Ask Him to be the one who encourages your heart and lifts your head when there is little affirmation or appreciation offered.
  •    Ask God to keep you mindful of His help and protection as you walk day by day in your workplace or home.

Keep a thankful heart for the Shield around you.  You will get through this season and, with the Lord’s help, be sustained through this challenging time.

Father in Heaven, Thank you that You are a shield around me. Help me to rely on Your strength and protection as I face the challenging people and situations in my life today. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

by Gail Rodgers
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•   God, Our Shield

•  My Refuge and My Shield

Shield of Trust Prayer

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thoughts by Gail Rodgers Thoughts by Women

He marches confidently down the street. His little hand clutching my index finger.

He is taking me to the pond to see the baby ducks. He leads the way as only a two-year-old can. I guide him gently at each turn, carefully detouring around any pitfalls. We enjoy the adventure. Turning to go home, we come to the hill. He works hard to navigate the steep climb. He could stumble and fall here. I slip my index finger from his grasp and enfold his whole hand in my grip as I stride to the top, ensuring he makes it without a spill.

What a lovely picture of our Heavenly Father’s great care as we navigate our own journey.

We march forward clutching His finger and confidently go in the direction we think is right. We want to know He is there. He knows the way we should go and He gently maneuvers the turns.

When the way gets hard, He grips our whole hand in His and leads us up the steep incline.

Each day, as we accept His invitation to walk together, He can be counted on to guide us, to protect us and to take us to where we need to go. He knows us. He cares about us. He can be trusted to lead us.

Our Heavenly Father, who loves us, and loves our little ones even more than we possibly can, will not only hold our hand and guide us, but He will help us as we guide them on the adventures of life.

“I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, do not fear, I will help you.” Isaiah 41:13

Heavenly Father,  Thank you for Your loving care as You walk with me every day. Thank you for Your gentle guidance, for Your love and for Your tender care as I go through ordinary days. You protect me even when I am not aware of it.  And thank you that when the way gets hard, and the path gets steep You are still beside me. You grip my hand and whisper Your comfort. Thank you for the confidence I have that You will help me as Your hand grips mine.  I pray this with thanksgiving in Jesus’ strong name, amen.

By Gail Rodgers
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God is Thinking about You
Jesus is Always There!


thoughts by Gail Rodgers Thoughts by Women

“And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.”  Philippians 4:19

No one likes to be thought of as needy. We prefer other adjectives for ourselves, words that reflect strength or wisdom. Think about your own needs for a moment. It’s easier to think of someone else and how to help them but can you identify where you are have been needy lately?

There is a tool we can use to help us see our own need. It is the tool of paying attention to any conflict in our lives. Conflict often reflects unmet needs. Think about it for a moment.

Take a moment to recall the last encounter you had with conflict. Most of us don’t have to dig very far into our memories. Sometimes the unmet need is basic and easy to remedy such as the need for sleep. Yet often it is much deeper. The need to feel valued and heard or the need to be accepted or respected can cause conflict from a wounded heart.

Control and manipulation often finds their root in an unmet need. Trying to manage the outcome of all that is going on around you is exhausting and causes conflict at many levels.

Think about where conflict exists in your life and ask God to help you identify any unmet need, yours or someone else’s that may exist at the root of it. Begin to pray about those needs.

When you see potential conflict on your horizon… stop… and use the opportunity as a tool to build into your own life or to pray into another’s. Look honestly at yourself and GROW through conflict.

G- Give God the opportunity to reveal to your heart any unmet need that may be at the root of this conflict. Be open to seeing your own need and to praying for the needs of another. It will help dissolve hostility too.

R- Recognize that God is the only One who can meet all of your needs.

O- Open your heart to God’s help, asking Him to be the Source you need for that unmet need in your life. Consider asking another Christian to pray for you in this.

W- Walk beside another in prayer as you pray for their unmet needs asking God to be their source in meeting the needs of their soul.

God promises to be the Source for all of your needs.

And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19)

Father God, Please help me to identify the unmet needs that exist in the conflicts I find myself in. Help me to turn to You to meet the deep needs of my heart. Help me to pray for the needs in the lives of those I have conflict with. Be the source of all I need today. In Jesus’ strong name I pray, Amen.

How does that “conflict often reflects unmet needs” change the way you see the challenges in your relationships?

by Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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Finding the Good in Conflict by Bill Strom

• Every Conflict – Devotional d Strife – No Thanks!  by Gordon Fleming

•  Every Conflict  by Max Lucado

thoughts by Gail Rodgers Thoughts by Women

Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.Matthew 11:28

This was the first time in years that I would not be buying school supplies! I should have done cartwheels! Instead my thoughts were mixed. My year had been filled with change. New schedules and routines, a graduation, a wedding, a funeral, changes in friendships ….

They say change is the only constant in life. Some changes we like, others burden us down. Here are some principles I’ve learned in seasons of change.

1. Maximize the pros and minimize the cons. Every change has positive and negative aspects. The balance isn’t always equal. Choose to maximize the positive points and not linger on the negative ones. Choose to smile.

2. Appreciate people. We need each other, especially during change. Dare to reach out.

3. Cultivate a thankful heart. Never doubt the goodness of God toward you. Find small things to be thankful for. Gratitude is tonic for the soul. Choose thankfulness.

4. Invite God into every change. Some changes are hard and we struggle against them. Ask God to give you the strength and wisdom you need. He can be counted on when no one and nothing else can! He promises you will find rest. Invite Jesus.

Lord God, I can’t always choose the changes that come my way. But with Your heIp I can change my response. Thank you that You love me and will carry me through all my changes, especially the hard ones. Help me to live well where I am today and find my rest and my peace in You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Take Action: Get to know Jesus at a deeper level. Find His rest in the middle of your changes.

By Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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Take Rest Oh My Weary Soul – by Mary Pinckney

• Soulful Rest – by Jan Steward

Come to Me –  by John Grant

thoughts by Gail Rodgers Thoughts by Women

We sat on the beach watching the waves crash in and wash out. As they splashed against the rocks there was an amazing spray of ocean droplets, shining like diamonds in the afternoon sun.

Later that evening we sat on the same beach. In the semi-darkness of the full moon night we could faintly see the rush of the waves still splashing upon the rocks. We could hear the same rumble as their rhythm beat against the shore.

The heavy rock formations along the beach were carved in amazing shapes by the waves as the relentless tide took them out and brought them in again.  The constant washing over the rocks changed the faces of them and, over time, change along the whole beach was evident.

As I sat there, aware of the never ceasing motion of the waves I thought of God’s love. Much like the ocean it beats a steady, constant rhythm in our lives, washing over the hard places creating a newness that we marvel at. Sometimes it comes in gentle waves and warms our hearts. Other times His love crashes in on us in surprising ways that catch us off guard. Yet His love is sure and will never fail us.

Just as sure as the tide comes in and goes out daily, we can rest assured that the relentless tide of God’s love will encase us in His never-ending care.  He will create new and wonderful formations within our hearts. His faithful love can be depended upon in the gentle waves and in the crashing  rumble as it surrounds us daily. Though it’s not always predictable and tame, God’s love is always good! Trust it. He is your faithful God and He loves You with an everlasting love that always has your best interest at heart.

“I trust in God’s unfailing love for ever and ever.” Psalm 52:8b

Father God, Thank you that Your love never ceases. Thank you for washing over my life with Your amazing love and grace. Please help me to trust Your love always, even when it seems hard to understand. May I trust Your never-ending care and allow the new formations in my heart that You alone can create. Thank you Lord! I pray this in the name of Jesus, amen.

by Gail Rodgers
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Further Reading

•  Fix Your Eyes on Jesus – by Allan Mitchell

•  Nothing Can Separate Us – by Max Lucado

You Are Mine – by Donna Mitchell


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This Easter I was impressed with the newness that the Risen Christ brings to our lives. Being reminded of how His death conquered all that drags us down truly brings us back to the roots of our faith and our freedom. The “stuff of life” can easily distract and pull us away from the life changing truth that is ours on a daily basis.

With renewed commitment today I want to take to heart the words of Hebrews 12.

“… let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus.’ Hebrews 12:1-2

1 Peter 1:13 tells us exactly how to do this in very practical terms:

– Prepare your mind. Keep scripture fresh in your thoughts.
– Be self-controlled. Pay attention to where your focus lies.
– Set your hope fully on the grace to be give you when Jesus Christ is revealed.

Let’s receive the grace offered to us on a daily basis,  knowing that the trials of life are not the enemy. Rather the enemy is the choice of becoming lost in the trail and failing to grasp the grace held out to us daily to sustain us through the trial.

So let’s run with the grace given to us for today, and trust God with the tomorrows of our lives. His grace will meet us when we get to tomorrow.

Christ is risen indeed! May we walk in the power and grace of the risen Christ.

By Gail Rodgers
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Further Reading

• The Easter Story – the story of Christ’s death and resurrection

•   I Want to Know Him! Christ and his Resurrection Power

•  Salvation Explained

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thoughts by Gail Rodgers Thoughts by Women

Beth purchased the chocolate bunnies and headed to the parking lot. Company was coming and she still needed to get groceries and clean. She made a mental note to get extra eggs for the kids to color.

It was Easter week. They wouldn’t likely get to church. Her mental check list went on. She knew she was too busy, but she squeezed God in where she could.

I’m sure God knew how easy it would be for us to do just that. He actually provides a regular reminder for us. He calls us to take part in Communion and with good reason.

“Do this in remembrance of me. For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes.”
1 Corinthians 11: 26

In the business of “doing life” we often forget just what is actually proclaimed by Jesus’ death and His resurrection. It can so easily slip to the background of life and we can find ourselves living in dryness of soul, with divided hearts and sometimes with powerless, defeated lives.

Jesus knows us better than we know ourselves. That’s why He calls us to regularly remember Him; to keep proclaiming, in our individual lives, the truth of what His death on the cross means to us each day.

Proclaim it out loud…right now…

•    I proclaim I am forgiven (Thank you Lord! You alone know how I need You)
•    I proclaim I am loved (Thank you Lord that Your love is unconditional!)
•    I proclaim I am cleansed (Thank you Lord that my past is now behind me!)
•    I proclaim that by His grace I have all that I need (Thank you Lord for your undeserved grace and mercy to help me in my time of need!)

Do you believe it? The very same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead is the same power that will be at work in your life as you believe and proclaim these truths.

Welcome the celebration at the Communion table this Easter. Have your heart refreshed with forgiveness and wholeness as you believe the truth of what God says about you, His child. Receive His love in fresh measure.

Father God, Amaze my heart today with the truth of these proclamations. Thank you for the hope Easter revives in my heart! Fill me with Your Spirit and let Your resurrection power flow in new ways in my life. Help me to remember the power, in Your death and resurrection, that is mine every day. Help me to grow into all You have planned for me to be and to do. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

By Gail Rodger
Used by Permission

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More Easter Articles, Devotionals and Thoughts

•  Forgiveness – Yourself / Others

Going Deeper with God

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thoughts by Gail Rodgers Thoughts by Women

The radio played as I drove home sifting through the thoughts of my day. Suddenly a quote caught my attention. I missed who it was credited to but it was good. “No one is born a winner or loser, but each one is born a chooser.”

How true”, I thought as I maneuvered through the traffic. I was a chooser in every area of my life. Oh, I may not always choose my circumstances, but I would always be in charge of choosing my responses to those circumstances.

God gently nudged my heart and I began to think about some of the thoughts I was choosing to entertain about circumstances in my day. He reminded me that a response in life always begins with a thought. Some of my thoughts toward people and circumstances in my day were rather negative, critical and impatient. Left alone these thoughts would surely spiral me down and impact my responses in the same way. The choice was mine. God’s Word came to my mind.

We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”  2 Corinthians 10:5b

God is so good to remind us that we need to take stock of our thoughts. Thoughts are the seeds in our lives that result in actions and responses. We choose to let them stay or to take them captive and throw them out.

I realized the events of the day were sowing seeds in my mind and heart of things I did not want growing in my life. God used that quote on the radio to remind me that I was a chooser. I knew the kind of responses I wanted in my life and these thoughts would not get me there.

God’s Holy Spirit is our helper. He draws us on to be what we, in our own strength, cannot be. He helps us toss aside the seeds that would bear sour fruit if left unattended.

Where are your thoughts today? Be aware of what you are choosing to dwell on from your day or even your yesterday. Seeds always grow up and bear fruit. Paying attention to what parades through your mind puts you in a pro-active position. Before thoughts of irritation and frustration grow into angry, bitter roots, choose to ask God’s Holy Spirit to help you take those thoughts captive and to respond to your circumstances with His grace and love and His wisdom.

by Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

Bloom Where you are Planted – the Diane Willis story

• Setting up a  Proper Foundation in Your Life 

•  Salvation Explained

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So often our hearts want to follow God and yet our feet and our mouths take us in the opposite direction!

God’s word tells us that we are actually deceiving ourselves when we know God’s way and yet do not do what it says. The road to freedom is in doing what we hear in His word. If you are longing for freedom from the ruts in your life today then re-visit the last thing you know God nudged you to do and then go do it. Ask your loving Heavenly Father if there is anything He has taught you or called you to that you are forgetting today. Obey and then watch for His blessing.

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it – he will be blessed in what he does.James 1: 22 – 25

Dear Heavenly Father,  I am learning to understand what Your word says. Yet so often I simply hear it or read it and think about applying it, but get no further. I want to do it and intend to do it Lord, but it is gone from my mind so easily. I am deceiving myself if I simply hear it and do not make it a part of my life. Please help me today to take one truth and apply it to my circumstances.

Please let Your Holy Spirit nudge me and remind me throughout my day. I know that as I apply what Your word says I will find freedom. Please show me what I need to focus on right where I walk today, Father. Help me to be intent on practicing what You reveal to me. I know there is blessing in doing things Your way. I give You my will today to want to do what You show me. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

Question: Are there “ruts” which have developed in your life lately? How can you trust God to help you out of them?

by Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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thoughts by Gail Rodgers Thoughts by Women

This wise quote, “Wherever you are, be there.”  (Jim Rohn) is good advice for every day. Our days are busy and there is a lot going on. The temptation to spend our time focusing on tomorrow, or regretting yesterday, will most certainly rob us of the joy of simply living in this moment today!!

Make a conscious effort today to tune in to what is going on around you. Find delight in beauty where you find it. Notice the fresh smells. Slow down and look around with eyes that see. Listen to the unspoken feelings behind words you hear. Take time to care today. Be present in the moment you are in. Delight in it. Today is a gift …. it’s YOUR present.

This is the day that the LORD has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24

Find the good in today. Take time to experience the moment. Enjoy the blessings. And in moments that may be a challenge, remember God is right beside you offering His strength and love. Share His love with those who touch your life.

By Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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Finding the Good in Conflict by Bill Strom

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thoughts by Gail Rodgers Thoughts by Women