Tag: <span>encourage</span>

By faith he went to live in the land of promise, as in a foreign land, living in tents with Isaac and Jacob, heirs with him of the same promise.Hebrews 11:9

Do you ever stop to think about your sin? Maybe you feel overwhelmed, tired of the daily struggle against sin. Perhaps you wonder why God continues to guide you, to love you, to keep you in the faith. If anyone had reason to wonder that, it would have been Jacob.

Jacob wasn’t the most righteous man on earth. He definitely wasn’t mentioned as righteous like Job was. He wasn’t taken up to heaven like Enoch. Jacob deceived his father to get what he wanted. He had children with four women. His family was a mess as well. In fact, Jacob didn’t have a spiritual awakening until later in his life.

Jacob was a train wreck, and yet what do we see in Hebrews? He’s in the hall of faith. He received the same promise Abraham and Isaac received: part temporal and part eternal. Jacob received the promise his descendants would be a great nation and the eternal gift they would be children of God.

God doesn’t give up on His children, even when they fall short. Just look at Jacob. God continued to guide him, bless him, and even allowed Jacob to die with all of his children near him, including his long lost son, Joseph. We need not constantly worry about all of our shortcomings and how we miss the mark. Instead, we should focus on becoming righteous, with the help of the Holy Spirit, by having faith that God will continue to carry us, come what may.

Dear Lord, thank you for saving us despite our inadequacy and failures. Please give me the grace to fight sin in light of your love. Amen.

Read Hebrews 11

By Ashlea Massie
Used by Permission

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thoughts by Ashlea Massie Thoughts by Women

“We call Abraham “father” not because he got God’s attention by living like a saint, but because God made something out of Abraham when he was a nobody.” Romans 4:17 (MSG)

Abraham was an ordinary guy. There was nothing spectacular about him. He had no hidden talents, no supernatural faith, no outstanding ideas, and no blazing personality. He was a nobody.

But God took that ordinary man and turned him into a somebody.

I’m an ordinary girl. But I believe in a God who raises the dead to life and who makes something out of nothing. He did that for me.

When I met Jesus and turned my life over to Him, I saw my sin for what it was — a vile ugly mess. I opened my heart to His forgiveness, and this undeserved privilege, this grace, made me one of His own children!

God took this nobody of a girl and turned her into a somebody. And He can do the same for you!

“For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. Yet God freely and graciously declares that we are righteous. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins. For God presented Jesus as the sacrifice for sin. People are made right with God when they believe that Jesus sacrificed his life, shedding his blood.” Romans 3:23-25 (NLT)

If you have never invited Christ into your life, this gift is waiting for you. Or maybe you’ve accepted it, but have put it on the shelf to collect dust. God is waiting for you to receive His grace, and let Him transform your life. All you have to do is say yes.

Lord, I’m a sinner and I know there’s nothing I can do to rescue me from my sins. I believe You did it all for me when You paid the price for my sins. I surrender my life to You. Amen.

Thought: If you prayed this prayer today, tell someone, such as a family member, friend or pastor

By Kristi Huseby
Used by Permission

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thoughts by Kristi Huseby Thoughts by Women