Month: <span>April 2013</span>

by Gail Rodgers

Blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in Him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream.  It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”
Jeremiah 17:7,8

What an incredible picture the words of this scripture paint! A tree with strong roots drawing water; always green; always fruit bearing even in times of drought!

Not fearing when heat comes but confident and fruitful, GREEN, even when the norm around us is “stressed out,” “overwhelmed” or just “too busy”.

There is a sequence here on how to live GREEN.

•    Have your confidence in the LORD!

When we keep our eyes focused on who our God is and on all His name declares, our confidence in Him soars. We find peace and joy — even when the land around us is drying up!

When we keep our own identity wrapped securely in Him, walking in confidence as a treasured child of God, we can draw on His strength and on His refreshment even when “drought” is all around us.

But when we choose to focus around us at the heat and the shriveling leaves, we become overwhelmed and worn out and… We give away our confidence — both in God and in who we are in Him. Out the window goes our joy!

•    “The joy of the LORD is your strength.”  Nehemiah 8:10

When we give away our confidence, we give away our joy, and when we give away our joy, we give away our strength!

If your joy has been fading, and you feel purposeless and unproductive take a check on where your eyes have been focusing, on the dryness around you… Or on the greatness of God and His strength in you?

Remaining purposeful and productive or “fruitful” comes from the strength of God in us. So pay attention to what is going on inside of you. Because…

•    When you give away your confidence (in God; or in who you are in Him), you give away your joy.
•    When you give away your joy, you give away your strength.
•    When you give away your strength you give away your purpose.

When you give these things away, what you have left is a life that is dry: disgruntled, discouraged, overwhelmed and unproductive.

Purpose and fruitfulness fade when your confidence in God slips away and when you forget who you are in His strength.

Always green” is simple. Not easy, but simple.

Keep your eyes focused on God and all that He is and on who you are in Him.

Therein lies your confidence; and in that confidence lies your joy and in that joy lies your strength. In that strength you are able to walk purposefully!

Lord God, What a beautiful picture of how to stay green and productive in You. Please help me to keep my eyes on the greatness of all You are, and on who I am with Your strength in me. Keep me green, I pray in Jesus’ name, amen.

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by Dr. Bill Bright

How precious it is, Lord, to realize that You are thinking about me constantly! I can’t even count how many times a day Your thoughts turn towards me. And when I waken in the morning, You are still thinking of me!” Psalm 139:17,18

Our sons, Zac and Brad, have helped me to understand, in some small measure, the truth of this promise; for in the course of a single day, I will lift them up in prayer many times. I am finite, but God is infinite. My love for our sons is limited, but his love is inexhaustible and unconditional. It is because of God’s love in my heart that I am able to love my sons unconditionally, even as He loves me.

What a comforting, encouraging thought, that the omnipotent Creator, God, who possesses all power and control of creation, loves me enough that He is constantly thinking about me. When I allow Him to do so — He talks to me, expressing His love, wisdom and grace from His Word, through divine impressions and the counsel of wise and godly friends. His eyes run to and fro throughout the whole earth to make Himself strong and mighty in my behalf (2 Chronicles 16:9).

Just as He is constantly thinking about me, I have been admonished to pray without ceasing. To talk to Him, to think about Him all the time — as difficult as it may sound — is a joyful reality to those who practice the presence of God, is that the kind of relationship you are experiencing day by day? If not, it can be.

Bible Reading: Psalm 139:1-10

Today’s Action Point: Mindful that God loves, cares and thinks about me constantly, I shall seek to live the supernatural life by practicing His presence, by praying without ceasing and by claiming His supernatural power by faith.

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