Tag: <span>thankful</span>

Are we rationalizing away God’s miracles? Or are we thanking God for all He has done and is doing for you? 

“One of them came back to Jesus, shouting, ‘Glory to God, I’m healed!’ He fell flat on the ground in front of Jesus, face downward in the dust, thanking Him for what He had done…Jesus asked, ‘Didn’t I heal ten men? Where are the nine?’”
Luke 17:15-17

I have often thought about how exciting it will be when we get to heaven and our eyes will be opened to all the miracles God did for us – most of which we were unaware of. We will also come to realize how many times we rationalized away many of the miracles…like the nine lepers who were healed.

The cartoon character, Charlie Brown, gave several suggestions as to why the nine lepers never returned to Jesus to give thanks. They reveal a whole lot about human nature:

One man waited to see if the cure was real.
One waited to see if it would last.
One said he would see Jesus later.
One decided that he had never really had leprosy.
One said he would have gotten well anyway.
One gave the glory to the priests.
One said, “O, well, Jesus didn’t really do anything.”
One said, “Any rabbi could have done it.
One said, “I was already much improved.”

Think about it…are we thanking God for all He has done and is doing for you? Or are we, like the lepers, rationalizing away God’s miracles?

Father, would you please give us an attitude of gratitude – every day? Thank You! Amen.

By Katherine Kehler
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Overflowing with Life!

•  What Do You Want Jesus to Say When you Meet Him Face to Face?

•  Salvation Explained

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thoughts by Katherine Kehler Thoughts by Women

“Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9b

Power is sexy. We live in a world that admires strength and pities weakness. Fortune 500 companies, movie stars, and politicians all have some level of power over our lives. Some athletes have the physical power to dominate their opponents. We often celebrate and admire the power they all have.

But have you heard anyone brag about being weak lately? The Apostle Paul did. He had been through many life-threatening situations. Yet, he didn’t brag that he made it through in his own strength. He knew that it was only God’s strength that carried him.

In Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, his attitude is one of gratefulness for weakness. The man who once possessed the power to order the imprisonment and execution of Christ-followers, speaks of how glad he is to lack power because his weakness served to magnify how big his God is.

Paul understood that in his own limited power, he could not do the work for which God had called him—to spread the gospel to the world. But, by admitting his own limitations, he opened the door for God to work powerfully.

We should have the same attitude as Paul. Instead of relying on our own strength or resourcefulness, we should trust in God to supply the power. Then we can say along with Paul, “When I am weak, then I am strong.” (2 Corinthians 12:10)

Lord, help me see my weaknesses as opportunities for You to show Your power. I offer me limitations to You today. I’m trusting You to do what I cannot. Amen.

Thought: Take the opportunity to thank God for your weaknesses. If there is a specific area of service you are struggling in, ask Him to give you the power to serve Him to the best of your ability.

By Debbie West
Used by Permission

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  1. A Bible on How God Demonstrates His Love
  2. A Bible Study on Waiting on God
  3. A Bible Study on Thanksgiving
  4. God’s Plan – A Study on God’s Destiny for Me?

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thoughts by Debbie West Thoughts by Women