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Say to Daughter Zion, ‘See, your king comes to you, gentle and riding on a donkey, and on a colt, the foal of a donkey.’”  Matthew 21:5

I like to think of a hero as being triumphant and in control. I want to feel that my life is in control instead of squirming about areas of my life I want to see differently. Some areas I cannot change, since they are out of my control, i.e., a loved one’s health, a misbehaving grandchild, a couple of quarrelling relatives.

What does a hero look like? When Jesus entered Jerusalem as king, he wasn’t on a huge horse wearing armor. Matthew tells of Jesus riding on a donkey into Jerusalem, which symbolized that he is the King of the Jews. Instead of conquering Rome and building a new kingdom, he died on a cross. Yet, Jesus did conquer. He conquered death and sin when he rose again. He is the King of kings, the real hero.

Imagine Jesus as the hero of your life. Are there areas in the areas of appetite, attitude or agenda in which Jesus could be king?

Appetites such as entertainment, social media, sexual desires, hobbies, food, alcohol and shopping. Attitudes such as pride, apathy, complaining, greed, bitterness and unforgiveness. Agenda such as time, money, career plans, theology, belief system, future plans, politics, and family planning?

What would be the benefit of following Jesus’ leadership in those areas? Are you willing to let Jesus be king over them? Is there something holding you back? What do you think it is?.

Lord, be the King of my life. I need a daily hero that will rescue me from myself, conquer the areas of my life that could benefit me as a result and please you.

Ask God to show you if there are any areas of your life that remain outside of his control. If so, invite him to help you see you as the hero freeing yourself from anything that hinders your walk with him.

By Jan Stewart
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•    When Confusion Prevails
•    Sitting on the Fence
•    Salvation Explained

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thoughts by Jan Stewart Thoughts by Women

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!: 2 Corinthians 5:17

December 1967, history was made when surgeon Christiaan Barnard performed the first heart transplant in South Africa. Since then, science has advanced and the list of transplant options has grown. The science of and frequency of joint replacement has also advanced. What’s next?

What if you could have a character transplant? Who in history would you like to emulate? I’ve always been drawn to strong leaders: Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Moses and Jesus. I admire each of these men.

But wait, a character transplant is not something of the future, it already exists! This is the real nature of being a Christ-follower. It’s not an attempt to emulate Christ through self-effort but it is a spiritual relationship with God where the Spirit of Christ comes to dwell in persons who place their faith in Christ. This character transplant happens as we allow God’s Spirit, the master surgeon, to remove our anxiety and replace it with peace, take our sadness and replace it with joy. The Bible has a list of transplant options. They are described as the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).

Just as in physical surgery, our part is realizing our need, being willing to change and trusting the surgeon’s skill. A difference is that we have 24-hour, 7-day-a-week access to the master transplant specialist, who responds to our willingness immediately. He promises to continue the work of transformation till we see him face to face!

Lord Jesus, I want to be like you. I know I need your skilled work in my life to transform my character to be like yours. Thank you that you are not only capable of doing so, but love me and desire to grant me the blessing of your continual attention each day, each moment. Thank you! Amen.

Is there an area that you would like to see God’s Spirit change? An area you know needs the touch of his skilful hands? Invite him to do a transplant. Read The Spirit Filled Life.

By Mike Woodard
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  A Bible Study on Waiting on God
•  Hearing God’s Voice – a Study by Charles Stanley
•  Salvation Explained

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Thoughts by Men thoughts by Mike Woodard