Reasons for Joy

Happy are the people whose God is the Lord.”
Psalm 144:15

How’s life?” someone asks. And we who’ve been resurrected from the dead say,

Well, things could be better.” Or,

Couldn’t get a parking place.” Or,

My parents won’t let me move to Hawaii.” Or,

People won’t leave me alone so I can finish my sermon on selfishness.

Are you so focused on what you DON’T have that you are blind to what you DO?

You have a ticket to heaven no thief can take,
an eternal home no divorce can break.

Every sin of your life has been cast to the sea.
Every mistake you’ve made is nailed to the tree.

You’re blood-bought and heaven made.
A child of God – forever saved.

So be grateful, joyful – for isn’t it true?
What you don’t have is much less
than what you do.

By Max Lucado
Used by permission

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