Tag: <span>trust</span>

by Idelette McVicker

Do not deceive yourselves. If any one of you thinks he is wise by the standards of this age, he should become a ‘fool’ so that he may become wise.”  1 Corinthians 3:18

In the book “There’s Always Enough,” Roland and Heidi Baker tell the story of their ministry to the poorest of the poor in Mozambique.  Serving some of the most forgotten and rejected people on the planet, they often have to rely on God to provide in miraculous ways.

Through their need, they have seen God come through for them. They have even seen people raised from the dead. What struck me about this miracle, however, was not that someone was raised from the dead as much as the incredible commitment on the part of the person who prayed for the dead person. One pastor prayed through the night, non-stop, and didn’t give up until the person started showing signs of life.

What incredible faith. What commitment. Am I willing to stick with it in order to see the miracle? I have not prayed like that. Am I willing to appear absolutely foolish for God? I have not been enough of a fool for God.

Reflect: Where do you need a breakthrough or even a miracle? What are you willing to do in order to get it?

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by Vonette Bright

God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful..” 1 Corinthians 1:9

Eighteen-year-old Mary was devastated when her parents announced they were getting a divorce.  She observed the challenges her mother faced in finding a job.  Yet during the hurtful devastation of the divorce, Mary’s mom never wavered in her faith in God.  She said to her girls, “No matter what bad thing happens to you in life -“God is ALWAYS GOOD!”

Mary Alessi says, “As a child, I knew that Jesus loved me. I’ve never doubted that because my mom knew the secret to leading your children to Jesus – it’s living what you believe. She often said, – the bottom line is – if you live out your faith, your children will model what they see.

My dear mom, your children are watching. Let them see you model your faith through even the difficult circumstances.  Let them know–God IS always good!

Mary Alessi, co-author of When Women Worship, http://www.maryalessi.com or http://www.regalbooks.com Mary Alessi’s talents range from Mother, Pastor’s Wife, Worship Leader, Songwriter, Teacher and Musician.

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