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Blessed are those. Jeremiah 17:7

Blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green and they never stop producing fruit.Jeremiah 17:7 & 8

The incredible promise of these verses is a treasure chest of peace as we enter a new year. Whatever the months ahead hold for us as individuals, as a nation, or even on the world stage of events, this promise is a sure place to set your heart.

Soaking up the peace and confidence of full trust in our Lord keeps us in a place of productivity, fruitfulness and hope no matter what goes on around us.

As you walk through this coming January make this promise your own. Determine to put your roots down deep into the fresh supply of His living water every day. Be intentional about time in God’s presence listening to worship music, reading His word and bringing your thanksgiving into His throne room as you bring your requests to Him.

Enjoy the Lord this year as you never have before and experience the lush green of walking together with Him.

Lord God, Thank you for Your incredible promise. Help me to keep it in full focus as I walk through this whole year. Whether things around me blossom or shrivel I am determined to stay green and fruitful as I intentionally and fully trust You every single step of the way. I pray this with thanksgiving in the strong name of Jesus, amen.

by Gail Rodgers

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hand offering world devotional

When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, He said to Philip, “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?”  He asked this only to test him, for He already had in mind what He was going to do.” John 6:5&6

We don’t know his name, but we do know the little boy was among the crowd that gathered to hear Jesus teach. He bought a small lunch of five buns and two sardine-like fish. He must have overheard the conversation when Jesus, knowing exactly what was going to happen yet, asked His disciples the question anyway. “Where will we buy food for these people?” Philip quickly answered that it would take more than half a year’s wages to buy everyone a bite!

I can just imagine the scene. Tugging on disciple Andrew’s sleeve, the young boy says, “I have some food”, and holds out his small lunch. Andrew takes the lunch to Jesus, acknowledging that it certainly won’t go far. Yet Jesus receives the small offering and tells His disciples to have the crowd sit on the hillside. Then He blesses the little lunch, breaks it up and gives it to His disciples to hand out.

Can you imagine the little boys delight as his lunch is passed out yet it never runs out! That day five thousand people were fed and there were twelve baskets of leftovers!

I love this story because of the innocent, naïve, generous offering the little boy made to Jesus. It would have made more sense for him to find a shady spot and share his lunch with a friend. Yet when he overheard the need for food and knew he had some, he offered it, small as it was …. and an incredible miracle took place!

What is in Your hand today? A talent that has been dormant too long? Some resources that you could share? Some time to give? All around us there are needs of many kinds. We look at what we have to offer and it simply isn’t enough. It seems naïve to even offer our small token toward filling the need. Yet when we place what we have in the hands of Jesus, He blesses it and uses it to meet those needs. He truly performs miracles when we generously offer Him what is in our hands to give.

Lord God, Please help me not to shrink back and keep what I have to myself. Help me to have the courage to place my time, talents or resources in Your hands and watch what miracle You will do with my small offering. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Thought: Is there a need that tugs at your heart yet you feel what you have to offer is too small to mention? Ask the Lord to help you bring it forward, even when it seems to make little sense. He may just be waiting to do a miracle through you!

By Gail Rodgers

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The tongue is also a fire James 3:6

Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue is also a fire….” James 3:5-6

The entire town was evacuated. Over eighty thousand people fled the ravaging forest fire. Evacuated friends came to stay with us for nearly seven weeks. Anxiously they watched the news not knowing if their homes would survive.  Such incredible devastation created from a small spark!

It reminded me of this verse from the Bible as I recalled some of the devastating “fires” I had been witness to, that were started by a careless tongue. Words spoken thoughtlessly, selfishly, angrily, hastily are often the spark that ignites a blaze that can destroy what may take years to rebuild.

Think about what has come out of your mouth this past week. Did you carelessly throw a spark out on dry grass and were surprised at the quick spread of flames? Did relationships strain because you had an uncontrolled tongue? It’s easy to do. We justify it by tiredness, stressful situations, or another persons aggravating behavior. Yet the choice of our words is entirely our own.

God has a lot to say about the tongue and the words we speak. You’ll find a wealth of wisdom in the book of Proverbs in the Bible.

•    Ask for God to set a guard at your mouth.
•    Ask for His help before careless words come out of your mouth.
•    Be quick to ask His forgiveness and the forgiveness of others when your tongue throws out sparks.
•    When tough issues must be addressed, ask first for the help of God’s Holy Spirit as you respond.
•    Always keep your distance from gossip. Gossip is already a small blaze. You make a choice to throw water or fuel on it as it comes to your ears and tempts your tongue.

You will be amazed at the difference in your relationships, your home, your job, your church and your life when God’s help is the first call on your lips.
Father God,

Your word tells me, “He who guards his lips, guards his life.” Proverbs 13:3.

Please help me today, by the power of Your Holy Spirit, to be careful with quick retorts, unsolicited opinions, critical, sarcastic and negative comments. Help me to mind my tongue as I would mind a match in a dry forest. Give me Your wisdom and grace when I need to address situations and issues and give me a sense of right timing in doing so. Thank you that You provide help and strength to me in this area when I call out to You.  In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Thoughts: If your tongue is causing you trouble these days, read one chapter a day in the book of Proverbs. It will take one month to do that. Underline and ponder every verse that speaks about words, lips and tongue. Keep a journal for the month and see how the atmosphere around you changes as you become a “fire fighter” in your own circle.

By Gail Rodgers

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devotional on pain

Worry consumed her. The kids, the bills. There was talk of layoffs at work. Her stomach churned and the ache across her shoulders never seemed to go away. She knew she should trust the Lord with the challenges that shadowed her life right now, but it was so hard. So overwhelming. It was just devouring her.

Whenever we find ourselves eaten up with worry, fear, anxiety; or devoured by the pressures of the day, God tells us to take note. Being consumed is a red flag and God gives us directions for just such times.

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith.” 1 Peter 5:7

There is an enemy of our souls and his goal is to devour us. God tells us to be alert. Take note when you are being consumed by something. Scripture tells us the enemy of our soul comes to kill, steal and destroy and we are to be watchful. Being consumed by fear, worry, gossip, a particular temptation or the pressures of the day will, at best, steal from you and rob you of peace in your soul and joy in the moment. At worst it can destroy health and relationships and your fellowship with the God who wants to help you.

So what do you do when you realize something is just eating you up? You resist as the scripture says. How do you resist? You begin to see worry as a call to prayer, inviting God into your circumstance to direct you and give you wisdom. You resist worry through prayer. (Philippians 4:6) You resist fear through Scripture, knowing God has said that He has not given us the spirit of fear. (2 Timothy 1:7) You stand firm in your faith knowing that the consuming downward spiral you find yourself in is not your Heavenly Father’s plan for you.

Lean hard on God. Know He cares about you and throw all your anxiety on Him. Pour out your worries, fears, concerns and burdens in verbal or written prayer to God. Release them from your heart. Believe the promises of God as you stand firm in your faith.

The next time you find yourself being eaten up with a problem or a challenge, be alert and run immediately to God. Throw your cares into His lap and stand firm in the promises of your faith. He will carry you. He will enable you to face the challenge without being consumed by it. Pay attention to what’s eating you!

By Gail Rodgers

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Christian Devotional

The seeds that fell among the thorn bushes are the people who listen, but as they go on their way they are choked by the worries, wealth, and pleasures of life, and their fruit doesn’t mature. But the ones on the good soil are the people who hear the Word but also hold on to it with good and honest hearts, producing a crop through endurance.Luke 8:14-15

I had expected a bountiful garden — but it wasn’t looking too healthy. The rain had come, that wasn’t the problem. It was the soil. The sandy earth needed enriching, and I hadn’t put anything into it. The spruce trees surrounding the garden had pulled much of the moisture to their roots, and their acidic needles created an environment that stunted growth. The seeds I planted had been good, but the soil was lacking nutrients.

As I looked on my garden, I couldn’t help but see a spiritual parallel. God’s Word is the seed that comes into our lives. We know that He says He loves us unconditionally, that He will be our strength when we are weak. We know His grace and wisdom will be there to draw on when we need it.

The seed is good, but we still can find ourselves reacting throughout our day in ways that don’t reflect its goodness.

That’s why God tells us to tend the soil of our hearts. If we aren’t careful, the cares and worries of this world can create an acidic environment that stunts the seeds of God’s Word.

A closed mind allows the enemy of our souls to steal the seeds that bounce off the hard ground we allow in our hearts.

Then there are seeds that sprout but don’t take root and wither away. The appeal of God’s help and activity in our lives is attractive, but when trusting becomes hard, the seed withers.

Some seeds are simply choked out by life’s worries, riches, and pleasures; we don’t let God’s truths become part of who we are. It’s easy to read God’s Word or listen to a sermon and think, “That’s really good,” but forget to apply it as soon as we walk away.

Let’s allow God’s Word to take root in our lives and change us so that we produce a bountiful crop of love and peace and joy — that feeds others, too.

Dear God, sometimes I don’t pay attention to the soil of my heart. I let the seeds of Your Word bounce away. Today I ask that You would help me to keep my heart soft and not let it get hardened by events and people in my life. Keep me from a shallowness that lets go of what You say when the moment is tough. Help me to be careful not to let the worries of the world choke out Your Word and Your work in my life. By the power of Your Holy Spirit, help me think on Your Word, apply it to my life, and keep my heart soft. I know it is only Your crop in my life that truly brings peace and satisfaction. Thank You Jesus. I pray in Your name, amen.

Consider the soil of your heart for a moment right now.

By Gail Rodgers

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“...go and make disciples …teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.Matthew 28:18-29 The Great Commission

A preacher, long forgotten, left a mark on my life that has helped shape me. I wrote his quote in my Bible.

“If our lives, as Christians, are not lived out on the wavelength of the Great Commission, then our lives are irrelevant to God’s plan for change in our world.”

It stopped me short.  God has a plan for change in this world; changed lives that will effect changes at every layer in our society, not only today but also for eternity. It’s a good question: Is my life relevant to God’s plan for change in our world? On a practical basis this simply means to be ready to share, heart to heart, the things you have learned from following Jesus. To simply teach, through your own life, the difference it makes to know Him. He promises to be with you as you do and to help you.

Does it even matter? Yes. This is why you and I exist…to share God’s love with others who long for change only He can truly bring. It is the very thing that will bring true relevance to your life. He has packaged you to do this in your own unique way, who you are, where you are.

What wavelength are you living your life on? Possessions, power, position, pastime, pressure? Whatever fills your mind front and center is the wavelength you are living on.

If you are a Christian and feeling empty and frustrated, look again at the call of Jesus. It will truly bring relevance to your life. It’s the one thing that will effect true change in your little corner of the world.

Father God, I want to be relevant to Your plan for change in our world. Use me today to share Your love in some small way. Help me to be aware of sharing what You have shown me in my life. Help me as I go today to share   compassionately and passionately, heart to heart, with someone in my path. I love you Lord. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

By Gail Rodgers

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He who sacrifices thank offerings honors Me, and he prepares the way so that I may show him the salvation of God.” Psalm 50:23

Giving thanks to God can be a hard thing to do, especially when things happen that make us more likely to say, “Why, God?” instead.

Thank offerings come easy some days. The sun shines and we feel the blessing of the Lord. Thanksgiving is our natural response.

On other days, thanksgiving is truly a sacrifice. In the middle of writing this devotional, our home was broken into. Thanksgiving was not my first response. Yet here in this verse, God tells us an amazing truth. He says that when we offer thanks and praise to Him, even when it’s a sacrifice to do so, we honor Him. This prepares the way for Him to work on our behalf. Thanksgiving is actually a door.

I pondered how to thank God in the midst of this violation. I was not thankful for the loss, but I discovered I could be thankful in it. As I intentionally shifted my gaze to God and not to the mess around me, I became aware of being thankful for several things: our personal safety, that certain items were not taken, the immediate help and care from family and friends, and the reminder that God is our Warrior, working, even fighting on our behalf. As a result, God’s peace settled over our hearts and minds and over our home.

Thank You, Lord God, that thanksgiving is so much more than a trite “attitude of gratitude.” Thank You for the truth of Your word that when we do give You our thanks, even when it’s hard to, we honor You and it opens a door for You to work and to bring Your peace and wisdom. Thank You that we can always offer thanksgiving for who You are and all You are to us — even in the midst of challenges. We praise You and ask this in the strong name of Jesus. Amen.

By Gail Rodgers

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devotional on planting

Sluggards do not plow in season; so at harvest time they look but find nothing.” Proverbs 20:4

Recently this verse popped out to me as I read my Bible. I stopped and pondered it. “Am I a sluggard?” I asked. I am certainly not a lazy person. So I googled the definition. “Slow”, it said. Hmmm. I can procrastinate more than I care to admit.

Here God was saying that if one is slow to plant in planting season, the harvest will simply not be there. God’s Spirit was speaking to my spirit. I have some opportunities before me in my writing that I am simply dragging my feet on. Yes, I’m busy. But when gardening season arrives I leave the other work in order to plant before it is too late and I miss the rains and the harvest.

I need to do that now with my opportunities.

What opportunity, relationship, project, ministry or other “seeds” has God put in your pocket waiting to be planted? Get busy. Re-organize your priorities. The planting season is short. Harvest time will come and you don’t want empty hands and missed opportunities. Wrap your fingers around those God given seeds, till up the ground and get to work with the harvest in mind.

Father God, Thank you that You speak to me when I pause to listen. Please help me to recognize the seeds You have given me. Please help me to plan my days with “garden time” in mind. Water these seeds with Your wisdom and inspiration and with Your blessing. May I not be empty handed in harvest time. Thank you Lord, for Your encouragement. I pray this in Jesus’ strong name, amen.

Take Action: What seeds has God given you? How will you invest them?

By Gail Rodgers

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devotional on rising up

why are you sleeping?” Luke 22:46

It is much easier to sleep than to stay awake and pray. Haven’t we all put our head on the pillow with thoughts to pray and have quickly fallen asleep? Especially in the face of trying circumstances, our minds and bodies tire and prayer seems optional.

Prayer was Jesus solace and strength as He faced the great drama of His dreadful suffering. Being in great agony He prayed all the more earnestly. His heart cried out to His Father in Heaven. He knew the Source of His strength and the power of prayer.

He had asked His followers to pray with Him in the Garden of Gethsemane, yet exhausted and in sorrow they fell asleep.  When Jesus found them sleeping He called to them to “rise up and pray, lest you enter into temptation”. It was not a reprimand from their loving Lord, but rather a warning.

Rise up and pray so that you can rise up with strength in the circumstances surrounding you today.

In ordinary days or in difficult and challenging times prayer is our strength. If prayer is neglected then the strength we need to rise above the circumstances of the moment will fade when it is most needed.

Father God, It is easy to neglect prayer. Please forgive me for the times I  have treated it too casually as I toss quick requests heavenward. Thank you that You draw me into times in Your presence where I can receive strength from You. Help me to take time to listen for Your wisdom, to read Your word and to let Your Spirit speak to my heart and strengthen my mind, my body and my spirit. May prayer be my solace, my comfort, my desire as I draw near to You to be fortified to rise above the challenges of my day. I pray this in the strong name of Jesus, amen.

Take Action:

– Think about what you need to rise up and pray for today?
– Do you need kind words on your lips rather than tones of disapproval?
– Do you need wisdom to know the next best thing to do?
– Do you need courage to stand for Jesus in an unwelcoming environment?
– Do you need His supernatural love in Your heart?
– Is urgent prayer needed for your family, your church, your community or your country?

Make prayer time a priority time today. Take your lunch hour to walk and talk with Jesus. Don’t wait until you are exhausted at the end of the day and fall asleep. Faith is your anchor. Talking life over with God is where you will be fortified.

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By Gail Rodgers

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A soft answer turns away wrath,but a harsh word stirs up anger.” Proverbs 15:1

Words, and how they are said, set the tone in our homes. Have you stopped to listen to the tone in your home lately? I did. I listened to those around me and I paid close attention to what came out of my own mouth. I saw some patterns that were good and others that I didn’t like.

Taking inventory of the words spoken in our homes is a good exercise especially when we inventory ourselves along with it. Sometimes we don’t even realize what has crept in or what is missing. Tones of disapproval, sarcasm, or annoyance can wrap the words we say and impact the way they are received often creating an edge of hostility. Or tones reflecting kindness, caring and gratitude can bring the opposite attitude into our homes.

One winter we cut out the shape of a sword and a Band-Aid and taped these on our refrigerator door to remind our family that our words can bring hurt or healing. They can sting and cut or they can strengthen and build. Words are very powerful. The tones they are spoken in imply so much. A soft answer can turn away anger but harsh words can stir it up. Words and tones create the atmosphere in your home. Start with yourself and watch the results. You won’t be disappointed as you invest intentionally in your words and your tones.

Father God, In these hurried and changing times we live in, I want our home to be an oasis where we can refuel to face the challenges of our days. Please help me to be aware of my words. Help me to inventory the words and tones in our home and to become the change agent to move the bar higher. I need Your help, Lord.  Remind me to speak softly and kindly and to model the words and tones that can change the atmosphere in our home. Thank you Lord. I ask this in the name of Jesus, amen.

By Gail Rodgers
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devotional on power of words

Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Philippians 2:4

The relationships that mean the most to us are often the ones we are hardest on. While we maintain a polite and pleasant demeanor away from home, the frustrations often come out where we feel safe to let off the day’s steam.

Life’s pressures can drive a wedge into the relationships we treasure most. It’s important to be intentional about building into the people we love. In order to keep the relationships you treasure at their BEST, remember these four steps.  B E S T …..

B- Bless those you care about by speaking “life” words. Pay attention and point out the good character qualities you see. Focus on using “building” words and you will find the warmth factor in your relationship will grow. When there are things that need addressing ask God to guide you in speaking words that will not destroy and at the right time.

E- Encourage those you care about in their daily life. Listen well to the things they say. Communication dries up when we don’t pay attention and we get lost in our own cares. Listen for the feelings behind the words and seek to be encouraging. Let your support be known even when the solutions are not.

S- Share thoughts, ideas, time and experiences. When we become too busy to share ourselves with those we love, erosion and indifference slips in. Be intentional about sharing life together. Take time to talk and share ideas or concerns. Time to pray together and dream together won’t be there unless you make it. Let those you care about know this is important to you and prioritize it. History together is built one shared experience at a time.

T- Touch those you love in appropriate and loving ways. Touch is one of our most basic needs. Take a hand, give a hug, put your hand on the arm or back of the one you care about. It can do much to convey care and warmth. Often a simple touch can melt away a barrier and re-connect two people.

Strong relationships don’t just happen…they are intentionally built.

Heavenly Father, You know the people that I deeply care about. You also know the way I can take them for granted or let my frustrations out in their “safe” presence. Please help me to come to You with the stresses in my life. Help me to get my strength and help from You and then offer a caring, helping hand to those I love. It’s so easy to look out for my own interests first. Please help me to do as Your word says and to look out for the interests of those around me, especially of those I love dearly. Help me to build strong history together through intentional sharing with the help of Your Holy Spirit. I ask this in the name of Jesus, amen.

By Gail Rodgers

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daily devotional

“…God …through us, spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 2:14

The smell of baking permeated every corner of the house. Walking in from outside the fragrance was welcoming. The smell alone created an appetite and an expectation.

Did you know that you permeate the circle you live in with a fragrance? Oh, it’s not your perfume or your after shave.  It’s the fragrance of Christ. It’s His love and peace flowing through you and impacting the circle where you influence.

You bring the fragrance of Jesus with you as you interact with those around you. You can bring acceptance and love, gentleness and kindness. You can bring an unselfish spirit and an embracing warmth.

Give away some of the love Jesus gave you. Create a hunger for Him in those around you by sharing the fragrance of Jesus.

Simply ask for His Holy Spirit to fill you today with power from Him so you can share the fragrance of His loving care. Share His gentle love today and, as the old saying goes, “if necessary, use words”.

Father God, I want to say a special “Thank You” today for the gift of Your Son, Jesus. Thank you that knowing Him can change a life! Help me today to have a heart full of the abundance of all Jesus is: love and gentleness, acceptance and caring. Help me to be filled today with these things, by the power of the Holy Spirit, so that the fragrance of Christ will permeate wherever I go today! In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

By Gail Rodgers

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devotional onlineWe live in a world full of injustice. God gives free will and sometimes it is exercised in a way that things happen to people, by people, that never should happen. In those times when one is left reeling from injustice we know that our God will be The Rock of our lives. He will hold us securely and He will judge with righteousness and integrity.

We are called to act justly, have mercy and walk humbly with our God. (Micah 6:8). Though it sometimes doesn’t feel fair, our part is to allow Him to be the Judge and to rely firmly on Him as the steadfast hope of our lives.

“Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay”, says the Lord.” Romans 12:19

Father God, Thank you that one of Your names is the LORD of justice. You will act justly. I trust You today to handle the injustices of my life and to give me wisdom.

You alone are the One True Lawgiver and Judge who alone is to be feared. Your word tells us that Your justice is like the great deep. You know and care about all the injustices I experience. I can depend on You as I invite You to bring redemption to the hurts in my life.

Lord God, I ask today that I would not seek revenge over those who have shown injustice. Fill me with Your Spirit as I trust You.

May my heart be refreshed today as I lean on Your holiness and integrity. Allow my mind and heart to be immersed in Your peace. I lay my critical attitudes down and I ask You to be the Judge and to make me wise as I go forward. I rest securely in Your love and mercy. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Talk to a mentor about how to put up boundaries where injustice continues. Ask for prayer to be wise in guarding your own heart.

By Gail Rodgers

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Do you think we can risk neglecting this magnificent salvation?”  Hebrews 2:1-4 (MSG)

When life gets a little too busy it’s easy to neglect small things.  At first no one notices the little things left undone.  Yet, as the weeds take hold outside and the paperwork and the closets are ignored inside, a growing chaos becomes evident.

The same thing happens in our inner lives when we neglect the regular care of our spirits. We begin to feel the growing chaos within. The reality of our lives becomes contrasted against the promises of our faith and we become discouraged in our spiritual journey.

God’s Word reminds us to be careful about what we ignore. When we overlook tending our inner lives we often find chaos in our hearts and minds and wonder why God seems distant. During those times we will most likely find our Bible starting to gather dust. God’s Word is nourishment for our souls.

If your life is chaotic and your spirit is dry… if panic is becoming more often present in life than peace… check what you are neglecting. Make a beeline back to God’s Word and to fellowship with His people. Keep God’s Word at the very core of your life. As a Christian you simply cannot risk living otherwise.

Father in Heaven, I confess that my Bible stays closed far too often. When You feel distant I blame You. Forgive me Lord. Help me to learn to love Your Word in a greater way. Open my eyes to what You have to say to me through it. Reveal Yourself to me in new ways and help me to make this a priority in my life. In the name of Jesus I pray, amen.

Memorize Psalm 119:16:

I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches.
I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways.
I delight in your decrees;
I will not neglect your word.”

By Gail Rodgers

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devotionals onlineFor we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10

Have you ever thought of yourself as God’s workmanship?”

Cutting words; hurtful intentions; half-truths. We have all felt the sting of humiliation when we experience a misrepresentation of the facts. Just because words are said out loud does not make them true.

Yet such incidents can leave us unexpectedly insecure long after the actual event. We can feel shaken and even small. God sees when injustice happens and He cares. He answers the cry of a hurting heart. He answers the cry of your hurting heart.

God Himself reassures you. You are His workmanship. You are created and designed by Father God to do things… good things… things that God already had planned out for you to do! So hold your head high. Let your life itself refute the distorted half-truths. Seek to do the things God had planned for you. Watch for them and be available when opportunities to show His love open up in front of you. Call on Him throughout the day to help you react in a manner fitting of God’s workmanship.

Yes, “God’s workmanship”! That’s you! His strength will carry you! He will walk beside you into your today with all its challenges. He will fulfill you with deeds planned for you. Ask Him to show you one small thing to do for Him today. Others will try to define “who” you are by their words and their actions toward you, but know “whose” you are and let your confidence soar at the thought!

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for the reassurance that I am Your workmanship. You, the God of the universe, have a stake in my future! Wow! You have things prepared for me to do because You know best who I am and what will fulfill me. Thank you that I am Yours! Help me walk today in the confidence of knowing You have a purpose for me and You will guide and help me walk it out. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Take Action:  Are you struggling today with words and half-truths that have been spoken about you in a mean spirited way? God wants you to see you the way He does, as His art piece, made special to touch others’ lives. Send us a prayer request and we would love to pray for you.

By Gail Rodgers

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