Tag: <span>words</span>

The tongue is also a fire James 3:6

Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue is also a fire….” James 3:5-6

The entire town was evacuated. Over eighty thousand people fled the ravaging forest fire. Evacuated friends came to stay with us for nearly seven weeks. Anxiously they watched the news not knowing if their homes would survive.  Such incredible devastation created from a small spark!

It reminded me of this verse from the Bible as I recalled some of the devastating “fires” I had been witness to, that were started by a careless tongue. Words spoken thoughtlessly, selfishly, angrily, hastily are often the spark that ignites a blaze that can destroy what may take years to rebuild.

Think about what has come out of your mouth this past week. Did you carelessly throw a spark out on dry grass and were surprised at the quick spread of flames? Did relationships strain because you had an uncontrolled tongue? It’s easy to do. We justify it by tiredness, stressful situations, or another persons aggravating behavior. Yet the choice of our words is entirely our own.

God has a lot to say about the tongue and the words we speak. You’ll find a wealth of wisdom in the book of Proverbs in the Bible.

•    Ask for God to set a guard at your mouth.
•    Ask for His help before careless words come out of your mouth.
•    Be quick to ask His forgiveness and the forgiveness of others when your tongue throws out sparks.
•    When tough issues must be addressed, ask first for the help of God’s Holy Spirit as you respond.
•    Always keep your distance from gossip. Gossip is already a small blaze. You make a choice to throw water or fuel on it as it comes to your ears and tempts your tongue.

You will be amazed at the difference in your relationships, your home, your job, your church and your life when God’s help is the first call on your lips.
Father God,

Your word tells me, “He who guards his lips, guards his life.” Proverbs 13:3.

Please help me today, by the power of Your Holy Spirit, to be careful with quick retorts, unsolicited opinions, critical, sarcastic and negative comments. Help me to mind my tongue as I would mind a match in a dry forest. Give me Your wisdom and grace when I need to address situations and issues and give me a sense of right timing in doing so. Thank you that You provide help and strength to me in this area when I call out to You.  In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Thoughts: If your tongue is causing you trouble these days, read one chapter a day in the book of Proverbs. It will take one month to do that. Underline and ponder every verse that speaks about words, lips and tongue. Keep a journal for the month and see how the atmosphere around you changes as you become a “fire fighter” in your own circle.

By Gail Rodgers

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devotional on power of words

Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Philippians 2:4

The relationships that mean the most to us are often the ones we are hardest on. While we maintain a polite and pleasant demeanor away from home, the frustrations often come out where we feel safe to let off the day’s steam.

Life’s pressures can drive a wedge into the relationships we treasure most. It’s important to be intentional about building into the people we love. In order to keep the relationships you treasure at their BEST, remember these four steps.  B E S T …..

B- Bless those you care about by speaking “life” words. Pay attention and point out the good character qualities you see. Focus on using “building” words and you will find the warmth factor in your relationship will grow. When there are things that need addressing ask God to guide you in speaking words that will not destroy and at the right time.

E- Encourage those you care about in their daily life. Listen well to the things they say. Communication dries up when we don’t pay attention and we get lost in our own cares. Listen for the feelings behind the words and seek to be encouraging. Let your support be known even when the solutions are not.

S- Share thoughts, ideas, time and experiences. When we become too busy to share ourselves with those we love, erosion and indifference slips in. Be intentional about sharing life together. Take time to talk and share ideas or concerns. Time to pray together and dream together won’t be there unless you make it. Let those you care about know this is important to you and prioritize it. History together is built one shared experience at a time.

T- Touch those you love in appropriate and loving ways. Touch is one of our most basic needs. Take a hand, give a hug, put your hand on the arm or back of the one you care about. It can do much to convey care and warmth. Often a simple touch can melt away a barrier and re-connect two people.

Strong relationships don’t just happen…they are intentionally built.

Heavenly Father, You know the people that I deeply care about. You also know the way I can take them for granted or let my frustrations out in their “safe” presence. Please help me to come to You with the stresses in my life. Help me to get my strength and help from You and then offer a caring, helping hand to those I love. It’s so easy to look out for my own interests first. Please help me to do as Your word says and to look out for the interests of those around me, especially of those I love dearly. Help me to build strong history together through intentional sharing with the help of Your Holy Spirit. I ask this in the name of Jesus, amen.

By Gail Rodgers

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