Tag: <span>thanks</span>

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 4:2

Writing from a prison cell to the Colossian church, Paul focuses not on his own plight but on theirs. He wants the best for them and gives them scripturally based advice.

Paul focuses on three words that should sum up the Christian’s everyday life. They are “pray, watch and thankful.”

Writing to the Thessalonian church, he tells them to “pray without ceasing.” Prayer was a continual part of Paul’s everyday life, no matter what situation he was in. Our own devotion to prayer should be no less. Paul’s guidel|ine, repeated in more than one of his letters was to worry about nothing and pray about everything.

God is concerned with our prayer life and our interaction with the world. Heaven’s gate is not to be stormed by one weapon but by many. Pray, pray, pray……

Paul is also practical and knows the evil one is roving the world waiting to devour. Hence, while we pray, we should be on watch against the danger of worldliness that lurks around every corner of our life journey.

I remember walking around the ramparts of the watchtower of a medieval European city where those on guard were always on the lookout for a sneaking enemy. We should do no less and should always be on watch for the enemy.

Lastly, Paul tells us to be thankful…… thankful in all things.

That’s not always easy as we traverse the difficulties of everyday life. We live in a world of stress, strain and uncertainty, but no matter how difficult the path of life becomes, we can pray about everything, worry about nothing and be thankful in every situation.

That was Paul’s formula for life and it should be ours too.

by John Grant
Used by Permission

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thoughts by John Grant Thoughts by Men

Give thanks in all circumstances.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

Carol’s parents were divorced and she never knew her father. The hurt festered in her heart.

As a teacher she enjoyed a particular gifted boy in her class. One day Mark said, “I won’t be in school tomorrow. I have to go to my grandmother’s. My parents are getting a divorce,” he started to cry.

Carol touched his arm. “Mark, I know how much this hurts you. My parents were divorced and I never even knew my father. You have had yours with you for 11 years, and I’m sure he loves you and will keep in touch with you. This doesn’t mean you won’t have a happy life. God has a purpose for you and even though this has happened with your parents, you can someday have a happy marriage, just as I now have.”

Suddenly, Carol realized she was thankful she could use her experience to comfort Mark. As she bowed her head and thanked God for the blessing He could bring from this unhappy dimension of her childhood, the resentment and pain she had carried for years began to dissolve and relinquish their hold. Tears of joy ran down her face. God truly redeems our lives.

Thank you, Father God, that You redeem our lives from the pit and crown us with love and compassion. (Psalm 103:4) Amen.

Action Step: Start a conversation with someone today who is in a difficult experience. Share your story of how God has worked in your life.

by  Dr. Muriel Larson

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