Tag: <span>Christ</span>

I waited patiently for the Lord, he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out…he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.Psalm 40:1-2

In the English language, “rock” is a dichotomous word – a word that has opposing meanings.

It can mean shaky and unstable—the shocking news rocked my world. It can also mean, solid, strong, and immovable. That is the Rock of our salvation—Jesus. As the old hymn states, “On Christ the solid rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand.”

Think of the movies with scenes in the deserts in Arabia. There are miles and miles of sand hills that shift and move in the wind. No foothold. No relief. You can sink up to your knees in the sand and pulling your legs through it is an arduous struggle. It drains you of your strength. Then, at last there it is. A boulder peeking up. A place where you can rest. Refuge.

I waited patiently for the Lord, he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out…he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.Psalm 40:1-2

If you are in the shifting sands of life right now, seek out Jesus. He will be your rock, your stronghold, your refuge. You can rest in Him. Let Him give you a respite from your troubles and struggles. Renew your strength by tapping into His.

Dearest Lord, let us always turn to You for strength and safe refuge when we’re struggling in the shifting sands of this world. Be the solid thing on which we can stand, and the firm foundation on which we can rest. Amen.

If you are in an uncertain place right now, pick up a small stone and carry it in your pocket. Each time you feel overwhelmed, grab hold of it and let it remind you of Christ, Your Rock.

By Julie Cosgrove
Used by Permission

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thoughts by Julie Cosgrove Thoughts by Women

Jesus warned about our days, saying,

Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold” (Matthew 24:10).

The Lord’s warning was not just about conditions in the world; He is speaking to His disciples. He warned about conditions in the church.

Today, the church is overstocked with Christians whose love has grown cold.

As a result, rancor fills our conversations. We have become a sub-culture that is mad that the world has not become Christian, while we are tolerant that we are not Christlike.

When you discuss things that are wrong, does rancor come forth or prayer? The word rancor came from Latin rancere, which meant, “to stink.” (See rancid). This is exactly what we exude heavenward when all we do is find fault and criticize. The smell of our rancor ascends into the awareness of God. These things ought not to be.

On the other hand, intercessory prayer is a sweet aroma to God. Again, when we pass through trials and determine to emerge more like Jesus, our very lives become “a fragrance of Christ to God” (2 Corinthians. 2:15). Amazing! in spite of our flaws and weaknesses, while we are living in this harsh world, we can actually become like Christ.

Indeed, may this be the passion of all who trust God’s Son: to become a fragrance of Christ to God.

By Francis Frangipane
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

• How Does Your Life Smell? –  by Bradley Stubbs

What Do You Smell Like? – by Mike Woodard

A Lingering Aroma – by Marilyn Ehle


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Thoughts by All thoughts by Francis Frangipane Thoughts by Men