Tag: <span>god’s spirit</span>


Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?” 1 Corinthians 3:16

The risen Christ dwells within me… Seriously? Is it possible that the God of the Universe would make Himself so vulnerable as to live on earth, die a human death and be raised to life? And then, because I believe in and follow Christ, choose to have his Spirit live within me? If all of this is so, what difference does that astonishing truth make in my life?

In his book, The Voice of Jesus, Gordon Smith says that, “True consolation, the work of the Spirit of God, will result in a life of holiness, service and generosity in response to the call of Christ.” He is referring to the opportunity I have to listen to the whisper of the Spirit for direction and counsel on how to live. When I tune my ears to voice of the One who dwells within, the One who conquered death on my behalf, the natural outflow ought to be one of a changed perspective, meeting the needs of others and giving abundantly from His generous overflow.

I find myself asking the question a friend posed to me recently. Am I choosing pragmatism or holiness in life’s uncomfortable decisions? Do I obey God’s directives from Scripture and the nudging of the Spirit of the Living God who resides in me? I want to tune my heart to His voice so I can live a changed life.

Lord, thank you that your Spirit lives within in me and wants to change me to be more like you. Please help my heart to hear and my will to obey your direction. Amen.

By Shelaine Strom

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“..but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” Acts 1:8

God’s Spirit works in every believer. He does not limit Himself to pastors and missionaries. If you’ve received Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, then residing within you is the same great power that raised Christ from the dead (Rom 8:11) The Holy Spirit pours His energy into creating godly character in all who follow the Lord.

The fruit of the Spirit is so named because it is the character and conduct that the Holy Spirit produces in believers. These are qualities that we can’t generate consistently on our own. The most powerful message we can give isn’t a testimony or sermon; it is the life we live when the pressure is on, temptation is tremendous, or we are buried under an avalanche of problems.

What the world most needs to see in this modern culture is godly families loving one another, business people working with integrity and frugality, and young men and women who choose moral purity. In a word, the world needs to be exposed to believers who are obedient.

By showing peace instead of anxiety or practicing patience rather than speaking a sharp word, a Christian bears witness to the beauty of the gospel. We attract unbelievers to Christ through our words and deeds. They may turn down a doctrine, but they cannot ignore a righteous life.

The strongest gospel message does not come from a pulpit. The most powerful witness for Jesus Christ where you work, where you live, and where you relax is you. Submit to the Holy Spirit’s work, and He will produce a great harvest of spiritual fruit in your life.

By Dr. Charles Stanley

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