Category: <span>thoughts by Mike Woodard</span>

Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

During a recent family road trip, fast food became the restaurant of choice. My youngest daughter escorted me to the counter to help order what we all wanted to eat. As I paid, the cashier gave me $10 too much in change. I showed her the error and returned the money. As we walked away my daughter smiled. “Dad, I noticed too and was watching to see what you would do.” Wow!

The expression, “actions speak louder than words” comes to mind. Jesus was criticized on many fronts but His opponents became quiet when confronted with His deeds. The account of the blind beggar illustrates this when he was questioned by the Pharisees about Jesus’ identity. The Pharisees demanded, “‘Give glory to God by telling the truth, they said. We know this man is a sinner.’ He replied, ‘Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!’” (John 9:24-25).

Jesus told His followers on another occasion: “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach” (Matthew 23:2-3). That holds a lesson for us today.

Our duty is to speak the truth, and then illustrate the truth with actions that are consistent with God’s Word. We never know who is watching to see if we do the right thing.

Dear Father, I desire to honor you. Show me the areas of my life where my words and actions do not match. Thank you for your Spirit’s presence in my life that gives me the strength to live consistent with your word. Amen.

By Mike Woodard
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Thoughts by All Thoughts by Men thoughts by Mike Woodard

A person finds joy in giving an apt reply — and how good is a timely word!
Proverbs 15:23

We all have moments in life that have been really significant. They have shaped our thoughts and perspective. They are important moments!

When I was 12, I spent the day with a family friend. This friend had become like a second mom to me. We were engaged in a variety of household odd jobs when she paused and said, “Mike, you are a good boy.” My first thought was, “Really?

I had experienced few affirming words up to that point. This honored friend’s words echoed in my heart that day and somehow imprinted on my identity, and then lingered as a poignant moment in my memory for decades. Years later, I told this cherished lady how important her words had been in my search for identity. Joy shone in her face at the knowledge that her simple words had impacted me so deeply.

In God’s economy there is the principle of reaping and sowing. As we are intentional to bless and encourage, we will be blessed and encouraged. Paul states this in strong language,

“Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap” (Galatians 6:7).

He continues with the admonition,

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9).

What words are you saying to someone else that will imprint on their memory and shape their identity? The seeds of your words can reap joy, today and later on.

Dear Father, help me to be an encouragement. You know every deep thought and need of those I will intersect with today and this week. May your Spirit give me simple and timely words or motivate me to acts of kindness to bless others. Amen.

By Mike Woodard
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Thoughts by All Thoughts by Men thoughts by Mike Woodard

Each of you has been blessed with one (or more) of God’s many wonderful gifts to be used in the service of others. So use your gift well. If you have the gift of speaking, preach God’s message. If you have the gift of helping others, do it with the strength that God supplies. Everything should be done in a way that will bring honor to God because of Jesus Christ, who is glorious and powerful forever. Amen.” 1 Peter 4:10-11 (CEV)

2019 is Upon Us! I’ve been thinking a lot about personal goals and what I want to change this year.

A general question someone asked me years ago has stuck with me: “If I keep doing what I’m doing now, will I be where I want to in one year, five years or ten years?” I’ll ask you the same in regards to your spiritual walk – if you keep doing what you are doing today, where will you be by the end of this year? In five years? In ten? Are there things that need adjustments? Are you using your God-given gifts to impact your world and make a difference?

As I think about my walk with Christ this year, three questions come to mind:

  1.  Are there any activities, books, seminars, or men’s groups I could join that will teach me something new?
  2.  What one or two things can I do in 2019 that will make me be a better reflection of Christ?
  3.  Where does Christ want me to give special attention to in 2019?

– Physical
– Relational/Family
– Financial
– Spiritual
– Intellectual
– Professional

I know from past experience my chances of success go way up if any action step or goal is clear, makes it into my weekly schedule, and I have some form of accountability. I’d like to challenge each of us to pray through and answer each question above, then make goals that will be incorporated into our everyday life, and have some way to hold yourself accountable to them. Think about the things that could happen in and through you in 2019! Christ is waiting and ready to help you make a difference in your world this year!

Lord, I want to reach new heights this year and I want to glorify You. Would You show me where you want my focus to be? Help me to choose well and to be a proper representation of You this year. Thank You for fresh beginnings. Amen.

Question: How will you answer the questions above?

By Mike Woodard

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Thoughts by All Thoughts by Men thoughts by Mike Woodard

“Then the Lord opened the donkey’s mouth, and it said to Balaam, “What have I done to you to make you beat me these three times?” Numbers 22:28

When I considered pursuing full-time ministry, I asked a good friend if he thought God could use me in ministry. He turned to Numbers 22 and shared the story of how God prevented Balaam from cursing the people of Israel. God opened the mouth of his donkey, who then spoke to warn Balaam. As my friend read the story, I wondered out loud, “What does this story have to do with me?” His quick response: “If God can speak through a donkey, He can speak through you.”

I took great encouragement from my friend’s use of humor to communicate a profound point. God did not need my ability; He wanted my availability. If I was available, He could make me able for his purposes!

Consider some of the characters in the biblical record: Moses reluctantly responded to God’s call, but God transformed him to preserve and deliver His people. The formula for Christ’s disciples was “follow me and I will make you fishers of men” (Mark 1:17). That troupe of unlikely recruits was changed forever by making themselves fully available to Jesus.

What does availability look like? Think of a servant. When a servant wakes up, his or her main concern is the wishes of the master. Think of someone in love. Not many moments go by without thoughts of the one they love. Any request becomes a priority. The loved one’s desires are anticipated and fulfilled. Availability to God is a beautiful blend of a love and servanthood.

Dear Father, today I give You may plans, desires, and time. I desire to be available to You each moment. I long to be used by You to accomplish Your purposes. Speak through me to communicate Your love to those around me. May my ears be attentive to Your voice in the noise of my day. Amen.

By Mike Woodard
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Thoughts by All Thoughts by Men thoughts by Mike Woodard

The past two years I have been slowly entering the world of cycling. I just purchased a proper road bike this year. (My last one was saved from recycling.) I enjoy the outdoors and am starting to appreciate the healthy workout that cycling provides. I ride in an area that has a good mix of flats and hills. I really like the thrill of the long downhill grades. The long uphill grades, not so much!

Along the way I have been learning some cycling techniques. One is focus.  In the difficult uphill sections I have found if I focus on the long road ahead to the crest of the hill, I get overwhelmed and want to quit. But if instead I focus on just the next few meters of road ahead of me, I’m more successful and able to conquer the hard road ahead. The key seems to be where I place my focus, the next few meters or the long road ahead. The physics does not change, but just focusing on getting through the next few meters makes a world of difference.

In life, like cycling I like the “long downhill grades” where I just sail along. I attempt to avoid the hard uphill stretches, if possible, but they always seem to find their way into the road ahead even with the best planning on my part.

Jesus has some words of encouragement about focusing on the road just ahead in these moments…

Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.”  
Matthew 6:34
(The Message)

by Mike Woodard
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Thoughts by All Thoughts by Men thoughts by Mike Woodard

Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:10 (NASB)

An idea occurred to me as I drove to Northern Ontario, Canada to help my sister and brother-in-law operate their fishing resort. They obviously knew a lot more about how to run one than I did. How could I be of the greatest benefit and not a hindrance during my two week visit? I settled on a simple plan.

Each day I would make it my goal to serve them by asking, “So what would you like me to do today.” Their wish became my command for the day. Two weeks passed quickly and I left with a deep satisfaction of having helped them by responding to their needs.

On my drive home, I had another thought, ‘What would it look like to start each day with the same simple plan spiritually? What if I started each day with the question, “God, what would you like me to do today?”

Just as I trusted my sister and brother-in-law to have far more knowledge of what was important for running a fishing business, in the same way I can trust God to have far more insight on everything in my day and the world around me. Because I know He does have far superior knowledge, seeking His will daily is a prudent and wise course of action. This humble act is, in fact, the logical application of “Your kingdom come.” Allowing God to be Lord by obeying His direction is our part in answering the prayer: “your will be done on earth.”

Lord Jesus, I confess my tendency toward independence from you and your desires. I want to trust you and acknowledge your will is the best plan. I humble myself before you to say “your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” in my life. What is it that you would like me to do today? Amen.

Thought: Do you trust God? Start each day for the next week with, “God what would you like me to do today?” Listen for His Spirit’s direction. Is there anything that would keep you from trusting God, seeking His will, or asking this question?

By Mike Woodard
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Thoughts by All Thoughts by Men thoughts by Mike Woodard

Papa, I can hear God’s voice in the wind...”

That statement came from my 6 year old grandson. We were on a walk crossing the grassy hills leading down to the beach on the Washington coast. The path was not clear, and we had to avoid watery patches, so we were zig-zagging along. It was really windy when my grandson said, “Papa I can hear God’s voice in the wind… and he says he will help us find our way.”  What wonderful thoughts innocently offered by a child!

First, that we can hear God’s voice in his creation. Romans 1:20 says, “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” God can be seen, and understood through the wonder and beauty of His creation, whether through the rushing wind, the rolling waves or the rustling grasses.

Second, that God will help us find our way. For my grandson, wandering through the tall grass and small sand dunes on a windy day was causing some level of distress. Somehow in his grasp of the situation, he was not so confident in his papa’s sense of direction, but knew  that God somehow had us in his sight. It is a comforting thought to know this. Luke 12:6-7 reminds us that God indeed looks after us. “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God.  Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”

As you walk through this day, listen for God’s voice and be confident that he knows where you are right now and can show you the way! We just have to listen and be willing to follow where He leads!

by Mike Woodard
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Thoughts by All Thoughts by Men thoughts by Mike Woodard

Sample Prayer

My Father, if it is possible, take this cup of suffering from me! Yet not what I want, but what you want.” Matthew 26:39 (GNT)

I was cold, peddling uphill with the wind in my face when it started to rain. My first thought was, “This is hard!”

I was training to cycle across Canada, a trip that would take two months if we maintained a pace of about 170 kilometres per day. I was joining three others on this ride as a 60th birthday celebration, but it was not just a celebration. The ride was dedicated to raising funds for water wells in Africa and raising awareness about the need for clean water. That morning the reality of the challenge ahead began to hit me. My second thought was, “This will be hard, but it would be a lot harder to watch my children die because they did not have clean drinking water.” That line replayed in my mind on many days on the ride when I wanted to quit short of our goal. But we did reach our goal!

I join the ranks of millions that defer personal security for the greater good — those that allow conviction to trump comfort. The ultimate this-is-hard moment took place in a garden at night. Jesus was alone; His friends were too tired to stay awake with Him. His father had asked Him to make a sacrifice that had the potential to benefit every person. The sacrifice was humiliation and a painful death. His response was one of reality and humility. It was not a choice based on feelings but on deep conviction and love for the father and the world.

He went a little farther on, threw himself face downward on the ground, and prayed, ‘My Father, if it is possible, take this cup of suffering from me! Yet not what I want, but what you want.’” (Matthew 26:39, GNT)

God’s purpose was and always has been to communicate His love and salvation to a lost and dying people. His purpose has not changed nor has His strategy. He is asking his children to do hard things, to make difficult choices, to sacrifice so that the world will know the love of the Father!

What is God asking you to do?

Father, thank you for sending Jesus and so clearly making your love and forgiveness known to me. May your will be done in my life. Help me live a life of love and obedience to you. Help me to live beyond simple comforts and not to be governed by feelings. Amen.

By Mike Woodard

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Thoughts by All Thoughts by Men thoughts by Mike Woodard

James 4:7 “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he WILL flee from you.”

Lock your door and don’t go out alone!” Most of us will have gotten this advice from some caring person, a person that is concerned about our safety. God is concerned about our safety and gives some clear advice about the dangers around us.

First, God make it clear there is an enemy that wants to rob us of what he wants to give us. “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” -John 10:10

The thief, the devil attacks when we are in the most vulnerable, exposed and in difficult circumstances. God warns us, “Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.
1 Peter 5:8

One of Satan’s strategy to devour our souls is to send untrue thoughts into our minds, the thoughts, “flaming dart” are sent to discourage us, to move us to despair and darkness of the soul. The devil, the father of lies (John 8:44), is a professional liar and will lie about the most tender things in our soul. God’s wisdom, “In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one...”
Ephesians 6:16

The tactic God gives for safety is to run to him. “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” –James 4:7 We can run to many things to escape despair. The evil one wants us to run to things that will make it easier for him to “steal, kill and destroy” not to God.

Are you safe?

Prayer: Father, I come to you today for safety in the battle. I seek your protection; I have been foolish to attempt to face the spiritual forces around me alone. I will by faith trust what you say is true to defeat the lies of Satan. Thank you that I am safe with you. Amen

By Mike Woodard
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Are you seeking the safety that can be found in the power of Jesus?  He defeated Satan when he rose from the grave.  You can know him personally by surrendering to him, accepting that He is who He says he is and inviting Him into your life.  This is a sample suggested prayer:

Lord Jesus, I want to know You personally. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life to You and ask You to come in as my Savior and Lord. Take control of my life. Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Make me the kind of person You want me to be.

It starts now! Learn his promises and claim them against the powers of darkness.

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Jeremiah 29:11 Devotional on Hope

For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11

In a very dark moment in my life a friend said, “Do not doubt in the darkness what you have come to know in the light.” At the invitation of a ministry leader whom we loved and respected, our family moved across Canada to take on the “perfect roles” for both my wife and me. Within eight months the roles and the leader changed. On top of this, two of our four children were having significant struggles adjusting to the move. I was deeply perplexed and discouraged. Nothing was going the way we had planned.

The backdrop of Jeremiah 29 is the nation of Israel going through a long season of darkness in which they had many reasons to doubt. They were in Babylonian captivity because of their disobedience and rebellion. God gives them His promise that He is with them and has a plan — a good plan for their well-being that involves a promise of a good future.

In my family’s dark season, we began to focus on the clarity of God’s call. Our decision to move was not based on the circumstances but on a deep soul searching after God’s direction. God made it very clear this move was His clear direction and plan. Like the Israelites, we had to trust. It was hard but we lifted our heads and affirmed that what God had shown us in the light would guide us during this dark time. We passed through the darkness into hope, not because the circumstances changed quickly ? they didn’t ? but because our confidence in the midst of disappointment did.

God I confess that I have doubted you. At times I do not like what is happening around me and I want to quite, give up, and make the pain stop. But by faith I’m going to trust that you have a good plan and you have a future for me that fits into your plan. I will keep seeking and trusting you. I know you are good and you love me. Amen.

By Mike Woodard
Used by permission

Would you like to accept Jesus into your life today and give your burdens to him and have a relationship with Him?  It doesn’t mean that life will be easy but it does mean you have Jesus walking by your side. It starts with a simple heart felt prayer:

Lord, thank You for dying so we can be set free from all of guilt and sin — no matter how big or small.  Your blood has erased all of our sin. Thank You so much! Lord Jesus, I want to know you personally. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life to you and ask you to come in as my Savior and Lord. Take control of my life. Thank you for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Make me the kind of person you want me to be. Amen

It is the first step.  Keep learning more….

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Jesus I need your peace deep in my soul

Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the LORD, who has compassion on you. Isaiah 54:10

Forty million Americans over the age of 18 are affected by some form of anxiety disorder roughly 18 percent of the nation’s population according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA). Probably many countries today have similar statistics. Think of the millions spent on medications and appointments with medical health professionals. Plus consider the relational and social implications for each person who suffers from being depressed or anxious.

Could there be a spiritual element that could work along with other forms of therapy?

God created us and understands our deep complexities better than we do. Through that wisdom, He provides instructions, found in scripture, which both protect us and provide for us. For example, when it comes to our tendency to be anxious, He commands us to seek peace ? both internally and externally ? in our heart, mind and soul, plus in all our relationships.

We humans have limited power to control the world around us but we can have control over our internal world. Peace can seep into our souls in moments of anxiety when our minds focus instead on God’s total sovereignty over the affairs of the nations and our lives (Isaiah 40:12-25).

God, in His perfect wisdom, promises that we can experience peace if we focus our thoughts on Him. Jesus comforted his disciples by telling them not to fear by relaying to them that God knows when sparrows fall to the ground and that they are of greater value than many sparrows (Matthew 10: 29-31). We can take comfort in the fact He is a personal God who knows us and the details of our lives, and loves us deeply.

We cannot control our circumstances but we can turn to the one who controls all things. Peace will spread deep within us as our focus shifts from circumstances to the one who governs all.

Jesus I need your peace deep in my soul. Thank you that you are the Prince of Peace, the fruit of your Spirit’s work is peace and you promised to give your followers a peace that the world will not understand. I claim that peace today. Amen.

By Mike Woodard
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Do you have Jesus in your life to comfort you and give you peace?  Would you like to have a relationship with Him? If you do,  you can start today by committing and submitting your life to him. It starts with a simple heart felt prayer:

Lord, thank You for dying so we can be set free from all of guilt and sin — no matter how big or small.  Your blood has erased all of our sin. Thank You so much! Lord Jesus, I want to know you personally. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life to you and ask you to come in as my Savior and Lord. Take control of my life. Thank you for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Make me the kind of person you want me to be. Amen

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Thoughts by All Thoughts by Men thoughts by Mike Woodard

Canyon and milky way

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged because of the king of Assyria and the vast army with him, for there is a greater power with us than with him. With him is only the arm of flesh, but with us is the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles.” 2 Chronicles 32:7-8a

Many years ago I was discussing my fear of talking to people about my faith in Christ. I was overwhelmed with feelings that I was not prepared, afraid that I would say the wrong things and did not know enough about the Bible. A friend said to me, “Courage is not the absence of fear, it is the opposite. Courage is the ability to move beyond fear to do what is right and must be done.”

In 2 Chronicles, King Hezekiah and the people of Judah were under siege. Sennacherib, king of Assyria had come to destroy their homes and take the people into captivity. The nation was filled with fear. Hezekiah called the people to action and to prayer. Together the people did the work to prepare for battle. They blocked the water supply that ran to the area where the Assyrian army had camped and strengthened weak sections of the wall of Jerusalem.

King Hezekiah and the people prayed and cried out to God for deliverance. God sent an angel who attacked the Assyrians and the army retreated in defeat. God honored the faith and courage of Hezekiah and the nation to stand against the vast army that threatened them. Their faith was an invitation for God to show His power. God was glorified through their faith, His fame spread, and the nation was preserved.

What an amazing story and a great example of God’s power! Are you overwhelmed by circumstances in your life today? Do you feel like a “vast army” has your life under siege? The God who provided relief to Judah is with you today.

God I choose to trust you, and I thank you for your presence with me. I present my life in all its circumstances to you. I believe that you have a good plan for me. I ask you for wisdom to recognize what I must do and to understand what is in your hands to do on my behalf. Amen.

By Mike Woodard

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Thoughts by All Thoughts by Men thoughts by Mike Woodard

Don't Worry - Philippians 4:6-7

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs, and don’t forget to thank him for his answers. If you do this, you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus.”  Philippians 4:6-7 (TLB)

After a recent trip my wife told me that she worried more when I was away because when I’m home she knows I do all the worrying for both of us.

I’m the king of worry. Over the years I’ve learned that worry is an indicator of how I’m responding to my circumstances and my desire for some level of control.

Now when I begin to worry, I see it as a call to go to God. First, I confess my self-reliance. Slowly, I turn my focus from the circumstance to God. With effort I release my grip on the circumstances and express my concerns, fears or feelings of helplessness to God. As I begin to thank Him for His presence, His love and His plan in the mist of my anxiety something changes. It’s like stepping out of a stuffy room into fresh air.

My worry is replaced by a new sense of assurance. I start to look with anticipation for what God will do. It is as if I come with an armload of worry, and through prayer, exchange it for confidence in God’s love, wisdom and power to handle every circumstance. Then I begin to anticipate how God’s hand will be at work in the situation.

When we exchange worry for faith, this transaction is an act of worship. We choose to submit to God’s rule and reign in the circumstance. We honor His role our life and express faith through thankfulness. This act of worship will move you from worry to anticipation!

God use my moments of worry to remind me of my need for you. Compel me to move quickly to you in confession and worship. Amen.

By Mike Woodard

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Thoughts by All Thoughts by Men thoughts by Mike Woodard

coffee shop

Honor Christ and let him be the Lord of your life. Always be ready to give an answer when someone asks you about your hope.”   1 Peter 3:15 (CEV)

Most of us have long time friends we really want to talk to about our faith in God. It seems hard to bring up the topic. Here are some suggestions:

First, pray: Bill Bright once said, “Talk to God about people before you talk to people about God.” Pray that God would prepare their hearts. My mom did not become a Christian till she was 54. One of her friends prayed for 25 years.

Second, ask questions: One of my favorite is, “I’m curious do you ever think about God or the spiritual side of life?” A few others… “Do you have any kind of religious background? If you could know there is a God and know him personally, would you want to? Do you think there is life after death? What would be your hope of getting into heaven?”

Third, tell your story: A clear simple testimony of the reason faith in Christ is significant to you is hard to beat. Here’s my story. Notice its short, 4 minutes. It’s not preaching it’s telling the story of my experience with Christ and the specific impact on your life.

Fourth, take them to things and introduce them to people that might help them connect with Christ: The more people that they meet who are genuine Christ followers, the greater the chance they will understand how Christ changes lives. For example, if they are into sports take them to hear a Christian athlete. If a student, meet other students, if a business person, someone in business…

Fifth... Pray some more! Don’t be afraid to give them an article to read. One of my favorites is, “Would you like to know God Personally? By Bill Bright.

By Mike Woodard
Used by Permission

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Thoughts by All Thoughts by Men thoughts by Mike Woodard

Path, trail, woods, forest

There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.Proverbs 16:25

Our trail map showed two routes ahead: one led down to the bottom of the valley and back up again; the second ran along the ridge to the same destination. The shorter, seemingly less difficult route along the ridge appeared to be the best option. Once on it, we did notice the log across the path and that it looked less traveled. Then, we soon saw a sign: “Abandon Trail.” But the trail was on our map and it looked good so far. Around the next bend we started to understand why the sign had been put up. But turning back seemed like a waste of time and energy, so we pressed on. Only as I stood with one foot on a two-inch edge of rock, with no firm spot for my next step, did I realize how foolish and dangerous a choice this shortcut was. Apart from a miracle, slipping would mean certain death! What if I survived but my friend fell? What would I tell his wife?

There is a way that appears to be right, ….” Proverbs 16:25

Life is filled with options. The decision to follow any one path can have far-reaching implications. The desire for a shortcut, a less difficult path, a more convenient option, or even a more logical road, can all be motivators. God does ask His followers, as He did His Son, to walk a difficult way at times to fulfill His purposes. Christ asked to have the grim prospect of the cross removed, but surrendered to a higher motivation — the will of His Father (Mathew 26:38-39); think of the implications of that decision! God’s will moves beyond our logic at times. Peter could have refused to throw his net on the opposite side of the boat, because it was “not logical” (Luke 5:5-6). Convenience did not seem to factor in to the Good Samaritan’s decision to show compassion (Luke 10:30-37).

You may be at a junction where convenience, difficulty, logic, emotions, or personal desires are competing with God’s will. Be reminded that God’s will is not always the easy path, but it is good, and it is established by His perfect love and divine purpose.

Father, I confess that I long for the shortcuts in life. I often seek convenience over Your purposes. May I seek Your will as my primary motivation for any path taken! By faith, I acknowledge that Your will is good, acceptable, and perfect. Amen.

By Mike Woodard

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Thoughts by All Thoughts by Men thoughts by Mike Woodard