Category: <span>thoughts by Vonette Bright</span>

One woman was caught in the scandalous act of adultery.

Another was rejected and ignored because of her promiscuous lifestyle.

And even another was shunned for her shameful condition.

Nonetheless, Jesus personally reached out to those three while He was on earth.

Sharon wanted to use their stories to connect with women in her area.

So she prayed and planned an outreach at the community center.

She chose to show a film about their stories.

Many wept as they viewed the movie

Some prayed to receive Christ, while others rededicated their lives to Him.

Friend, help others understand true freedom and value are found only in Christ.

He still reaches women today no matter what their story might be!

To learn more, go to

by Vonette Bright
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Story of Shining Your Light – by Katherine Kehler

• Becoming Wonder Woman –  by Glenda Duranao

The Story of Your Heart – by Idelette McVicker

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You might relate to this story!

It was a Sunday skit that changed lives.
The main character was a secretary busily organizing her calendar.
The actor portraying God was trying to get the woman’s attention, yet He was ignored.
Well, God was persistent, so the secretary finally said she’d pencil him in.
After the skit, Larnelle Harris sang “I Miss My Time with You.”
It’s a song God used to remind people to have a daily quiet time to pray and study His word.
How about you, friend?  God wants to spend time with you.

But is God just ‘penciled in’ to your schedule and easily erased?
As Larnelle sang,

My efforts have no meaning when God’s presence isn’t there.
God will provide the power, if I take time to pray.”

Spending time with God WILL transform your life!

By Vonette Bright
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•  Take Out Your Thought Trash –  by Bradley Stubbs

•  Take Time to Ripen – by Julie Cosgrove

•  Happy? Take time to Relax and Enjoy the Lord by Katherine Kehler

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Read: John 1

Cheri wondered, “Is this all there is?”

At 29, she was married, had two boys, and was attending graduate school.  But she still felt empty.
As a child, she lost her aunt, grandfather and father.
All within two years.  And her best friend died.  Cheri wondered, even then, if God really cared about her.

Now the question haunted her.  So she decided to look into the Bible.  When she read John Chapter 1, it suddenly made sense.  Cheri prayed to commit her life to Christ.  She began a relationship with God that continues today.

Friend, when it comes to prayer, nothing is greater or more important!  God wants to talk with you, if you just take the time.  Bible study and prayer will change your life.

Today, Cheri Fuller encourages women worldwide about the joy and the power of prayer.

Loving Your Spouse Through Prayer: How to Pray God’s Word into Your Marriage by Cheri Fuller

by Vonette Bright
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Getting Life Back on Track  by Marvin Kehler

•  Turning Toward the Son

Winding Roads and Center Lines

thoughts by Vonette Bright Thoughts by Women

In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.Matthew 5:16

The Carlsbad Caverns will be a destination for a lot of families in summer.  You may have been there and remember: The tour guide leads you into a large underground chamber.  Then, he turns off all the lights.  It’s so dark, literally, you can’t see the hand in front of your face.

Then, with the flick of his wrist, the guide strikes a match and suddenly a tiny flame lights up the huge underground room.

That is the way light is in darkness. And that is the call for you and me in this dark world.  You are God’s flame of witness to those around you who can’t see a thing – they need the truth and light of the Bible.

So strike a match, burn brightly, light the way for someone near you today

By Vonette Bright
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This Little Light

Paradise Road – A Story of Shining your Light

How Bright is Your Light? 

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“..for this my son was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ And they began to be merry.” Luke 15:24

Lisa was dating a man who didn’t believe in Christ as she did.

Instead of breaking off the relationship, she gradually pulled away from God.
Within two years, the man broke up with Lisa.
She was tempted to believe that life was no longer worth living.

But,” Lisa admitted, “if anyone understands, it’s God.”

So she returned to church.
She prayed and cried through most of the service.

An old friend listened as Lisa unfolded the past two years.
The friend responded with the story of the prodigal son and reassuringly added,

God the Father is so glad you’re back!”

Dear one, have you taken a step away from God?

Return to Him.
Your heavenly Father will welcome you back with open arms.

By Vonette Bright
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Who is God to You ?

• Exiled – Thoughts by Julie Cosgrove

Brokenness as a Good Thing

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“The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.Psalm 126:3

Diane Morrow grew up in a Christian home.  But she wasn’t aware she needed a personal relationship with Jesus until college.

One Spring Break at the beach, she saw people sharing with complete strangers, telling them how Jesus made a difference in their life.  Diane recognized they had a relationship with Jesus that she needed and wanted.

Alone in her dorm room reading a Bible study lesson she’d received, Diane knew she needed Christ to be in control of her life.  She asked Jesus to come into her heart.

It didn’t stop there.  Diane discovered the joy of reading and applying God’s Word.  And, after experiencing twenty years, she marvels at the adventure of following Christ and the reality of God in her life.  God made a difference for Diane and He can for you too!

by Vonette Bright
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Would you like to start a personal relationship with Jesus?

You can do so right now  by sincerely praying the following prayer.

Lord Jesus, I want to know You personally. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life to You and ask you to come in as my Savior and Lord. Take control of my life. Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Make me the kind of person You want me to be. Amen.

If you prayed this prayer we would love to hear from you . If you would like to know God deeper we can connect you with an email mentor and/or send you some great links.

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For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

Author Linda Harvey received an email.  It began, “I’m a bisexual pagan who loves Jesus.”

Linda prayed about her response. She was seeing more and more of this from teens.
But the ”
Jesus” in whom those teens believe is a false Christ, not the biblical Jesus.

So, Linda responds by explaining who Jesus really is and why it’s so important to know the real One.

Friend, what about you?  Do you know the real Jesus?
Even popular TV stars today claim to be “
Christians”, but they doubt that sin or Satan exists.

The “Jesus” they worship is touted as the “divine within” and just one of many ways to God.

Yet the real Jesus claimed and is the ONLY way to God.
He alone claimed to be able to forgive our sins, our wrongdoings.

By Vonette Bright
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thoughts by Vonette Bright Thoughts by Women

Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” James 4: 7

Long ago, there was a village blacksmith who boasted of his invincible strength. He proudly declared he could break anyone’s chains. When strong steel links were brought to him, he found the weakest link … and easily snapped the metal.

One day, the blacksmith broke the law and was put into chains. He scoffed at his jailers. Didn’t they know his incredible power?

Carefully he sifted through the links … again and again … unable to find the usual flaw. Then, in horror he realized he’d been bound by … his OWN chains!

And, that’s the way it is with sin.

You may think you’re strong enough to withstand Satan’s enticements. But, when you repeatedly give in to temptation, you become what has become a habit.

Dear one, what “binds” you today? Ask for God’s help. He will set you free!

by Vonette Bright
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Chains of Perfectionism – by Kristi Huseby

• Shackled Again – by Julie Cosgrove

Depression Story – There is Hope

thoughts by Vonette Bright Thoughts by Women

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.Romans 15:13

As a third-century man was anticipating death, he penned these last words to a friend which remain true today:

It’s a bad world, an incredibly bad world.
But I have discovered in the midst of it, a quiet and holy people who have learned a great secret.
They have found a joy which is a thousand times better than any pleasure of our sinful life.
They are despised and persecuted, but they care not.
They have overcome the world. These people are Christians — and I am one of them.”

Dear one, happiness is like the moon. It shines brightly and then clouds over. But Joy is like the sun – always shining even when night falls or clouds cover it.  Happiness comes from humans  –  joy is from God.  It’s one of His attributes!

Friend, when you invite Jesus into your heart, God’s  joy is just a prayer away.

by Vonette Bright
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• Living in God’s Joy and Peace – Prayer for Inner Peace

•  Fruit of Joy – by Sylvia Gunter

You Can Have Joy – Thoughts by John Grant

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But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed.” Isaiah 53:5

Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.” 1 John 4:11

Gracie Rosenberger sat in the waiting room welcoming the West African patients.
She was part of a medical mission helping poor and rich alike who waited for artificial limbs.
As a double-amputee, Gracie knows the loss of a limb can hinder relationships.

But even Gracie’s smile and laughter froze upon seeing Mary’s hand extended to hers.
Mary was missing fingers and her right leg -the results of Leprosy.
As Mary looked at Gracie, her eyes questioned, “Am I welcome, too?”
Taking Mary’s disfigured hand; Gracie broke into an even bigger, warmer smile.
She was reminded how Christ had welcomed HER sinful, diseased and maimed soul into HIS family.
Nothing could stop her from sharing the warm embrace of Jesus Christ.

Touching the untouchable becomes a privilege, friend,
when you recall how Christ reached out to you.

Peter & Gracie Rosenberger:

Jesus not only touches our wounds, He heals our souls and welcomes us into His family.”

by Vonette Bright
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The Touch That Transforms  by Charles Stanley

 The Power of a Godly Touch  by Max Lucado

A Godly Touch – by Max Lucado

thoughts by Vonette Bright Thoughts by Women

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.” John 3:16

Cristine headed to hot and humid Central America with her youth group’s summer mission project. They would host a two-day children’s evangelistic outreach.

The teens prepared an entire program to illustrate the love of Christ to the children. In spite of hours of practice, things went wrong. But their nervous apprehension melted away when the teens learned to depend upon God.

The children were wide-eyed. They clamored for the wordless bracelets, which use colors to tell about God’s love.  Through smiles and broken Spanish, the teens helped forty children pray to invite Christ into their hearts!  The little ones wanted to hear God’s story over and over again.

Dear one, the simplicity of God’s love, not our eloquence or expertise is what touches a person’s life.

Wherever you are, tell someone about God’s love today!

By Vonette Bright
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Further Reading

• No Limit to His Love – by Max Lucado

To Love Like God  by John Fischer

You Don’t Know What You are Missing by Katherine Kehler

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One of my friend’s favorite Christmas songs is “Mary, Did You Know?”

In it the birth mother of Jesus is asked if she knows the importance and uniqueness of her baby boy.

What did Mary think as Jesus grew to heal the sick, calm the storm, and walk on water?
You see, friend, that tiny babe was actually the Creator of the universe!
Later in life, Mary had to endure watching her innocent son being nailed to a cross.
But the Bible story doesn’t end there.
Mary soon came to know He died for her sins, as well as yours and mine,
so one day we might join Him in Heaven.

Yes, Jesus may have entered His creation quietly, but He left in a rumble that echoes to this day.

And His next earthly visit won’t be as a humble child.  It will be as
Mighty King and Conqueror!

by Vonette Bright
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Further Reading

• I Wonder About Mary – A Christmas Devotional by Bill Strom

God Guided Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem – by Jon Walker

Not My Agenda, but God’s Agenda – A Devotional by Helen Lescheid


thoughts by Vonette Bright Thoughts by Women

Anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved. Romans 10:13

Manufacturers of hand sanitizers claim their products kill 99.9% of all germs.  Makes you wonder about the remaining one-tenth of one percent!

If 99.9% was good enough

~ 12 babies would be given to the wrong parents each day

~ 291 pacemaker operations would go wrong this year

~ Almost 900 thousand credit cards in circulation would contain incorrect ‘card holder’  information

~ And two landings at Chicago’s O’ Hare airport would be unsafe every day!

Dear one, 99.9% is NOT enough.  Especially when it comes to heaven.  Do you know where you’re going when you die? You can be absolutely, 100% sure about your eternal destiny because the Bible says so.  Jesus says so!  If you place your trust in Him, He promises you will someday meet Him in Heaven.  That’s a glorious, 100% guarantee!

By Vonette Bright
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Further Reading

•  How You Can be Sure You are a Christian

Full Confidence – A Devotional by John Grant

Promise of Redemption A Devotional by Suzanne Benner

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“He said to them, “Go into all the world. Preach the good news to everyone.”  Mark 16:15 (NIV)

Jason had been involved with Campus Crusade for Christ in college.  He was excited about his faith and wanted to share Christ with others.  He soon learned that a believer’s responsibility is only to share their faith in the power of the Holy Spirit and leave the results to God.

You see, you’re not to blame when the message of God’s love goes unheeded.

Your responsibility is simply to share God’s love and forgiveness.

So with a sense of expectancy, Jason asked God to lead him to people who would come to Christ.

First a mother and son excitedly responded.  Then another woman was deeply moved when she heard about having a relationship with Christ.  Her sister wanted to hear about God’s love, too!  Both received Christ!!!

Dear one, share the great news of God’s love and forgiveness, and leave the results to God.

by Vonette Bright
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Further Reading

•  Conversation Starters to transition to Spiritual things

Caring Enough to Tell Others about Christ

We are Christ’s Ambassadors


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But God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us by the coming of Titus.”  2 Corinthians 7:6

Owen Shramek lived for only twenty minutes after he was born. His father, Dustin, struggled with anger. During the first months after the baby’s death, Dustin admits he felt very little comfort from God. He prayed, “God, I know You are sovereign.  I know that You are in control.  But the least You could do is draw near to us and give us comfort.”

Well, on the six month anniversary, Dustin was reading through the mail. Letters came from God’s people all over the world.  He came across the Bible verse: “But God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us by the coming of Titus.”  God was answering his prayer through fellow Christians!

Dear one, be comforted. We are part of the Body of Christ. And it’s through this Body that He ministers to us. Even in our darkest days.

by Vonette Bright
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Further Reading

• Trusting God in Suffering – by Karen Woodard

God Uses Our Suffering – by Charles Stanley

How to Respond in Suffering – A Devotional by Helen Lescheid


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