Purposeful Living – Lessons From the Fig Tree

The story of the Fig tree is very instructive and evenly related to our lives.

The fig tree was extremely important for both nutritional and economic values in ancient times. The bible used fig trees severally to depict the prosperous times in Israel.

It is important to note that, the Fig tree in our text was planted for the purpose of bearing fruits. So, when the owner of the vineyard came to take fruits from the fig tree, he was not happy that the tree had no fruits. He ordered the keeper of the vineyard to cut down the tree as it was using up the soil for nothing. Look, for three years I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree and find none. Cut it down; why does it use up the ground?’ (Luke 13: 6-9)

One afternoon, I came outside to get a feel of some real fresh air, as it was burning hot inside. The breeze outside was so cool and soothing as it swings the flowers and trees in the garden to its rhythm. Watching this awesome work of God, I reaffirmed the important purpose of every creature, even the breeze fulfills a vital role of cooling the weather to keep us from burning because of heat.

Are you living a life that gladdens the heart of God? Are you fluffing Gods purpose for creating you? Will God get fruits from your life if He decides to check in on you personally? Like the disappointment displayed by the vineyard owner, God is displeased when we do not bear fruits that is expected of us.

Time is almost running out, begin to work towards impacting your generation positively. There is work to be done for God, there is more to life than just passing by. God wants you to use those skills and talents He deposited inside of you to change lives and build the world. You can start just where you are, do not wait to start tomorrow, the time is NOW!

“For the earnest expectation of the creature is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God” Romans 8:!9

By Deborah Oladayo
Used by Permission

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