Category: <span>Thoughts by Women</span>

By Marilyn Ehle

Methuselah lived 969 years and then he died.”  (Genesis 5:27)
“I will give him (Caleb)…the land he set his feet on, because he followed the Lord wholeheartedly.”
  (Deuteronomy 2:36)

Amazing advances in modern medicine, sociology and psychology seek to not only extend our lives but improve the quality of those lives A mere eight words describe one man whose name has become synonymous with advanced age: “Methuselah lived 969 years and then he died.”

Fewer people recognize the name of Caleb but this man dared to go against the prevailing opinion of his compatriots, staking his reputation on what he believed: that God and His word could be trusted.

What Arthur Winston believes about God wasn’t reported by the media, but his picture and words were front page news when he recently retired at the age of 100 from his 76-year tenure with the Los Angeles County Transportation Authority. (When asked about his “retirement” plans, Arthur responded that he wants to “keep busy, keep active.” He added that he might now have time to volunteer to help some of the elderly in his community!)

Methuselah lived long; Arthur exhibited tenacity in the workplace; but it is Caleb who is the prime example for the modern businessman and woman. To follow the Lord wholeheartedly when those around grow faint will receive far more lasting benefits than “social security” of “retirement benefits.”

Lord, thank you for examples to follow. Help me set the pace of wholehearted obedience to you so that those around will choose to join me on the path.”

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Marilyn Ehle has worked closely with businesswomen in the USA setting up and participating in luncheons and discussion groups which focused on issues pertinent to today’s employed woman.
A writer, she writes devotionals for Thoughts About God  and Christian Women Today

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by Idelette McVicker

“God sets the lonely in families …� Psalm 68:6

The concept of family is one of God’s eternal ways.  It is God’s heart that each of us would know the love and strength that comes from living within a family where we are loved and accepted. The reality is that most people don’t. I was reminded of this so powerfully one night when I helped out at a coffee bar ministry that builds relationships with the marginalized and addicted. I sat down at a table with a young guy who was rather strung out. He scratched his legs and face and couldn’t sit still. God wanted to speak to his heart. We had been practicing giving “destiny words,� asking God for something from His heart to give to others. I felt God wanted to tell him how much He loved him and wanted to be a Father to him. God wanted him to know the love of a family. The words of life and hope were too much for this young man who had lived in darkness, desperation, guilt and loneliness for so long. When I mentioned the word “family,� he got up and ran out, back onto the streets. He couldn’t face the feelings it evoked and the deep longings it stirred within him.

We long to be connected, whether by blood or as part of the Christian family. One of our deepest desires is to belong and know that, in spite of what we do, we will be loved and accepted.  God sets the lonely in families. Today, how can you be someone’s family?

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Idelette McVicker is founder and editor of  She’s lived in South Africa and Taiwan, but home is now in Vancouver, Canada, with her husband and two young daughters. Her mission is to “clothe this generation in Amazing.�

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by Joyce Carr Stedelbauer

How are we to find Him today?

The ancient Scriptures still speak with authority
alive with eyewitness reports
news flashes
Angels Christmas carols
school pageants
billboards proclaiming

Jesus is the Reason for the Season.

Dear Dr. Luke,
Physician, Caregiver, Historian, Author,
I am deeply indebted to you.

You searched and researched the truth
with meticulous care;
a surgeon’s scalpel dividing history and heresy,
an incision to remove legend from fact,
a stitching together of the Word made flesh
healing for a wounded world.

Without you, who would know?
Glorious Gabriele’s missions
foretelling John the Baptist’s birth,
and his Divine cousin to be named Jesus,
the intimate conversations of Elizabeth and Mary,
filled with Holy wonder of God’s hand.

Without you, who would know?
Zacharias Benedictus,
Mary’s Magnificate,
Simeon’s song,
Anna’s answered prayers.

Without you, who would know?
Angel’s bending low
fanning the Shepherd’s meager wood to flame,
unrolling Heaven’s scroll
with the brilliance of His Name,
spelled in stars on the blackboard sky.
Thank you, Dear Dr. Luke.

“Have You Seen The Star?”
Author: Joyce Carr Stedelbauer

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