Tag: <span>purpose</span>

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

Lois was sitting at her desk and wondered,

Why am I at this jobAm I serving God by being here?

So she prayed for God’s direction and guidance.  She thought about her spiritual gifts and the skills that supported them.  She observed God at work in her life, and how He shaped her through good and difficult times.

By getting feedback from spiritually mature Christians, Lois became aware of her strengths and weaknesses.

God had wired her in a certain way for His purpose. Lois prayed for God-given opportunities.  And in three months she had a new job!

Now it’s your turn to discover the place God wants you to be. Pray for His direction and guidance.

Be assured, dear one…
God is committed to your development and is testing your trustworthiness with His agenda.

By Vonette Bright
Used by Permission

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devotional on significance

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”  Ephesians 2:10

Do you yearn to live a life of significance? During a season of vocational and spiritual discontent, I silently prayed, “Surely there’s more to life than this…” A relentless restlessness resonated in my soul. Initially, I ignored my uneasiness, because I was comfortable with life as usual, but internally, I felt unfulfilled and empty. So I started asking God to help me discover a dynamic and thriving faith.

By divine design, God has integrated an insatiable desire for significance into our spiritual DNA. Often, we try to fulfill this yearning by prioritizing fame, fortune, or other temporal treasures and pleasures, which may appear to satiate us temporarily. However, the aching emptiness persists and reverberates in our souls.

Paul reminds us that God created us anew to live a life of selfless significance – a life of good works that God prepared in advance – a life that fully and faithfully shares and reflects Him. Paul, Luke, and others practiced occupations while prioritizing sharing the gospel in word and deed.

Are you seeking soul significance? I rediscovered soul significance while serving on a community outreach team. God challenged me to transcend cultural and occupational obligations and expectations and to faithfully share Him with the community. Whether you are a preacher, physician, poet, or plumber, God has redeemed you to experience a thriving and dynamic faith journey – a journey that reflects eternal significance and influence.

It is only when we fully realize our value and potential in Him and surrender to His direction and influence that the aching restlessness subsides and we begin to live with abiding joy and satisfaction.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for creating me anew in Christ Jesus. Help me to reevaluate my priorities and to discover and embrace the good works you have planned for me. Open opportunities for me to reflect my faith with those in my community. Enable me to experience a thriving and dynamic faith through selfless service. Amen.

By Allan Mitchell

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