Tag: <span>brokenness</span>

devotional on finding rest

Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him.”
Psalm 62:5

Author Carol Kent lived by her Day-Timer!  You might say she was “just a bit driven!” classic workaholic.  In fact, her sense of accomplishment came only when she checked off the things on her ever-present “to-do” list!

But she tells of the day when a major crisis in her life left her totally heartbroken.  And there was nothing on her “list” that could fix it!  She says, “I discovered when you’re at the bottom emotionally and spiritually and all your resources have been used up, Jesus is enough!”

Now Carol calls herself a “recovering workaholic.”  She deeply feels the pain of others, weeps with those in despair… understands their hurt and their brokenness.

My dear friend, someone in your life needs you.  Today, put reaching out to that one friend right at the top of your “to do” list.  Show her Jesus!

By Vonette Bright
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CrossOur bodies are buried in brokenness, but they will be raised in glory. They are buried in weakness, but they will be raised in strength.” 1 Corinthians 15:43 (NLT)

In the death of Jesus we were forgiven and in His resurrection we are given new life. He breathes new life into us, freeing us from our guilt and shame and giving us abundant peace, love, and strength. It is through the resurrection of Jesus that God has opened the door for us to dwell intimately in His healing presence.

I was a broken man, bound by chains of depression, alcohol, gambling, and feelings of worthlessness. But the risen Lord helped me overcome all of that when I opened up and became brutally honest with Him, giving him my burdens and laying everything at His feet. Then I was truly filled with His peace and rest. He has become my anchor and the solid ground upon which I stand.

Through trusting in Jesus’ sacrifice for us, our old life, with all of its cracks and scars, is buried with Him. We’ve been raised into a brand new life for His glory and by His grace. We continue on, recognizing our weaknesses so that we are raised in His strength.

We can say along with Paul: “The life you see me living is not ‘mine,’ but it is lived by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” (Galatians 2:20b MSG)

Jesus says His purpose is to bring us life (John 10:10). In His death and resurrection He has fulfilled this purpose. Let the Father continue to raise you from your brokenness into His glory and from your weakness into His strength. Rest in the near and intimate presence of God and let Him breathe new life into you today.

Heavenly Father, take these broken parts of me, I lay them at your feet Lord. I surrender everything to You. Heal my shame and free me from fear. May they be buried forever. Fill me today powerfully with Your Spirit; raise me into new life by Your grace and mercy. I chose to come into your presence and be intimate with You.

A Thought: What parts of your life do you need to let God bury so that He may create new life in you? Take these parts to Him in prayer right now. Lay them at the cross.

by Rev. Daniel Forster

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