Tag: <span>psalm 37:5</span>

“Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this.” Psalm 37:5

Trust me.” We say this to convince someone to believe that what we are stating is true. Scripture tells us over and over that trusting in the Lord is paramount if we want to live a godly, purposeful life. His ways are true, and we can rely on Him.
So for me Trust is:

Upon our

Office bonding exercises often involve blindfolding a person in order to determine if they can trust the other person to lead them somewhere safely. They have to rely on the seeing co-worker to guide them away from any dangerous obstacles. Those that do trust the co-worker, walk at a steady pace. But those that are unsure walk more cautiously and try to “see” by way of touch or sound; they doubt the person leading them has their best interests at heart or is capable.

In order to follow God’s will, I must place my trust in it. If doubt creeps in, my steps slow. My mind begins to question. “What-ifs” cloud my thoughts.
Doubt is:


Jesus said He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Each time I am faced with a decision, I can either trust in that statement or begin to doubt its believability.

Do I believe His teachings speak truth, or do I see them as antiquated and irrelevant? Does He truly give me life eternal and abundant, or is His will a straight jacket of rules that are impossible to live by?

How about you? Will you trust Him to lead you, even if you can’t clearly see why or where?

Dearest Lord, help me to erase all doubts that creep into the corners of my thoughts. Keep me focused on Your footsteps and living according to Your Truths as You guide me through this life into life everlasting. Amen.

By Julie Cosgrove
Used by Permission

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thoughts by Julie Cosgrove Thoughts by Women


Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.”   Psalm 37:5-6

We live in a world that demands justice. It is the top news story nearly every night. Someone was treated unfairly, and the ones who were responsible should have to pay.
We see the same theme in the movies we watch. The bad guys wreak havoc on innocent people; the good guys sweep in and give the bad guys the justice they deserve. It leaves us with a sense of balance and rightness in the world.

But real life is seldom like the movies. Sometimes injustice goes unpunished. The drunk driver goes free. A hard-working employee loses a job because of someone else’s mistake. The thief gets away with someone’s life’s savings. We can get treated unfairly and told that there is nothing that can be done.

David saw his share of unfair situations. In his youth, crazy King Saul chased him around with the intention of killing him. The only thing David was guilty of was being appointed as Saul’s successor. He did not deserve the treatment he got.

But after years of walking with God, David knew the One who would have the last word. Even in an unfair situation, David writes, “I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread” (Psalm 37:25). He knew that God was just, and in His time, God could be trusted to bring balance to every situation.

God, when things are unfair, remind me that You are the author of justice. Though I may not see the outcome, help me trust in Your ability to handle every situation. God, may Your justice win so that Your name is praised. Amen.

By Debbie West

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