Tag: <span>hope</span>

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And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching”  Hebrews 10:24-25.

It had been eight months since I had attended church.

No problem, I thought, I pray, watch podcasts, and study God’s Word by myself. It’s all good, right? That’s what I thought…until God showed me otherwise.

Arriving in Grenada on our sailboat two weeks ago, we headed to town to stretch our legs. A few minutes into our walk, I spied a God believing church. Tomorrow was Sunday. Perfect.

Arriving early, I participated in the ladies’ morning bible study, heard from the women’s hearts, and shared from mine. Tears of overwhelming joy began to well up. I was with complete strangers, but I was with my family: the family of God. My soul was craving fellowship with other believers and I didn’t even know it. My soul was craving the love and fellowship with others who loved Jesus.

Thank you God for, once again, knowing my needs better than I do.

The second blessing came when unforeseen circumstances required us to be in the same community the following Sunday. I was able to attend the church a second time!

Coincidence? I think not.
God’s love for his child? Definitely!

Why does God want us to fellowship? Why does He command that we meet regularly? Why does He teach us to learn about Him and read his Word continually?

Without God at the forefront of my mind throughout the majority of the day, I allow other things and people to take His place. Unwittingly, I had allowed God to slip to a secondary priority in my life and it was very evident. God graciously revealed my oversight and gently gave my life a route adjustment.

Thank you Jesus that You love me deeply. Thank you for giving Your children perfect gifts from above. Thank you for giving us other like-minded believers who we can learn from and grow with. Thank you that You have created us to be dependent upon You and your provisions for us. Thank you that regardless of my geographical location, You provide a means for me to study and learn about You. I love you Jesus. Amen.

By Corice Peters

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photo credit:  Ted Eytan
Some rights reserved: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/

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What is Worship, Exactly?

Exactly what is worship? I like King David’s definition in Psalm 34:3, “O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together.” Worship is the act of magnifying God, enlarging our vision of him, and observing how he works.

Of course his size doesn’t change, but our perception of him does. As we draw nearer, he seems larger. Isn’t that what we need? A big view of God? Don’t we have big problems, big worries, and big questions? Of course we do. Hence, we need a big view of God. Worship offers that. How can we sing, “Holy, Holy, Holy” and not have our vision expanded? How can we sing these words and not have our countenance illuminated? A vibrant, shining face is the mark of one who has stood in God’s presence. God is in the business of changing the face of the world!  Let him begin with yours!

Max Lucado
From: Just Like Jesus

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