Month: <span>December 2016</span>

Blessed are those. Jeremiah 17:7

Blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green and they never stop producing fruit.Jeremiah 17:7 & 8

The incredible promise of these verses is a treasure chest of peace as we enter a new year. Whatever the months ahead hold for us as individuals, as a nation, or even on the world stage of events, this promise is a sure place to set your heart.

Soaking up the peace and confidence of full trust in our Lord keeps us in a place of productivity, fruitfulness and hope no matter what goes on around us.

As you walk through this coming January make this promise your own. Determine to put your roots down deep into the fresh supply of His living water every day. Be intentional about time in God’s presence listening to worship music, reading His word and bringing your thanksgiving into His throne room as you bring your requests to Him.

Enjoy the Lord this year as you never have before and experience the lush green of walking together with Him.

Lord God, Thank you for Your incredible promise. Help me to keep it in full focus as I walk through this whole year. Whether things around me blossom or shrivel I am determined to stay green and fruitful as I intentionally and fully trust You every single step of the way. I pray this with thanksgiving in the strong name of Jesus, amen.

by Gail Rodgers

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Children rain boots

Children are a blessing and a gift from the LORD.” Psalm 127:3 (CEV)

It struck me that if children are a blessing from the Lord, then God must actually be looking upon us as blessings too! Since we are “His children God is our Heavenly Father” God also views us as a blessing to Himself.

I know some days my children are blessings. Just recently, a simple “thank you” from our kindergartener made me smile. When she saw the impact her words had on me, she quickly asked, “Mommy, did that just lift your spirits up, up, up?”

There are many simple things that make my heart sing: I am blessed when our children, “brother and sisters” treat each other with Love and respect. I am blessed when they are kind to friends and neighbors. I am blessed when they share well. I am blessed when they remember good manners. I am blessed when they are thankful and not just consumed with their own needs. I am blessed when they are obedient. I am blessed when they learn and grow into new skills. In the same way, our Father in Heaven is blessed when we, His children, do these simple things.

Knowing that God loves you unconditionally, take a few moments and ask God to show you how you bless Him. How can I bless the heart of my Father today?

Dear Father, help me be a blessing to You and Your Kingdom. Help me love others and treat everyone with kindness and respect. Help me live a life that makes Your heart sing.

By Idelette McVicker

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Thoughts by All thoughts by Idelette McVicker Thoughts by Women