Category: <span>thoughts by Kristi Huseby</span>

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a country where you weren’t free – free to drive to see family members, free to speak your mind, free to worship in the way that you want?  It’s hard for me to imagine what it would be like to not have a copy of God’s Word, to not be able to call a friend and talk about how I’m struggling in my relationship with God or to freely write what is on my heart.

As I see what is happening all around the world – the unrest in so many countries, the earthquakes and tsunamis, I have to admit my heart trembles and I wonder if my world will drastically change.  Will I someday experience what many Christians in other countries around the world experience?  Will someday being persecuted for my faith mean more than just losing my job or being criticized for believing in God but going to jail or having my family stripped away from me?

And then I wonder. . .  will I be as resilient in my faith as I am now?  Will I be able to stand strong in the face of danger?  If I let my thoughts run in that direction I can allow fear to completely consume me.

Look at what 2 Timothy 1:7-8 (NLT) says:

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. So never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord. . . With the strength God gives you, be ready to suffer with me for the sake of the Good News.

“God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity but of power, love and a self-discipline. . .” 

When we give into fear and allow it to consume us we are giving power to the enemy but God has given us everything we need to stand strong and to face whatever comes our way!   But how do we do this in the face of overwhelming circumstances and fear? By turning our hearts back to Him.

When I experience fear, heartache or worry in my life He wants me to give it to Him and to claim His power and love.   Just as a pedestrian on a swinging rope bridge keeps their eyes fixed on the other side and doesn’t allow himself to look down to the gorge below,  we have to fix our eyes on our Savior, the author and finisher of our faith.

If God’s Word is true and I believe it is than He will give me what I need when the time arises.  I don’t have to live in fear or worry of what tomorrow will bring because He promises to be with me, to give me His Strength and His Power to meet whatever will come my way.

We have nothing to fear . . .

if God is for us, who can ever be against us?  (Romans 8:31 NLT)

By Kristi Huseby
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• Eternal Love
• Fully Surrender to the Lord

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thoughts by Kristi Huseby Thoughts by Women

Our ancestors in Egypt were not impressed by the Lord’s miraculous deeds. They soon forgot His many acts of kindness to them. Instead, they rebelled against Him at the Red Sea. Even so, He saved them — to defend the honor of His name and to demonstrate His mighty power.Psalm 106:7-8, (NLT)

I came across these verses recently and I was transported back to a conversation I had with my dad.

He shared with me a discussion he had with a troubled man who didn’t believe in the Bible because he had never seen a miracle. My dad proceeded to tell him for the next two hours all the miracles he had seen and experienced in his life!

I wondered, could I do that?

How easy it is when we get in difficult places, like the Israelites. When we’re backed up against our own version of the Red Sea, we begin to question God. Where is His power? His greatness? His goodness?

We easily assume He has set us up to fail. We accept that He’s a dangling-carrot-kind-of-God who takes great joy in yanking things away whenever we get too close. We believe He’s a game-playing God who wants to see if we’ll flinch or yell “Uncle.” We think He’s a malicious, vindictive, and troubling God.


Because we’ve forgotten. We’ve forgotten the ways He has demonstrated His might and power, His unending love, His elaborate grace. We’ve forgotten that He is greater than us, wiser than us. We can’t seem to remember that He’s all-knowing, the ultimate strategist. We’ve forgotten the miracles.

So instead of forgetting, let’s choose to remember and hold close our God-sightings.
When the times of disillusionment come, when we feel God had backed us into a corner, we must remember the treasure trove of God-sightings. Let’s bring them out into the light and cling to their truth, even when we can’t see.

Jehovah God, we confess our short-sightedness and forgetfulness of Your great work in our life. How easy it is to let our circumstances determine our belief. We are fickle human beings who easily lose sight of our Creator. Teach us to remember, to treasure these miracles in our heart so that when times get hard and our way is dark, we will recall the light and see our way back to You. Amen.

By Kristy Huseby
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Angels and Miracles
A Christian Muslim in the Middle East – I am a Christian Muslim woman living in the Middle East.  Loving Jesus is a dangerous love.

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thoughts by Kristi Huseby Thoughts by Women

What would cause someone to go against the tide of social influence?  What would make them stand up against a vast amount of their peers and refuse to go along with what they believe?  Peer pressure is a powerful force and few can stand against it!

However, there were two men in the Bible who did just that . . .

Caleb and Joshua were chosen, along with ten other men, to explore the Promised Land and give a report to Moses and the people.  When they returned ten of the spies were against conquering the land.  This is what they said,

The land we traveled through and explored will devour anyone who goes to live there.  All the people we saw were huge. We even saw giants there. Next to them we felt like grasshoppers, and that’s what they thought, too!”  Numbers 13:32-33 (NLT)

Caleb and Joshua disagreed!  They wanted to go immediately and take the land.

But all the people began to cry and weep.  Then the whole community began weeping aloud, and they cried all night. Their voices rose in a great chorus of protest against Moses and Aaron.” Numbers 14:1-2 (NLV)

By this time, you would think Caleb and Joshua would have given in to this incredible amount of pressure but they didn’t.  Listen to what they said,

It is a rich land flowing with milk and honey.  Do not rebel against the Lord, and don’t be afraid of the people of the land. They are only helpless prey to us! They have no protection, but the Lord is with us! Don’t be afraid of them!” Number 14:7-9 (NLV)

When everyone else was trembling in fear, Caleb and Joshua were ready to march ahead.  Who does that?  Why would they believe when everyone else did not?

They knew who God was!  They had witnessed His constant faithfulness to them, time and time again and they believed!  They saw the Promised Land through a different lens.  They knew the God who created the Universe, who hung the stars in space and formed the land would stand with them, would go before them and they had nothing to fear!

They all had witnessed God’s faithfulness to them; when He provided manna, brought water from a rock and saved them from the Egyptians!  What caused Caleb and Joshua to believe and the Israelites to doubt?

To the other Israelites, Caleb and Joshua had an outlandish faith!  It was completely illogical.  But this wild and crazy faith was rooted in an amazing, outlandish God who had proven Himself over and over to them.

What kind of faith do you have?  How big is your God?  Do you trust Him when things seem impossible, when you can’t see what He is doing?

The only way to develop this kind of faith is to KNOW your God.

I encourage you to get into His Word and discover who He is.  He will not disappoint!

This is what the Lord says:  “Don’t let the wise boast in their wisdom, or the powerful boast in their power, or the rich boast in their riches.  But those who wish to boast should boast in this alone: that they truly know me and understand that I am the Lord who demonstrates unfailing love . . .” Jeremiah 9:23-24 (NLV)

By Kristi Huseby
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Heart Fully Committed to Him

How to have a “Quiet Time”

Continuous Partial Attention Is your prayer time undistracted?

Should I Pray Every Day? 

Hailing the Chief

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thoughts by Kristi Huseby Thoughts by Women

A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:10-12,( NLV)

My Marine son has a Latin saying tattooed on his arm – SI VIS PACEM PARA BELLUM. It means,

If you want peace, prepare for war.”

I’ve thought long and hard about that statement.

If a country desires peace they must have an army, armed and prepared, to protect its citizens from those who desire to overtake it.

Soldiers rigorously train for battles they may never face, in order to keep their country secure and safe. But what happens to a country when its army is ill-equipped, poorly trained and undisciplined? It is left vulnerable to attack. In order for peace to be achieved a country has to be ready for war in every way.

During my son’s 12-week Marine Basic Training his drill sergeants wanted their platoon to be the very best at everything they did. That meant that every man had to be excellent. If one member fell behind, they all would pay the price. My son’s platoon would drill 8-9 hours straight in order to achieve best platoon in drilling. They were right on track for taking first place for top platoon overall but when they got to the rifle range something happened – their shooting was off and they finished in second place. Their drill sergeant lined them up in their barracks and began to scream and yell at them for taking second place. He was so mad that he took their second place trophy and threw it out the window! And then he said,

There is no second place in war! You are either first or you’re dead!”

As followers of Christ, we are in a war!

We have an enemy that hungers for our souls and preys on our weaknesses. He seems to find all the places that we are vulnerable, or ill equipped. One of his best tactics is to get Christians to think they are at peace when they really are at war, to catch them unprepared and untrained for battle.

We need to be prepared for the battle. We cannot let down our guard, we must be strong and alert! But what does that look like in our life as a follower of Christ? We must train just like a soldier does – we need to learn God’s Word and be ready to use it. Jesus used Scripture in defeating Satan when he was tempted. We need to not just read it but apply it to our lives. God’s word needs to be an integral part of our everyday life!

We must develop our relationship with God. We need to know who He is so that we can place our trust in Him even when we don’t understand what’s happening or can’t see the way. The Bible calls us to walk by faith. Notice that in the first part of those verses it says that we are to be strong in the Lord and that we are to draw our strength from Him. We cannot do it on our own – we need His power, His strength and His might.

If you want peace in your life as a Christian, you must prepare for the battle.

Father, My strength is in You alone. When I am tempted to believe that I can handle this on my own, gently remind me that the battle is Yours. Help me to faithfully study Your word so that I can know You better. Amen

Question: Are you aware and ready to fight spiritual battles in your life?

by Kristi Huseby
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thoughts by Kristi Huseby Thoughts by Women

“Going through the motions doesn’t please you, a flawless performance is nothing to you. I learned God-worship when my pride was shattered. Heart-shattered lives read for love don’t for a moment escape God’s notice.” Psalm 51.16-17 (MSG)

As a child growing up in a Christian home, I was told that God didn’t want me to pursue religion but a relationship with Him. And I was given a list of dos and donts to aid me in this quest. But truthfully, I struggled to comprehend how I actually could have a relationship with an unseen God.

I understood in an intellectual way but my heart wrestled to grasp it. My relationship with Him seemed to be driven more from a sense of obligation and guilt than anything else.

Why was trying to have an intimate relationship with God so hard? I wanted it. Why couldn’t I experience it?

Slowly I began to learn that God wanted me to WANT to spend time with Him.

These guidelines weren’t given to me so I could check them off and feel good about myself. They were given to forge my love for God and grow my relationship with Him and absent of love and relationship they become only things to boast about, nothing more.

If you have struggled, like me, with having an intimate relationship with God, I encourage you to let go of the checklist and just BE with Him. He is waiting, inviting you to grab hold of this incredible relationship.

Lord, put within us a burning to desire to WANT to be with You, not because we know we should but because we simply desire You. May we be satisfied with nothing less. Amen.

Constantly ask, “is this what I would want in a relationship?” For example, if you think “I have to read my Bible and pray”, would you want a friend or spouse to feel like they have to spend time with you? Why would God be any different? Bible reading and prayer is great if you’re using them to pursue relationship with God but if you’re only doing it to check it off your list than you’re missing the mark.

By Kristi Huseby
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thoughts by Kristi Huseby Thoughts by Women

I have friends, maybe you’re one of them, who can look at an old dilapidated table found at a flea market and envision what it would like in their house with a little tender loving care.  But when I look at the same old table, I see something that should’ve been hauled off to the dump a long time ago.

I struggle to see beauty in junk.  And I find myself believing God feels the same way about me.

Then, I remember Peter.

Peter was one of Jesus’ closest followers. Just hours before Jesus was captured and crucified, Peter rashly promised Jesus that he would go to the death for Him . . .
Simon Peter asked,

Lord, where are you going?”

And Jesus replied, “You can’t go with me now, but you will follow me later.”  

“But why can’t I come now, Lord?” he asked. “I’m ready to die for you.”  John 13:36-37 (NLV)

It was only a few hours later when Peter denied ever even knowing Jesus, not once but three times!

At that moment the Lord turned and looked at Peter.  Suddenly, the Lord’s words flashed through Peter’s mind:  “Before the rooster crows tomorrow morning, you will deny three times that you even know me.”  And Peter left the courtyard weeping bitterly.
Luke 22.61-62

Can you imagine how devastating this must have been for Peter?  Was there anything worse than disowning Jesus? Did Peter feel like a piece of garbage?  Trash to be thrown away?

Far from throwing Peter out, Jesus finds him and asks not once but three times if Peter loves Him.  Something beautiful takes root in Peter’s heart . . .

From that moment on, Peter is a different man. He becomes a powerful spokesperson for the gospel of Jesus Christ and God uses him to turn hearts to Him.  What Peter saw as junk in his life; his biggest failure was what God used to make him stronger, more determined and more driven to follow Jesus and boldly share the Good News.

God took this broken man; his messy bits, his glaring failures, and shaped him into something jaw-dropping beautiful!

When I look at my life, the messy bits, the poor choices, I see a huge mess.  A pile of junk!  I see no redeemable qualities whatsoever.

But God does the same thing with me as He did with Peter.  He sees my messy piles and envisions something beautiful and accepts the challenge of turning my chaos and clutter into something truly breath-taking.  Look what Ecclesiastes 3:11 says,

Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.”

Isn’t that amazing!  He doesn’t just see our junk but remarkably He uses it to make something beautiful!  God sees the BIG PICTURE. We only see the here and now, the failures, the mistakes, the regrets but God uses all of it to accomplish His great plan for us.

Look at what God does in nature:  He changes an unsightly caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly and an “ugly duckling” into a magnificent swan.

If He can do that to a caterpillar or an “ugly duckling“, think what He can do with us!

By Kristi Huseby
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thoughts by Kristi Huseby Thoughts by Women

“You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand. My entire lifetime is just a moment to you; at best, each of us is but a breath. We are merely moving shadows, and all our busy rushing ends in nothing. We heap up wealth, not knowing who will spend it. And so Lord, where do I put my hope? My only hope is in You.” Psalm 39:5-7 (NLT)

We are merely moving shadows, and all our busy rushing ends in nothing.” We rush to work and on our lunch hour, run as many errands as possible. Then we hurry home to throw in a load of laundry, grab a bite to eat and we’re off to the next activity on our calendar.

In the end, does all that dashing about really accomplish anything of eternal importance?

I’m reminded of how fragile life can be and how easily I forget that it is so. I get glimpses and reminders of my eternal destination but they are all too quickly swallowed in the temporal of the here and now. The crazy. The busy. The hectic.

Where does this insatiable need to fill my life with activity come from? Why do I consistently choose the transitory over the everlasting? Why do I neglect being in the stillness of His presence?

I crave more of Him and less of this madness. I hunger for solace and peace in the chaotic mess of my life. Life is but a breath, a blink of the eye, a snap of the fingers and then it’s gone! Will my life have made a difference?

Lord, remove the blinders that keep me from seeing life from Your eternal perspective. Teach me to look beyond my circumstances – to see eternity in the every day. Give me eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart that is willing to let you lead. Make my one breath count! Amen.

Take half an hour of your day to learn and practice spiritual breathing.

by Kristi Huseby
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thoughts by Kristi Huseby Thoughts by Women

She was a simple teenage girl; a girl who found herself pregnant and alone.

Just days earlier, she had been going about her chores happily consumed with thoughts about her upcoming marriage.

But now, everything had changed . . .

It was an angel that broke the news to her of God’s great love and desire to use her as the vessel for His Son to come to earth.  She was amazed that God would consider her, a simple girl with no earthly status or wealth, to carry this precious child and to be His mother!  She was astounded, surprised and a little bit scared all at once.  She couldn’t really comprehend how it would be possible but she trusted her Lord and humbly agreed to His plan.

But now, in the stillness of the night, as her hand felt to the softness of her belly she wondered . . . was it all just a figment of her imagination.  Could it really be true?  Was she pregnant even now as she lay there in her bed?  How could she really know that this was true?

She abruptly sat up in bed!  What had the angel said about her Aunt Elizabeth?  Oh yes, she was pregnant too!  She would go and see her – that was the only way to be sure that this wasn’t all a crazy dream.

She arose early the next morning, packed her bags and made the long trek to their home.
Her thoughts spun round and round in her head as she walked the dusty path. What would Joseph do once he found out she was pregnant?  What would her parents say?  Why hadn’t the angel told them about this?  Why was she the only one who knew?

She knew that if it was true, her life would never be the same.  From now on, she would be changed; there was no going back, no altering of the plan.

When she stepped into the home of Zechariah and Elizabeth, she knew deep down in her heart that what the angel said wasn’t a figment of her imagination or a dream, it was true because there before her was Elizabeth, old and wrinkled and very pregnant indeed, exclaiming her joy at being with the mother of her Lord.  It was true!  It was true! She was to be the mother of the long awaited Messiah.  Oh what joy!

A baby, her BABY would change EVERYTHING!

“And while they were there, the time came for her baby to be born. She gave birth to her first child, a son. She wrapped him snugly in strips of cloth and laid him in a manger, because there was no lodging available for them.”  Luke 2:6-7

By Kristi Huseby
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thoughts by Kristi Huseby Thoughts by Women

Did you have a treasure box growing up?

I did.  In my treasure box (I actually still have the box) I had a very old dollar coin that my Mom had given to me, some chap stick  (I pretended that it was lipstick, since I couldn’t wear any yet), and various other items that you would’ve considered junk but to me were valued possessions.

In Luke 2:19 (NLV) we get the idea that Mary had a treasure box of sorts, only her treasures were memories of Jesus and how his life intersected with hers.  Look at what it says,

“. . . But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.

What were those things she stored in her “treasure box”?  Could it have been the time when the Angel came to tell her that she would bear a child even though she was a virgin?  Or what about when she visited with Elizabeth who was old, wrinkled and very pregnant?  Did she treasure watching God’s miracle growing within her.

Did she hold tightly to the feeling of having the baby move inside of her?  Was one of her treasured memories when she laid her precious baby in the manger, as she counted his fingers and toes?  Or what about the surprising visit from a group of homeless shepherds or the royal wise men who had traveled so far from a distant country to visit her son and give him precious gifts?

And as Jesus grew older, I wonder if she included in her box the time when they had to go back to Jerusalem to find Jesus.   Did she have in her box their surprise at finding him teaching the leaders of that day in the synagogue?  And what about the time when He changed the water at the wedding into wine?

I think Mary continued to store up memories of God’s amazing work and power in their lives.  And I can’t help but wonder that if in the years to come, this treasure box of memories was a comfort and joy to her as her life began to turn upside down as she watched her Son become hated and hunted by the Jewish community.

I wonder when she was discouraged or confused, if she would “pull them out” and be reminded that God was in control. Did she seek consolation in those memories, that God had a plan and He was working it out, even though she didn’t comprehend it?

Have you ever created a treasure box of answered prayers? 

Have you ever taken time to reflect on God’s work in your life? 

I hope that you will take time this Christmas season to reflect on God’s goodness to you and I encourage you to continue to mark those times in your life when you have seen Him and ponder often on them, just as Mary did.

By Kristi Huseby
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thoughts by Kristi Huseby Thoughts by Women

One of my sons when he was little had an endearing habit of grabbing my face so that I would look at him while he was talking. I confess that as a busy mom I was often distracted and found myself half-listening to my talkative son and this was his way of grabbing my attention and ensuring that I was focused on him.

Even at such a young age, my son had a built in longing to be heard and understood, to be loved and valued for who he was.

We all have a yearning deep in our soul to be heard and understood, love and valued for who we are.
Have you ever been talking on the phone with a friend when you get a little niggling doubt that they might not really be listening to you? It can be devastating to bear your soul, only to discover later in the conversation that they haven’t even heard a word you’ve said.

Do you ever secretly wonder if God is the same way? He’s got so much on His mind, demanding His attention, how could He ever have time to listen to your concerns? Does He really have the time to stop, bend down and listen to you?

Look at what Psalm 116:1-2 says, “I love the LORD because he hears my voice and my prayer for mercy. Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!”

This is God in relationship with us!

Drawing close. Bending down. Listening intently. Loving fully.

Isn’t this the kind of God we’ve been searching for?

Just as a child longs to have his parent’s undivided attention, our heart longs for God’s ever attentive love. He made us this way. He put within us this longing.

But so often we go away from Him and not towards Him. We ignore the need of our heart and turn to other things to satisfy the deep longing of our soul. Then because these things never completely satisfy us, we get disillusioned in our faith, wonder if God even cares and question whether He is really listening or not.

But amazingly He is listening and He is waiting for us to turn to Him. And when we finally do He bends down and gently takes our face in His hands, wipes the tears from our eyes and says, “I’m listening, my child, what do need to tell me?”

By Kristi Huseby
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thoughts by Kristi Huseby Thoughts by Women

“For all the animals of the forest are mine, and I own the cattle on a thousand hills. I know every bird on the mountains and all the animals of the field are mine.”  Psalm 50.10-11

When I pray, do I pray as if my God owns the cattle on a thousand hills?  Or more like He has a few coins in his pocket He can give me?  Do I really believe my God is resource rich or hopelessly poor?

If you were to hear my prayers you might think the latter.

I find myself praying hesitantly, crossing my fingers and hoping that God will answer.  I don’t ask for too much and I rarely step out in faith believing He will answer.  It isn’t really that I don’t believe God can do what I’m asking but more will He do it?  But, is this just an excuse so that I don’t look like a fool when God doesn’t come through for me?  I wonder . . .

How does God wish I would pray?  What is His heart’s desire?

I confess my tendency to put God in a box.  I want Him Small. Convenient. Controllable.  I want Him to wipe away my tears, love me unconditionally and soften the jagged edges of my life.  I don’t want Him to ask me to do something that makes me uncomfortable, or to go someplace I have no desire to go or put me out on a limb that might very well break!

But is that really what I want?  A God who is safe, mediocre and blasé?

I wonder . . . Would that God have even bothered to send His only Son to die for me so that I could have eternal life, true life?

It’s time to let God out of the box!

God is bigger than I will ever understand.  Greater than I can ever imagine and more powerful than a locomotive!  He’s my true Superhero!  So what is keeping me from praying Superhero prayers?

When I believe little, my prayers are little and God answers little.  When I believe BIG, my prayers are BIG and my God answers BIG.

My God owns the cattle on a thousand hills.  He knows every hair on my head.  He hung the stars in space and calls them each by name.  He formed the dry land with a word.  He tells the wind where to blow.  He never slumbers or sleeps.  He dresses the flowers and knows every bird.  He is intimately acquainted with all my ways.

God is out of my box!

Lord, I’m sorry for making you small.  You are so much more! . . . I want to spend the rest of my life discovering Your greatness.  Today, I’m letting You out of the box that I placed You in.  I want to believe Big because You are Big.  Teach me. I’m Yours. Amen.

by Kristi Huseby
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thoughts by Kristi Huseby Thoughts by Women

This past Sunday, I was reminded, how easy it is to mindlessly sing songs, like I Surrender All,  (I surrender all, I surrender all, all to Thee, my blessed Savior, I surrender all.  –(Judson W. Van DeVenter) in our time of worship each week,  yet never give any thought to what it means to actually live that way.

How willing I am on Sunday morning to give everything to God and how quickly I take it all back on Monday morning.  And if the song were written mirroring my life during the week it would read more like this:

I surrender a SOME, I surrender SOME
Half-heartedly to Thee, my blessed Savior
I surrender SOME.

How simple it seems to surrender when all is going well in my life but how hard it becomes when it’s falling apart.

I had a friend, Traci, who died of cancer about two years ago and I think of her often.  She was in her mid-thirties, had two wonderful little girls and a loving husband.  I watched as she struggled with her battle against cancer and witnessed her walk of faith grow stronger and stronger with each passing day.

Just months before she stepped into the presence of her Savior, she penned these words:

I am looking each day for God; around every corner, in the sunlight and in the shadows I see him. I feel his arms around me very close.  If I were given the chance to choose this course my life has taken, do you know that I would actually CHOOSE this life? I never would have had the chance to see him like this otherwise.

When Traci sang I Surrender All, she just didn’t sing it, she lived it!  She understood what it meant to follow God without reservation, with eyes wide open, ready to receive whatever God had for her.  Deep down at the core of who she was, she believed that God was GOOD no matter how things might seem.  She tasted of His goodness and knew Him in  ways I only dreamed about.

A few years ago I came across some verses tucked back in the obscure book of Habakkuk that took my breath away when I read them.  I’m reminded of them as I think about Traci and the life she led.

Even though the fig trees have no blossoms, and there are no grapes on the vines; even though the olive crop fails, and the fields lie empty and barren; even though the flocks die in the fields, and cattle barns are empty, yet will I REJOICE in the Lord!  I will be joyful in the God of my salvation!  The Sovereign LORD is my strength!  He makes me as surefooted as a deer, able to tread upon the heights.”     Habakkuk 3:17-19 (NLT)

This was Traci’s way of life.

No matter what might be taken from her, no matter how difficult the journey; she chose to rejoice in the God of her salvation.  He was her strength and might; her strong tower.

I watched as she journeyed, as a surefooted deer, from this life into the next with God at her side!

I thank God for allowing my path to cross Traci’s and for Sundays like this that remind me that it’s not what I say (or sing) but how I live!

All to Jesus I surrender;
All to him I freely give;
I will ever love and trust Him,
In His presence daily live.
I surrender all, I surrender all,
All to Thee, my blessed Savior.
I surrender all.
Judson W. Van DeVenter

by Kristi Huseby
Used by Permission

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thoughts by Kristi Huseby Thoughts by Women

I belong to God! 

And because I belong . . . I’m no longer under the brutal tyranny of sin and death.  What was impossible . . . friendship with God . . . is now mine!

I know this truth in my head but my heart struggles to believe its truth.

I confess I have this tendency to see God as a last resort, rather than my primary go to place.

When all else fails, then I’ll look to God.  When I’m helpless to do anything, then I’ll pray.  When I’ve attempted to satisfy my cravings with other things and find myself empty, well then, I’ll try God.  When I’ve exhausted all my other resources . . . then I’ll fall back on God.  He becomes my safety net.  My consolation prize.

Prayer becomes a last resort.  Time spent with God happens only out of sheer desperation and living a vibrant, victorious life in Christ always seems out of reach.

And then I wonder why my life with God is mediocre and mundane.

God isn’t a consolation prize.  He isn’t something to toss away, or hide in a drawer, only to pull out when things get dicey and there’s no other hope.

God is THE PRIZE!  He is our True Hope.  Our Ultimate Satisfaction.  Our Perfect Peace.

As long as we believe God is our consolation prize in life, we will never be free.  We’ll never experience true victory.  We’ll never escape the brutal tyranny of sin.  We’ll never know the power of the life-giving Spirit.  Fear will haunt us.  Doubt will plague us and His grace will escape us.

To know God.  To deny ourselves.  To take up our cross.  To follow Him.  That’s where real LIFE is found.

It’s in the suffering, in the pain, in the questioning where we find Him.  It’s the promise of a life beyond this broken one, a far better life than we have ever known that we must cling to in this uphill journey.  It’s choosing the narrow, difficult, uncomfortable path where we will find God’s grace, His peace and His unfathomable joy.

Jesus said, You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.  Matthew 7.13-14

We can travel the easy and comfortable road, the one with no obstacles or debris and meet death or we can choose the difficult way, the hidden path strewn with challenges of all sizes, the road that forces us to keep our eyes on Him and find LIFE.

By Kristi Huseby
Used by Permission

If you don’t know Jesus the way that is described here and you would like to start having Jesus as your constant friend and as your prize you can start living that way today.  Here is a sample prayer:

Lord Jesus, I want to know you personally. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life to you and ask you to come in as my Saviour and Lord. Take control of my life. Thank you for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Make me the kind of person you want me to be.

If you prayed this prayer we would love to hear from you . If you would like to know God deeper we can connect you with an email mentor and/or send you some great links.

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thoughts by Kristi Huseby Thoughts by Women

‘For we are God’s masterpiece.  He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.’ Ephesians 2.10 (NLT)

We are God’s masterpiece . . .

There are three determining factors that collectors use to determine whether a piece of art is truly a masterpiece or not.

1.      Who made it?
2.      How many of them are there of it?
3.      How much is someone willing to pay for it?

You are God’s Masterpiece . . .

The God of the Universe, the one who hung the stars in space and spoke the world into existence . . . created you! He formed and shaped you.  He knows everything about you . . . even how many hairs you have on your head.

He is a true Master of His artistry.

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.  You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.  You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book.  Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.Psalm 139.13, 15-16 (NLT)

You are one-of-a-kind.  There has never been and never will be another person on this planet exactly like you.  You are unique, special and inimitable!

Your heavenly Father loved you so very much that He sent His one and only Son to die in your place.  All the gold, silver, or precious jewels on this earth could not buy your freedom.  It was the costly price of His precious blood that ransomed you.  You didn’t deserve it, you can’t earn it . . . it was an unconditional gift of love.

A gift freely given.  It only awaits the receiver’s acceptance.

For you know that God paid a ransom to save you from the empty life you inherited from your ancestors.  And the ransom He paid was not mere gold or silver.  It was the precious blood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God.”  1 Peter 1.18-19 (NLT)
God thinks you are worth it!

You are His masterpiece . . . You’re one-of-a-kind, made by Him and purchased at an outrageous price.

Costly. Priceless. Unfathomable. Grace.


By Kristi Huseby
used by permission

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thoughts by Kristi Huseby Thoughts by Women

One word.  But oh the power of that word.  It sets the captive free.  Breathes life into the lifeless.  Gives hope to the hopeless.   Restores the parched and weary soul.

“In Him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that He lavished on us.”
Ephesians 1.7-8

Just a tiny drop of grace can lift a soul out of the pit of despair, pull them from a wasteland of disillusionment, and set them free.

But God didn’t give us just a little bit of grace.  No.  He poured it out lavishly, carelessly, extravagantly.

He didn’t just forgive a few sins.  He forgave them all.  Past.  Present. Future.  Our slate is clean, our record pristine, our salvation secure.  Our forgiveness is directly connected to His extravagant grace.

He doesn’t dole out His grace in tiny increments.  He doesn’t demand holiness before He gives grace. God’s grace is Unconditional.  Undeserved.  Unearned.  Unmerited.

He redeemed us.  Bought us from the slave auction.  Searched for us in the garbage dump.  Found us in the rubble of our own making and chose us. The price was enormous!  The cost exorbitant but it was a plan He designed in the annals of time.

Rich.  Lavish.  Glorious.  Grace.

Amazing Grace

How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost
But now I’m found
Was blind but now I see.  Amen.

by Kristi Huseby
Used by Permission

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thoughts by Kristi Huseby Thoughts by Women