Month: <span>April 2015</span>

background scenefree devotions

He has made everything beautiful in its time…” Ecclesiastes 3:11

We who live in the western world and whose minds have been formed by European thinking patterns, are primarily linear thinkers.  We are most comfortable with moving logically from point A to point B to point C, from the first event to the second to the third and fourth. We frequently want one story completed before we go on to a second or third.

But as we read the Bible we often see points and events and stories pile atop each other like sands on the seashore. For example, we read about great advances and growth in the early Church and then, quite unexpectedly, are these words: “Meanwhile, Saul was still breathing out murderous threats against the Lord’s disciples” (Acts 9:1). Layers of activity, all known and allowed by God. I call these Meanwhile Moments even though the word “meanwhile” isn’t specifically used in every case.

A Roman centurion hungry to know more about God is visited by an angel who tells him to send for a man named Peter. Meanwhile, thirty miles away Peter gets hungry, goes up to the roof to await his lunch, gets drowsy in the noontime sun, has a dream of food he’s never allowed to cross his lips: pigs, eagles, snakes and lobsters! All forbidden. He then hears God’s surprising and distinctive voice: “Here’s your lunch.”

While we are most comfortable with those Point A to Point B directions of life, God beautifully, surprisingly, even shockingly has Meanwhile Moments for us if we’ll only listen and follow His plan. In no uncertain terms, He told Job, “Why are you using your ignorance to deny my providence?” (Job 38:2, Living Bible) We are not to set aside our minds but to have them transformed and renewed so our eyes and hearts recognize these times, and then we are more ready and willing to step into God’s Meanwhile Moments.

By Marilyn Ehle

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Praise the Lord, for he has shown me the wonders of his unfailing love.Psalm 31.21a (NLT)

At this time of year, I find myself much more reflective and contemplative than I normally am. Wanting my life to make a difference and hoping I’ve done a few things well in the year that has just vanished. But more than that, I find myself this year with a longing deep in my soul to bring to light all the ways that God has met me. His provision. His Love.

His kisses from heaven. Heaven’s grace: the simple gifts God uses to whisper to us, “You are loved, you are special. You are Mine!” These blessings often cloak themselves in the simple, the mundane but they are love gifts just the same. We see them in a spectacular sunset, the warm touch of a friend, a loved one’s whisper, “God put you on my mind and I prayed for you today.” Sometimes these kisses come in disguise.

I readily admit that some of the “kisses” I’ve experienced this year, haven’t always seemed like His whispers of love in my life; when my beloved son seemingly derailed his life with one poor decision, when a close friend had serious medical issues, when my precious sister was broken and hurting and I couldn’t be there to comfort her. But I have seen God bring beauty from the ashes in ways I never dreamed possible and blessing upon blessing. I have been overwhelmed by His love as I pause to look back.

Lord, I want to live with a heart of thanksgiving. I want to have eyes wide open to glimpse the kisses you send my way and to live in the light of your love all through this year and in the years to come. Amen.

Thought: Take some time today to reflect on how you have been “kissed” this past year by God.

By Kristi Huseby

Used by Permission

thoughts by Kristi Huseby Thoughts by Women