Tag: <span>path</span>

Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways”. Proverbs 4:26

I don’t recall why, but I when I was around four-years-old,  I decided to run away from home. Problem: I wasn’t allowed to cross the street.  So I trudged around the block with my little pink suitcase in one hand and my stuffed lion under my arm. Within twenty minutes I had circled the block and ended up back at home in tears.

What made me recall this incident I won’t  reveal how many decades later? While preparing to give a talk to some churchwomen, I found these children’s letters to God online. This one in particular spoke a deep truth.

You don’t have to worry about me. I always look both ways.” (DEAN)

As a small child, I had strict boundaries and knew the rules. It appears Dean does as well. As long as he looks both ways before crossing the street, nothing bad will happen to him, right?

If only life was so easy. As adults we get used to weighing the odds and making all the decisions. We set the rules. We decide our actions. We plot our course. Problem is, we can’t predict the future.

Sometimes we assume the way is clear. We quickly glance first then head out. WHAM – life hits us unexpectedly. Didn’t see that coming. Didn’t detect it, hear it, smell it, or even fathom it.  A tornado siren sounds one minute and your whole life ripped apart the next. The phone rings. A routine blood test comes back with bad news. A pink slip lands on your desk.

But after the shell shock, we may realize that someone was watching out for us. Something prepared us in ways we never knew. A hand held on and yanked us out of the way, or drew us closer.

A  quiet thought, steadfast rule, or profound statement embedded in our subconscious begins to acts as a lifeline. We cling to it. Such as  Romans 8:28 or Philippians 4:6-7 or Psalm 121:3-8.

Or my mother’s admonition to never cross the street alone.

Perhaps we adults need to be more childlike and go back to the basics.  Ask permission. Seek guidance. Wouldn’t it be more wise to look again–just in case–instead of being so sure of ourselves as little Dean is? Maybe we need to grab Daddy’s hand more often, no matter how big we feel we are.

By Julie Cosgrove
Used by Permission

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devotional on direction

Understand, therefore, that the LORD your God is indeed God. He is the faithful God who keeps his covenant for a thousand generations and constantly loves those who love him and obey his commandsDeuteronomy 7:9.

After traveling in our sailboat for three months, we were all excited to have a rental car and be heading off to town in Puerto Rico to gather the supplies we needed. We had a makeshift map and spotty Wi-Fi and we were off.

Much to our astonishment, we had driven for twenty minutes and not found a single street sign! How were we to know where to turn? Which direction should we go? What a frustrating experience. We were lost without proper directions.

In the same way, I can get lost each and every day if I don’t look to the road signs that God puts out for me. When I hear that still, small voice nudging me to hold my husband’s hand, to give an extra-long hug to a child who needs it, or to make that long overdue call to a friend, I need to follow those directions. These are the road signs God puts out for me in order to show His love to those around me. Now, isn’t that what we are called to do?

When we listen to God, He will pour out the spirit of wisdom upon us and make us wise. He will let us live in peace and safety, unafraid of harm. When we listen and obey, our paths will be straight and we will not question which way to go. He will guide and direct us at every turn.

Thank you God that you know the way. You ARE the Way, the Truth and the Life. You guide and direct us and show us the path we should take. Please help us to remember to follow your directions each and every day and not rely on our own understanding. Amen.

By Corice Peters

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Thoughts by All thoughts by Corice Peters Thoughts by Women