Category: <span>thoughts by Katherine Kehler</span>

And he has committed us to the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us
2 Corinthians 5:19-20

We were invited to a dinner party where the ambassador from a South East Asian country was the special guest. As you can well imagine, it is an honor for a person to be chosen to represent their country in another land. She was an effective ambassador.

During the evening she told us about her country – the beauty, the history, the people. She told us what they imported and what they exported. It was a very thorough overview. And when the dinner came to a close, she warmly invited us to come visit her country.

On the way home, my husband and I discussed the close comparison of what Christians are called to be – Christ’s ambassadors – and what she had been commissioned to be – the ambassador for her country. Meeting with her was a reminder of our calling. All Christians represent the Kingdom of God. This world is not our home.

We are here for one thing:

To tell others everything we know about our King and the heavenly home we are going to. We are to invite them to come to the Kingdom of God.

Do you ever feel inadequate representing King Jesus? We all do. We can’t do it in our own strength. But God has provided the Holy Spirit who will provide the words and the boldness. Just before His ascension Jesus said,

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses…” Acts 1:8.

Do you want to experience the power to be His witness? I encourage you to ask God to fill you with His Holy Spirit.

We are Christ’s ambassadors! What an honor He has bestowed upon us. Together let’s make people aware that we represent the Kingdom of God. And don’t chicken out when it’s time to invite them to come visit God’s Kingdom.

Father, thank You for granting us the privilege of being Your subjects to represent You here on earth. We have to admit, Lord, (please forgive us) that sometimes we get so busy with life that we forget why we are here. Sometimes we are downright cowardly. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit, so we will be bold and loving in order to represent you effectively. Amen.

by Katherine Kehler
used by permission

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Thoughts by All thoughts by Katherine Kehler Thoughts by Women

by Katherine Kehler

You haven’t done this before. Ask, using my name, and you will receive, and you will have abundant joy.” John 16:24

We were in the new house and I was walking around inspecting it. I checked the stovetop and realized that only one knob worked. The others were worn out. The past owner told me that replacements were ordered and would arrive soon. Sure enough, in a few days, the new knobs were delivered to the door.

I quickly slipped them on and turned them on. Not one of them worked. The shaft on the new knobs were too long. I called appliance repair shops, told them the kind I needed and gave them the model number. A week later they called. The knobs were in and I could pick them up.

At the store I looked at the knobs and to my dismay, I noticed they were exactly the same as the ones I had just tried – the ones that didn’t work. When I told the supplier, he told me I must be wrong, of course they worked. I assured him I was not mistaken and I had to leave them there.

But I still had the problem. I couldn’t cook with only one knob for my stovetop. I had nowhere to go but God.

Lord,” I prayed, “what can I do to make these knobs turn?”

Immediately I had the answer. Insert a short piece of plastic into the knob shaft to fill in the shaft. I tried it and within minutes all the knobs worked. I was so pleased.

We can pray about everything. God cares! He hears and is able to do a lot more than we could ever imagine. And we will be filled with joy.

Do you have a problem? Tell God about it. Nothing is impossible with Him.

Father, I thank You for caring about all our problems. Thank You for hearing and answering our prayers. Amen.

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Oh LORD God Almighty! Where is there anyone as mighty as you, Lord.” Psalm 89:8

I am extremely grateful for our God’s magnificent creation. I never cease to be amazed at the thousands of varieties of birds, flowers, trees, leaves, rocks and plants.  I love gazing at different mountain ranges such as the Rocky Mountains in Western Canada in all their grandeur or the mountains of California and Arizona with their varying shadows.  I love quiet streams; gushing waterfalls; rivers; lakes; and oceans. I am continually amazed at the way God controls the oceans and how he allows the tides to come inland just so far and then it has to retreat again.

We read in Isaiah 42: 12
Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, And marked off the heavens by the span, And calculated the dust of the earth by the measure, And weighed the mountains in a balance And the hills in a pair of scales.”

When I consider that all the water in the world can fit in God’s hand, I know he is a BIG God.

My job keeps me in front of a computer for most of the day and my husband, Marvin, has made a wonderful garden for me just outside my office window.  I get to enjoy rhododendrons, hydrangea, azaleas, and many other flowers while I am working. He has also placed the bird feeder within my view.

One morning, last winter, after a heavy snowfall, I filled up the bird feeder and the birds were so happy. They proceeded to put on a real show for me – flitting from one branch to another and then back to the feeder.

Many different birds visit us and although I love them all humming birds have always made me stop what I am doing to watch them. They are amazing:

They fly forward, backward, shift sideways, stop in midair.
They can beat their wings 60 to 200 times per second.
They lap nectar with their tongues (some say that their tongue is like a straw).
They can fly up to 60 miles an hour.
They live 5 -6 years in the wild.
They are the smallest bird in the world.
They consume, on average, half their weight in sugar each day.
Some of them migrate 600 miles to a warmer climate.

When I see these little birds with their magnificent iridescent colors, I am reminded of how wonderful and majestic and amazing our God is. And because He has created so many wonders for us to enjoy here on earth, I know they are but a taste of what He has in store for us in heaven.  For this I am so thankful.

Father, I am so thankful for the wonders of your creation. Thank you that you didn’t create the world in black and white or without sounds and smells. I love you God, because you are so great and so kind. Amen.

by Katherine Kehler

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Thoughts by All thoughts by Katherine Kehler Thoughts by Women

by Katherine Kehler

The woman left her water jar beside the well and went back to the village and told everyone, Come and meet a man who told me everything I ever did! Can this be the Messiah?'” John 4:28-29

I was sitting in the airport in Johannesburg one day, waiting for my flight.  A woman was sitting beside me and I began a conversation with her.  After a while we got on the topic of spiritual things and soon I was reading the Four Spiritual Laws with her.

When we got to the prayer I asked her if she would like to invite Christ into her life.  She said to me, “I can’t receive Christ because I am divorced.”  It was with joy that I explained to her that we don’t have to be perfect to receive Jesus.  He accepts us just as we are, no matter what we have done.

I explained God’s love to her from different perspectives and all of sudden this wonderful smile crossed her face.  She understood that God loved her just as she was, and she prayed and asked Christ into her life.  Her countenance changed instantly.

I wonder, have you taken the time to introduce your friends to Jesus to that they can experience God’s love?

Father, what a joy to see the transformation in a person’s face when they understand for the first time that you love them and died to cancel out their sin!  Show us the opportunities around us–people who are hungering and thirsting after you.  Give us the words to begin the conversation and lead them to You.  Amen

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Thoughts by All thoughts by Katherine Kehler Thoughts by Women

by Katherine Kehler

One of them came back to Jesus, shouting, ˜Glory to God, I’m healed!” He fell flat on the ground in front of Jesus, face downward in the dust, thanking Him for what He had done. Jesus asked, “Didn’t I heal ten men? Where are the nine?’ Luke 17:15-17

Daily devotionals onlineI have often thought about how exciting it will be when we get to heaven and our eyes will be opened to all the miracles God did for us – most of which we were unaware of. We will also come to realize how many times we rationalized away many of the miracles, like the nine lepers who were healed.

The cartoon character, Charlie Brown, gave several suggestions as to why the nine lepers never returned to Jesus to give thanks. They reveal a whole lot about human nature:

One man waited to see if the cure was real.

One waited to see if it would last.

One said he would see Jesus later.

One decided that he had never really had leprosy.

One said he would have gotten well anyway.

One gave the glory to the priests.

One said, “O, well, Jesus didn’t really do anything.”

One said, “Any rabbi could have done it.”

One said, “I was already much improved.

Think about it, are we thanking God for all He has done and is doing for you? Or are we, like the lepers, rationalizing away God’s miracles?

Father, would you please give us an attitude of gratitude – every day? Thank You! Amen

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Thoughts by All thoughts by Katherine Kehler Thoughts by Women

by Katherine Kehler

He has put eternity in their heartsEcclesiastes 3:11b

When my brother learned he had Lou Gehrig disease, (a terminal, progressive, motor neuron disease also known as A.L.S) his plans changed. He and his wife, June, had planned to buy a house and start a business and we spent many evenings with them discussing the details of their plans and dreams. But God had another plan for their lives. And it was good!

After the medical tests confirmed Frank had A.L.S., the topic of our conversations changed. Frank had heaven on his mind. Of course, he was concerned about June’s well being and who would look after her when he was gone. But the Lord strengthened him in an amazing way. One of the ways was by giving him a vision of a huge angel (thirty stories tall) who would protect her.

We spent our evenings watching the Gaither’s . Many songs they sang were about heaven and heaven was on our minds.

During the last few years of Frank’s life, I read two significant books on heaven: one by Joni Eareckson and the other by C.S. Lewis. Both books helped broaden my heavenly perspective. We know and think so little about our future home.

Last week I received an email from Betty who felt that something was missing in her life. She loved the Lord and served Him wholeheartedly, but still, something was missing. She didn’t realize that she was missing home – heaven. Like all of us, she is on a journey. Earth is not our final destination – we are just passing through. We will never feel totally at home here, because heaven is our home.

I know that now, but when my mother died, I knew she was in heaven, but I wasn’t sure of where I would be spending eternity. How about you? Are you sure you will go to heaven when you die? If not, why don’t you write to me. I will share with you what I learned about being confident of my future destiny with God.

Frank was sure and was looking forward to heaven. You can be too.

Father, this world is not our home. We are on a journey to be with You. So often we forget. My desire and prayer is, Lord, that all the people who read this devotional will know with absolute certainty that when they die, they will be in heaven with You. Amen.

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Thoughts by All thoughts by Katherine Kehler Thoughts by Women

by Katherine Kehler

Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.”
John 14:13-14

Christian daily devotionalSam was always old. We had known him for over 30 years and it seemed like he had always been hunched over and shuffling. We only saw him at Horse Shows a few times a year, and we were really fond of him.

One fall, after he turned 100 years old we went to see him. He still recognized us. We hugged him, stroked his hands, talked and prayed with him. He held my hand so tight when we were about to leave.

And to our amazement, he talked about the Lord. Yes, he talked about Jesus always being with him and that he was going to heaven. He asked us if we were still going to church. We could hardly believe the change in this crotchety old man.

We had planned to go see him again a week later, but were told that he had died. It didn’t seem real – we would never see him on earth again.

Sam lived alone. He was divorced; his only son had predeceased him. His grandchildren paid little attention to him, even though he paid their way through college.

Sam’s whole life revolved around his ponies. They were all he ever talked about.

We were concerned about his lack of relationship with the Lord, so on several occasions we drove to Oregon to encourage him to receive Christ as His Lord and Savior, but each time he rejected what we shared with him. He had read the Bible three times, he told us, but had decided his heaven was here on earth. We cried when we left him. It was so sad to think that he would not be in heaven with us.  I often prayed, “Lord, don’t let him die before he becomes a Christian”. We mobilized many people to pray for him.

Ironically, the only people who cared for him, beside us, were another Christian couple. When Sam grew increasingly frail, they made the arrangements to move him into the Assisted Living Care Home for seniors, which was run by Baptists.

I learned that in God’s timing it is never too late to accept Jesus. One is never too old, too grouchy or too stubborn for God. After all, He is the God of all flesh, He is not willing that any should perish, and he loves all of his creatures with unfailing love. He drew Sam to himself when he was over 90 years old.  We don’t know exactly when, but it was during his stay at the Baptist home. We were told that after he accepted Christ, he would even hum or try and sing the tunes of the hymns–a true sign of God’s spirit living in him.

Never give up on anyone.  As long as they are alive, there is time for them to give their hearts to God.

Father, thank you for loving us enough to send someone to share the gospel with us. Thank you for saving Sam and multitudes of others who seem to be too far gone.  You are the God of all flesh “nothing is impossible with you”. In fact, all things are possible. Give us the faith to keep believing and keep praying. Amen

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Thoughts by All thoughts by Katherine Kehler

by Katherine Kehler

Dear brothers and sisters, pattern your lives after mine, and learn from those who follow our examplePhilippians 3:17

daily devotionalI remember singing a song when I was younger that went like this, “Brother, I pray thee, lift higher your light, someone is following you; following you both by day and by night, someone is following you.”

Some time ago, Marvin and I, were flying home from a conference in Toronto. We were sitting in the economy class. We were both very tired. As soon as we were settled in our seats, we fell asleep and slept until the flight attendant came down the aisle with beverages. Marvin ordered a coke; I just had water.

As soon as we began to drink our beverages, the man in the seat behind us leaned over the seat and said, “Well, Mr. and Mrs. Kehler, what are you having to drink?” He recognized us because he had gone to college with our daughter. He told us very candidly that he had been observing us since we had first walked into the air terminal, wondering if we would be traveling first class (which we don’t unless we are upgraded) and what drinks we ordered.

He was watching us to see if our walk matched our talk. He was one of the rare people who told us that he was watching us. How many people observe us but never tell us? People are following us. They know that there is something different about us.

Question: What do ‘they’ see when they observe you?

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Thoughts by All thoughts by Katherine Kehler Thoughts by Women

By Katherine Kehler

So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Luke 11:9

Pedro lives in the Philippines and he wanted a white dog — real bad. Not a brown dog or a black dog, but a white dog.

He needed someone to play with after school and someone to guard him. So one day he decided to talk to God and ask Him for a white dog. He looked up to the sky and said, “God, I really would like a white dog. Would you please give me a white dog?”

Well, you know what happened? The following day, when his mother was shopping, a white dog followed her all the way home and then – he walked right into their house as if it was his house too. You can imagine how excited Pedro was, when after school, he saw the dog. The dog and the boy hugged each other and played as if they had known each other for a long time.

Pedro’s parents asked people in their neighborhood if they knew someone was missing a white dog, but there was no one. So the dog belonged to Pedro. He named him Sky because God had sent him the dog.

That night he prayed, “Dear Jesus, thank you for giving me the dog I asked for. Now I know that You are real and You love me because you want me to be happy.”

Sky can’t talk, but he does tricks to make the whole family laugh. He guards them when they are in danger. He is the friend who cheers them up when they are discouraged. He helps them enjoy life again.

God is good and it gives Him pleasure to bless us with His good things. Why don’t you tell someone about a wonderful gift God gave you? Or maybe you want to ask God for something and thank Him for something He has given you.

Thank you, Jesus, for loving us and wanting to bless us. Sometimes when we are unhappy we forget to talk to You about it. Help us to remember that You love us and we can ask You for anything we want. You don’t always say “yes” immediately, but You will answer our prayer when it is the best time for us. Amen.

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Thoughts by All thoughts by Katherine Kehler Thoughts by Women

by Katherine Kehler

Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I bring you the most joyful news ever announced, and it is for everyone!  The Savior — yes, the Messiah, the Lord, has been born tonight in BethlehemLuke 2: 10 -11

We are celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ on December 25th and I have been wondering what I should give Him for His birthday this year. What would He like?

The Wise Men brought tangible gifts — gold, frankincense and myrrh. But we can’t give material gifts to Him, so I have to think of something else, something He would value.

What can I give Him?

LOVE? I know He would appreciate more love from me.

OBEDIENCE? The Bible tells us that we show our love to Him by our obedience.

THANKFULNESS? To many times I take His blessings for granted.  Family, health, nature, home, lots of food, forgiveness of sins. Yes, I need to thank Him (and others) more often.

PRAISE? He really appreciates our praise. Not just on Sunday morning, or during quiet times, but many times–all the day long.

TELL OTHERS ABOUT HIM? Yes, because after all, He promised us His power to be His witnesses.

GIVE TO THE POOR? He wants us to remember and help those less fortunate than we are.  OK, Lord, direct me to the poor that you want me to help.

Thanks for the Bible, Lord! It tells us what You appreciate. Now which one of these gifts will I make my focus this year?

What are YOU going to give Jesus for His birthday?

Lord Jesus, we really want to please you on your birthday celebration this year.  What can we give you? Would you please let us know what would please you the most?  Thank you.  We love you. Amen.

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Thoughts by All thoughts by Katherine Kehler Thoughts by Women

By Katherine Kehler

Honor and majesty surround him; strength and beauty are in his sanctuary.” Psalm 96:6

Beauty energizes our souls.

Christian DevotionalMountains with fresh fallen snow, streams of water winding through lush, green-tree lined banks. Quiet lakes with loons gliding in the water, calling out plaintively. Saturate your eyes with the beauty God created for us to enjoy. You will become quiet and your soul will be filled with praise to our Creator.

Babies learning new things and giving us a big smile because they know they have accomplished something amazing. Children laughing and running after butterflies or absorbed in looking for small mushrooms in the lawn or making snowmen or snow angels. They bring magic and joy into our lives.

Eagles and hawks soaring and swooping overhead little birds busy eating out of the bird feeder or bathing in the puddles. We watch, laugh and feel good. We are satisfied because God is so generous.

Sun rays shining through the beveled glass on a front door creating rainbows on a tiled floor – just for a few seconds, but so beautiful and you take time to admire God’s handiwork.

One flower blooming in an otherwise dreary street observing an act of kindness toward a harried mother or frail person. All of this is from God.

Today, take the time to notice beauty and thank God for his gift to us – it is all around us.

Father, thank you for creating so much beauty – it is all around us.  Open our eyes and ears that we can see and hear. Amen.

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by Katherine Kehler

Father, give me my share of the estate.”  Luke 15:12

I love to read books by the author Henry Nouwen. Though he was a highly educated man, he maintained a childlike relationship with the Lord. One of his books, The Return of the Prodigal Son, has some fresh insights into this parable that I had not considered.

As you know, this parable is all about our relationship with God our Father. In essence, the lost son told his father, “I don’t want you, just the things you can give me.”

Although I had habitually viewed the prodigal as someone who had turned his back on God and didn’t come back for many years, Henri Nouwen brings out the fact that all of us can become prodigals many times a day. Whenever we choose to use God only as an “answer to prayer” dispenser or if we remember Him in times of crisis only, we are like the prodigal son. We choose his gifts rather than Him.

When I stop to think about it, I feel so ashamed because I have done that and still do at times.

The good news is that no matter how often we turn away from God and focus on his resources rather than on Him, He is always there, waiting for us with outstretched arms. We are always welcome to come back and bask in His love.

Father, I cannot comprehend Your awesome love and Your total acceptance of Your children. We aren’t like that. Give us the grace to bask in Your love and return Your love. Amen.

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Thoughts by All thoughts by Katherine Kehler Thoughts by Women

by Katherine Kehler

I urge you, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and all those in authority1 Timothy 1:2

A few months before Dr. Bill Bright went home to be with the Lord, Marvin and I talked with him by phone. The doctor had given him only months to live because of a deteriorating lung condition. Even though he was bedridden and on oxygen all the time, he was rejoicing in the Lord and still was working on 15 projects.

He told us how God spoke to him in a dream. In the dream, God showed him the growing number of bedridden and/or handicapped seniors who could be using this last season of their lives for the most powerful ministry of all – intercession. They could be interceding for their families, their church, their country and the world. God asked him to share this dream with all bedridden and handicapped seniors.

My brother Frank became totally handicapped as the result of Lou Gehrig’s disease. Near the end of his life he could only communicate by blinking his eyes. But as he grew physically weaker, he became spiritually stronger and his ministry became intercession.

God shapes the world by prayer. The more praying there is in the world the better the world will be, the mightier the forces against evil….” – EM Bounds

Would you help Bill Bright fulfill the dream God gave him by recruiting seniors to intercede for the world?

Father, the Bible says that “first of all” we are to pray. I ask that You would raise up millions of seniors who, in their retirement years, would make intercession their ministry. Amen

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by Katherine Kehler

Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or hour” Matthew 25:13

Christian DevotionalWe were on one of those “around the world in 10 days” trips.
It was December and my husband Marvin and I, along with another couple, had been on the road – actually in the air – for five days. We were getting weary and I was eager to get home to complete my Christmas preparations.

We were flying from Ethiopia to meet friends in Bangalore, India. From there we were flying to Singapore, Hong Kong and Macau. Only five days left.

On the flight to India, the people in the plane were very noisy, or at least it seemed that way. Lack of sleep has a way of magnifying sounds.  I noticed the flight attendants whispering amongst themselves. They looked concerned. Shortly after, the pilot came on the public address system and then I understood.  He announced very calmly, “Please pay careful attention. We have received notice that there could be a bomb on this plane. You must be calm. We will not taxi to the air terminal when we land, but to the far end of the airstrip. You will be taken to the terminal by bus.”

The people on the plane became very quiet. The incessant, loud chatter turned to silence. Everyone was deep in thought, evaluating their life, no doubt. I know I was. My first thoughts were, “Well, Lord, maybe I’ll see You today. That would be wonderful.” I had such a calm and peaceful spirit – it didn’t seem normal.

This is the blessing of knowing God personally and being in the center of His will. There is no fear in facing Him. In fact, great joy will fill your heart at the thought of seeing Him soon.

Elisabeth Elliot, a well-known author and speaker, once told a group of women that the safest place for any person is in the center of God’s will. I experienced this truth that day. We were certainly relieved when the bomb threat turned out to be a false alarm. But even during the time of wondering if the plane might be blown to bits, I felt safe. I was exactly where God wanted me to be.

The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms” (Deuteronomy 33:27).

Father, thank you for giving us peace, perfect peace, in place of fear. Amen.

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by Katherine Kehler

But thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion and gracious, long suffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth.” Psalm 86:15

As I pushed the grocery cart out of the store, I noticed the man; he was collecting money for physically challenged people. He himself was in a wheelchair.

Should I stop and talk to him, I wondered. It was Friday night and raining outside. I just wanted to go home to our warm house.

But then I remembered my brother Frank. The last years of his life were spent in a wheelchair because of being stricken with Lou Gehrig’s disease. Near the end of his life all he could do was blink his eyes for “yes” or “no“. Without a wheelchair he would have been bedridden.

I stopped and talked to the man for a while and donated some money.

Experiencing the frustration of watching healthy people park in handicapped zones (I used to do it too), watching people avoiding meeting my brother’s eyes or not talking to him because they were intimidated changed me. The agonizing experience of watching my brother deteriorate has made me more compassionate.

Hardships do that for a person. We begin to take the time to stop and talk and laugh with hurting people. The tough times build character into our souls. The Lord uses the painful experiences to polish us so people can see Christ in us. Hardships can make us more like Jesus.

Someone once said,
If you want to shine for Jesus, you have to be polished.

Father, thank You for the hardships You lead us through. You use them to make us more compassionate, more loving and kind. More tender. Make us be more like Jesus. Amen.

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Thoughts by All thoughts by Katherine Kehler Thoughts by Women