Month: <span>April 2016</span>


The Lord said to Moses, “Come up to me on the mountains and stay here… and the Lord called to Moses…Exodus 24:12-17

Do you ever get jealous of those who claim to have an “experience” with God? Do you perhaps resent people who speak about the intimacy of their relationship with God? Do you wonder about the correctness of calling God “Daddy” or “Abba”?

I think we all long for precious moments of intimacy with God, perhaps most often when the busyness of life clutches at us. Wouldn’t it be nice to walk with God in Eden’s glades and hear God calling in the stillness? Or maybe we’re more practical: would someone please pay for a three-day silent retreat for me?!

Moses has the unique and life altering experience of being alone with God on a mountain. But as I read Exodus 24, three things about his “retreat” stand out.

First, God says, Come up to me on the mountain. It takes time and effort for me to “come up” to God. It means leaving the valley of the mundane and ordinary. It means leaving others—and the otherness of regular life, a disciplined effort to leave the people and demands that I think so important.

Second, God said, …stay here… Moses, stay with me here on the mountain. Catch your breath after the climb. I have something important to say to you but you must get your mind in God gear. Stop thinking about the past, even the good past when I met your needs, when I parted a sea, poured water from a rock, sent fresh bread every day in the desert. I have new news for you.” Staying with God means stop squirming, stop thinking about the list of things to do. Just staying with God.

Third, after six days of staying, …the Lord called to Moses… After the climb and the staying, God revealed himself in unimaginable glory and spoke the message that would define the Jews and lead them to the Promised land. Often I want the glory—maybe angels descending on a cloud, sweet melodies and palpable spiritual quivering—rather than God’s voice that says “go, do, tell.

Climbing the mountains of daily life, staying with God long enough to hear his voice:  it’s practicing these disciplines of the Christian life that lays the groundwork for intimacy with my Abba Father.

Father, thank you for faithfully to calling me to yourself. Help me take the time and effort to stay long enough to hear your voice.

By Marilyn Ehle

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devotional on truth

Read: Psalms 25:4-10

If we’ll let the truths of Scripture fill our minds, guard our emotions, and influence our conduct, God will richly reward us. I’m talking about spiritual blessings here (though He at times chooses to bless materially as well). By reading and meditating on His Word, you’ll learn to understand His ways. This isn’t something we can figure out on our own, because His ways are unlike ours—they are higher, bigger, and eternal.

Also, your relationship with the Lord will grow increasingly more intimate because He chooses to reveal Himself to those who seek Him and obey His instructions. When you see that God always keeps His promises, your confidence in His faithfulness will soar. No matter what the situation, you’ll know you can trust Him. Then He’ll transform your worries into joyful anticipation about what He’s going to do next in your life. Even if hard times await, you’ll be convinced that the Lord will work them out for good.

A life grounded in truth is powerful. Those who live by the Word develop spiritual discernment, which guides their choices and guards against deception. Because they demonstrate wisdom and godliness, the Lord enables them to impact others greatly. Since He knows they can be trusted, He also gives them greater responsibilities and opportunities for service in His kingdom.

With all this available to us, wouldn’t it be wise to invest our time and energy in building the truth of God’s Word into our lives? The other activities which clamor for our attention seem so important or pleasurable, but none of them can offer us the spiritual riches of a life grounded in truth.

By Dr. Charles Stanley

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