Month: <span>August 2014</span>

Understand, therefore, that the LORD your God is indeed God. He is the faithful God (El-HaNe’-eman) who keeps his covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes his unfailing love on those who love him and obey his commands.” Deuteronomy 7:9 (NLT)

God has many names throughout the Old and New Testaments. Each one uniquely defines one of His characteristics. El-HaNe’-eman means our Faithful God. There is such peace in knowing that God is always faithful in His promises, grace, and mercy. He always desires to have a deep and intimate relationship with us.

At one point in my walk with Christ, I considered myself to be His faithful servant. But little did I know at the time: this was based on the assumptions I made when comparing myself to others.

I’m so glad God knocked me off that pedestal and brought to light the areas in my life where I wasn’t being faithful to Him. He showed me where I was being selfish and self-sufficient.

I praise God that He takes delight in being the One who is perfectly faithful when we can’t be. He will never have a selfish moment in His Love for us, and He is always working things out according to His perfectly good plans. How comforting it is to know that we are His beloved, and that He will always be 100% faithful to us, patiently teaching us how to be faithful to Him day by day.

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your unending faithfulness. Help me to be filled with Your Holy Spirit so Your characteristics shape my life. May others see Your faithfulness in my actions and words. Amen.

By Rev. Daniel Forster

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online daily devotionalYou are the salt of the earth. . .”  Matthew 5:13

Salt is good, but if the salt has lost its saltiness, how will you make it salty again? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another.”  Mark 9:50

After I read these verses during my Quiet Time one evening, I began to think about the reasons for salt being good thing.

1. Salt enhances the flavor of food,
2. Salt is used to preserve meat.
3. Salt is used to thaw ice.
4. Salt is a water softener.

So how can we apply these “salty” things to our lives because Jesus said we are the salt of the earth?

We can enhance our surroundings. For example our behavior must be based on Biblical values, integrity, truthfulness, peace, joy and love. Our yards and houses can set a standard of excellence and enhance the neighborhood.

We can preserve by being there to help neighbors, co-workers and family when they need someone to comfort them (be like a healing ointment).  We can share the gospel with them so they can come to know the power of Christ within them.

We can melt icy relationships by being kind and loving to those around us even when they are cold to us.  In time they will melt. Love never fails.

We can soften the world around us by smiling and being gentle and kind.  We must make an effort to be friendly to all people, regardless of their race, religion, color, or lifestyle.

So, let me ask you, are you a salty Christian? Are you a nice person? Or have you lost it?  You can become a salty Christian again by repenting and asking the Lord to be in control of your life once again.  He will produce salt in your life.

Father, thank you that when you ask anything of us you will always provide the resources. We love you, enable us to love others like you do.  Amen

By Katherine Kehler

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