Month: <span>October 2012</span>

by Vonette Bright

He said to them, Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” Mark 16:15 (NIV)

Have you ever felt God calling you to be a missionary?

Over 30 years ago Laura attended Bible camp. There she believed God called her to full-time service.  Bible school soon followed.
However financial challenges and poor advice pulled her in a different direction.

With whatever job she had, Laura was never happy.  Inwardly she felt disobedient to God. So she began praying about it.  In 2001, along with her husband, she joyfully joined the staff with Campus Crusade for Christ.

Dear one, has God called you?  But you’ve put Him on “call waiting?” Begin today to saturate yourself in God’s Word, all of it!  Pray, pray, pray!  Look to God for opportunities to serve. Don’t give up. Seek the counsel of mature believers. Following God’s call is worth it all!

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by Gail Rodgers

The name of the LORD is a strong tower, the righteous run to it and are safe.Proverbs 18:10

She had no idea what her friend meant. Just how does one “call on the name of the Lord”? As she faced this new challenge she knew she needed God’s help in her life. Yet how could the name of the Lord help her?

Like a many-sided diamond, the name of the LORD reflects His power and majesty with a depth and clarity that we sometimes miss. The Bible says “The name of the LORD is a strong tower, the righteous run to it and are safe.” (Proverbs 18:10)

As we praise God for who He is, He will begin to change who we are. The reality of His presence will impact our circumstances and our lives in fresh ways.

I think of it as taking the reality of our circumstances and covering them over with the truth and majesty of God’s name. Like this …

Are you in a time of transition? He is called Changeless (Malachi 3:6)

Lord, You alone know how the changes in my life challenge me and how uncertainty effects me. I praise you that You never change. You are the same yesterday and today and forever. Help me to remember Your faithfulness. Thank you that I can lean on Your stability to anchor me through my change.

Are you feeling inadequate? He is called The Lifter of My Head (Psalm 3:3)

Lord, You know the feelings I have right now of just not being enough. My tendency is to walk with my head lowered. I praise You that You have called me by my name, You have saved me and You will be my strength where I am weak. I thank You and praise You that You, O Lord are the lifter of my head!

Do you need wisdom? He is called All Wise (Proverbs 3:19 — 20)

Lord, You know I need direction. I praise You that You are all wise. You alone can see the beginning from the end. You alone can direct me. Speak to me from Your Word, bring others alongside me, give the quiet voice of Your Holy Spirit to guide me. Thank you that You are all wise. I trust You to show me the way.

As we run to the strong tower of the name of the LORD, our hearts are quieted as we view His majesty. His power is invited to work in our hearts and minds and lives. We praise the name of the LORD our God!

Question: Have you ever meditated on some of the names God is given in the Bible?

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Thoughts by All thoughts by Gail Rodgers Thoughts by Women