A Teachable Heart

by Vonette Bright

And yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay and you are the Potter. We are all formed by your hand.Isaiah 64:8

As children go back to school, it means new teachers, and new subjects to learn.  And as adults, you and I know those lessons are needed but it doesn’t make that process any easier.

In Psalm 32:8 God says, “I will teach you in the way you should go.”

My friend Nancy was one of those remarkable self-made women who seem successful at everything she does. But she got caught up in her own self-righteousness. And before long she sensed an emptiness in her life. A nagging that didn’t go away. She was reading the book, “In His Steps”, and God showed her that true success meant surrendering her will to her heavenly Father. Nancy prayed earnestly, “Lord, give me a teachable spirit! Help me learn Your lessons.”

Dear friend, how about you? Maybe it’s time for you to go back to God’s school!

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