Tag: <span>obedience</span>

Dear Heavenly Father

Then a scribe came and said to Him, “Teacher, I will follow You wherever You go.” Matthew 8:19

As a youngster, I loved playing “follow the leader.” After the participants select a leader, the players follow the leader mimicking his actions — following him wherever he may go. By agreeing to play, players assume a certain risk, depending on the terrain of the course, which may very well include craggy hillsides, cold streams, and unstable rocks. If a player is unable to replicate the leader’s actions, then that player is excused from participating. The last surviving player still accompanying the leader becomes the leader and the game restarts.

This perilous but appealing adventure game offers many parallels to the Christian life: commitment, compliance, inconvenience, risk, and reward. In Matthew 8:18-22, Jesus confronts potential disciples with the cost of discipleship. When the scribe enthusiastically declares, “I will follow You wherever You go,” did he understand the risk and ramifications of his proclamation? Was he willing to follow Jesus unequivocally? The other disciple’s response is less definitive. He excuses himself because of an untimely family commitment.

Which disciple are you? Will you follow Him wherever He may go – without reservation? These are difficult but necessary questions for every believer. Following our leader is our non-negotiable rite of passage. Daily, we must face the call, challenge, and choice to follow Him wholeheartedly. Prayerfully, one step at a time, we walk in Jesus’ footprints, mimicking his actions. When we faithfully reflect obedience, and go where He goes, He empowers and equips us to go and take the lead so other disciples may willingly follow.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the privilege of following You. Teach me obedience. May Your Holy Spirit teach me how to walk in Your footprints. Empower and equip me to “Go and make disciples of all nations.” Amen.

By Allan Mitchell

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Read: Psalm 1

The Bible declares the Lord’s great power and majesty while also revealing His deep mercy and love. He is worthy of wholehearted, passionate submission, but He doesn’t often get it. Are you among the few who offer themselves to Him without reservation?

Complete obedience is a choice to follow God regardless of the consequences. This means that we obey the Lord even if our friends choose a different path or when suffering or embarrassment is guaranteed. Seeing His will done is more important than our own comfort or personal ambition. We commit the consequences to God and cling to His promises: He will never leave us (Hebrews 13:5), and He makes good out of every situation (Romans 8:28).

Notice the word ‘commitment‘ in the title of today’s devotion. I’m not writing about obedience that is born of the moment (as in, I choose to follow God in this instance) but about submission as a way of life. Setting restrictions on compliance is so tempting–we want to be able to change our mind when obeying upsets our lifestyle, the final result is unclear, or we’re just plain scared. But let me ask you this one sobering question: If Jesus is the Lord of your life, what right do you have to limit how and when you’ll do His will?

Believers have no right to set their own limits; their one criterion for making decisions should be, What does God want me to do? The answer at times may cause suffering, but obedience is always right. And following God in all things is the surest path to favor and spiritual growth.

By Dr. Charles Stanley

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