Month: <span>May 2008</span>

By John Grant

“He picked up the cloak that had fallen from Elijah and went back and stood on the bank of the Jordan. Then he took the cloak that had fallen from him and struck the water with it. “Where now is the LORD, the God of Elijah?” he asked. When he struck the water, it divided to the right and to the left, and he crossed over. The company of the prophets from Jericho, who were watching, said, “The spirit of Elijah is resting on Elisha.” And they went to meet him and bowed to the ground before him.â€?
2 Kings 2:13-16

“The Bucket List,� opened at theaters across the country this past week. It’s a movie about two older men who are diagnosed with a terminal illness and decide before they “kick the bucket,� to do all the things they ever wanted to do before departing planet earth. According to The Associated Press, the “kick off box office take� was just under twenty million dollars and moved it to the number one spot at weekend box offices.

A life-threatening illness, even with a good long term prognosis, can cause people to focus on the future in a different perspective, but they are not likely to escape from the hospital and go on a juvenile joy ride. The point of the movie is that when faced with eminent death these two characters, played by Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson, look inward to themselves to satisfy all of their personal desires and to have the personal experiences they always wanted to have, before it is too late. It is all about them.

Contrast that with the last day of Elijah found in 2 Kings 2. When both Elijah and Elisha knew that it would be Elijah’s last day on earth, they made the most of it to create a legacy, to pass the mantle of leadership for the sake of those left behind. They took a tour and the elder showed the younger the ropes, so to speak. They focused not on worldly pleasure, but rather on a Godly legacy.

At the end of the day. Elijah was taken up and Elisha carried on and when he parted the water, the prophets said “The spirit of Elijah is resting on Elijah.�

The movie actually ends on a spiritual note. After skydiving, racing, traveling and a host of other things, both characters come home and their lives and relationships are significantly changed for the good, as they focus on what really matters in life. I walked out with tears in my eyes and a warm feeling in my heart. I resolved to re-think my “bucket list� to make sure my priorities are correct.

What is your “bucket list?� After all, we are all terminal. Before you depart, is it your goal to have all the fun you can, or to leave a Godly heritage and a spiritual legacy in your family, your community and your church? Who, or what, matters most to you in life? What has God called you to do in the limited amount of time you have to do it?  Maybe it is time to re-think your “bucket list.�
(a thought on life from John Grant)

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John Grant is a former Florida State Senator and is a practicing attorney. He is an active writer and frequent speaker.  He can be reached by e-mail at

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By Katherine Kehler

 “Honor Christ by submitting to each other� (Ephesians 5:21)

Our Bible Study group was discussing Scripture that addressed the subject of the roles and attitudes of a husband and wife toward each other: submissive and loving.

For some reason during this discussion, I thought of an experience I had in Nigeria several years ago. Campus Crusade for Christ had completed translating the JESUS film into one of the Nigerian languages and we were leading a delegation of business and political leaders who would be part of the premier showings to the Nigerian people. One of the couples with us had funded the translation of the film.

Our national staff hosted us and graciously toured our group to some interesting places. We met a lot of remarkable leaders, including a tribal chief. When our bus stopped at their village, the people greeted us with cheering. Rarely have I experienced such a warm welcome.

While our staff director went through the formalities of presenting the Chief with his own copy of the JESUS film in his language, we women were standing around chatting.
Tim, our Nigerian director, approached me and said, “Among these people, women are not allowed to look at a man’s face. They must keep their eyes lowered when they talk to a man.â€?

Well, needless to say, I was shocked – everything inside me wanted to shout, “No way! Why should I have to lower my eyes?â€?

But God was merciful – I came to my senses – He changed my attitude. I realized we were guests in their country and for the sake of Tim and the customs of Nigeria, I had better submit. That meant I would have to lower my eyes when I spoke with the men in that country. And I did.

Submitting or being in control? That is the question. It seems that every day we have choices to make, not only in a husband and wife relationship, but also in many other relationships. The only way I can do it with a good attitude is when Christ is in control of my life. How about you?

Father, all of us have problems with wanting control. Thank You for Jesus’ example. He was totally obedient to Your will. We plead for Your mercy and grace to empower us to yield to You and Your will. Amen.

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Katherine J. Kehler, an innovator, entrepreneur and writer has launched and developed many successful ministries and websites.
Together with her husband, Marvin, Katherine directs Thoughts About God

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