Tag: <span>life</span>

In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not overcome it.”  John 1:4-5

devotional on God being the light


Life! Not just living, but true, genuine life. Life that gives us light that darkness cannot steal away. That’s why God sent Jesus! Thankfully that light still shines and all of Satan’s horses and all of Satan’s men cannot put their deepest darkest darkness together again! Hallelujah!


For every good and perfect gift, for the light I have even in my moments of deepest darkness, for the hope I have of living with you in glorious and unapproachable light, I thank you and praise you with eternal joy, now and forevermore. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

By Phil Ware

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“Hear God’s Word for you in Psalm 139:16-17.

All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, O God, how vast is the sum of them.”

God nurtured you in the womb, and since your conception He has watched over you. Your days were not written haphazardly. Your life is not a random thing. His thoughts of you are precious and too vast to count. He thinks of you continuously and of new ways that He can bless you, just because you are His special child. He has written the script of your life. He chose every part of it. He is looking forward to reveal the chapters to the story He has already written.

God thought through all the details – your siblings, your birth order, large family or small family, city family or rural. He foresaw your pain, too. He knew that out of that brokenness comes a larger story, just like when Jesus took the loaves, and He blessed them, then He broke them, then He multiplied them to feed many. Because of His love, His power, and His blessing on you, He causes all the pain and negative things to be transformed into good things in His story for your life. So take courage. God has given you everything you need to be an overcomer, to have victory over the negative parts of your heritage, and to live in the beauty of all that He placed within you.

In God’s master plan and design He chose and designed every part of your spiritual heritage. He reached back into generations past and chose different parts of your heritage. Your generational blessings go back a thousand generations (Deuteronomy 7:9). He chose the spiritual treasure chest of generational blessings that is set aside with your name on it. You are blessed to be an heir to this spiritual treasure. Seek God for it and ask Him to release it at His appointed appropriate time.

Love is who God is and what He does.  He says of you, “You are My beloved child, in whom I am well pleased.” That’s what He said of Jesus, and you are in Jesus and Jesus is in you. You are beloved. That is your incarnate identity. He pours out His loving kindness on you every day in big ways and little ways. Be blessed to receive your belonging and worth in His love. Be blessed as God’s love validates and affirms that you are special, His covenant child. God thinks you are the best. Be blessed to celebrate your identity and legitimacy. Today be aware of your belonging, inclusion, significance, and worth in Him.

Be blessed in the name of your Father who has carried you until you reached this place (Deuteronomy 1:31).

By Sylvia Gunter
used by permission

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Thoughts by All thoughts by Sylvia Gunter Thoughts by Women