Month: <span>November 2015</span>

devotional online

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know.  Remember the LORD in everything you do, and he will show you the right way.”  Proverbs 3:5-6 ( GNT)

What made my interview stand out from the other 27 people you interviewed?” I asked.  “You sat on the foot stool,” the interviewer replied.

At the end of my second year of university I applied to be a resident assistant (RA) in my dormitory. Twenty-seven guys applied for the two positions available. The interview team decided to give interviews to all the applicants. I walked into the head resident’s apartment to face a team of 7 interviewers, and when invited to sit down, I had a choice of a chair and a footstool. I sat on the footstool.  I later learned that I was the only one of the 27 guys interviewed who did that. Yes, there were other things that influenced the decision but my choice to sit on a foot stool caught their attention.

I remember feeling overwhelmed before I went into the interview. I prayed and asked God to direct me and give me wisdom in my responses. I think sitting on the footstool was a “God moment” for me. He is indeed the God of the universe, but He is also the God of small things, so trust Him today for challenges both great and small. Humbly sit on the foot stool before him and express your concerns and desires.

By Mike Woodard

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The Bible was written in and to a culture that was steeped in blessing-a father blessed his child in giving him his name, passed on the patriarchal blessing to children’s children, gave the priestly blessing over his household.

You have been called, loved by God your Father and kept by Jesus Christ: mercy, peace, and love be yours in abundance” (Jude 1-2). Be blessed to receive from your heavenly Father the blessing you wanted from your earthly father. Your Father is passionate about your settled legitimacy as His true covenant son or daughter. Live your life as your Father’s blessed child.

Ephesians 1:3 says you are blessed in Christ with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places. Be blessed with abundant life of generational blessing that your Father has laid up for you. When you are secure in Your Father’s love, your presence is a joy to those who know you. From the deep well of your belonging and worth, you can bless others.

You can find satisfaction in your Father’s love ever more fully as you reach out to others from true inner freedom. From your wholeness in Him, He will send you forth to do all that He designed you to do. Share your life through encouragement, hope, and trust. Pass on to others the passion to know Him.

From the overflow of what your Father has given to you, give to the next generation an affirmation of identity and legitimacy. Be blessed as you are intentional about investing in a generational legacy.

By Sylvia Gunter

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