Month: <span>February 2012</span>

by Katherine Kehler

Dear brothers and sisters, pattern your lives after mine, and learn from those who follow our examplePhilippians 3:17

daily devotionalI remember singing a song when I was younger that went like this, “Brother, I pray thee, lift higher your light, someone is following you; following you both by day and by night, someone is following you.”

Some time ago, Marvin and I, were flying home from a conference in Toronto. We were sitting in the economy class. We were both very tired. As soon as we were settled in our seats, we fell asleep and slept until the flight attendant came down the aisle with beverages. Marvin ordered a coke; I just had water.

As soon as we began to drink our beverages, the man in the seat behind us leaned over the seat and said, “Well, Mr. and Mrs. Kehler, what are you having to drink?” He recognized us because he had gone to college with our daughter. He told us very candidly that he had been observing us since we had first walked into the air terminal, wondering if we would be traveling first class (which we don’t unless we are upgraded) and what drinks we ordered.

He was watching us to see if our walk matched our talk. He was one of the rare people who told us that he was watching us. How many people observe us but never tell us? People are following us. They know that there is something different about us.

Question: What do ‘they’ see when they observe you?

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by Phil Ware

Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things.Philippians 4:8

Thoughts on today’s verse

Our actions follow our thoughts like a heat-seeking missile follows the exhaust of a jet fighter’s engine. So in a day when so much around us trains us to find the negative in life, we must aggressively think and pursue the character, the qualities, and the things of God’s goodness.


Holy and Magnificent God, thank you for being better than anything my world can offer me. Thank you for calling me to a higher standard than the world accepts. Thank you for giving me the promise of a better future than any human can imagine. Thank you for giving me a high calling. In Jesus’ holy name I pray. Amen.

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