Month: <span>February 2015</span>

free online devotionalTo this John replied, “A person can receive only what is given them from heaven.John 3:27

A three year-old child grabbed the toy and screamed, “Mine!

Her Sunday school teacher gave her a stern look. “Sarah, did you bring that from home or does it belong to the church?” “It belongs here. But it’s still mine.” Tearfully, she pouted and turned away, the toy tight against her torso.

As I observed this scene, I asked myself if I slip into the same attitude when it comes to what God have given me. Whether it is a small denomination bill from my purse handed to the beggar on the street, or the check I place in the offering plate, the meal I share with friends from my cupboard, or my talent in writing or speaking…it has been gifted to me by my gracious Lord, the creator of all.

I may think I have “earned my pay,” but God gives me each sunrise-day to go to work and the physical and mental ability to do my job. He forgives my sins, having paid for them on the cross. He lovingly blesses me with more than I deserve. Am I willing to freely share my time and treasures, or do I cling to them and claim it is all mine?

Dearest Lord, may we always remember that all is Yours to give or take away. Thank You that You provide so much for us. Keep us from being greedy like a three year old clutching Your blessings to our chests and crying, “Mine.” Help us to peel our fingers away and offer it back to You to use to Your glory, be it our money, our time, or our talents. Amen.

Thought: Is there something you are clinging to, claiming it is rightfully yours? Will you give it to God and trust Him to tell you what to do with it?

By Julie Cosgrove

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devotions online freeIn our culture and language the word rest can sound like a simple word.  We talk of taking a rest which usually means a short break long enough to regain some strength but never quite long enough for a full recovery before we have to start again. So it is no wonder that when we hear God say “rest in me,” we don’t begin to understand what He means. God is inviting us to a God-size rest.

In the Old Testament, one of the Hebrew words for rest is ‘nuah‘. It means absence of activity or movement, being settled in a particular place with finality, victory, security, or salvation. I love the strength of that definition. Finality, victory, security and salvation. Now that is a God-sized rest.

Rest is in God alone (Psalm 62:1-2, 5; 116:7). It is a gift from God (1 Kings 8:56). God promises rest from the enemies called sorrow and suffering, turmoil and trouble, hard service and cruel bondage (Isaiah 14:3). Nevertheless, God warned that continued rest depended on their obedience (Numbers 32:15, Isaiah 28:12, Psalm 95:11). Continuing in God’s undisturbed composure requires that we keep our spirits and souls stayed on Him.

Another word for rest ‘shavah’ means to repose, to end, to observe the Sabbath, to cause to rest, to bring to completion. Can you imagine the dramatic change when all the whirl of activity in creating everything on Earth came to an end. When God rested from creation, He did not stop because He was tired, but because His work of creation was complete. It speaks again of the strength and finality of God’s rest.

God ultimately accomplished true rest for His people through Messiah to make for Himself a glorious name (Isaiah 11:10, 63:14). The fulfillment of this is expressed in Hebrews 3:7-4:13. This Greek word for rest ‘katapauo’ means to cease, refresh, give intermission from labor. This passage speaks of entering into God’s rest. We enter this rest through Christ’s completion on the cross of all the work needed for us to enter into His victory and grace. He has won the victory and the battle is over. We rest as we choose to have our total being, our spirit, our will, heart, imagination, and conscience centered in His perfect work. This is rest to be enjoyed in fellowship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This is the rest of God Himself in our spirits and hearts, based on relationship with Him.

God is longing to give you His God-size rest of spirit, soul, and body as you abide in Him. Allow His God-sized rest full of victory, finality, security, and strength to take care of everything that concerns you today and enjoy Him in it.

By Sylvia Gunter

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Thoughts by All thoughts by Sylvia Gunter Thoughts by Women