Category: <span>thoughts by Gail Rodgers</span>

“I am the Light of the world. He who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the Light of life.” John 8:12

When we are followers of Jesus darkness should not characterize our lives. Oh, it will come to try to darken the doorway of our hearts but we can choose our response.

In one of the daily readings in “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young she explains what happened when Eve turned her attention away from all the blessings she had, to focus on what she didn’t have. “That negative focus darkened her mind and she succumbed to temptation.”

She left thankfulness behind! Thankfulness is so much more than “having an attitude of gratitude”! It is a protection from darkness. It is a discipline. It’s actually a weapon in our spiritual warfare arsenal.

When you sense the shadow of darkness at the door of your heart by discouragement or dissatisfaction (two of the biggest things that try to rob us of the Light of Jesus within us) stop and send thanksgiving to the door.

Jesus says that when we follow Him we will not walk in darkness.

Where are the shadows lurking that want to darken the door of your heart and mind and draw you away from the Light? Send Jesus to the door and rise up with thanksgiving in your heart. It’s a discipline. It’s a sacrifice. It’s a weapon. Use it today!

Lord God, I thank You that darkness need not cast it’s shadow over my heart and mind today. Thank you that You are the Light of my life. Thank you that You lead me and guide me and strengthen me when I fix my eyes on all the wonder of who You are. Grant me the insight and the wisdom to lift my voice in thanksgiving today for You are my God and I am Your child. Whenever darkness seeks to encroach upon me may it be my call to lift my heart to You in praise. In Jesus’ strong name I pray, amen.

by Gail Rodgers
used by permission

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thoughts by Gail Rodgers Thoughts by Women

by Gail Rodgers

1 Corinthians 14:33
For God is not a God of disorder but of peace…”

In this chapter of the Bible the Apostle Paul is addressing the church about orderly worship. In the midst of his dialogue on worship he makes this statement: “For God is not a God of disorder but of peace”.

This statement about God can help us, not only in understanding how to worship together, but also in every circumstance right where we walk.

Whenever you find yourself in the middle of disorder today stop … and invite God’s peace to come into that situation through you.

Disorder exists all around us. Perhaps it’s as simple as a disorderly home or papers that are in disarray. Invite God into the mess and ask for His help in creating order.

Or it may be in relationships at home or at work where drama is accepted as the norm and creates disorder of many kinds. Stop and invite God to help bring His peace through you.

Wherever you experience disorder today ask God to remind you to use it as a call to prayer. Stop and quietly ask Him to give you wisdom in the moment and to bring His peace and calm into the situation. Don’t buy into the drama or the disorder but instead respond in the opposite spirit by inviting God’s spirit of peace to come through you. He will defuse the turmoil in your own heart and mind so you can respond in ways that help foster peace.

Lord God, Thank you that You are a God of peace. Thank you for reminding me that disorder does not come from You. Today, when I encounter drama and disorder please help me to respond in Your Spirit of peace. Keep my heart in order and bring peace to me and through me. In the name of Jesus I pray, amen.

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by Gail Rodgers

Blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in Him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream.  It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”
Jeremiah 17:7,8

What an incredible picture the words of this scripture paint! A tree with strong roots drawing water; always green; always fruit bearing even in times of drought!

Not fearing when heat comes but confident and fruitful, GREEN, even when the norm around us is “stressed out,” “overwhelmed” or just “too busy”.

There is a sequence here on how to live GREEN.

•    Have your confidence in the LORD!

When we keep our eyes focused on who our God is and on all His name declares, our confidence in Him soars. We find peace and joy — even when the land around us is drying up!

When we keep our own identity wrapped securely in Him, walking in confidence as a treasured child of God, we can draw on His strength and on His refreshment even when “drought” is all around us.

But when we choose to focus around us at the heat and the shriveling leaves, we become overwhelmed and worn out and… We give away our confidence — both in God and in who we are in Him. Out the window goes our joy!

•    “The joy of the LORD is your strength.”  Nehemiah 8:10

When we give away our confidence, we give away our joy, and when we give away our joy, we give away our strength!

If your joy has been fading, and you feel purposeless and unproductive take a check on where your eyes have been focusing, on the dryness around you… Or on the greatness of God and His strength in you?

Remaining purposeful and productive or “fruitful” comes from the strength of God in us. So pay attention to what is going on inside of you. Because…

•    When you give away your confidence (in God; or in who you are in Him), you give away your joy.
•    When you give away your joy, you give away your strength.
•    When you give away your strength you give away your purpose.

When you give these things away, what you have left is a life that is dry: disgruntled, discouraged, overwhelmed and unproductive.

Purpose and fruitfulness fade when your confidence in God slips away and when you forget who you are in His strength.

Always green” is simple. Not easy, but simple.

Keep your eyes focused on God and all that He is and on who you are in Him.

Therein lies your confidence; and in that confidence lies your joy and in that joy lies your strength. In that strength you are able to walk purposefully!

Lord God, What a beautiful picture of how to stay green and productive in You. Please help me to keep my eyes on the greatness of all You are, and on who I am with Your strength in me. Keep me green, I pray in Jesus’ name, amen.

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by Gail Rodgers

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.Lamentations 3:22-23

If you find your heart is longing for a fresh basket of God’s mercies to be delivered to you this morning, there is one place to go: back to His word!

I know it sounds trite to say, “read the Bible.” However, God’s word is life to your soul. Ask Jesus to speak to you through His word. Let His Holy Spirit fill your heart with what the Father knows you need to hear. Today, why not soak in this wonderful treasure from the word of God?

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.Lamentations 3:22-23

A Prayer for You Today

Dear Father in Heaven, thank you that Your word gives the comfort, guidance and instruction that I need. Bless me today as I seek Your refreshing.
Thank you for the timeless truths of this scripture verse. Some days it feels like life would consume me if I did not look for Your daily mercies!

Lord, right now I focus on Your compassion, on Your mercy. The Hebrew definition calls this Your “loving-kindness.” May it reach into my heart and wash over me with Your love. May it fall on me today like a blanket. Lord, it is my nature to lose sight of all You are in the midst of confusion and trouble. Highlight Your loving-kindness to me today in a way that will bless and encourage and revive me afresh.

Lord, You are faithful in all of life. Surprise me with Your faithful mercy dropping like rain around me all day long. May I not be consumed or eaten up by the challenges of this day, but find rest for my soul in the depths of Your compassion for me.
Thank you that You alone are our merciful God who brings a fresh basket of loving-kindness to my heart every morning. May I watch for it, enjoy it, and share it. I pray this in the strong name of Jesus, Amen.

Questions: Have you been seeking God’s refreshing by spending regular time with Him in His word? What blessings are you receiving as you turn to Him each day?

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Thoughts by All thoughts by Gail Rodgers Thoughts by Women

by Gail Rodgers

The LORD our Maker. As we move toward Easter let us be reminded together that our God is a promise keeping God and we will choose to worship Him together.

Come let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker” (Psalm 95:6).

    The God of the covenant promises, The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, The God of our fathers. Genesis 9:9-11; Genesis 17:2; Acts 3:13, Psalm 95:6

•    The God of Israel, The Fear of Isaac, The Pride of Jacob, The God of the armies of Israel. Isaiah 24:15; Genesis 31:42; Am 8:7; 1 Samuel 17:45

•    The Sword of Israel’s majesty, The God of the Hebrews, The God of the spirits of all flesh .Deuteronomy 33:29; Exodus 3:18; Numbers 27:16

Prayer & reflection: Almighty Father, I thank you today that You are the God of the covenant promises. You are the God who keeps the promises You make to us, Your children.

Today I ask that You would remind me of the promises that You have made to me in the past and refresh my faith today to believe them with new confidence!

Thank you that You have promised never to leave me; to guide me with Your word: help me to find the time to read it. Thank you that You promise to hear my prayers and to be my guard and my guide today.

Thank you for this amazing promise of Psalm 94:18 & 19… When I said, “My foot is slipping, Your love, O LORD, supported me. When anxiety was great within me Your consolation brought joy to my soul.”

Thank you, Lord, for that sure picture of Your love supporting us as we walk a slippery road and feel nearly ready to fall.

Thank you that You console us with the depth of Your name and how that is a source of deep joy as we walk.

Bless my heart today with peace; patience and a real sense of Your support where ever my foot feels a slippery edge. Grant me the confidence that You will hold me securely.

Lord, I kneel before You and worship You for You are my Maker and the one I can trust with my life even in the midst of my unanswered questions. I choose to trust You and worship You today. In the powerful name of Jesus I pray, amen.

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by Gail Rodgers

In this final week of Advent, as we lead up to Christmas Day, how is your heart doing? Are you feeling at peace … or is pressure mounting in your home?

Take a moment to ponder the peace that the angels announced that first Christmas. “Peace on Earth, good will toward men”.

This morning I read a verse in Ephesians 2:14 that says “He Himself is our peace”.

That first Christmas God sent His Son, Jesus, in human baby form, to reach out in love to connect humans to Himself … and we celebrate His birth. The journey comes full circle when we come to Easter and observe the death of Jesus as He took the punishment upon Himself for mankind’s willful independence apart from God. We celebrate His resurrection as He rose again from that death and took His place with the Father … leaving those who believe in His birth and death and resurrection with the amazing gift of the Holy Spirit as the Divine comfort and power within to live as a testimony to His love and power.

He Himself is our peace”. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you afresh today with the Peace that is His presence in our lives filling us with purpose, peace and a passion for life!

Is His peace the piece you are missing this Christmas?

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by Gail Rodgers

Christian devotionalWith joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.”
Isaiah 12:3

I love the word picture that Isaiah 12:3 gives us. Can’t you just picture taking your bucket with a long rope attached and dropping it down into the deep well? You hear the splash below and feel the tension on the rope as the bucket fills. As you draw the bucket up you know the drink will be long and cold and refreshing. Ahhh, coming to the well is so worth the trip. Especially when the day is dry and hot and dusty.

The only thing that can prevent that long and refreshing drink is a hole in the bucket. Though you long for the life giving water, if there’s a hole you’ll draw up an empty bucket.

As we begin to explore the refreshing truths and sure principles of following Jesus let’s first make sure our bucket is intact. The biggest holes in our buckets of faith are generally caused by one thing: a lack of confidence. As we draw from the well of salvation the cool refreshment simply leaks out when we harbor a lack of confidence in who our God is and in who we are in Jesus Christ.

In order to draw deeply from the well of salvation we must first be confident that our God is who He says He is and that He will do what He says He will do. Often we find our confidence in God has slipped away when things have not gone as we had hoped and planned. Yet God alone is the one who sees the road ahead. Only He knows just what our hearts need to keep going. Refresh your confidence in God today by reviewing His character as revealed through His names here:

If your confidence in who you are in Jesus Christ has slipped and you feel the promises of God don’t include you then take some time to review just how God sees you. As His child you are every bit included in those who can draw deeply from His well. Review how He sees you here:

Patch the hole in your bucket. Believe God with fresh faith. Walk in who He says you are with fresh confidence. Then you will be able to draw from His deep well with a joy that is overflowing.

Father God, Often my confidence in You can wane when I don’t understand what You are doing or not doing in my life. Help me to fully believe and completely trust that You have my best interests at heart. May I lean hard on You in complete assurance that Your love for me will carry me through. Help me to see myself as You see me – forgiven, dearly loved, accepted, chosen, and fruitful. Give me a deep understanding of being clothed in the strength and dignity that You provide for me. Restore my bucket of faith so that I may draw deeply and with great joy from the well of salvation. In Jesus’ name I pray, with thanksgiving. Amen.

Question: What holes are in your bucket right now? What truth will you apply to patch them up?

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by Gail Rodgers

The name of the LORD is a strong tower, the righteous run to it and are safe.Proverbs 18:10

She had no idea what her friend meant. Just how does one “call on the name of the Lord”? As she faced this new challenge she knew she needed God’s help in her life. Yet how could the name of the Lord help her?

Like a many-sided diamond, the name of the LORD reflects His power and majesty with a depth and clarity that we sometimes miss. The Bible says “The name of the LORD is a strong tower, the righteous run to it and are safe.” (Proverbs 18:10)

As we praise God for who He is, He will begin to change who we are. The reality of His presence will impact our circumstances and our lives in fresh ways.

I think of it as taking the reality of our circumstances and covering them over with the truth and majesty of God’s name. Like this …

Are you in a time of transition? He is called Changeless (Malachi 3:6)

Lord, You alone know how the changes in my life challenge me and how uncertainty effects me. I praise you that You never change. You are the same yesterday and today and forever. Help me to remember Your faithfulness. Thank you that I can lean on Your stability to anchor me through my change.

Are you feeling inadequate? He is called The Lifter of My Head (Psalm 3:3)

Lord, You know the feelings I have right now of just not being enough. My tendency is to walk with my head lowered. I praise You that You have called me by my name, You have saved me and You will be my strength where I am weak. I thank You and praise You that You, O Lord are the lifter of my head!

Do you need wisdom? He is called All Wise (Proverbs 3:19 — 20)

Lord, You know I need direction. I praise You that You are all wise. You alone can see the beginning from the end. You alone can direct me. Speak to me from Your Word, bring others alongside me, give the quiet voice of Your Holy Spirit to guide me. Thank you that You are all wise. I trust You to show me the way.

As we run to the strong tower of the name of the LORD, our hearts are quieted as we view His majesty. His power is invited to work in our hearts and minds and lives. We praise the name of the LORD our God!

Question: Have you ever meditated on some of the names God is given in the Bible?

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by Gail Rodgers

He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.
Psalm 40:3

Life has been busy. The house has been full. Meal planning, grocery shopping, washing sheets and changing beds along with all the regular stuff of life has kept the days full too.

This morning I had a coffee date with a friend over the phone. Her life is busy as well so we scheduled an early morning call and brought our coffee cups to comfortable chairs a province apart.

We talked about the song in our hearts and how busyness and life’s general challenges can tend to drown out the music at times. Often, as we make room for our phone coffee times together, a principle of life will emerge as a take-away nugget to enrich our lives. Today was no exception.

We talked about making the choice to live thankfully; of seeing the goodness of God in the things around us; of being grateful for His hand in our lives even if, at times, the path is obscured.

We know from God’s word that we are called to live thankfully. “In everything give thanks, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 6:18

We know from experience that thankfulness as a way of life keeps our souls soft and our hearts in tune with our great God.

We shared the verse of Scripture that holds the promise of a new song. “He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.Psalm 40:3

And suddenly the principle of life was there: As we choose thanksgiving, He puts the song in our hearts.

The song in our hearts cannot be conjured up. It is placed there by God as His gift to a thankful heart.

Choose thankfulness today and experience His fresh song of praise flooding your heart. Choosing thankfulness is your part. Putting the song in your heart is His part.

Make the choice to live thankfully and experience the melody of praise that will arise fresh within your heart today!

Father God, Thank you for the principles of Scripture that are sure. Help me today to choose thankfulness. Thank you that as a result You will put a new song in my heart. ?Help me to choose well today. Open my eyes to see the goodness of God around me. I ask this in Jesus’ name and with a grateful heart for Your hand in my life, amen.

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by Gail Rodgers

Some seasons of life are more hectic than others.  It isn’t always possible to keep on top of all the things we usually tend to. When life gets a little too busy it’s easy to neglect small things.  At first no one notices the little things left undone in the house or yard or the growing pile of papers that need tending to. Yet, as the weeds take hold outside and the paperwork and the closets are ignored inside, a growing chaos becomes evident.

The same thing happens in our inner lives when we neglect the regular care of our spirits. We begin to feel the growing chaos within. The reality of our lives becomes contrasted against the promises of our faith. We become discouraged in our spiritual journey.

God’s Word reminds us to be careful about what we ignore. In the book of Hebrews we are given reminders not to ignore the great salvation God has provided for us.

Do you think we can risk neglecting this magnificent salvation?Hebrews 2:1-4 (The Message)

It’s so easy to be caught up with the busy things of life that we overlook tending our inner lives. Then we often find chaos in our heart and mind and wonder why God seems distant. During those times we will most likely find our Bible starting to gather dust. God’s Word is nourishment for our souls.

If your life is chaotic and your spirit is dry… if panic is becoming more often present in your heart and mind than peace… check what you are neglecting. Make a beeline back to God’s Word and to fellowship with His people.

Make a fresh determination and declare the words that David declared so long ago in Psalm 119:16.

“I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches.
I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways.
I delight in your decrees;
I will not neglect your word.” (Psalm 119:16)

Keep God’s Word at the very core of your life. As a Christian you simply cannot risk living otherwise.

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Thoughts by All thoughts by Gail Rodgers Thoughts by Women

by Gail Rodgers

We met in Starbucks. She was just passing through town and it was a treat to get together in person. As usual, we jumped in at the deep end and wanted to share what God was teaching us these days. As she raised requests I suggested we pray. Quietly, with open eyes, I asked God to meet the needs of her life.

We talked more and then she said she wanted to pray for me. With not so quiet a voice and with eyes pressed closed and hands grasping mine across the table she lifted her heart to our Heavenly Father.

And I felt my heart shrink back. Could she pray a little quieter or a little less intensely? I am ashamed to say I felt a twinge of embarrassment enter my heart.

Very shortly after that God put a book in my pathway that challenged just this very thing in my life. In essence I was denying Christ. I thought of Peter and how easy it was for him to deny Jesus on that night of Jesus’ death. Then in my own devotions I read these words,

For in just a very little while, “He who is coming will come and will not delay. But my righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back I will not be pleased with him.
But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved.”  Hebrews 10: 38-39

It took me by surprise that I could find myself in that same position as Peter found himself in ….. only I was in Starbucks where there was no threat at all to my faith or my life.

How good God is to reveal the very nature of our hearts to us when we feel we are being “faithful” followers. What a challenge it is to grow in our boldness in following our Lord and Savior.

Today, whether you are a quiet Christian, a bold witness, or somewhere in between why not join me in asking God to fill you with a greater boldness and more courage to stand in persevering faith… one never knows when in this world we will be called upon to stand firm. We need to be determined not to shrink back. God will help us as we ask Him to.

Heavenly Father, Forgive me for shrinking back when You call me to boldness. May my heart be ever more courageous to stand for You. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

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by Gail Rodgers

Kelly loved the prospect of a new year at her doorstep. It made her anticipate a fresh start.

This year she was thankful for the calendar turning. As she looked in the mirror she was reminded of some of her choices and the consequences they had brought to her life. She had some regrets this year. Yes, a clean start would feel good. She would make some resolutions and hoped, this year, to keep them.

Yet she knew herself all too well. Fear nibbled at her heart and mind as she hoped she had the courage to make the changes she needed to.

God knew the desire of her heart to change. He used a Bible verse that came in a card to remind her how to make a lasting change.

The words flew off the card and, unexpectedly, went straight to her heart…

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.Psalm 51:10

With sudden clarity Kelly knew she would not likely succeed in her hope for a change in lifestyle. No, in herself she would simply circle back to where she had been. She didn’t want that. She realized it was only God who could create a clean heart in her and give her the right attitude.

Silently she prayed asking God to forgive her stubborn independence, she asked for His help to create in her the kind of change that she needed. Only with His help could she make the turn and go the other way in her life.

God is the only true source of help when we need a fresh start. Turning to Him, asking His forgiveness and turning away from the wrong attitudes or the destructive behavior is the only way to true freedom. He can direct us to those who can help us along our pathway as we make the changes and face the challenges.

His strength, given to us on a daily basis, is more powerful than any resolution we can determine in our own heart. He will do it! We need only ask and depend on Him to act.

Father God,Thank you for Your desire for me to make a clean start. Thank you for Your forgiveness for my stubborn independence. Please create a clean heart in me. Give me daily strength to make the right choices. Renew the attitude of my mind with new thoughts and desires that will help lift me above the pull of wrong choices. Help me to follow Your pathway. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit so I can walk in a way that pleases You and in turn also refreshes me. In Jesus’ strong name I pray, amen.

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by Gail Rodgers

We both entered the doorway at the same time. She paused and looking at me, waved her arm in front of her gesturing me to go first.  Acknowledging my presence she let me lead the way.

In much the same way God has given us the wise instruction to acknowledge Him in all of our ways; to look to Him and let Him lead the way. With that instruction comes the promise that He will direct our paths.

Today as you go through your day be mindful to acknowledge the Lord God in everything that concerns you. In doing so He will enter every situation and conversation ahead of you and He will direct the way.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.” Proverbs 3: 5 & 6

As you wake up not feeling enthusiastic about going to work:
Lord, please go ahead of me today as I walk into work. Give me peace and confidence as I acknowledge You as the source of this provision for me. Guide my path through this day as I work diligently for You.

As you walk into a meeting, a conversation, a change meeting on the street:
Lord, I step aside right now and ask You to step ahead of me and prepare the way so that my words and attitudes will bring Your light into this moment.

As you engage in your relationships and your work in your home:
Lord, thank you for my family. Right now I acknowledge that I need You to prepare the way as You go ahead of me into…  this supper hour/this hour that I work on my bills and finances/this time that I help the kids with their homework/this mountain of work that overwhelms me/this conversation I need to have with my spouse. Thank you for Your presence and Your promise.

As you feel weary and frustrated with tiredness and health issues:
Lord, I acknowledge You as my strength and my Great Physician. Please direct my path to greater health and give me Your strength and grace today.

Lord, I trust You with every detail of my life. I want to trust You more whole-heartedly every day. I know that my own understanding is so limited and I thank You that You see the whole picture. I ask You to go before me today, to remind me to acknowledge You throughout the events of my day. Thank you that You will guide me with Your wisdom and strength and You will make the way straight for me. I pray this in the powerful name of Jesus, amen.

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by Gail Rodgers

Daily devotionalsI stood on the shore of the lake and watched the kids throw rocks into the water. Whole fistfuls of pebbles or stones flew through the air. Each one hit the water with the same result…ripples. Ripples that circled out and intersected with the other ripples, ripples that went far beyond the spot where each stone landed.

This image of the ripples never fails to bring the same thought to my mind over and over. Small as each pebble is, not one touches the water without these resulting ripples.

We are like the pebble. No matter how influential or insignificant we see ourselves, we each send out ripples that circle out further than we might ever dream.

Words and deeds of kindness or cruelty, gentleness or abrasiveness, generosity or greed, all ripple out and touch other lives far beyond the boundaries we think they go. Our families, co-workers, neighbors, and even strangers are often touched by an act or a word of ours that we never dreamt would get that far.

My husband is good at skipping rocks across the water. The kids count the skips; the more the better. Sometimes we think we too can skip through life, independent, not touching others, hurrying on without time to stop and be concerned about anyone else. The inevitable ripples still flow out.

We do influence, we do touch others, even when we are not aware of it. God even reminds us of our ripples…

…you be an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity.1Timothy 4:12

As you go through your day today be reminded that you are sending out ripples. You have no idea how far they go. Ask your Heavenly Father to help you bring His heart of love and grace into your setting and be conscious of the ripples you are sending out.

Prayer & reflection

Heavenly Father, I sometimes forget that I am an influence in the places I walk each day. Help me today to be aware of the ripples I send out with my words and conversations and even with my tones. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit today so that the ripples from my words and actions touch and encircle those around me with strength and encouragement. Help me to be an example of love and faith and purity today because You have placed me in this very spot to bring Your love to the people around me. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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by Gail Rodgers

Susan had wanted the photo to be perfect. But it came back distorted and she realized she had moved at just the wrong moment.

Distortion is subtle. We often don’t know its happening. It’s a bending or twisting out of shape. It can happen in conversations, in creative projects, in paintings and in photos. It often isn’t even noticed at the time.

My husband laid some hardwood floor in our house last week. At one point several rows were down and we noticed an end in one of the boards had twisted out of place and a sharp edge appeared where it should have been smooth. Immediately he reworked the area to remove the distortion. It seemed small but in the overall view it would have distorted the look of the whole floor.

It’s much the same with our hearts. Jagged edges pop up of resentment, anger, negativity, self-pity and any number of little things we rationalize away. Left alone they will create a distortion in our hearts that will interfere with the picture God wants to paint of our heart in connection with Him.

Psalm 101:4 says “A perverse heart shall depart from me.”

In the original Hebrew language the word “perverse” means “distorted” and the word “depart” suggests to “sour” or “decline”.

Normally we would never view our Christian hearts as perverse and departing from God. We recoil at the thought! But here we are warned to be careful we don’t let our hearts become distorted. It can cause a heart to become sour and decline away from our God. Distortion is so subtle.

Are you feeling a sourness in your heart? Is there a slight decline away from your God and you are puzzled by it? Ask God today to show you if there is a distortion in your heart that you have allowed to come in by resentment, hurt, or some emotion or circumstance that has caused your trust in your God to falter just a bit. Ask for forgiveness and let God know you want a pure heart so you can see Him undistorted.

Prayer & reflection: Father God, I confess to You that I have allowed distortion of my view of You to creep into my heart by some relational or circumstantial difficulty I have experienced. I recognize my potential for a sour heart that can decline away from You. I don’t want that Lord. I ask that You would forgive my wrong attitude and heal my hurt. May I see You clearly and draw near to You with a pure heart today. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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Thoughts by All thoughts by Gail Rodgers Thoughts by Women