Tag: <span>depend</span>

devotionalFriend, God can open the hardest heart.  Here’s one example:

Our film team sought government permission before preparing to show the JESUS Film in Africa.

For security reasons, an official insisted they show the film in the government compound.

But the compound guard refused to allow them to set up.

When the official heard this, he fired the guard immediately.

Well, the film team begged the official to have mercy on the guard, until the official finally relented.

After the JESUS Film was shown that day, the guard prayed to receive Christ!

Dear one, God opened the guard’s hardened heart to hear the message about Christ’s love.
But God used the film team’s act of kindness and mercy to do His will.

Be bold for Jesus and show mercy to those near you!

By Vonette Bright

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It is vain for you to rise up early, to retire late, to eat the bread of painful labors; for He gives to His beloved even in his sleep.Psalm 127:2 (NASB)

She frowned as she looked more closely at the label on her concealer bottle. The four-ounce container had cost more than her meal last night; it had promised rejuvenation in a bottle. After using it she looked like she had even less than the four hours of sleep she had actually gotten.

She looked at herself squarely in the mirror, tossed the concealer in the trash, and spent a moment with the Lord. After she prayed, she cancelled a non-essential meeting with her friend, and took a long and much-needed nap before picking her daughter up from preschool. Later in the afternoon, she was much better prepared to hand in a carefully reworked project for her boss with pride and confidence, knowing that she had done her best.

Whether you are sick, emotionally exhausted, overloaded, or just plain busy, remember that Jesus is the great Restorer. He has wise plans for your each and every day, plans that include a restful portion of sleep. That is a gift to you, a breather from the “painful labors” of each day. Submit your plans for today to Him, bowing down to things He may need to change around in order for you to accomplish what is needed. In fact, as you can see through today’s verse, if you trust Him with your rest, He gives to you even while you sleep. Won’t you sleep a little easier knowing just how much your Father loves you?

Dear Lord, I want to please others in my life, but most of all I want to please You. Please teach me to follow Your lead and to receive Your call to rest every time You desire it for me. How amazing is it that You would give to me even in my sleep? Thank You, God! In Jesus’ name, amen.

By Christa Hardin

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Brought to you by www.thoughts-about-god.com

Thoughts by All thoughts by Christa Hardin Thoughts by Women